Текст для перевода игры


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
250008C402 - The Book of Beasts, Page 14[p]
250008C500 - The Book of Beasts, Page 25[n]
250008C501 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
250008C502 - The Book of Beasts, Page 25[p]
250008C600 - The Book of Beasts, Page 26[n]
250008C601 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
250008C602 - The Book of Beasts, Page 26[p]
250008C700 - The Book of Beasts, Page 33[n]
250008C701 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
250008C702 - The Book of Beasts, Page 33[p]
250008C800 - The Book of Beasts, Page 37[n]
250008C801 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
250008C802 - The Book of Beasts, Page 37[p]
250008C900 - Of Leaf and Twig
250008C901 - You have discovered Of Leaf and Twig
250008C902 - This page begins a list of plants that may be found in the forests of northern Middle-earth, including every sub-species and variety.\n\nIt appears to go on for at least another ten pages -- in very, very small print -- and you are sure you have not even heard of half of them.\n\nYou find yourself wondering how many years it must have taken to compile that list.
250008C903 - You replaced a missing page from Of Leaf and Twig
250008C904 - This page begins a long, rambling dissertation on the shape of leaves. It describes all the varieties of leaf, including colours, shapes, stems, and vein patterns.\n\nBy the end of the tract, you begin to realize that the author has tied them all back together in a most interesting fashion.
250008C905 - You replaced a missing page from Of Leaf and Twig
250008C906 - The author spends a great deal of time discussing the methods by which plants procreate, from seed and nut, to root and creeper. You had not realized before just how many variations there really were.\n\nThere is even a section dedicated to a particular type of tree that only spreads itself after death, as young new trees sprout up along the length of the old tree's fallen, rotting trunk.
250008C907 - You replaced a missing page from Of Leaf and Twig
250008C908 - This section speaks of the proper ways to nourish and tend young plants.\n\nIt reads quite unlike a common book on farming, however, as it is concerned more with the development of wild fields and forests and has little to say about harvesting or sowing in the traditional sense.\n\nThe author does not seem to consider the development of crops as a meaningful pursuit, so much as the creation of a vibrant, living glade or meadow.
250008C90A - You replaced a missing page from Of Leaf and Twig
250008C90B - This section delves into the lore of roots and their interaction with the earth, discussing their purpose and growth and the effect they have upon rock and soil.\n\nMost interestingly, it discusses the method by which small hardy bushes and trees cling to harsh, bare rock, slowly breaking it apart year after long year, until in time greater trees and lush undergrowth may take its place amongst the shattered rock and reach into the earth below.\n\nThe process must take centuries -- even the immortal Elves have not the patience to watch such things -- yet the author writes as if he has seen these events first-hand.
250008C90D - You replaced a missing page from Of Leaf and Twig
250008C90E - This section goes on at great length concerning the matter of water and its importance to all living things.\n\nIt notes how many species of tree and plant grow upon the edge of running water and in time come to shape its course to their own needs and purposes, much as a farmer might irrigate a field.
250008C90F - You replaced a missing page from Of Leaf and Twig
250008C910 - This page speaks of the long battles fought amongst plants, as they struggle to live like any other thing.\n\nThe author speaks of these conflicts almost as if they were fought amongst regiments and armies of Men, yet it is clear that these 'wars' are fought out over endless years, and the struggle itself is unguided by any General or King save the forces of nature themselves -- excepting of course when the younger races come wielding axe and fire and upset this order, and events come to move more swiftly.\n\nOddly, the author seems to nonchalantly include even the Elves and dwarves amongst the 'younger races' as a matter of course....
250008C911 - You replaced a missing page from Of Leaf and Twig
250008C912 - This last section lacks an index of any sort, much as the beginning had no chapters -- as if such an idea simply had not occured to the author, and he expected anyone hefting this massive tome to simply read it through from end to end, even if all they sought was the name of a particular flower.\n\nAs a reference, this book is nearly useless despite its encyclopedic volume, but you are forced to admit that you have never encountered such a vast and comprehensive book concerning the true nature and qualities of plants.
250008C913 - You replaced a missing page from Of Leaf and Twig
250008C914 - Talk to Elrond at the Last Homely House in Rivendell
250008C915 - Of Leaf and Twig, page 8
250008C916 - Of Leaf and Twig, page 23
250008C917 - Of Leaf and Twig, page 53
250008C918 - Of Leaf and Twig, page 77
250008C919 - Of Leaf and Twig, page 98
250008C91A - Of Leaf and Twig, page 145
250008C91B - Of Leaf and Twig, page 162
250008C91C - Of Leaf and Twig, page 241
250008C91D - The first four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Angmar, Eregion, and Moria. The last four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Forochel, Moria, and the Misty Mountains.\n\nThis is a strange book indeed. The covers are crafted from strips of some fibrous bark supple enough to be woven together, while the pages themselves appear to be birch bark pounded carefully flat and gently inscribed with runic letters in dense rows, page after page. What magic can have allowed such a fragile-looking tome to survive time and age, you cannot guess. Nor have you ever seen a book of such length, for its author goes into each subject and sentence with such painstaking detail that you cannot imagine how long it must have taken to record it all in this fashion. The subject appears to be anything with roots and leaves. There is such an enormous breadth of knowledge concerning root, leaf, bark, and twig that you could likely study it for years without understanding it all.\n\nTo your ire, someone or something has carefully removed a few of the pages from the volume, leaving you to wonder what hidden lore they must have contained. Perhaps the master of the Last Homely House could shed some light on this mysterious tome -- you can think of few others who might.
250008C91E - 'Ah,
250008C91F - , that is quite a rare find you have there. Never has there been a tome containing such complete knowledge of tree and forest, nor will there be again, for as you may have already guessed it was written by the Ents themselves -- or more correctly by the Ent-wives, who were like to use the letters of the Free Peoples when the need struck them, which the Ents rarely do.\n\n'There are few copies extant, for even the most patient of Elven scribes would be sorely tested by the patience required to transcribe that vast tract in full, while the scholars of Men might well see the end of their short lives before they completed the task.\n\n'Unfortunately for you, my friend, the master of the White Council long ago decreed that certain elements of this text were a potential threat should they fall into the hands of the Enemy, and so some key pages were taken from each copy. Alas, as I am the master of the White Council, I will not divulge the location of the pages.'
250008CB00 - Ents go to War
250008CB01 - Shakes the earth as if an Ent stamped his foot, damaging and stunning several enemies.\n\nMounted Combat Enemies: Stun replaced with a mount speed debuff
250008CC00 -
250008CC01 - Induce Stunned
250008CC02 -
250008CD00 - Of Leaf and Twig[n]
250008CD01 - A legendary book of lore, describing the many flora of Middle-earth in such detail that it must have taken many lifetimes deep among the forests to collect it all.\n\nThis book automatically starts a class deed and will be consumed upon purchase.
250008CD02 - Of Leaf and Twig[vp]
250008CE00 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 8 (Old) [n]
250008CE01 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
250008CE02 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 8 (Old) [vp]
250008CF00 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 23 (Old) [n]
250008CF01 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
250008CF02 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 23 (Old) [vp]
250008D000 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 53 (Old) [n]
250008D001 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
250008D002 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 53 (Old) [vp]
250008D100 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 77 (Old) [n]
250008D101 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
250008D102 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 77 (Old) [vp]
250008D200 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 98 (Old) [n]
250008D201 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
250008D202 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 98 (Old) [vp]
250008D300 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 145 (Old) [n]
250008D301 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
250008D302 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 145 (Old) [vp]
250008D400 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 162 (Old) [n]
250008D401 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
250008D402 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 162 (Old) [vp]
250008D500 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 241 (Old) [n]
250008D501 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
250008D502 - Of Leaf and Twig, Page 241 (Old) [vp]
250008D600 - Isdi believes that Master Elrond may have some words to impart to a lore-master of your great wisdom.
250008D601 - 'I wonder at your garb,
250008D602 - . Why have you not sought to fashion articles appropriate to our calling that reflect your desire for study? Gladly will I help you with this, if you wish it!\n\n'But I give to you words of caution, for such articles will not come easily. Their tale will be one of hardship and sorrow, but its end will be full of triumph and victory. Do not despair, for though the road be hard, a lore-master knows its end is sweet. Speak to me if you are ready, and I will tell you what awaits beyond dark corners, down your road.'
250008D603 - Isdi knows of a legendary lore-master who could teach you great lessons, but first you must be suitably outfitted.
250008D604 - 'I want to tell you that I hold you in high esteem,
250008D605 - . You have attained a depth of wisdom that few lore-masters can hope to achieve.\n\n'Master Elrond would likely enjoy some moments spent with you in quiet conversation, if you are interested in travelling to his home in Imladris.'
250008D606 - Isdi is at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.
250008D607 - Elrond is in the library of the Last Homely House, in the Vale of Imladris.\n\nThe lore-master Isdi believes that Elrond would wish to speak with you, and that you might learn something from his teachings.
250008D608 - 'You should complete the tasks set before you.'
250008D609 - 'Welcome,
250008D60A - . It is always a pleasure to speak with one who has turned an eye towards the mysteries of the past and an ear to the riddles of the present. There is much that can be learned from both directions, and it is a wise lore-master who learns this sooner rather than late.\n\n'Wise, too, is one who befriends creatures of nature, as you have done. The best course to victory is the one taken by friends.\n\n'I have enjoyed our talk. Perhaps we will speak again when these dark days are past.'
250008D60B - 'Master Elrond can often be found in quiet contemplation in the library of his house in the Vale of Imladris.'
250008D60C - 'Welcome,
250008D60D - . Sadly, the darkness has not yet passed.'
250008D60E - Complete Articles of Mystery
250008D60F - 'It is good to speak with you again, my friend.'
250008D610 - Complete Implements of Knowledge
250008D611 - A Lesson from Lord Elrond
250008D800 - Eagle-friend
250008D801 - Summons an eagle companion.\n\nThe eagle is a noble creature which can deal damage and, if called upon, will sacrifice itself to save you.
250008D900 - DNT - Lesser Giant Eagle
250008D901 -
250008DA00 - 'So, you say you have defeated the wraiths? I fear that they were not wholly destroyed, for they are bound to this world by the spells upon those hilts.\n\n'The malice of their spirits still remains, and they will return in time. I have read all I can from the morgul-hilts. They are twisted and black, but they bear strange devices for works of the Enemy. I would ask you to bear the hilts as quickly as may be to the vale of Rivendell to the house of Elrond Halfelven...he will know how best to deal with them. \n\n'Rivendell lies deep in the Trollshaws, far to the south and east. Destroying the hilts should break the spell that binds their unseen sinews to this world. I caution you again: do not handle the hilts, but carry them as swiftly as possible to Rivendell.'
250008DA01 - 'These are old hilts and well-crafted. Their original make appears to have been by a craftsman of Eregion, for they bear many of the markings and style of their smith-work, but that craft has been twisted and corrupted into their current form. \n\n'The morgul-runes upon the hilts bear the oaths of their owners. It is a dark oath that I will not have spoken aloud in my halls. Because of their craft, I do believe that they can be unmade...bring them to Hemeldir at the Forges of Rivendell.'
250008DA02 - 'Take these hilts at once to Master Elrond in Rivendell...he will know what to do with them.'
250008DA03 - 'I can unmake the morgul-hilts. It is strange that their craftsmanship is similar to that of the Elven smiths of old, though they bear marks of great pain and malice. These hilts cast a shadow upon my heart. I fear a greater evil in their making than even Master Elrond may have surmised.\n\n'Their destruction should indeed break the spells that bind them to this world.'
250008DA04 - The Shadow Falls
250008DA05 - 'Hemeldir, my chief smith, will destroy these evil things...take them to him at once.'
250008DA06 - 'How may I help you?'
250008DA07 - You have recovered the four morgul-hilts from the wraiths in the ruins of Fornost. Istuienn has asked for your help in finding a way to destroy them.
250008DA08 - Bring the morgul-hilts to Hemeldir
250008DA09 - Elrond can be found at Rivendell in the Trollshaws to the south and east of the North Downs.\n\nIstuienn told you to take the morgul-hilts to Elrond Halfelven to be destroyed.
250008DA0A - Hemeldir can be found at the Forges of Rivendell outside the Halls of Elrond.\n\nElrond told you to take the morgul-hilts to his chief smith, Hemeldir.
250008DB00 - Remmenaeg's Morgul-hilt[n]
250008DB01 - The ancient hilt of a morgul-blade.
250008DB02 - Generic Quest Items[ps]
250008DC00 - Megoriath's Morgul-hilt[n]
250008DC01 - The ancient hilt of a morgul-blade.
250008DC02 - Generic Quest Items[ps]
250008DD00 - Rhavameldir's Morgul-hilt[n]
250008DD01 - The ancient hilt of a morgul-blade.
250008DD02 - Generic Quest Items[ps]
250008DE00 - Brogadan's Morgul-hilt[n]
250008DE01 - The ancient hilt of a morgul-blade.
250008DE02 - Generic Quest Items[ps]
250008DF00 - 'Welcome to Imladris,
250008DF01 - . It is good that you have come. Rest well, but not too deeply or too long! We have need of adventuring folk, for there is evil beyond the vale.\n\n'Not more than two months ago, a hobbit by the name of Frodo Baggins and his companions were pursued to the Ford of Bruinen by servants of the Enemy. I speak of the Nine, the Nazgûl, fell creatures in the service of Sauron, and though the Bruinen fell upon them at my command, we have found the steeds of only eight. One of the Riders is unaccounted for.\n\n'My sons set forth with scouts bound to them by friendship to seek this missing Rider. I ask that you speak with Elladan at their camp of Thorenhad, among the Bruinen Gorges, and lend your aid to the search. We must learn where this Nazgûl has gone, and most importantly, his designs.'
250008DF02 - 'My father has sent you to aid us? It is good that you have come, for we have made an unsettling discovery. It seems likely the missing Rider is still somewhere within the wilderness of the Trollshaws.'
250008DF03 - 'My sons have established a camp, Thorenhad, on the northern reaches of the Bruinen Gorges. Seek them north of the bear-dens and lend your assistance to Elladan in this matter.'
250008DF04 - Book 4, Chapter 1: Where is the Horse and the Rider?
250008DF05 - 'My sons have established a camp at Thorenhad, among the Bruinen Gorges.'
250008DF06 - Servants of the Enemy pursued Frodo Baggins to the Bruinen, and though the hobbit and his friends were saved and the fell creatures defeated by the power of Elrond, not all of the Nazgûl have been accounted for.
250008DF07 - 'The Nazgûl will never cross the Bruinen while it remains at my command.'
250008DF08 - Elladan is at his camp of Thorenhad on the north-western slope of the Bruinen Gorges, north of the bear-dens.\n\nLord Elrond has asked you to lend your assistance to his sons Elladan and Elrohir, currently seeking the missing Nazgûl.
250008E000 - 'You are fortunate. The creature which you faced could not have been a true Onod. You could not possibly have faced the might of one of the Old Ones.\n\n'Nor would you have to, for the Onodrim are friendly to the Free Peoples on the rare occasion their paths meet. The great forests are less-travelled now than they were in days past, and few now ever see one of the great tree-herds.\n\n'A small company of Elves from Mirkwood came to Imladris to consult with my father. Perhaps one of them will know what manner of creature you faced. Speak with my father to arrange an audience.'
250008E001 - 'I am glad you so ably serve my sons,
250008E002 - . I feel that you are close to locating the Nazgûl that escaped the raging waters of the Bruinen.\n\n'And yet more evils reveal themselves. The Elves of Mirkwood have encountered such evil before. My son was right to send you to me.\n\n'Speak with Legolas, son of Thranduil, in one of the guest rooms along the road that winds up the southern slope of the Vale of Imladris. He has been often in thought while he remains here and may be able to help you find and defeat the source of the evil.'
250008E003 - 'Speak with my father at Imladris, far to the east and above the Bruinen. He can arrange an audience with the Elves from Mirkwood.'
250008E004 - 'Hail to you,
250008E005 - . If you did not bring such dire news I would greet you more heartily, but your tidings are troubling.\n\n'We of Mirkwood have indeed encountered these creatures before, but it is not something I expected to see again. A tribe of trolls once lived near Dol Guldur, and we who fought them called these creatures Wood-trolls. Once these were wandering, individual creatures, loath to unite or even live near to their fellows. At Dol Guldur, however, something caused them to join together. A king was raised among them, and he unified the Wood-trolls into a terrible force. My father sent many warriors to defeat the Wood-trolls, and it was done.\n\n'I believe something has once again united the Wood-trolls of the Trollshaws,
250008E006 - . But this place is far from Mirkwood -- my father's warriors will not avail us.'
250008E007 - Book 4, Chapter 7: The Aid of Mirkwood
250008E008 - 'I believe Legolas is in one of the guest rooms along the road that winds up the southern slope of the Vale of Imladris. You may find him there and speak to him about the creature you encountered.'
250008E009 - Elladan is greatly concerned about the evil that seems to grow from deep within the Trollshaws and knows that you cannot face it alone.
250008E00A - Talk to Legolas in Rivendell
250008E00B - Master Elrond is at Imladris, far east of Elladan's camp of Thorenhad and above the Bruinen.\n\nElladan has asked that you speak with his father about arranging an audience with the visiting Elves from Mirkwood, who might have some experience with creatures of the manner which you encountered.
250008E00C - Legolas is in one of the guest rooms of Elrond's House.\n\nMaster Elrond has told you of an Elf-prince named Legolas, currently staying in Imladris for a time. He hails from Mirkwood and may have some knowledge of the creature you faced in the Trollshaws.
250008E100 - 'The Trollshaws have been made safer by your aid,
250008E101 - .'
250008E102 - 'The Nazgûl cannot hide from us forever.'
250008E103 - Legolas has been dismayed by the events in the lair of the Wood-trolls and thinks Elrond should be told of them at once.
250008E104 - 'I do not think this is the end of our search for the Nazgûl that escaped the waters of the Bruinen,
250008E105 - . Indeed, we have only seen the beginning of the trouble he may cause.\n\n'We must tell Master Elrond what has transpired. A task of great secrecy has been set before some of us at Imladris, and I fear we have been too long delayed already.\n\n'Speak to Master Elrond inside the Last Homely House and tell him of our journey into the lair of Taushakh and what we beheld there. The time for delays is past.'
250008E106 - Master Elrond is within the Last Homely House.\n\nLegolas has asked you to go to Elrond at once and tell him what transpired in the lair of Taushakh, king of the Wood-trolls.
250008E107 - 'I am glad to hear your news,
250008E108 - . Do not grieve overmuch for the loss of the Nazgûl -- his fell designs with the Wood Trolls were ended by your brave actions and the skills of Legolas.\n\n'Yes, your encounter with the Nazgûl has revealed to me what I must do. I will speak with Gandalf, for the errand of which you heard whispers has become all the more urgent because of the news you bring.\n\n'For you though, I would ask that you keep your attention focused on the Nazgûl.'
250008E109 - 'Master Elrond must be told of our adventure within the lair of Taushakh, king of the Wood-trolls. That Taushakh was bested is small consolation for losing the Nazgûl so quickly after revealing his location.'
250008E10A - 'You have done well. The Nazgûl will be found once again.'
250008E10B - 'An errand of secrecy has become more urgent because of the news you bring.'
250008E10C - 'You are a good companion,
250008E10D - . Within the Gladdalf you showed your courage.'
250008E10E - 'The Wood-trolls are most dangerous when something unites them.'
250008E10F - Book 4, Chapter 9: Hasten Their Departure
250008E110 - 'The Nazgûl has fled once again, but he will be found.'
250008E111 - 'You have been of great service to us,
250008E112 - .'
250008E200 - 'Welcome to Rivendell, where you will find the Last Homely House east of the Sea,
250008E201 - . The road to Imladris is not as forgiving as once it was, and I commend you for your efforts.\n\n'I hope the waters of the Ford have calmed since our passage; we left them in turmoil. I fear the cause of these troubles is not yet concluded.\n\n'Lord Elrond is the master of the house here; he should be given news of your arrival. You will find him in his library on the upper floor of the Last Homely House, to the northeast.'
250008E202 - 'The path you took to my doorstep has been perilous,
250008E203 - , and its dangers all too common in these dark days. If you will consent to lend us your aid, it will not be the least of your challenges.'
250008E204 - 'Elrond will be most interested to hear of your journey,
250008E205 - . Speak to him in his library on the upper floor of his house, to the northeast.'
250008E206 - Book 4, Foreword: The Troubles of Rivendell
250008E207 - Aragorn has asked that you speak with Elrond concerning a matter of gravest import for Rivendell.
250008E208 - Elrond waits in the library on the upper floor of his house.\n\nAragorn asked that you present yourself to Elrond, the master of the Last Homely House.
250008E300 - Glóin is at his camp north of Rivendell.\n\nGurzmat was accompanied by hostile Dourhand dwarves at the goblin-camp. You should report this finding to Glóin immediately.
250008E301 - 'I fear that while the Nazgûl you drove off has fled the Trollshaws, he still schemes to assault Rivendell. To the north and east of Rivendell, there are goblins and worse that he might bend to his will and use against us.\n\n'I would ask that you continue in your pursuit of the Nazgûl and travel into the Misty Mountains. There you may seek the aid of Glóin, who has established a camp at the end of the pass out of Rivendell that leads to the Misty Mountains.\n\n'Go now, for not only the safety of Rivendell is at stake. All of Middle-earth depends on your actions.'
250008E302 - 'A Nazgûl? One of the Nine Ringwraiths they spoke of at the Council of Elrond? I have not forgotten the honeyed words conveyed through one of those Riders to us back at the Lonely Mountain! Such poison! They wished us to betray old Bilbo Baggins to Mordor.\n\n'I'll help you as best I can, although Dáin did task me with another matter. I can share some information though.'
250008E303 - 'The threat presented by the Nazgûl has not yet passed. Please continue your pursuit of the creature with the aid of Glóin at his camp atop the pass that leads to the Misty Mountains.'
250008E304 - Book 5, Chapter 1: Into the Misty Mountains
250008E305 - 'The goblin-camp is sprawled along the ridges of the Pinnath Fenui? That is as I thought, and I thank you for the confirmation! But Gurzmat still lives,
250008E306 - , and that just will not do. You need to ascend into that goblin-camp and put an end to Gurzmat!'
250008E307 - Elrond feels that the Nazgûl you drove off from the Trollshaws has fled into the Misty Mountains. He has asked you to continue your pursuit of the Nazgûl with the aid of Glóin.
250008E308 - The goblin-camps sprawl along the ridges of the Pinnath Fenui
250008E309 - Find the goblin-camp
250008E30A - Glóin can be found at the camp at the top of the pass that leads from Rivendell into the Misty Mountains.\n\nElrond suggested that you seek Glóin's aid in the hunt for the Nazgûl.
250008E30B - Gurzmat is somewhere deep within the goblin-camp that sprawls along the ridges of the Pinnath Fenui.\n\nGlóin is waiting for you to defeat the goblin Gurzmat, whose name is spoken by many of the goblins of the Misty Mountains.
250008E400 - 'I am a master of earth, stone and axe,
250008E401 - , not of these fell wights and evil artifacts. Go to Master Elrond in Rivendell and tell him all of what has transpired. He will be able to tell you what should be done next.'
250008E402 - 'So you have returned and with evil tidings. This is the mark of a Gaunt-lord..perhaps you have seen one before? Sometimes Gaunt-lords use these sigils to summon the fell spirit that animates the wight.\n\n'The sigil you have brought is a mark of Drugoth the Black, a powerful Gaunt-lord. As for what drew the Nazgûl and this Gaunt-lord to Helegrod, I fear I now know what they seek....'
250008E403 - 'Please, go to Master Elrond in Rivendell and speak with him of the things you have seen. The hour is late indeed if we are only now seeing the true threat that festers in the north.'
250008E404 - 'Yes? Is there some matter you wish to speak on?'
250008E405 - Book 5, Chapter 7: Evil Tidings
250008E406 - 'I wonder what new evil is stirring in Angmar, and why it chooses now to come forth?'
250008E407 - Troubled by the wights you discovered at the entrance to Helegrod's treasury and the sigil you found on one of the wight's bodies, Glóin suggested it was time to speak with Master Elrond.
250008E408 - 'You have been a great help to us,
250008E409 - .'
250008E40A - Bring the Sigil of Drugoth to Master Elrond
250008E40B - Elrond is in the library of Imladris.\n\nGlóin has asked you to speak with Elrond about what you have discovered outside of Helegrod's treasury.
250008E500 - Sigil of Drugoth[e]
250008E501 - A sigil covered in dark runes.
250008E502 - Sigils of Drugoth[p]
250008E600 - 'You have done a great thing today,


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
250008E601 - ! Few have faced the might of a Nazgûl and lived to tell the tale. Fortunately, the waters of the Bruinen and your pursuit of him weakened him to the extent that you could defeat him and send him back to Mordor.\n\n'As for the matter of the dragon, it would appear that although the ritual was partially successful, the dragon-wight is not fully under the control of Drugoth. It still presents a threat to Rivendell, but not so great as would have been had the ritual been completed.\n\n'For now, we can turn our attention to other matters, although someday you may wish to return to Helegrod and end this threat completely.'
250008E602 - Book 5, Chapter 8: Fire and Ice
250008E603 - 'Servants of the Great Eye...'
250008E604 - 'Our time may be short. Please hurry and gather a party of warriors and enter the treasury of Helegrod. There the body of the dragon, slain by Durin so many years ago, was left to moulder.'
250008E605 - 'I wonder what new evil is stirring in Angmar, and why it chooses now to come forth?'
250008E606 - Helegrod is north of Rivendell and Glóin's camp.\n\nElrond has asked you to enter the treasury of Helegrod and put a stop to the Nazgûl's schemes. He warned you to gather allies.\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250008E607 - 'You have been a great help to us,
250008E608 - .'
250008E609 - Elrond can be found in the library of Imladris.\n\nIn the treasury, you encountered the Nazgûl and were able to defeat him. You also interrupted the ritual being performed by the Gaunt-lord to restore the dragon Thorog, although part of the process was completed, and the dragon flew off. Elrond should be made aware of what happened.\n
250008E60A - Empty Robes[e]
250008E60B - 'The meddling of these fools has broken my control!'
250008E60C - 'Arise, spirits, help bring this great beast back to our world!'
250008E60D - Enter the Helegrod treasury and end the Nazgûl's schemes
250008E60E - 'To me!'
250008E60F - 'Send your power into this mighty Dragon.'
250008E610 - 'Your service is needed, spirit! Go join your brothers!'
250008E611 - 'I tire of these intrusions! You will wait!'
250008E612 - 'I shall deal with these witless worms!'
250008E613 - Elrond told you that after the dwarf-king Durin defeated Thorog the dragon, the body of the dragon was left to moulder in the empty treasury of Helegrod. He fears that the ice and cold of Orod Lostol will have preserved the body to such an extent that the arts of the Gaunt-lord, Drugoth, may be able to instill it with a fell spirit and raise it as a wight.
250008E614 - 'Enough! Do what we came to do and be done with it.'
250008E615 - 'Fools! I cannot be slain by your arts! I return to Mordor and my master!'
250008E616 - 'My lord, I must pursue the beast and regain control. Please deal with these fools!'
250008E617 - 'I call upon the Eye!'
250008E618 - 'No! He is breaking free!'
250008E619 - 'Quickly, go and pursue your charge!'
250008E61A - 'What the Nazgûl seeks has become apparent to me,
250008E61B - . Glóin told you of the fall of Helegrod, I expect: Durin, the fifth such dwarf to bear that name, slew the dragon Thorog but perished during the battle alongside most of his company? When it became clear that Helegrod was a place of evil and their attempts to restore it futile, the dwarves removed the riches from the treasury and left the dragon's body to moulder.\n\n'However, I fear the cold and ice of Orod Lostol may have preserved the body of the dragon far longer than any would have thought. Even after death and the passage of so many years, the body of Thorog would possess much power. I fear that Drugoth the Gaunt-lord might use his arts to place some spirit within that corpse, raising the most terrible of wights to the service of Angmar.\n\n'A dragon-wight within reach of Imladris is too grave a threat to be ignored. I must ask you to go into the treasury of Helegrod and put an end to the plans of Drugoth and the Nazgûl. It will be a difficult task, so gather a party of mighty warriors and go forth.'\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250008E700 - Invoked the name of Elbereth at the obelisks (
250008E701 - /
250008E702 - )
250008E703 - At the behest of Master Elrond of Imladris, you have entered the abandoned treasury of Helegrod to end the Nazgûl's scheme to restore the dragon Thorog.
250008E704 - A plaque on the side of this obelisk is written in several tongues. It reads:\n\n'I, Durin, lord of Khazad-dûm, have delved this vault with the aid of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain. To protect the great riches found here, there are obelisks crafted by the arts of Elves as a token of friendship.\n\n'Only those who invoke the name of the Star-kindler may pass. Three times three are the obelisks, and three times must you speak.'
250008E705 - Seek out the Nazgûl and end his schemes.
250008E706 - Examine the obelisk.\n\nYou have encountered an obelisk that was glowing faintly.
250008E707 - Seek out the obelisks and open the way to the centre of the treasury.\n\nExamination of the obelisk found at the entrance to the treasury revealed that the only way to enter the centre treasury is to invoke the name of Elbereth at obelisks found scattered through out the treasury.
250008E708 - Seek out the Nazgûl and end his schemes.\n\nNow that you have invoked the name of the Elbereth at three of the obelisks in the treasury, the way to the centre of the treasury is open.
250008E709 - End the Nazgûl's plans
250008E70A - Examine the obelisk
250008E70B - Invoke the name of Elbereth at the obelisks (
250008E70C - /
250008E70D - )
250008E70E - End the Nazgûl's plans
250008E70F - Instance: Fire and Ice
250008E800 - 'I would wish you to remain here away from the troubles of the world. But alas, the Enemy does not rest and so neither can we.\n\n'Angmar grows in power with each passing day and without a means to stem its evil, we have no hope of winning this war.\n\n'Speak with Aragorn. He waits for you in one of the guest rooms along the road that winds up the southern slope of the Vale of Imladris.'
250008E801 - 'With matters in hand here, it is time to turn our attention to the north.'
250008E802 - 'The time has come for you to leave this place of refuge. Go now, and speak to Aragorn in one of the guest rooms along the road that winds up the southern slope of the Vale of Imladris.'
250008E803 - Book 6, Foreword: Turning to the North
250008E804 - The shadow of Angmar -- Sauron's hand in the North -- grows steadily, threatening the peace and security of Eriador.
250008E805 - Talk to Aragorn in Rivendell
250008E806 - Aragorn waits in one of the guest rooms of Elrond's House.\n\nElrond warned you of a growing evil within Angmar and asked you to speak with Aragorn.
250008E900 - You retrieved the scroll from Raghnall, but it was written in Black Speech, which Lorniel is unable to translate.
250008E901 - 'I fear we may have been deceived,
250008E902 - , for this scroll is written in Black Speech and may say nothing of value. I cannot say, for Black Speech is not a tongue with which I am familiar. Even so, I would know what this says.\n\n'Perhaps the Elf Laerdan may have some proficiency in this writing. He is an old friend of my father's and is here in Gath Forthnír.\n\n'Take the scroll to him and ask him his opinion. If it may help us free my father, then we must learn its secrets at once!'
250008E903 - Laerdan is in Gath Forthnír.\n\nLorniel suggested you seek out an Elf named Laerdan in hopes of learning what Raghnall's scroll would reveal.
250008E904 - 'Alas, but I have never taken the time to learn the cruel mutterings of the Orcs. I have no desire to speak with them by any means save my sword.\n\n'If this scroll did indeed come from Carn Dûm, Elrond Halfelven may have an interest in it, and he assuredly knows the Black Speech. Go to Rivendell and seek out the Master of the Last Homely House, if you would know the answer to your riddle.'
250008E905 - Elrond Halfelven is at Rivendell in the Trollshaws.\n\nLaerdan, also unable to translate the scroll, sent you to Rivendell to speak with Elrond Halfelven.
250008E906 - 'I can be of no aid to you with this scroll, for the Black Speech is not my study. Take it to Elrond of Rivendell.'
250008E907 - 'What is this? You were sent by the daughter of Golodir and by the Elf Laerdan? What a strange fate has brought you hither. The Shadow of Angmar has grown with the Shadow in the East.\n\n'Give me the scroll...I will unravel this mystery for you.'
250008E908 - 'Take the scroll to Laerdan,
250008E909 - . Perhaps he has some knowledge of the Black Speech.'
250008E90A - 'What brings you to Rivendell,
250008E90B - ? What errand are you upon?'
250008E90C - 'Elrond Halfelven? Yes, I should have thought of that myself. It is a long journey, but one you must make!''
250008E90D - Bring the scroll to Elrond Halfelven
250008E90E - Book 7, Chapter 3: Opening the Way
250008EA00 - Tattered Scroll[e]
250008EA01 - A tattered scroll, covered in small runes.
250008EA02 - ...[p]
250008EB00 - 'Ah,
250008EB01 - , your tale saddens me, for I know Golodir, and he was a good man. It pleases me to know that he lives, but it grieves me that this False King was able to break him so.\n\n'That a wraith has returned to power in Angmar troubles me even more. I have never heard of Mordirith...that is a mystery upon which I must dwell.\n\n'Now go to Hemeldir, my chief smith, and instruct him to reforge Golodir's sword. You will find him near Imladris' forges.'
250008EB02 - 'The work is done,
250008EB03 - . It little resembles the weapon from which it was birthed, but I believe it will better serve its master.\n\n'Take it now to Master Elrond for his approval.'
250008EB04 - Book 8, Chapter 3: Forging the Sword
250008EB05 - 'Master Elrond requires this sword to be reforged? Very well. It is a minor essay in Elf-craft...it will not take long.\n\n'But what is this? I daresay this shield did not belong to your friend Golodir. This shield is far older, from near the fall of the North Kingdom. It is also from Gondor, not the North. Indeed, it looks familiar...I seem to recall its like among the royal line of Gondor.\n\n'I will speak to Master Elrond about this later. For now, I will turn my hand to the task required of me.'
250008EB06 - 'What do you require of me,
250008EB07 - ?'
250008EB08 - 'We haven't the ability to reforge this sword. You should take it to Elrond in Rivendell.'
250008EB09 - 'As always, Hemeldir's mastery shows forth in the work of his hand. This sword shall henceforth be known as \qDúnachar,\q Avenger of the West, for it shall avenge the death of Lorniel, daughter of Golodir.'
250008EB0A - 'We haven't the ability to reforge this sword. You should take it to Elrond in Rivendell.'
250008EB0B - 'Have you returned with the sword?'
250008EB0C - Elrond is at Rivendell in the Trollshaws.\n\nDaervunn suggested you take Golodir's sword to Elrond of Rivendell to be reforged.
250008EB0D - 'You left Golodir's sword in Rivendell? You go there at once and retrieve it!'
250008EB0E - Hemeldir can be found near Rivendell's forges.\n\nElrond instructed you to take Golodir's sword to his chief smith, Hemeldir, to be reforged.
250008EB0F - 'There, the task is complete.'
250008EB10 - 'You left Golodir's sword in Rivendell? You go there at once and retrieve it!'
250008EB11 - Hemeldir can be found near Rivendell's forges.\n\nYou should check with Hemeldir to learn if he has finished reforging Golodir's sword.
250008EB12 - 'Hemeldir, my chief smith, will reforge Golodir's sword.'
250008EB13 - Elrond is in Rivendell.\n\nHemeldir returned Golodir's reforged sword to you and told you to bring it to Elrond for approval.
250008EB14 - 'I am certain Hemeldir has finished reforging Golodir's sword. You should retrieve it from him and return to me.'
250008EB15 - 'Master Elrond will want to inspect that sword before you return it to Golodir.'
250008EB16 - 'Let me attend to this sword now.'
250008EB17 - Bring Golodir's gear to Elrond
250008EB18 - Wait for Hemeldir to complete his task
250008EB19 - Bring Golodir's gear to Hemeldir
250008EB1A - Collect Golodir's sword from Hemeldir
250008EB1B - Bring Golodir's sword to Elrond
250008EB1C - The Rangers of Esteldín were able to repair Golodir's shield and mail shirt, but the sword was of Elf-craft beyond their skill.
250008EB1D - 'Here, take Golodir's gear, and travel to Rivendell and speak to Master Elrond. I doubt not that he will be able to assist you. His smiths are among the greatest of the Elf-smiths of this day.\n\n'Do not tarry here. If this will help to renew Golodir's broken spirit, then you must make haste to Rivendell!'
250008EC00 - Golodir's Sword[nm]
250008EC01 - A dull, nicked sword.
250008EC02 - ...[p]
250008ED00 - Forged Sword[n]
250008ED01 - The blade of this sword gleams, almost as if it had an inner light.
250008ED02 - ...[p]
250008EE00 - Golodir's Mail-shirt[nm]
250008EE01 - A finely-crafted mail-shirt.
250008EE02 - ...[p]
250008EF00 - Gondorian Shield[e]
250008EF01 - The symbol of Gondor graces the front of this broad shield.
250008EF02 - ...[p]
250008F000 - Elrond renamed Golodir's sword Dúnachar, Avenger of the West, and prophesied that it would one day avenge the death of Lorniel, Golodir's daughter.
250008F001 - 'Dúnachar is a fine sword, and I foresee that one day the Steward of Angmar will rue its reforging.\n\n'Go now. Return to Laerdan and bring him Golodir's gear. I hope that Golodir will see his despair for what it is -- the machinations of the Enemy.\n\n'Laerdan awaits you at Gath Forthnír in Angmar.'
250008F002 - Laerdan is at Gath Forthnír in the eastern reaches of Himbar.\n\nElrond gave you the sword Dúnachar and told you to take it and the rest of Golodir's gear to Laerdan.
250008F003 - 'You have returned,
250008F004 - ! What news? The sword has been reforged? Dúnachar it is named...yes, I can feel the virtue within it.\n\n'And what did you say about the shield? It is not Golodir's? It shall have to make do.\n\n'Take the gear to Golodir in his quarters.'
250008F005 - Golodir is at Gath Forthnír in the eastern reaches of Himbar.\n\nLaerdan instructed you to return Golodir's gear to him.
250008F006 - 'Bring Golodir his gear...I hope that it will spark at least a small flicker of the bright flame he once was.'
250008F007 - 'Were the Rangers able to salvage Golodir's gear?'
250008F008 - 'Make haste,
250008F009 - . Laerdan awaits your return.'
250008F00A - 'What is this? My mail shirt? I thought it lost forever! And this shield, it is not mine, but it is a thing of wondrous beauty!\n\n'But this sword...is this my sword? It was forged long ago by the Elves of Rivendell, an heirloom of my family. I thought it lost forever, but now it is returned as Dúnachar!\n\n'It is well-named Avenger of the West. Indeed, it will avenge my daughter....'
250008F00B - 'You should return at once to Laerdan and take him Golodir's gear.'
250008F00C - 'Leave me be!'
250008F00D - Bring Golodir's gear to Laerdan
250008F00E - Bring Golodir his equipment
250008F00F - Book 8, Chapter 4: A Beacon of Hope
250008F100 - Dúnachar[n]
250008F101 - The mirrored blade of this Elven sword gleams brightly in any light.
250008F102 - ...[p]
250008F200 - 'I think the time has come -- indeed it is long past time -- that the Elves and dwarves confront the enemy in Angmar together. In our past council, we discussed...other matters...and Angmar was not our main concern. \n\n'Until now, we Elves have not paid too much heed to the Dourhands, deeming them a problem for dwarves to deal with. But now we see that Skorgrím is a servant of Angmar, and that he has roused the giants of the Misty Mountains against us. It is time for us to think again.\n\n'Please go to Glóin and speak to him in my name, asking him to join again in council against our foes.'
250008F201 - 'Ho! So at last the Elves deign to notice our concerns, now that we have almost paid the Dourhands ourselves!\n\n'Still, I should not be so hasty. It is true that there has not been true amity between our peoples of late, but if we do not cleave together against the real Enemy, we shall most certainly be cloven by their black blades.\n\n'Well, I thank you and Master Elrond for his words, and I will certainly meet with him to discuss our plans to deal with these Angmarim who have been causing both our houses so much trouble.'
250008F202 - 'Please go to Glóin and speak with him in my name.'
250008F203 - An Alliance with the Dwarves
250008F204 - Troubled by the Thunder-lord's mention of Skorgrím and by reports of hostile dwarves occupying a fortress in the Misty Mountains, Elrond bids you speak to Glóin to request that the dwarves and Elves work together against the forces of Angmar.
250008F205 - Glóin is at the dwarves' mountain camp north of Rivendell.\n\nElrond has asked you to speak to Glóin of a new council against Angmar.
250008F300 - Deliver Celebrían's legacy to Elrond
250008F301 - 'Yes, indeed, this is the jewel itself...Celebrían's legacy. Please bring it to Elrond, as it is his duty to give it to his daughter.'
250008F302 - 'You have found the vault, have you not? The jewel should be within.'
250008F303 - The Riddle-master
250008F304 - 'To think that the vault has remained sealed for so long past its time! Even those counted among the Wise can be foolhardy, it seems!\n\n'But I must thank you for your perseverance, Master of Riddles. You seek the truth in all things, even though it brings you into darkness -- your skill and cunning bring you back out into the light again.'
250008F305 - 'What tidings do you bring of your quest?'
250008F306 - Found Celebrían's legacy
250008F307 - 'Celebrían's legacy should be brought at once to Master Elrond.'
250008F308 - You recite the words of the verse, and the way is opened
250008F309 - 'On Arwen's behalf, and on my own, I thank you for your service.'
250008F30A - Found Arwen's legacy
250008F30B - The lost Elf-vault is somewhere in the Trollshaws in the vicinity of Rivendell, probably on the High Moor. Glorfindel awaits your return outside the house of Elrond, by the waterfall.\n\nGlorfindel told you to seek the vault on the High Moor and advised you to place a hand upon a rock beside the entrance of the Elf-vault and to recite the verses of the riddle. Celebrían's legacy for Arwen, a white jewel, should be somewhere within the vault.
250008F30C - 'You are truly a Master of Riddles,
250008F30D - .'
250008F30E - Elrond is in the library of Rivendell.\n\nGlorfindel asked you to bring Arwen's legacy to Elrond.
250008F30F - 'To think you solved that old riddle! Well done, well done!'
250008F310 - You have found the lost Elf-vault south of Imladris.\n\nArwen's legacy, a white jewel, should be somewhere in the vault. If you find the jewel, return to Glorfindel with your prize.
250008F311 - 'You have done very well to unravel the mystery. Master Elrond must be well pleased.'
250008F312 - Elrond is in the library of Imladris.\n\nGlorfindel asked you to bring Arwen's legacy to Elrond.
250008F313 - 'Thank you again for returning to me my mother's gift.'
250008F314 - 'I thank you for finding my mother's gift to me. Alas for my father and mother, I will not be bearing it into the west, but perhaps I will some day find another who will bear it for me.'
250008F315 - Bring Celebrían's legacy to Glorfindel
250008F316 - Collect Celebrían's legacy
250008F317 - Deliver Celebrían's legacy to Elrond
250008F318 - Collect Arwen's legacy
250008F319 - Deliver Arwen's legacy to Elrond
250008F31A - Glorfindel does not know where lies Celebrían's legacy for Arwen, but he has given you some advice which may help you to find it.
250008F31B - 'I said that I do not know where the vault containing Celebrían's legacy lies, but it may be that I can help you to gain entrance when it is found.\n\n'The riddle itself is the key to the vault. If in your travels near Imladris you find a sealed vault, those words may offer you passage within. There should be a rock in front of the entrance. Place your hand upon the rock and recite the verse.\n\n'I would be surprised if the jewel is in the vale of Imladris itself as these carefully tended gardens and groves are too often frequented by the Elves for a vault to be easily hidden. I have no doubt it is close by, not far from Imladris...perhaps on the High Moor.'
250008F400 - Celebrían's Legacy[fn]
250008F401 - A shining white gemstone.
250008F402 - ...[p]
250008F500 - Defeated the Thunder-lord
250008F501 - The Thunder-lord, leader of the giants, has ordered his people to battle. If he can be defeated, this threat might fall with him.
250008F502 - The Thunder-lord must be defeated before all the giants in the region heed his commands.
250008F503 - The giants at the Giants' Table mentioned the Thunder-lord, whom you can only assume is their leader. Perhaps if the Thunder-lord were defeated, the giants might turn from their wicked path.\n\nIt is likely that the Thunder-lord rules from the furthest reaches of Iorbar, south and east of the Giants' Table. You should be wary, for he must be a deadly opponent, and only a determined party of warriors could hope to defeat him.
250008F504 - Defeated the Thunder-lord
250008F505 - The Thunder-lord rules the giants from Iorbar, south and east of the Giants' Table in the Misty Mountains.\n\nThe Thunder-lord is the source of the giants' recent hostility, and he must be defeated before all the giants in the region heed his commands. You will need the aid of brave allies if you hope to defeat him.
250008F506 - 'You have defeated a mighty foe,
250008F507 - , and have proven yourself worthy beyond any need, but I remain troubled. The Thunder-lord has planted an unease in my heart.\n\n'Dark days are ahead, for all of Middle-earth. Remain wary,
250008F508 - ! I fear a terrible shadow has been cast upon the land from afar.'
250008F509 - Defeat the Thunder-lord
250008F50A - Golhador is at the High Crag camp in the Misty Mountains, north-east of Rivendell.\n\nYou should return to Golhador and let him know that the Thunder-lord has been defeated.
250008F50B - 'Seek out the Thunder-lord in Iorbar, south and east of the Giants' Table, and defeat him. We must put an end to him before he commands all the giants of the mountains to descend upon us!'
250008F50C - Defeat the Thunder-lord
250008F50D - 'You have bested the Thunder-lord,
250008F50E - , and all of Imladris will rejoice! Bring this news at once to Master Elrond himself, in the library of Imladris. He will be as pleased as I am to hear it!'
250008F50F - Defeat the Thunder-lord
250008F510 - 'Your defeat of the Thunder-lord was a mighty deed.'
250008F511 - Talk to Golhador at the High Crag camp
250008F512 - Defeat the Thunder-lord
250008F513 - Thunder in the Mountains
250008F514 - The Thunder-lord rules the giants from Iorbar, south and east of the Giants' Table in the Misty Mountains.\n\nThe Thunder-lord is the source of the giants' recent hostility, and he must be defeated before all the giants in the region heed his commands. You will need the aid of brave allies if you hope to defeat him.
250008F600 - March of the Ents
250008F601 - Success!
250008F602 - Interrupted!
250008F700 -
250008F701 - Success!
250008F702 - Interrupted!
250008F800 - Lesser Giant Eagle
250008F801 - ...
250008F900 - DNT - Aura of Nobility
250008F901 -
250008FA00 - Nobility
250008FA01 -
250008FB00 - Raven's Strike
250008FB01 - ..
250008FC00 - Harried!
250008FC01 -
250008FE00 - Beak Rend
250008FE01 - This skill deals damage to some of the enemies and returns that as morale to the Eagle.
250008FF00 - Drain Morale
250008FF01 -
2500090000 - Sacrifice
2500090001 - This skill will cause the Eagle to bring his master back from the brink of defeat. This skill only functions if the Eagle is in combat.
2500090100 - Sacrifice
2500090101 -
2500090200 - Survivor
2500090201 - Cannot be affected by the Eagle's Sacrifice.
2500090202 -
2500090300 - Fan the Flames
2500090301 - This skill takes advantage of an enemy who is under Burning Embers and hurts them grievously by stirring up the flames causing them to run in panic.\n\nMounted Combat Enemies: Fear replaced with attack speed debuff.
2500090400 - Fan the Flames
2500090500 - Burning Embers: Slow Burn
2500090501 - Target is slowed while burning.
2500090502 - Slows movement speed by 30%
2500090503 -
2500090600 - Flanking Manoeuvre
2500090601 - ..
2500090700 - Flanked!
2500090701 - Your pet has knocked the opponent into a state that you can take advantage of.
2500090800 - 'Deep study will result in deep knowledge.'
2500090801 - Isdi[fn]
2500090900 - 'I am glad to see you return,
2500090901 - , and with the components I sought. These will be of much use to me as I fashion your equipment.\n\n'Now I need some of the remains of the wights who roam Imlad Balchorth in Angmar and some bubblings droplets of slime from the brimstone-leeches of Malenhad, also in Angmar.'
2500090902 - 'You do not have the components for which I have asked,
2500090903 - .'
2500090904 - Articles of Mystery
2500090905 - 'I thank you for these items,
2500090906 - . Are you ready to collect the last set of things I will need?\n\n'I hope that you are, for these will be most difficult to acquire. I believe you to be up to the challenge, but know that it will take you into the very heart of the land of Angmar. You are wise,
2500090907 - . Now you must be strong as well.\n\n'What I need is the putrid slime of Helchgam, the horror which dwells below Carn Dûm, and the emblems of the goblins which guard the tower of Urugarth.'
2500090908 - 'You do not have the components for which I am waiting.'
2500090909 - Collected Grimgore's matted fur
250009090A - 'You may find Grimgore wandering Fasach-larran in Angmar,
250009090B - , and the Corcur encamped near Helegrod in the Misty Mountains.'
250009090C - 'I marvel at your success,
250009090D - , though I should not do so -- I have seen your great deeds and heard of your wisdom, but still I doubted. I am not as wise as I supposed.\n\n'Allow me now to present you with this equipment I have fashioned. May it serve you long and well!'
250009090E - Collected distasteful Corcur-emblems (
250009090F - /
2500090910 - )
2500090911 - 'You may find wights in Imlad Balchorth in Angmar,
2500090912 - , and the brimstone-leeches in Malenhad, also in Angmar.'
2500090913 - 'You do not have the components for which I asked. Why is this,
2500090914 - ?'
2500090915 - Collected revered wight-remains (
2500090916 - /
2500090917 - )
2500090918 - Grimgore roams Fasach-larran in Angmar. Corcur may be found near Helegrod in the Misty Mountains.\n\nIsdi has asked you to bring her Grimgore's matted fur and several distasteful Corcur-emblems.
2500090919 - 'Helchgam dwells in the pools beneath Carn Dûm, while goblins guard the tower of Urugarth, both in Angmar.'
250009091A - Collected bubbling droplets (
250009091B - /
250009091C - )
250009091D - Collect goblin-badge of rank
250009091E - Isdi is at the ruins of Edhelion, near Thorin's Hall.\n\nIsdi is waiting for you to return with the first set of components.
250009091F - Collected putrid slime of Helchgam
2500090920 - Bring last set of components to Isdi
2500090921 - Wights may be found in Imlad Balchorth in Angmar. Brimstone-leeches may be found in Malenhad in Angmar.\n\nIsdi has asked you to bring her revered wight-remains and bubbling droplets.
2500090922 - Collected goblin-badge of rank
2500090923 - Collect putrid slime of Helchgam
2500090924 - Isdi is at the ruins of Edhelion, near Thorin's Hall.\n\nIsdi is waiting for you to return with the second set of components.
2500090925 - Collect goblin-badge of rank
2500090926 - Helchgam dwells in the pools below Carn Dûm in Angmar. Goblins guard the tower of Urugarth, also in Angmar.\n\nIsdi has asked you to bring her some putrid slime of Helchgam and a goblin-badge of rank.
2500090927 - Isdi is at the ruins of Edhelion, near Thorin's Hall.\n\nIsdi is waiting for you to return with the last set of components.
2500090928 - Collect Grimgore's matted fur
2500090929 - Collect distasteful Corcur-emblems (
250009092A - /
250009092B - )
250009092C - Bring first set of components to Isdi
250009092D - Collect revered wight-remains (
250009092E - /
250009092F - )
2500090930 - Collect bubbling droplets (
2500090931 - /
2500090932 - )
2500090933 - Bring second set of components to Isdi
2500090934 - Collect revered wight-remains (
2500090935 - /
2500090936 - )
2500090937 - Collect bubbling droplets (
2500090938 - /
2500090939 - )
250009093A - Collect putrid slime of Helchgam
250009093B - Isdi has agreed to fashion you a piece of equipment to reflect the depth of your knowledge.
250009093C - 'I can fashion you a piece of equipment that will reflect the depth of your knowledge,
250009093D - , and aid you in your further pursuit of wisdom.\n\n'However, I will need you to obtain the components I will need if I am to make this equipment for you. Do not quail from the danger, for you are a learned lore-master and have come through all hazards to reach this point. You are wise enough to survive your coming trials.\n\n'The first items I will need are the matted fur of the great boar Grimgore, who roams Fasach-larran in Angmar, and the emblem of the Corcur tribe of Hillmen encamped near Helegrod in the Misty Mountains.'
2500090A00 - Grimgore's Matted Fur[n]
2500090A01 - Grimgore's fur is matted with blood and dirt, a grisly reminder of battle.
2500090A02 - Grimgore's Matted Fur[n]
2500090B00 - Distasteful Corcur-emblem[e]
2500090B01 - The Corcur of the Misty Mountains carry these emblems on occasion, but their significance is unknown.
2500090B02 - Distasteful Corcur-emblems[ps]
2500090C00 - Revered Wight Remains[ps]
2500090C01 - These ashen remains were revered at one time, but now possess only the memory of loyalty.\n\nThis trophy is sought by Lore-masters, Minstrels and Wardens.
2500090C02 - Revered Wight Remains[ps]
2500090D00 - Bubbling Droplets[ps]
2500090D01 - This liquid bubbles and froths unpleasantly.\n\nThis trophy is sought by Champions and Lore-masters.


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
2500090D02 - Bubbling Droplets[ps]
2500090E00 - Putrid Slime of Helchgam[e]
2500090E01 - In a pool beneath Carn Dûm, Helchgam watched and waited for untold years, covered in this filthy ichor.\n\nThis trophy is sought by Captains, Hunters, Lore-masters, and Beornings.
2500090E02 - Putrid Slime of Helchgam[p]
2500091000 - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
2500091001 - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
2500091002 - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
2500091003 - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
2500091004 - Lore-master: The Wisest Way is Contemplation
2500091005 - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
2500091006 - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
2500091007 - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
2500091008 - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
2500091009 - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
250009100A - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
250009100B - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
250009100C - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
250009100D - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
250009100E - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
250009100F - Isdi is at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.\n\nYou have been told to speak with the lore-master Isdi, for she may have some wise words to share with you.
2500091010 - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
2500091011 - As a Lore-master, you have achieved such renown as to receive a summons from Isdi of Edhelion, in Ered Luin.\n\nYou should seek Isdi to receive further training in your class.
2500091012 - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
2500091013 - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
2500091014 - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
2500091015 - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
2500091016 - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
2500091017 - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
2500091018 - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
2500091019 - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
250009101A - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
250009101B - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
250009101C - Isdi is at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.\n\nYou have been told to speak with the lore-master Isdi, for she may have some wise words to share with you.
250009101D - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
250009101E - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
250009101F - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
2500091020 - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
2500091021 - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
2500091022 - 'You should speak with the lore-master Isdi, for I am sure she will have some words to impart to one such as you. I have heard that Isdi planned a journey to the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin.'
2500091023 - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
2500091024 - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
2500091025 - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
2500091026 - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
2500091027 - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
2500091028 - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
2500091029 - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
250009102A - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
250009102B - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
250009102C - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge; to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of the Refuge of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Halls, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
250009102D - Meet Isdi for further Lore-master training
250009102E - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
250009102F - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
2500091030 - 'I am pleased to meet you at last,
2500091031 - . The years may be long, but they are full of joy for those who seek learning. The passing of the seasons cannot blunt the sharp mind eager for wisdom.'
2500091032 - The mysteries of the past lie open to you, but still you seek to uncover more, never resting in your pursuit of knowledge.
2500091033 - 'Your wisdom is known to me,
2500091034 - , for you have delved mysteries which to me remain closed. Few lore-masters have attained such knowledge -- to be counted among their number is an honour for which many of us can never hope.\n\n'One such lore-master is named Isdi, and she has spent long years in contemplation of the great mysteries. Were you to speak with Isdi, I am sure the experience would be of value to each of you, for knowledge is best grown when shared.\n\n'Look for Isdi at the ruins of Edhelion, on the slopes above Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. I have heard that she planned to visit the ruins of that place and to think on their history.'
2500091100 - 'I thank you for these components,
2500091101 - , and am sure you will have little difficulty returning with the second set.\n\n'Next, I will need the eyes of such worms as may be found in Forochel, Eregion, and the Misty Mountains. I will also need the putrid fingernails of the wights which roam Imlad Balchorth in Angmar.'
2500091102 - 'Have you not yet gathered the materials I need,
2500091103 - .'
2500091104 - Implements of Knowledge
2500091105 - 'These will do nicely,
2500091106 - , and will improve the bite of the weapon I am making for you.\n\n'One set of components remains, and these will be found within the very heart of the land of Angmar. Keep your wits about you, as I am sure you will, and you will have victory.\n\n'I need you to seek out the uruk Morthrâng of Carn Dûm and obtain from him an Emblem of Ritual. Also at Carn Dûm, you should seek out the Man of Angmar known as Sálvakh and wrest from him his Rune of Evil Presence.'
2500091107 - 'You do not have the components for which I asked,
2500091108 - .'
2500091109 - Collected frosted Corcur-staves (
250009110A - /
250009110B - )
250009110C - 'Corcur may be found near Helegrod,
250009110D - , while the bear Driftclaw roams the land of the giants, both in the Misty Mountains.'
250009110E - 'I am not surprised that you have returned victorious,
250009110F - , for I know you to be a lore-master of unsurpassed skill and knowledge.\n\n'I bow to your wisdom and give to you this weapon. May it serve you well!'
2500091110 - Collected Driftclaw's rending-tooth
2500091111 - 'Wights can be found among the tombs of Imlad Balchorth, in Angmar, while worms roam Forochel, Eregion, and the Misty Mountains.'
2500091112 - 'You do not have the components for which I asked,
2500091113 - ?'
2500091114 - Collected hateful worm-eyes (
2500091115 - /
2500091116 - )
2500091117 - Corcur may be found near Helegrod in the Misty Mountains. Driftclaw may be found in the land of the giants in the Misty Mountains.\n\nIsdi has asked you to bring her frosted Corcur-staves and Driftclaw's rending-tooth.
2500091118 - 'Now we come to it,
2500091119 - . You may find both Morthrâng and Sálvakh at Carn Dûm in Angmar.'
250009111A - Collected putrid fingernails (
250009111B - /
250009111C - )
250009111D - Collect Rune of Evil Presence
250009111E - Isdi is at the ruins of Edhelion, near Thorin's Hall.\n\nIsdi is waiting for you to return with the first set of components.
250009111F - Collected Emblem of Ritual
2500091120 - Bring last set of components to Isdi
2500091121 - Wights may be found at Imlad Balchorth in Angmar. Worms can be found in Forochel, Eregion, and the Misty Mountains.\n\nIsdi has asked you to bring her hateful worm-eyes and putrid fingernails.
2500091122 - Collected Rune of Evil Presence
2500091123 - Collect Emblem of Ritual
2500091124 - Isdi is at the ruins of Edhelion, near Thorin's Hall.\n\nIsdi is waiting for you to return with the second set of components.
2500091125 - Collect Rune of Evil Presence
2500091126 - Morthrâng is within Urugarth and Sálvakh can be found in Carn Dûm.\n\nIsdi has asked you to bring her an Emblem of Ritual and a Rune of Evil Presence.
2500091127 - Isdi is at the ruins of Edhelion, near Thorin's Hall.\n\nIsdi is waiting for you to return with the last set of components.
2500091128 - Collect frosted Corcur-staves (
2500091129 - /
250009112A - )
250009112B - Collect Driftclaw's rending-tooth
250009112C - Bring first set of components to Isdi
250009112D - Collect hateful worm-eyes (
250009112E - /
250009112F - )
2500091130 - Collect putrid fingernails (
2500091131 - /
2500091132 - )
2500091133 - Bring second set of components to Isdi
2500091134 - Collect hateful worm-eyes (
2500091135 - /
2500091136 - )
2500091137 - Collect putrid fingernails (
2500091138 - /
2500091139 - )
250009113A - Collect Emblem of Ritual
250009113B - Isdi has agreed to help you fashion a weapon that befits the wisdom of an accomplished Lore-master.
250009113C - 'I can make you a weapon befitting the wisdom of an accomplished lore-master such as yourself,
250009113D - . I surely need not tell you that the road to its completion will not be easy -- you are wise enough to know that will be the case.\n\n'However, I must ask you to bring me the components that I will need for its making. Do not fear the difficult road, for that way lies satisfaction.\n\n'First, I will need the staves of the Corcur, who are encamped near Helegrod in the Misty Mountains, and the rending-claw of the great bear Driftclaw who roams the land of the giants in the Misty Mountains.'
2500091200 - Frosted Corcur-stave[e]
2500091201 - The Corcur of the Misty Mountains wield staves such as this in the most inhospitable conditions.
2500091202 - Frosted Corcur-staves[ps]
2500091300 - Driftclaw's Rending-tooth[n]
2500091301 - Driftclaw ripped and tore his prey with sharp teeth such as this.
2500091302 - Driftclaw's Rending-teeth[n]
2500091400 - Putrid Fingernail[e]
2500091401 - This dirty fingernail is speckled and broken.\n\nThis trophy is sought by Hunters and Lore-masters.
2500091402 - Putrid Fingernails[ps]
2500091500 - Emblem of Ritual[v]
2500091501 - This emblem gave to Morthrâng some fell power.\n\nThis trophy is sought by Lore-masters and Minstrels.
2500091502 - Emblems of Ritual[vp]
2500091600 - Rune of Evil Presence[e]
2500091601 - Sálvakh of Angmar drew some unwholesome power from this evil rune.\n\nThis trophy is sought by Lore-masters and Wardens.
2500091602 - Runes of Evil Presence[p]
2500091800 - 'I have made friends with much of the local wild-life; thou would do well to have friends thou can call upon at need.'
2500091801 - Lore-master Trainer
2500091802 - The loremaster possesses the quiet confidence that comes only with great contemplation.
2500091803 - Dalton Willow[mn]
2500091900 - Minor Book of Beasts[E]
2500091901 - Signs of the Wild cost less to cast.
2500091A00 - Sigil - Animal
2500091A01 -
2500091B00 - Minor Book of Nature[E]
2500091B01 - Lore Skills cost less to cast.
2500091C00 - Call - Nature
2500091C01 -
2500091D00 - Minor Book of the Dúnedain[E]
2500091D01 - Signs of Power and Battle cost less to cast.
2500091E00 - Sigil - Dúnedain
2500091E01 -
2500091F00 - 'Only horse around here is the Prancing Pony, in the town of Bree. Sounds like someone started there, at any rate. I'm sorry I don't know anything about the rest of the riddle.'
2500091F01 - 'This riddle is difficult,
2500091F02 - ! I don't have any idea.'
2500091F03 - 'I do not know the solution to your riddle, my friend.'
2500091F04 - 'I do not know the solution to this riddle, though perhaps if you can think of some place where goblins are remembered, you might be onto something.\n\n'But why would anyone want to remember goblins?'
2500091F05 - 'I don't know the riddle, but if you walk \qhalf a day towards the sun and half a day away from the sun,\q you have gone one day's journey, for if you start in the morning, half of the day has you approaching the sun and for the other half it sinks behind you!'
2500091F06 - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true Lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned Lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F07 - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F08 - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F09 - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F0A - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F0B - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F0C - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F0D - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F0E - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F0F - A Lore-master seeks to dissolve all the mysteries of the world, but whether he chooses to share them with others is often a defining characteristic.
2500091F10 - Solve Berenin's first riddle and collect a key from the correct location
2500091F11 - Bring Berenin's first key to Isferon
2500091F12 - Solve Berenin's second riddle and collect a key from the correct location
2500091F13 - Bring Berenin's second key to Isferon
2500091F14 - Solve Berenin's third riddle and collect a key from the correct location
2500091F15 - Bring Berenin's third key to Isferon
2500091F16 - 'This riddle intrigues me. Perhaps \qthe shadow of passage\q refers to the shadow beneath a bridge of some sort?'
2500091F17 - Talk to Isferon and travel with him to the cave
2500091F18 - 'This riddle has me perplexed. I am sorry.'
2500091F19 - 'I think I know something about this riddle, my friend! \qA mighty swing\q could only be referring to Bullroarer Took, who knocked off Golfimbul's head with one mighty swing!\n\n'The whole event is remembered by the statue of Bullroarer that can be found in Brockenborings, on the Greenfields.'
2500091F1A - 'This riddle has me stumped, my friend. I am sorry.'
2500091F1B - 'I love riddles, but I've never heard of this one before!'
2500091F1C - 'This riddle seems to be referring to the Blue Mountains, known in Elvish as Ered Luin. I believe this to be the meaning of \qshe runs through the blue;\q if you can learn what the rest signifies, you should be able to solve it.'
2500091F1D - 'I do not know the answer to this riddle. My apologies.'
2500091F1E - 'This riddle has me stumped, my friend. I am sorry.'
2500091F1F - 'You haven't misplaced the key, have you?'
2500091F20 - 'This is the last key,
2500091F21 - , and now we can open the three boxes that Berenin left for me! I have stored them in a nearby cave for safe-keeping, a cave I once explored with Berenin, long ago. The water on the walls made a sort of music, I remember, as it fell into pools on the floor -- though the cave has been bare and dry now for many years.\n\n'You are a part of this now too,
2500091F22 - . Let me know if you are ready to go, and we can travel to the cave together, and together learn what secrets Berenin has left behind.'
2500091F23 - 'You have not misplaced the key, have you?'
2500091F24 - Isferon is at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin.\n\nYou have been told that Isferon has a puzzle that he cannot solve. As Isferon is a most learned Lore-master, this puzzle must be difficult indeed.
2500091F25 - Isferon gave you the first of Berenin's riddles.\n\nIsferon hopes that you can discover the solution of Berenin's riddle and collect the first of three keys from the location that is described.
2500091F26 - Isferon is at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin.\n\nNow that you have solved the first of three riddles given him by his friend Berenin, you should return the key you found to Isferon at Duillond.
2500091F27 - Isferon gave you the second of Berenin's riddles.\n\nIsferon hopes that you can discover the solution of Berenin's riddle and collect the second of three keys from the location that is described.
2500091F28 - 'I'm not sure about this riddle. \qNo Man, he\q must mean an Elf, Dwarf, or Hobbit, but I've never heard of a Dwarf or Elf that might apply.'
2500091F29 - Isferon is at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin.\n\nNow that you have solved the second of three riddles given him by his friend Berenin, you should return the key you found to Isferon at Duillond.
2500091F2A - 'This riddle seems to be referring to the Blue Mountains, called Ered Luin by the Elves. \qShe runs through the blue\q sounds like a reference to the Blue Mountains to me!'
2500091F2B - Isferon gave you the third of Berenin's riddles.\n\nIsferon hopes that you can discover the solution of Berenin's riddle and collect the last of the three keys from the location that is described.
2500091F2C - 'This riddle has me stumped, my friend. I am sorry.'
2500091F2D - Isferon is at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin.\n\nNow that you have solved the last of three riddles given him by his friend Berenin, you should return the key you found to Isferon at Duillond.
2500091F2E - 'This riddle has me puzzled. Why would anyone seek to remember goblins? And what's this about \qa mighty swing?\q Did someone kill a goblin? Now, that's something of which I can approve!'
2500091F2F - Isferon is at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin.\n\nYou have become a part of Isferon's quest to discover his friend Berenin's legacy by solving the riddles he left, and now Isferon waits to travel with you to the cave where he stored Berenin's locked boxes.
2500091F30 - 'If you start in the morning and walk for half a day towards the sun, for the other half it sinks behind you!\n\n'I don't know what the rest of the riddle means.'
2500091F31 - Isferon is at Duillond, the refuge in Ered Luin.\n\nYou discovered Berenin's legacy -- a desire that he not be forgotten by his friend and to engage in one last game of riddles -- and helped Isferon not lose sight of his friend's memory. Isferon is waiting to speak with you again.


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
2500091F32 - 'An interesting riddle,
2500091F33 - ! Could it be that \qshe runs through the blue\q is actually referring to the Blue Mountains? This area may be called by the Elves Ered Luin, but it is properly known as the Blue Mountains!'
2500091F34 - 'This is an interesting riddle. I cannot dissolve much of it, but I believe \qon one hand, a silent guardian\q must almost certainly refer to a statue of some sort.'
2500091F35 - 'Hobbits have a legend about one of their own that killed a goblin with one swing of a club. It could be that this riddle relates to that legend, though I do not know the details.'
2500091F36 - 'I think I know the solution, my friend. It sounds like the traveller started at the Prancing Pony and then walked one full day eastward. What is one day's journey east of Bree? The Forsaken Inn.'
2500091F37 - 'I do not know the answer to this riddle. I am sorry.'
2500091F38 - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F39 - 'I gave you the second of Berenin's riddles,
2500091F3A - . Solve it, and you will know the location of another one of the keys to the legacy Berenin left me.'
2500091F3B - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F3C - 'I gave you the third of Berenin's riddles,
2500091F3D - . Solve it, and you will know the location of the last of the keys to the legacy Berenin left me.'
2500091F3E - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F3F - 'I gave you the riddle,
2500091F40 - . Solve it, and you will know the location of one of the keys to the legacy Berenin left me, I am certain!'
2500091F41 - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F42 - 'Are you ready to go? The cave is not far from here, and then we will learn what secrets Berenin left in my care.'\n\nThis is a Solo quest, and cannot be completed with a Fellowship.
2500091F43 - 'Isferon at the refuge of Duillond in Ered Luin has come into possession of a puzzle that he hopes a true lore-master will be able to solve. He has kept the details to himself, but if you were to seek him out, I am sure the puzzle would be of interest to you.\n\n'Isferon himself is a most learned lore-master -- I wonder what puzzle could evade his understanding?'
2500091F44 - 'I know the answer to this riddle,
2500091F45 - ! You're looking for the statue of Bullroarer, who knocked off the head of the evil Golfimbul a long time ago and invented the game of Golf while he was at it!\n\n'The statue of Bullroarer is in Brockenborings on Greenfields, in the Shire.'
2500091F46 - 'You have heard of my puzzle,
2500091F47 - ? I do not know why I cannot discover the solution -- I, who have studied the arts of flame and ash, and the mysteries of cinders and coal! \n\n'My friend Berenin despaired of Middle-earth and sailed West some time ago. He left me three small boxes, and said that when I was able to solve the riddles he left in my possession, I would be able to open them. I grieve that Berenin has gone and would learn what secrets he has left to me, but I am unable to determine the solution to the riddles! Poultices and mixes are my prime interests, not word games and trifles.\n\n'I am sure that Berenin left the keys to each box at the locations that solve each riddle, but where these may be, I do not know. I will give you the first riddle, and if you can bring me the key, then I will give you the second riddle, and we will continue in this fashion until we have learned what secrets Berenin left for me when he sailed West. I give you the first riddle and wish you good fortune in deciphering it!'
2500091F48 - 'I think I know the solution! It sounds like the traveller started at the Prancing Pony and then walked one full day eastward. What is one day's journey east of Bree? The Forsaken Inn.\n\n'And furthermore, the Inn has a large hole in the roof! From one point of view, that does sound like a window that couldn't be closed!'
2500091F49 - 'I cannot thank you enough,
2500091F4A - . Hearing Berenin's words brought a joy to my heart that it has not felt in too many years, and to better know his thoughts is the greatest secret your aid could have brought me.\n\n'I am not as clever with words as you are, or as Berenin was, but with the dancing flames I am unmatched. Perhaps I can teach you some measure of knowledge in return for the joy you have brought to me,
2500091F4B - . It is not much, but I hope it will help you in your journeys.'
2500091F4C - 'This riddle seems very easy to me,
2500091F4D - ! Think about it! \qShe runs through the blue\q almost certainly refers to the Blue Mountains, known among the Elves as Ered Luin. \qThe shadow of passage\q just has to be a bridge, and in riddles \qa silent guardian\q is almost always a statue!\n\n'You just need to look near a statue beneath a long bridge in Ered Luin for the solution to this riddle, I warrant!'
2500091F4E - 'I do not know the answer to the riddle, but Bilbo might know better than I.'
2500091F4F - 'You found the first key,
2500091F50 - ! I am impressed, for I was certainly thinking about it the wrong way. \qShe runs through the blue\q seemed to me to indicate a cloud in the sky, and from there I was already on the wrong path.\n\n'But these are the Blue Mountains, if you remember one of their names, and from there it is not as difficult. Berenin always saw things more simply than I did. I remember he would often chide me for overcomplicating things -- this riddle of his seems a lesson, now that I think on it!\n\n'I wonder what is inside the boxes he left in my care when he sailed West? Two riddles remain,
2500091F51 - ! Solve this one, and we will be closer to discovering Berenin's legacy to me!'
2500091F52 - 'I have never heard this riddle before. Perhaps Bilbo will have better fortune in deciphering it.'
2500091F53 - 'I'm not sure about this riddle. \qNo Man, he\q must mean that you're not looking in Breeland, at least. This must be talking about an Elf, Dwarf, or Hobbit.'
2500091F54 - 'You haven't misplaced the key, have you?'
2500091F55 - A Lore-master's Will
2500091F56 - 'This riddle has stumped me. I am sorry!'
2500091F57 - 'I don't know much about the rest of it, but it sounds like \qthe man left his horse\q sounds like someone started at the Prancing Pony and then went somewhere!'
2500091F58 - 'You continue to amaze me,
2500091F59 - -- you are a more learned lore-master than I, that much is clear! On the movements of fire, perhaps, I could teach you something, but for the dissolving of riddles you are far better than I!\n\n'Berenin was the same -- he would often pose confusing entertainments for me to try and decipher, and I only managed to reveal the solutions on rare occasions. He was always on hand to provide hints when I strayed too far from the heart of the matter, and his laughter at my confusion was always warm -- there was no mockery in it. I had forgotten the sound of his laughter until now.\n\n'One riddle remains,
2500091F5A - . Berenin would be impressed with your untangling of the first two, I am sure of it!'
2500091F5B - 'This riddle is puzzling,
2500091F5C - ! All I can think of is that \qthe shadow of passage\q might be a bridge? The solution might be beneath a bridge?'
2500091F5D - 'I've never heard this riddle. Something to do with goblins? Where are there goblins?'
2500092100 - Berenin's First Riddle
2500092101 - Berenin's First Riddle[nps]
2500092102 - She runs through the blue, the shadow of passage falls over her. On one hand, a silent guardian.
2500092200 - Berenin's First Key[n]
2500092201 - Isferon's friend Berenin left this key for him to find, its location revealed by a riddle.
2500092202 - Berenin's First Keys[ns]
2500092300 - Berenin's Second Riddle
2500092301 - Berenin's Second Riddle[nps]
2500092302 - Fierce goblins are remembered, but better still: a mighty swing! No Man, he.
2500092400 - Berenin's Second Key[n]
2500092401 - Isferon's friend Berenin left this key for him to find, its location revealed by a riddle.
2500092402 - Berenin's Second Keys[ns]
2500092500 - Berenin's Third Riddle
2500092501 - Berenin's Third Riddle[nps]
2500092502 - The man left his horse so he could walk half a day towards the sun and half a day away from the sun. When he arrived, they couldn't close the window.
2500092600 - Berenin's Third Key[n]
2500092601 - Isferon's friend Berenin left this key for him to find, its location revealed by a riddle.
2500092602 - Berenin's Third Keys[ns]
2500092700 - 'I thank you,
2500092701 - . I have learned more than I hoped to, and I feel it has made me richer than anything else could have. Let me know if you are ready to go, and we can return to Duillond.'
2500092702 - 'It cannot have been easy to find someone to solve my riddles for you!'
2500092703 - 'Let us return to Duillond,
2500092704 - . I have much to think about.'
2500092705 - Instance: A Lore-master's Will
2500092706 - Isferon is standing inside the cave.\n\nIsferon is waiting to speak with you before he opens up the three boxes and learns what secrets his friend Berenin left behind when he sailed into the West.
2500092707 - Isferon is standing inside the cave.\n\nIsferon is opening the boxes left to him by Berenin.
2500092708 - Isferon is standing inside the cave.\n\nIsferon has opened the three boxes his friend Berenin left behind when he sailed into the West.
2500092709 - 'I am ready to see what Berenin left behind,
250009270A - .'
250009270B - 'I do not understand.'
250009270C - 'This box is full of earth. There are small stones in the dirt.'
250009270D - 'There is a letter inside this box! A letter from Berenin!'
250009270E - 'Here is what the letter says.'
250009270F - Berenin
2500092710 - Watch Isferon open the boxes and learn their secrets
2500092711 - 'The third box is empty, for I leave its contents up to you.'
2500092712 - 'When the time finally comes for you, too, to sail West...'
2500092713 - 'I have gone on too long.'
2500092714 - 'This, then, was my last gift to you, Isferon, though it is as much a gift for me.'
2500092715 - You have come to the cave where Isferon has been keeping the boxes left to him by Berenin.
2500092716 - 'I wanted one last riddle-game with you, Isferon.'
2500092717 - 'I hope you enjoyed it, and I will see you again. Good-bye, my friend!'
2500092718 - 'Hail, Isferon!'
2500092719 - 'Congratulations, first, on your success!'
250009271A - 'No, do not scowl! Written in jest, and with love, Isferon.'
250009271B - 'Why did I leave you these boxes? You must understand by now, surely!'
250009271C - 'Into the first box, I placed a handful of earth.'
250009271D - 'I wanted to remember the feel of that earth between my fingers forever.'
250009271E - 'You will understand someday.'
250009271F - 'Into the second box, I placed this letter.'
2500092720 - 'You refused to speak to me today, but with this letter I can speak to you.'
2500092721 - 'I have the three keys at the ready. Let us see what secrets Berenin left for me when he sailed into the West!'
2500092800 - 'Your studies continue apace,
2500092801 - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
2500092802 - 'Your studies continue apace,
2500092803 - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
2500092804 - A Well-Ordered Mind
2500092805 - 'Your studies continue apace,
2500092806 - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle in Bree-land, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
2500092807 - 'Your studies continue apace,
2500092808 - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle in Bree-land, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
2500092809 - Collected Benton's Catalogue, Page Three
250009280A - 'Are you ready to travel with me to the cave that contains my father's library? I ask only that you keep its location a secret.\n\n'I hope you do not think I am being too forward, but...have you located any pages of my father's catalogue yet? We can search unaided, but perhaps you will be able to learn on which shelf \qOn the Hardiness of Animals in the Wilderness\q resides from them where I failed. No doubt some goblin, brigand, or treasure-seeker of Bree-land has found the pages and carried them off by now.\n\n'If you feel confident that you know on which shelf the book resides, I am ready to travel as well!'\n\nThis is a Solo quest, and cannot be completed with a Fellowship.
250009280B - 'Your studies continue apace,
250009280C - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle in Bree-land, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
250009280D - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle. Staddle is quite near to the town of Bree.'
250009280E - 'Your studies continue apace,
250009280F - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle in Bree-land, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
2500092810 - Dorset Oakes is often deep in contemplation at the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle in Bree-land.\n\nYou have been told to speak with Dorset Oakes in the hope that the Lore-master may be able to instruct you.
2500092811 - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle, not far from town.'
2500092812 - 'Your studies continue apace,
2500092813 - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle in Bree-land, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
2500092814 - Dorset Oakes is at the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle.\n\nDorset Oakes has asked for your help in locating the book \qOn the Hardiness of Animals in the Wilderness,\q and has told you to speak with him when you are ready. He mentioned that the three pages of his father's catalogue would make finding the book much easier.
2500092815 - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle. Staddle is quite near to the town of Bree.'
2500092816 - 'Your studies continue apace,
2500092817 - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, in Bree-land, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
2500092818 - Dorset Oakes is often deep in contemplation at the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle in Breeland.\n\nDorset is waiting to speak with you after your successful retrieval of the book he sought.
2500092819 - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle. Staddle is quite near to the town of Bree in Bree-land.'
250009281A - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle. Staddle is quite near to the town of Bree in Bree-land.'
250009281B - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle. Staddle is quite near to the town of Bree in Bree-land.'
250009281C - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle. Staddle is quite near to the town of Bree in Bree-land.'
250009281D - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle. Staddle is quite near to the town of Bree in Bree-land.'
250009281E - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle, in Bree-land, not far from the town.'
250009281F - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle. Staddle is quite near to the town of Bree in Bree-land.'
2500092820 - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle. Staddle is quite near to the town of Bree in Bree-land.'
2500092821 - Talk to Dorset Oakes
2500092822 - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle. Staddle is quite near to the town of Bree in Bree-land.'
2500092823 - Help Dorset Oakes locate the book he is seeking
2500092824 - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle. Staddle is quite near to the town of Bree in Bree-land.'
2500092825 - Bring the book he sought to Dorset Oakes
2500092826 - 'You can usually find Dorset Oakes in contemplation near the Yellow Tree, south-east of the village of Staddle. Staddle is quite near to the town of Bree in Bree-land.'
2500092827 - 'I thank you again,
2500092828 - ! My father's library is a confusing place.'
2500092829 - 'My father's organizational skills might have needed some work, to tell it honestly.'
250009282A - 'Your studies continue apace,
250009282B - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
250009282C - 'Your studies continue apace,
250009282D - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle in Bree-land, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
250009282E - 'Your studies continue apace,
250009282F - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle in Bree-land, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
2500092830 - 'Your studies continue apace,
2500092831 - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle in Bree-land, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
2500092832 - 'Your studies continue apace,
2500092833 - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle in Bree-land, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
2500092834 - 'Welcome,
2500092835 - . Rumour of my father's wisdom has oft brought lore-masters such as yourself to hear my words, and I fear sometimes that they leave me in disappointment. I do not have the knowledge my father had; indeed, his way of thinking was so very different from my own that I cannot comprehend even what he considered most simple!\n\n'Consider the organization of his library. He found a suitable cave in the rocky hills of Bree-land and took it for his private library, filling it with books and scrolls collected over the course of his long life. But whenever I seek to find one of the books of which he spoke to me, I am completely at a loss. He entrusted me with a catalogue detailing which books could be found on which shelves, but the system simply made no sense to me, and I was careless with the pages. Now I have only the last one! Brigands and goblins have no doubt found the others by now. Without the full catalogue, how am I to find \qOn the Hardiness of Animals in the Wilderness\q? My father assured me before his death that it was on a shelf in his library.\n\n'I will share with you the wisdom contained between its covers if you help me find this book,
2500092836 - . The library is large, and we can search it unaided if you like, but it would certainly be easier with every page of the catalogue. I do not know where they may be, but searching for them will make the book easier to locate. We will need haste, for the goblins have been digging dangerously near to it and are certain to break into the library soon. Speak with me when you are ready to go -- here is the only page of the catalogue I still possess.'
2500092837 - 'You have my thanks, Lore-master
2500092838 - , and more besides, for I will share with you the teachings that lie between the covers of the book we retrieved.\n\n'Such is the path of wisdom, my friend. It is best shared!'
2500092839 - 'Well, where is the book? You haven't lost it, have you?'
250009283A - There are many secrets to be found in the histories of the Free Peoples, waiting only for the careful study of a lore-master of skill and patience.
250009283B - 'Your studies continue apace,
250009283C - . Creatures of nature see in you a friend and ally, and the mysteries of the past lie untapped before you. There is always more to learn, but you have an understanding of this Middle-earth that few others can reach.\n\n'One of the greatest Lore-masters of our day was a man by the name of Benton Oakes. He maintained a vast store of knowledge -- old tomes and scrolls, small trinkets of unusual heritage. It is said that Benton came to an unhappy end, but he is survived by his son Dorset. Dorset, too, is a Lore-master and undoubtedly learned much from his father before Benton met his fate.\n\n'A great tree grows south-east of the village of Staddle, known for the golden leaves it bears all year-round, and Dorset Oakes often tarries there in contemplation. Seek him out, and perhaps he will divulge some of his father's mysteries to you.'
2500092A00 - Benton's Catalogue, Page Three
2500092A01 - Benton's Catalogue, Page Three[n]
2500092A02 - The Lesser-known Wilds: B1, B6, C10-C12\nThe Dangers of the South-lands: B10, D1, D3, D10-D11, E13\nFamily Trees: Bree-land: A6, B7, B12\nFamily Trees: Remnants of the North Kingdom: A7, C7\nUnverified Legends, Volumes 1-12: B11, C8, D2, D7, D9\nUnverified Legends, Volumes 13-20: C9, E2-E4\nCreatures of Evil and Malice: D4, E1, E5\nConcerning the Little Folk: D5\n\nWas there another bookshelf? If so, it has slipped my mind. I am sure my son will be able to manage.\n\n
2500092B00 - 'My father's library is ahead! Hurry, before the goblins arrive!'
2500092B01 - You found the book sought by Dorset Oakes!
2500092B02 - Too late! Battle-hardened goblin-champions have arrived, and you must retreat
2500092B03 - Dorset Oakes has shown you into the cave that once served as his father's library.
2500092B04 - 'Who's knocking around in here?'
2500092B05 - 'You found it,
2500092B06 - ! I can hardly believe it! Quickly, now -- are you ready to leave?'
2500092B07 - 'What's goin' on in here?'
2500092B08 - This cave was once the library of the great Benton Oakes, and its main room is full of bookshelves.\n\nDorset Oakes is waiting for you to find the bookshelf that contains \qOn the Hardiness of Animals in the Wilderness\q.
2500092B09 - 'Let's get out of here before the goblins make things even more difficult!'
2500092B0A - Dorset Oakes is at the entrance of the cave.\n\nDorset is waiting for you to return with the book he asked for.
2500092B0B - 'Somewhere within that library is the book I'm seeking,
2500092B0C - . I hope you know which bookshelf it can be found on, for the goblins are sure to come poking around before too long!'
2500092B0D - Find the bookshelf containing the book Dorset Oakes is seeking before the Goblin-champions arrive
2500092B0E - You have found the book sought by Dorset Oakes!
2500092B0F - Private Instance: A Well-Ordered Mind
2500092C00 - Benton's Catalogue, Page One
2500092C01 - Benton's Catalogue, Page One[n]
2500092C02 - The disorganization of my first library caused me no end of distress when I sought to find one book out of hundreds; now that the mayor has given me permission to use this space -- my collection having greatly expanded -- I have sworn to better organize it.\n\nI collected these tomes and scrolls, but did not stop to read them all. One day, perhaps, I shall have the time to do so. This catalogue will help me to find what books I seek in that unlikely, but rosy event. The most important thing to have is a well-ordered mind, for then you will want for nothing. To that end, I set down this catalogue. In this way, my son Dorset shall be able to locate whatever tome he seeks after I have gone. I pass the entirety to him that he shall become the lore-master I could never be.\n\nI have divided the bookshelves of my new library into five sections by letter: A, B, C, D, and E. The seven bookshelves against the wall opposite the entrance form Section A, numbered 1 through 7, from left to right. Sections B and C are along the right wall of the library, and sections E and D are against the left. The twelve bookshelves of Section B are organized in a crescent shape, with B1 being the nearest to A7, and then moving in that way around the crescent until it ends with B12.\n\nC1 through C12 form a similar crescent, such that if you pass by B12 on \n\n
2500092D00 - Benton's Catalogue, Page Two
2500092D01 - Benton's Catalogue, Page Two[n]
2500092D02 - your left, you will then arrive at C1. These bookshelves are similarly numbered, ending with C12 at the far leg of the crescent.\n\nI turn now to the crescent on the left wall of the library, opposite Section C. This is Section D, but be warned - the bookshelf that is closest to the entrance but remains a part of this structure is D11, and the numbering follows the arc of the crescent backwards: D10, D9, D8, and so on, ending with D1 as the bookshelf at the crown of its other leg.\n\nWhen my collection of materials made necessary the formation of a Section E, I encountered a brief difficulty -- the existing tunnels had been sealed off with stonework, resulting in less usable area in that corner of the library than I was promised. Not wishing to air my complaint, given the mayor's generosity to me, I placed only a portion of the traditional crescent of shelves by the sealed doorway. E5 begins on the left wall closest to the stonework, and then proceeds with E6 and E7 through to E10. E11, E12, and E13 are to be found in the very left corner on the wall by the entrance -- E13 being the shelf closest to the entrance -- and E1 can be found on the other side of the entrance, in the very corner. The next three bookshelves, counting towards the entrance, are E2, E3, and E4.\n\nBooks and Tomes by Theme:\n\nHistories of the Old Kingdoms, Written in the North: B2-B5, C6, E10-E12\nHistories of the Old Kingdoms, Written in the South: A1, A4-A5, B8, C1-C3\nOf Plants and Herbs, Volumes 1-4: C4-C5, D6, D8\nOf Plants and Herbs, Volumes 5-8: E6-E9, A2-A3\n\n
2500092E00 - Isferon[mn]
2500092F00 - Private Instance: A Lore-master's Will
2500092F01 - Instance: A Lore-master's Will
2500093000 - 'A blinding flash is a good way to secure a quick escape when thou find thyself outnumbered.'
2500093001 - Lore-master Trainer
2500093002 - An Elf.
2500093003 - Athradir[mn]
2500093100 - 'Good day. How may I help you?'
2500093101 - Lore-master Trainer
2500093102 - Ráthorm[mn]
2500093200 - 'Alas for Edhelion, and for the once-fair snows of this land….'
2500093201 - Lore-master Trainer
2500093202 - Pennastan[fn]
2500093300 - The eldest and wisest of the Elves spend their time contemplating the past in an effort to glean wisdom from it.
2500093301 - 'Many who have travelled with us are reflecting upon the events of so many years ago. You would benefit from spending time with them and doing the same.\n\n'Hopefully you will not interrupt their contemplation for long, but such reflection may help us in the days to come. Return to me when you are finished. The insight you gain may be of aid in the days ahead.'
2500093302 - The Elf
2500093303 - is in the ruins near Dorongúr Whitethorn.\n\nDorongúr suggested you speak to one of the Elves reflecting upon the events that happened in Edhelion so long ago. You must learn all you can from those who contemplate the past. Listen to their words and learn from their wisdom.
2500093304 - 'It angers me to see what has become of Edhelion since we left. The Dourhands did much to dishonour us. Together we can reflect upon the path of the Champion. Then we shall be prepared to bring justice to these dwarves.\n\n'The Champion does not hide at the back of the ranks. We stand on the front lines, shoulder-to-shoulder with our brethren. \qA! Elbereth Gilthoniel! tol-ammen!\q we cry, vowing to lay down our lives so that our fellows may live.\n\n'Reflect upon these words, and together we can bring justice to this Middle-earth.'


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2500093305 - Dorongúr can be found in the Elf-ruins.\n\nYou sought counsel with the other Elves and learned from their wisdom. Now you should return to Dorongúr.
2500093306 - 'You should speak with the
2500093307 - who has accompanied me here,
2500093308 - .'
2500093309 - 'Ah, if only I were here in the dark days when Edhelion fell. Perhaps things would have been different? Alas, such thoughts do us no good. We are here to protect the future, not dream about the past...for both you and I chose the path of the Guardian.\n\n'There is no glory in battle if it comes to naught. Guardians challenge and taunt our enemies, keeping our allies from harm and shielding them with our own steel and our own sinews. You will learn that even the fiercest enemy has a weakness. It is our calling to strike out against that weakness and save the day.\n\n'May you never forget those that depend upon you, Guardian.'
250009330A - 'Are you ready to go? Good. I have more to teach but you are not quite ready to learn. Go talk to Dorongúr and practice what I taught you.'
250009330B - 'I never knew the fire of wrath until I set my eyes upon the ruins of Edhelion. Mourn for the past, but do not let anger cloud your mind and lead you from the path you follow.\n\n'The Hunter must keep himself under control, lest his arrows fly wild. We are a special breed of warrior. While others depend upon strength of arms and furious emotions, we act with sure, swift strokes and keen-eyed precision. And should the enemy close in, we must strike fast and true.\n\n'Keep your eyes sharp and your mind clear. I have faith in you.'
250009330C - 'You have done well, Guardian. Now you must return to Dorongúr.'
250009330D - 'Greetings. You are a fellow sage, yes? I am glad to see another walking the path of wisdom. Preserving the knowledge of the past is our sacred duty.\n\n'I sense greatness in you,
250009330E - . There are dark clouds upon the horizon, and the shadow of doom. Some may call upon you to face this threat, one greater than any faced in your many years. But you are not alone. The birds and beasts of the land will aid you, as will the very land itself. Your knowledge of forgotten lore and remedies will be of great use to both you and your companions.\n\n'A bright future awaits you. For now, I will share what knowledge I can to start you upon your path.'
250009330F - Talk to the
2500093310 - trainer in Edhelion
2500093311 - 'Now you must leave me, for Dorongúr has a task for you. Fare well,
2500093312 - .'
2500093313 - 'With Edhelion but a shadow of its former glory, I fear that even the sweetest song will never again raise my spirits. Yet the soothing comfort of a silver voice and a gentle melody is exactly what is needed at this moment in time.\n\n'The power to stir the spirit and raise hope...that is the greatest power of the Minstrel. Even when all seems lost, our voices strengthen the resolve of those around us. Hope in the face of despair, light in the face of darkness.\n\n'We must use our gifts well, for only then can we hope to chase the shadow from Middle-earth.'
2500093314 - 'You learn quickly. Now return to Dorongúr and use what I have taught you.'
2500093315 - 'Has the sight of Edhelion darkened your heart,
2500093316 - ? Fear not, for I feel much the same. Although the rune-lore we possess is powerful, it alone cannot stand against such tireless and powerful foes as those we face. We will need to use our knowledge to aid our allies in the days ahead.\n\n'Do not forget, though, that the runes we scribe can strike great fear into our enemies or strengthen our companions' resolve...but the two cannot easily be mixed. Also, do not forget the power of some inscriptions, as they can foretell what may yet happen. Such knowledge, although rare, is a powerful force for us to bring to bear.\n\n'I think we both know what must be done if you wish to continue upon this road. Practice your rune-lore; combat evil and reward goodness. You cannot undo the tragedy of Edhelion, but with careful attention, you may become a great bane to the plans of the Enemy.'
2500093317 - Intro: Meditating on the Past
2500093318 - 'You are quite a capable student, and I wish you good fortune in the years to come. Now we must part ways, for Dorongúr wishes to speak with you.'
2500093319 - 'Mae govannen. I can tell that the sight of the destruction of Edhelion has darkened your spirit,
250009331A - . Do not lose hope, friend, for while the past cannot be changed, we may yet set matters right here.\n\n'As Wardens, our knowledge of sword, spear, shield, and javelin may turn the tide. Also, do not forget that the insight we have into our enemies may lead to just the right combination of blows that may strike terror into their hearts or strengthen our own resolve for the battles ahead. Of course, battles are plentiful for we Wardens, as we always seek to draw the eye of the Enemy away from those who cannot defend themselves.\n\n'I tell you nothing which you do not already know,
250009331B - . However, I tell you these things only so that you may know that you will stand before the challenges ahead and that you shall make a difference.'
250009331C - 'Mae govannen. I can tell that the sight of the destruction of Edhellion has darkened your spirit,
250009331D - . Do not lose hope, friend, for while the past cannot be changed, we may yet set matters right here.\n\n'As Wardens, our knowledge of sword, spear, shield, and javelin may turn the tide. Also, do not forget the insight we have into our enemies may lead to just the right combination of blows that may strike terror into their hearts or strenghten our own resolve for the battles ahead. Of course, battles are plentiful for we Wardens, as we always seek to draw the eye of the Enemy away from those who cannot defend themselves.\n\n'I tell you nothing you do not already know,
250009331E - . However, I tell you these things only so that you may know that you will stand before the challenges ahead and that you shall make a difference.'
2500093400 - 'Beyond the door to the east, you will find Elladan and Dorallas. Elladan is here at the behest of his father, investigating a dark omen that plagues Master Elrond's dreams. Speak with him.\n\n'Master Elrond has told me that it is foolish to rebuild this place, but I do not share his concern. Seek me out should you find the need to return here in the future.\n\n'For now, go to Elladan and help us quiet the darkness in this land.'
2500093401 - 'Master Dorongúr is a good teacher, but his heart is too close to this land. I respect his efforts to reclaim Edhelion and know that he means well, but there are other problems within Ered Luin than this fallen refuge.\n\n'I pray he taught you well, for the road ahead is dark....'
2500093402 - 'Find Elladan beyond the open doorway to the east. I have taught you all I can. Be well,
2500093403 - .'
2500093404 - Scouting the Ruins
2500093405 - 'Goblins? This is ill news indeed.'
2500093406 - Dorongúr Whitethorn sent you to speak with Elladan, one of Elrond's twin sons dispatched to Ered Luin to find out the meaning behind their father's dark vision of the future.
2500093407 - Talk to Elladan in Edhelion
2500093408 - Elladan is through the doorway east of Dorongúr Whitethorn.\n\nDorongúr Whitethorn has sent you to speak with Elladan son of Elrond.
2500093500 - Dorongúr Whitethorn[mn]
2500093600 - 'Welcome,
2500093601 - . I know it has been many, many years since you last laid eyes upon Edhelion. I know the pain you feel upon seeing it as it is, for I too was here when Edhelion fell. It is hard to bear knowing what has become of it and harder to hold back the anger such a sight stirs in my breast....\n\n'There are more important matters, though, to which we must attend. Dorongúr Whitethorn is here and wishes to speak with you. He awaits you at the bottom of the stairs to the south.'
2500093602 - 'Ah, it is good to see you once more,
2500093603 - . Master Elrond is concerned that some great evil is about to be committed here, though he could not see clearly what it is. I would like your help in discovering the nature of the evil.\n\n'Before we delve into this mystery, it would be wise to reflect upon the events of the past. Perhaps they can guide us in the present...and the future. You should seek the counsel of another
2500093604 - , I think, and learn to better your skills.'
2500093605 - 'Dorongúr awaits you at the bottom of the stairs to the south.'
2500093606 - Intro: Elrond's Premonition
2500093607 - 'Even after all these years, the pain of what happened here is still fresh in my mind....'
2500093608 - After being away for centuries, you return to the refuge of Edhelion, along with the sons of Elrond and Dorongúr Whitethorn.
2500093609 - Talk to Dorongúr Whitethorn in Edhelion
250009360A - Dorongúr Whitethorn is at the bottom of the steps within the ruins of Edhelion, beyond the gate.\n\nDorongúr Whitethorn wishes to speak to you about a matter of great importance.
2500093700 -
2500093701 - Merethen[fn]
2500093800 - Follow Edhelben as he directs you to the courtyard of Edhelion.\n\nYou master Talagan Silvertongue has told you that he would like you to make your way to the courtyard of Edhelion and help defend it from further attack.
2500093801 - Fight your way to the courtyard of Edhelion.
2500093802 - NOTE: The files you need to continue your adventures in Middle-earth should finish downloading shortly. Thank you for your patience!
2500093803 - 'Alas,
2500093804 - ...you have lost your beloved master. You may blame me for his death -- I could have saved him, but he bade me go to you instead. Talagan was brave to spare your young life.\n\n'Edhelion is ruined now...Talagan was not the only Elf to die today. Skorgrím will trouble us no more, and the relics are safely buried, but it was such a needless battle!\n\n'Edhelion will fade....'
2500093805 - 'You cannot tarry here any longer,
2500093806 - . Skorgrím's forces are upon us, and I fear they make straight for this library!\n\n'He seeks the relics of Edhelion, though I do not know what a dwarf could want with them. These relics were once coveted by a Gaunt-lord of old. I think the fool believes he can become immortal if he acquires them.'
2500093807 - 'Prepare yourself, I am opening the gate now...'
2500093808 - 'Good -- you are better armed. Your master Talagan wishes to see you before you venture out into the fray. But do hurry! This place is not safe for you.'\n\nACCESSING YOUR INVENTORY: Press 'i' to open your inventory to see the weapon or left-click on the bag icons on the bottom of your screen.\n\nEQUIPPING YOUR WEAPON: Right-click on the weapon in your inventory to equip it. This will replace the flimsy weapon you currently have equipped.\n\nADVICE: You should equip your best weapon before attempting to engage in combat.
2500093809 - 'There is no time to waste,
250009380A - . Go outside with Talagan and see what can be done to stop Skorgrím from advancing. The Dourhands cannot be allowed to take the Gaunt-lord's relics; I have vowed to keep them safe.\n\n'I will hide the relics, then I will join Talagan in protecting the library. Be safe, young
250009380B - .'
250009380C - 'What is he doing? Stop him!'
250009380D - 'Go,
250009380E - ! This is where the storm will converge. Edhelben is down below -- he will let you through the gate to protect what is left of this refuge.'
250009380F - 'I fear for Edhelion. How much more can we withstand? And I hear that Skorgrím has not even shown himself yet...which means the worst is yet to come.'
2500093810 - '
2500093811 - , my dear student! I wish I could let you stay safe within these walls, but Elrond tells me that Skorgrím makes straight for this library.\n\n'You must survive the battle outside, I am afraid. I worry for you! Duel with me one last time, my friend, and show me that you are ready. It will ease my heart!'
2500093812 - 'Ready to do this?'
2500093813 - 'Go,
2500093814 - , and promise me you will return in one piece! Edhelben shall open the gate for you.'
2500093815 - Fight!
2500093816 - 'Oh my god rats!'
2500093817 - 'The east gate!'
2500093818 - 'Urk....'
2500093819 - 'Should have never let Skorgrím talk us into recruiting goblins!'
250009381A - 'I'm never working with goblins again!'
250009381B - 'Move, you lazy goblin!'
250009381C - 'Skorgrím should've never hired goblins!'
250009381D - 'A Elbereth! Edhellen crist!'
250009381E - 'No good goblin!'
250009381F - 'Stand aside, Elf.'
2500093820 - 'Dorongúr!'
2500093821 - 'You cannot stand against us.'
2500093822 - 'Dorongúr! They have broken through!'
2500093823 - 'The relics are mine!'
2500093824 - Now that you have reached the courtyard of Edhelion, follow Dorongúr Whitethorn into it.
2500093825 - Speak with Dorongúr Whitethorn.
2500093826 - Follow Elrond and Dorongúr Whitethorn to the entrance to the halls of Edhelion.\n\nSoon after you entered the courtyard of Edhelion, the Dourhands broke down the gate. Skorgrím and a party of dwarves ran towards the entrance to Edhelion's halls.
2500093827 - Speak with Elrond.
2500093828 - You beloved master Talagan has sacrificed himself to ensure that the relics of Edhelion did not fall into the hands of Skorgrím.\n\nYou should now speak with Elrond about all that has transpired
2500093829 - Speak with Elrond and tell him what you know about Edhelion's relics.
250009382A - Speak with Elrond and tell him what you know about Edhelion's relics.\n\nTalagan has sacrificed himself to ensure that the relics of Edhelion did not fall into the hands of Skorgrím.
250009382B - Speak with Elrond and tell him what you know about Edhelion's relics.\n\nTalagan has sacrificed himself to ensure that the relics of Edhelion did not fall into the hands of Skorgrím.
250009382C - Get Ready...
250009382D - 'Well done,
250009382E - ! You have learned well.'
250009382F - Approach Elrond Move forwards by pressing W)
2500093830 - travel_exit (info)
2500093831 - Talk to Elrond Right-click on Elrond to interact)
2500093832 - Open the satchel Right-click the satchel to collect what is inside)
2500093833 - Follow Elrond to Talagan, your master
2500093834 - Talk to Elrond
2500093835 - Talk to your master, Talagan Silvertongue
2500093836 - 'All we can do now is wait and hope that Elrond's forces come soon.'
2500093837 - Spar with Master Talagan
2500093838 - '...and hope that our defences hold!'
2500093839 - Talk to Elrond
250009383A - Follow Talagan Silvertongue
250009383B - 'Come on, you beast, put your back into it!'
250009383C - 'Come,
250009383D - . The final battle is at hand!'
250009383E - 'Those treasures are almost mine!'
250009383F - 'Prepare yourself...the gate will not hold long!'
2500093840 - 'Look sharp, boys, that gate won't hold long!'
2500093841 - 'The horn-call of Elrond!'
2500093842 - 'Nothing will stop us now!'
2500093843 - 'On hearing the horn-call of Elrond, I thought the battle was over, yet you have brought dire news, that the worst may be yet to come! Let us just hope Elrond comes in time.'
2500093844 - 'We will show those Elves yet!'
2500093845 - travel_exit (desc)
2500093846 - 'Well fought,
2500093847 - !'
2500093848 - 'Talagan! No!'
2500093849 - Elrond Halfelven needs to speak with you
250009384A - There is a weapon in the satchel. You should now loot and equip it before attempting battle
250009384B - Talagan has bested you. You should try again
250009384C - 'Come, young one!'
250009384D - You have bested Talagan
250009384E - Meet Master Talagan outside
250009384F - Defeated Dourhand invaders (
2500093850 - /
2500093851 - )
2500093852 - 'Here, take Haerandir's weapon.'
2500093853 - 'This way! The relics are ours!'
2500093854 - 'Be at peace, Talagan Silvertongue.'
2500093855 - 'This is a sad day. I wish I returned but a few moments earlier.'
2500093856 - 'Talagan wished for you to be safe,
2500093857 - . And the relics are now buried with him.'
2500093858 - 'Fall, beast!'
2500093859 - 'Come,
250009385A - , quickly!'
250009385B - Edhelben[mn]
250009385C - Instance: The Refuge of Edhelion
250009385D - 'Here, young Elf! Arm yourself; there is little time.'
250009385E - 'Alas that it is not over yet. This way!'
250009385F - 'Skorgrím has not shown himself yet....'
2500093860 - 'Ah, it is Talagan's young charge! I will open the gate for you,
2500093861 - !'
2500093862 - 'We have lost much in our battle with the Dourhands.'
2500093863 - 'Quick, come in!'
2500093864 - 'I am glad you have survived this massacre.'
2500093865 - 'Come, my pupil. Show me that you are ready for the war beyond these doors to ease my troubled heart!'
2500093866 - 'Hurry now!'
2500093867 - 'Let us see how well you have learned!'
2500093868 - While visiting Edhelion with your master, an Elf named Talagan, the mountain refuge suddenly finds itself under attack from a violent, bloodthirsty dwarf named Skorgrím, king of the Dourhand family.
2500093869 - 'Uuh....'
250009386A - 'Skorgrím's forces are fell and strong....'
250009386B - 'Tell me, though: what news do you bring?'
250009386C - 'But we must not give up. Skorgrím must not be allowed to reach the relics!'
250009386D - 'Let us to it!'
250009386E - '
250009386F - , hurry! We have little time!'
2500093870 - Follow Elrond and Dorongúr Whitethorn
2500093871 - Talk to Elrond
2500093872 - 'Skorgrím's forces press hard upon us!'
2500093873 - Talk to Elrond
2500093874 - 'That gate will not hold long....'
2500093875 - '
2500093876 - , we can not tarry here!'
2500093877 - 'You must get into the courtyard and bolster our defences there!'
2500093878 - 'Come! This way, young one!'
2500093879 - 'You should continue west, up the stairs.'
250009387A - 'Come, this way. I must defend the library against Skorgrím.'
250009387B - 'Eventually you will make your way to the courtyard's west gate.'
250009387C - 'Be wary of invaders along the way. They are everywhere!'
250009387D - 'Please, come in.'
250009387E - 'Come, follow me! This place isn't safe any longer.'
250009387F - 'Your master, Talagan, wishes to speak with you before you set off to defend Edhelion.'
2500093880 - 'Dorongúr, come! Talagan alone defends the library! He sent me to save
2500093881 - .'
2500093882 - 'Hurry then, come with me! Talagan will need our help!'
2500093883 - 'Go, Talagan. Take
2500093884 - out of here. I must hide the relics before Skorgrím appears to claim them.'
2500093885 - '
2500093886 - , you come as well!'
2500093887 - Talk to Talagan Silvertongue outside of the library
2500093888 - 'Talagan!'
2500093889 - Follow Edhelben
250009388A - Defeat Dourhand invaders (
250009388B - /
250009388C - )
250009388D - Follow Dorongúr Whitethorn
250009388E - Talk to Dorongúr
250009388F - Aid in the defence of the courtyard
2500093890 - '
2500093891 - was last to see them. #-1:
2500093892 - {She[f]|He} would be able to tell you.'
2500093893 - Follow Elrond and Dorongúr Whitethorn
2500093894 - Talk to Elrond
2500093895 - 'Oh, Talagan....'
2500093896 - Talk to Elrond
2500093897 - Talk to Elrond
2500093898 - 'Stay back, Dourhand!'
2500093899 - 'Back, I say! Back!'
250009389A - 'You shall not enter here!'
250009389B - 'Those Dourhands were everywhere! I honestly did not think we would survive, but Dorongúr had the sense to bar the doors to the courtyard. With the courtyard as our final redoubt, we were able to push the Dourhand dwarves back.\n\n'I know though that if the courtyard falls, all of Edhelion may go with it. You must help in the defence of the courtyard. Go up the stairs to the west and travel along until you come to the back gate. Once there, Dorongúr should let you in.\n\n'Be careful; a few of the invaders may still be about.'
250009389C - 'Good, young
250009389D - , you are whole. Do not worry about me, I will be fine. It is but a minor wound. Once I bind it, I will make my way into the courtyard to help as I may. But do not wait on me: go to the courtyard now and help in its defence until Elrond arrives.\n\n'This gate is barred, for fear the other gates will not hold, but the back entrance may be open. Go up the stairs to the west and travel along until you come to the back gate. Once there, Dorongúr will let you in.\n\n'Be careful, though: there may still be a few stragglers left behind.'
250009389E - Elrond Halfelven beckons for you to come and speak with him, for a war rages outside.\n\nSpeak with Elrond. Right-click on characters to interact.
250009389F - 'Those in the courtyard will need your help until Elrond returns. The main gates are barred, so you should travel to the west and go up the stairs. From there, travel along to the back entrance. Hopefully, someone will let you in.\n\n'Be careful, though...there may still be a few stragglers left behind that you may have to deal with.'
25000938A0 - 'Let us go to battle together!'
25000938A1 - Elrond Halfelven beckons for you to come and speak with him, for a war rages outside.\n\nSpeak with Elrond. Right-click on characters to interact.
25000938A2 - The satchel is on the floor near Elrond.\n\nYou should look inside the satchel for any weapons you can use to better protect yourself, for a war rages outside.\n\n Right-click on glowing items to interact with them. To collect the contents of the satchel, click the button marked 'Loot All,' and the items will appear in your inventory.)
25000938A3 - 'Talagan, I have found your student! Quickly -- say what you wish to say.
25000938A4 - is not safe here for long.'
25000938A5 - Now that you have acquired some new weapons, you should equip them.\n\nACCESSING YOUR INVENTORY: Press 'i' to open your inventory to see the weapon or left-click on the bag icons on the bottom of your screen.\n\nEQUIPPING YOUR WEAPON: Right-click on the weapon in your inventory to equip it. This will replace the flimsy weapon you currently have equipped.\n\nADVICE: You should equip your best weapon before attempting to engage in combat.
25000938A6 - Your master Talagan wishes to see that you are prepared to face the battle beyond the doors of the library.\n\nTo start fighting Talagan, right mouse-click on him to initiate your standard attack. To use your Abilities either left mouse-click on the Action Buttons on your Quick Slots Bar (found at the bottom of the screen) or by pressing the associated Hotkey.\n\nDefeat Talagan to advance.
25000938A7 - 'Never!'
25000938A8 - A great thunder has shaken the library. Speak with Elrond to find out what you should do.
25000938A9 - Talagan Silvertongue has told you that he would like you to make your way to the courtyard of Edhelion and help defend it from further attack.
2500093900 - Leaving the Refuge
2500093901 -
2500093A00 -
2500093A01 - Elrond[mn]
2500093B00 - 'Be quick, the refuge may not survive another attack!'\n
2500093B01 -
2500093B02 - Talagan Silvertongue[mn]
2500093C00 - If you would like to skip the remainder of the introductory tutorial experience and be transported to Falathlorn following the defeat of the Dourhands, speak with Elrond.\n\nThis quest must be completed before the tutorial is complete.
2500093C01 - If you would like to skip the remainder of the introductory tutorial experience and be transported to Falathlorn following the defeat of the Dourhands, speak with Elrond.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
2500093C02 - Skip Introduction
2500093C03 -
2500093C04 - Talk to Elrond to skip the Introduction
2500093C05 - If you would like to skip the remainder of the introductory tutorial experience and be transported to Falathlorn following the defeat of the Dourhands, speak with Elrond.
2500093C06 - This quest must be completed before the tutorial is complete
2500093D00 - Thorin's Halls
2500093D01 -
2500093E00 - 'The memories I carry of this place and all those lost are a difficult burden to bear.'
2500093F00 - 'In my battle against the goblins, I managed to kill many before the rest retreated beyond the west gate of Edhelion. The goblins I slew lay about the small pool just east of here. While I keep watch for their companions to return, I would ask that you search the remains of the slain for clues as to why they are here.\n\n'The pool lies beneath the trees to the east. Be wary, for it is home to foul slugs. Be quick now...we must learn what the goblins were up to!'
2500093F01 - 'All of the goblins were carrying dwarf-made pick-axes? Most curious....\n\n'I would understand one or two -- the spoils of some battle with the dwarves, perhaps -- but all of them? Nay, it cannot be only a coincidence. You must bring this information to Durin's Folk.'
2500093F02 - 'Make your way to the small pool to the east and search the dead goblins for information. We must learn why they were here.'
2500093F03 - 'Did you find anything on those bodies? We must discover the reason why the goblins were within the gates of Edhelion!'
2500093F04 - Intro: The Halls of Edhelion
2500093F05 - Elladan entered Edhelion and found goblins digging away at the walls. He slew many of the foul creatures and drove the others and their boggart minions away.
2500093F06 - Collected dwarf pick-axes (
2500093F07 - /
2500093F08 - )
2500093F09 - Search dead goblins (
2500093F0A - /
2500093F0B - )
2500093F0C - The corpses of the slain goblins lie to the east of Elladan, surrounding the pool there.\n\nElladan killed several goblins and wants you to search the dead for clues, while he remains at his post.
2500093F0D - Bring the dwarf pick-axes to Elladan
2500093F0E - Elladan awaits you to the west of the pool.\n\nYour search revealed that many of the goblins carried dwarf-made pick-axes. Elladan will be most interested in your find.
2500094000 - Dwarf Pick-axe[e]
2500094001 - A sharp pick-axe of dwarf-make.
2500094002 - Dwarf Pick-axes[ps]
2500094100 - 'There is a party of Longbeards that has recently come from Erebor. Their leader, Dwalin, was a member of Thorin's Company, which journeyed forth long ago on the Quest of Erebor, and he is a friend of my father's.\n\n'You will find Dwalin standing at Frerin's Court, west of here within the vale. You will need to make your way down the mountainside and across the dwarf-paths to reach him. Bring him the picks and tell him of the goblins. \n\n'Should you find any of the boggart minions that were with these goblins, kill them and search for more of these dwarf-picks. If the boggarts also carry the dwarf-picks, then surely something is amiss, and Dwalin will wish to know this disturbing news.'
2500094101 - 'Greetings, good Elf! What's this? Pick-axes from the bodies of our enemies? I must say you are not the only one who has brought me such news. I think that the Dourhands are falling back to their old ways, but I cannot yet prove it. \n\n'You may have heard tales of Skorgrím, the leader of the Dourhands, and the fall of the Elf-refuge? You were there? Then you know more than I. Still, you may learn something yet.'
2500094102 - 'Go speak with Dwalin. He will be found in Frerin's Court.'
2500094103 - 'A few axes here and there means little. I will be concerned when you show me more.'
2500094104 - Intro: The Longbeards
2500094105 - Goblins were discovered within Edhelion and Elladan fought many of them. He is troubled by what you discovered when you searched the bodies: each of the slain goblins carried dwarf-made pick-axes.
2500094106 - Collected dwarf pick-axe (
2500094107 - /
2500094108 - )
2500094109 - Deliver the dwarf pick-axes to Dwalin at Frerin's Court
250009410A - Dwalin can be found in Frerin's Court, west of the Silver Deep. Boggarts line the way out of Edhelion.\n\nElladan has instructed you to take the dwarf-made picks to Dwalin and tell him of the goblins in the Silver Deep. He also suggested you slay some boggarts and learn if they, too, carry the picks.
250009410B - Collect dwarf pick-axes (
250009410C - /
250009410D - )
2500094200 - 'The Dourhands have brought further disgrace upon their family name.'
2500094201 - Expedition Leader
2500094202 -
2500094203 - Dwalin[mn]
2500094300 - 'The Elves told me about goblins digging in the Silver Deep, and what with the mine guards and the red-robed man...well, it's got me thinking. Are the Dourhands involved? The twitch in my whiskers says yes, but I need solid evidence before I start hurling accusations.\n\n'The first thing to do is learn if the Dourhands are using goblins cohorts. Kill one of the goblins prowling about west of here and search its body for proof of the Dourhands' involvement.\n\n'The goblin prowlers are found in the hills south-west of Frerin's Court.'
2500094301 - 'Oh, beg your pardon! I didn't realize you were around to see the fall of the Refuge. Your face says you're nary a quarter my age but...yes, yes...your eyes say you're far older. \n\n'See, I've learned that the Dourhands met with a Man, one clad in strange red robes. And one of my guards was poisoned...oh, he's fine now. But still, something must be done. Before I go off and challenge the Dourhands, I need irrefutable proof of their deeds.\n\n'The first thing to find out is if they've taken up with the goblins. Go out and slay one of the goblins prowling about here. See if they are carrying anything suspicious.'
2500094302 - 'I knew it! Goblins with dwarf-craft weapons? This has the stink of Dourhand devilry. They've gone back to their old ways, have they? Well, we'll give them something to think about!\n\n'It's time to get to the bottom of this, once and for all...'
2500094303 - Intro: Goblin Prowlers
2500094304 - 'Have you found anything suspicious on those goblin-prowlers yet? They should be lurking in the hills to the south-west.'
2500094305 - Long ago, Skorgrím, lord of the Dourhands, allied himself with goblins and trolls. Dwalin believes the Dourhands are returning to their old ways.
2500094306 - Collected a dwarf sword
2500094307 - Bring the dwarf-made sword to Dwalin
2500094308 - Goblin-prowlers are found to the south-west of Frerin's Court, lurking in the hills of the region.\n\nDwalin has asked you to slay a goblin and search it. If you find anything interesting, return it to Dwalin at once.
2500094309 - Search a goblin prowler
2500094400 - Dwarf Sword[e]
2500094401 - A sword of dwarf-make.
2500094402 - Dwarf Swords[ps]
2500094500 - 'Gormr Doursmith, the Dourhand steward, is responsible for the guards' deaths, and nearly mine as well! He's been seen having dealings with a strange red-robed man and...and...goblins! \n\n'Dwalin must know about this. Find him at Frerin's Court in the centre of town.'
2500094501 - 'Fool Dourhands! But we'll need further evidence if we are going to prove they are going back to their old ways.'
2500094502 - 'Dwalin must be told of Gormr's treachery. Find him at the centre of Frerin's Court.'
2500094503 - Intro: Gormr's Deeds
2500094504 - 'If you hadn't brought those mushrooms when you did,
2500094505 - , well...I shudder to think what would have happened!'
2500094506 - Olin felt much better after taking a remedy made with Elven mushrooms. Free of pain, Olin told you of Gormr Doursmith, the dwarf who leads the Dourhands.
2500094507 - Dwalin can be found in Frerin's Court, the central square of Thorin's Gate.\n\nOlin revealed that Gormr Dourhand is in league with goblins and may have contributed to his poisoning.
2500094600 - 'I'm glad Thorin isn't alive to see what the Dourhands have done to his halls...'
2500094700 - Longbeard
2500094701 -
2500094702 - Olin[mn]
2500094800 - 'I'll not last long if...if help cannot be found for me. Fortunately, I know of something which may be of aid. There are bushes which grow in the vale just north-east of Frerin's Court called nestadalas.\n\n'Venture out north-east of Frerin's Court and gather up leaves from these bushes. They are said to have healing properties. They may well be my only chance.\n\n'Now make haste and do not get lost!'
2500094801 - 'Good, good. Just the smell of these leaves is helping to ease the pain. Now I will tell you what I know!'
2500094802 - 'Do you have the leaves of the nestadalas-bush yet? They are found north-east of Frerin's Court.'


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
2500094803 - Intro: Silver-lined Cure
2500094804 - Olin needs the fronds of the nestadalas-bush to purge himself of the poison the Dourhands gave him.
2500094805 - Collected nestadalas-fronds (
2500094806 - /
2500094807 - )
2500094808 - Bring the nestadalas-fronds to Olin
2500094809 - Nestedelais can be found to the north-east of Frerin's Court.\n\nOlin mentioned that the leaves of the nestadalas-bush were necessary for his cure and asked you to gather some fronds for him.
250009480A - Collect nestadalas-fronds (
250009480B - /
250009480C - )
2500094A00 - 'Before we left for the Lonely Mountain, Thorin asked a few dwarves to stay behind and guard the Silver Deep. They were led by Olin, and it was he who was charged with sending reports to King Dáin. Nobody had heard from Olin in quite a while...long enough to make us worried.\n\n'Olin just returned and is resting to the west of Frerin's Court. You should speak with him and see if you can learn what he's been up to.'
2500094A01 - 'A friendly face at last! You must help me, for I've been poisoned...no doubt by one of those ruffianly Dourhands. I'm weak as a babe...too weak to get help for myself. But a cure is...is near. You must get it for me!\n\n'I must rest now...so very tired. I would tell you more of the Dourhands but I haven't the strength....'
2500094A02 - 'Go west of Frerin's Court and learn from Olin what has transpired in our absence.'
2500094A03 - Intro: Guards of the Silver Deep
2500094A04 - The Guards of the Silver Deep are a group of dwarf-guardians charged by Thorin to ensure that the Silver Deep remains undisturbed.
2500094A05 - Talk to Olin
2500094A06 - Olin may be found to the west of Frerin's Court.\n\nBolli asked you to find Olin, one of the Guards of the Silver Deep, and learn what he knows about the situation at Thorin's Hall.
2500094B00 - Longbeard
2500094B01 -
2500094B02 - Dori[mn]
2500094C00 - 'Excellent,
2500094C01 - , you look stronger already! Now, for your next task.'
2500094C02 - 'Can you believe how the Dourhands have let this place go? Dáin was right to mistrust the word of their envoy. \qWe cannot pay the tribute,\q indeed!\n\n'We should confront these Dourhands about their poor stewardship.'
2500094C03 - Intro: Sharpen Your Skills
2500094C04 - 'Ah, hello to you! Good to see another Guardian about. It's not an easy task we choose to undertake, you know. Most would break under the strain. But not you! You're like me...a born defender.\n\n'You see, it's not all about winning. It's about surviving to fight another day. In battle, a Guardian shields his captain and fellow warriors, enabling them to attack without fear of harm. You're the bulwark. If you fall, all is lost.\n\n'Never forget those who depend upon you, Guardian.'
2500094C05 - 'Good day! Just standing here in the Blue Mountains makes me want to break out into song! But you're a Minstrel like me, here for some advice not a performance. Well, lend an ear!\n\n'As you may know, the Minstrel holds great power...the power to stir the spirit and raise hopes when all seems lost. We'll sing of the glory of our past, songs that can rout armies and crack stone. \n\n'It's not a game, friend. You've a great responsibility, and you had best do your fellow Minstrels proud. Use your gifts well, and you will never know defeat!'
2500094C06 - 'You should find your fellow
2500094C07 - in Frerin's Court.\n\n'Be sure to see Bolli when you've finished your training.'
2500094C08 - 'I would not believe Dourhands would inscribe runes such as these into these pillars. They are a crude folk, true, but such runes....\n\n'Unlike these Dourhands, we use our runes in a right way: to strike great fear into our enemies or strengthen the resolve of our companions. Of course, the two cannot easily be mixed, for runes that inspire the heart cannot easily be followed by runes that strike fear. In addition, these Dourhands know nothing of the most powerful inscriptions, those that grant fore-gleams into the future. Such insight is rare, but quite powerful, if used correctly.\n\n'These Dourhands and their runes are a disgrace to all dwarves everywhere,
2500094C09 - . There is certainly much work to be done!'
2500094C0A - 'Return now to Bolli. He should see your progress.'
2500094C0B - 'It feels good to breathe the air of the Blue Mountains once more! And there's plenty of hunting to be had, eh? If you want a little training, I'm happy to share what I know. Before I do, I'll give you some advice.\n\n'Unlike the Champion or the Guardian, we Hunters don't like to get into the thick of things. It's better if we stand off at a distance and rain arrows down upon the enemy. And if the scoundrel gets too close, we end it...quick. If it doesn't end then and there, you best hope your Guardian is near...ha ha!\n\n'Of course, if your aim is true, then that won't be a problem!'
2500094C0C - The
2500094C0D - trainer awaits you near the centre of Frerin's Court.\n\nNos Grimsong suggested that you spend some time training with the visiting
2500094C0E - .
2500094C0F - 'Bolli will want to know how you are getting on, I am certain. You should return to him.'
2500094C10 - 'It feels good to breathe the air of the Blue Mountains once more! And there's plenty of hunting to be had, eh? If you want a little training, I'm happy to share what I know. Before I do, I'll give you some advice.\n\n'Unlike the Champion or the Guardian, we Hunters don't like to get into the thick of things. It's better if we stand off at a distance and rain arrows down upon the enemy. And if the scoundrel gets too close, we end it...quick. If it doesn't end then and there, you best hope your Guardian is near...ha ha!\n\n'Of course, if your aim is true, then that won't be a problem!'
2500094C11 - Bolli can be found on the northern steps in the centre of Frerin's Court.\n\nYou should return to Bolli and see what else he might have in store for you.
2500094C12 - 'Why don't you go over and talk to Bolli. I am sure that he wants to know how you are getting on.'
2500094C13 - Olin can be found west of the centre of Frerin's Court.\n\nBolli asked you to speak with Olin.
2500094C14 - 'You learn pretty quickly. I think that Bolli would like to see that...why not return to him and let him know your training with me is complete?'
2500094C15 - 'You have learned what you can from me for the moment. Return to Bolli...he will guide you further in your studies.'
2500094C16 - 'I heard from the
2500094C17 - trainer that you're doing well. Good job!'
2500094C18 - 'I'd be proud to have you by my side when battle calls,
2500094C19 - .'
2500094C1A - 'How does your training fare? You look like you can handle anything.'
2500094C1B - 'I bet you're ready for anything,
2500094C1C - !'
2500094C1D - 'I heard from the
2500094C1E - trainer that you are doing well. Good job!'
2500094C1F - 'I'd be proud to have you by my side when battle calls,
2500094C20 - .'
2500094C21 - Talk to the
2500094C22 - trainer in Frerin's Court
2500094C23 - 'How does your training fare? You look like you can handle anything.'
2500094C24 - Talk to Bolli in Frerin's Court
2500094C25 - 'I wager you are ready for anything,
2500094C26 - !'
2500094C27 - Talk to Olin in Frerin's Court
2500094C28 - 'I heard from the
2500094C29 - trainer that you are doing well. Good job!'
2500094C2A - 'I'd be proud to have you by my side when battle calls,
2500094C2B - .'
2500094C2C - 'How does your training fare? You look like you can handle anything.'
2500094C2D - 'I wager you are ready for anything,
2500094C2E - !'
2500094C2F - 'I wager you are ready for anything,
2500094C30 - !'
2500094C31 - Nos Grimsong recommended that you sharpen your skills a bit before attempting to deal with any of the threats that abound in Ered Luin.
2500094C32 - 'You will need courage and skill to deal with the threats that abound in the Blue Mountains,
2500094C33 - .\n\n'Fortunately, there is a
2500094C34 - of some small skill here with us. You should spend some time with him and learn what you may. When he's finished with you, be sure to talk with Bolli again. He's been asking about your progress.\n\n'You can find the
2500094C35 - near the centre of Frerin's Court.'
2500094D00 - 'It's hard to see the old place a mess like this. You would think with all the tribute the Dourhands have been withholding, they could keep the place neat and tidy. Bah, ill-mannered louts is what they are. But there I go running my mouth off again.\n\n'Nos Grimsong over there has been handling our efforts to clean up trouble with the local wildlife. Go see if he has any tasks you can help with.\n\n'Be sure to come back to me later, though; I'll have more work for you after you have gotten your beard wet.'
2500094D01 - 'Well met,
2500094D02 - . Aye, I have work for you. It is good that Bolli sent you.'
2500094D03 - 'You should go talk to Nos Grimsong. He is just over there, in the north-west corner of Frerin's Court.'
2500094D04 - Intro: Return from the Lonely Mountain
2500094D05 - 'It'll take years to clean up the mess these Dourhands have made of the place!'
2500094D06 - After many years of absence, a party of Longbeards has returned to the Blue Mountains and Thorin's Hall.
2500094D07 - Talk to Nos Grimsong in Frerin's Court
2500094D08 - Nos Grimsong can be found in the north-west corner of Frerin's Court.\n\nBolli instructed you to lend your aid to Nos Grimsong.
2500094E00 - 'There are many fell poisons created by the Enemy... You would be wise to learn how to cure them all if you are to travel far into the north-lands.'
2500094E01 - Hunter Trainer
2500094E02 - This dwarf wears his scars proudly, the sign of many successful hunts.
2500094E03 - Jolfur[mn]
2500094F00 - Fire-oil[E]
2500094F01 - This oil can be applied to your arrows or javelins, causing them to deal fire damage for 10 minutes.
2500094F02 - Fire-oils[p]
2500095000 - Some of your ranged skills temporarily deal fire damage. Additionally, critical hits will blister your opponent, causing fire damage over time.
2500095001 - Fire-oil
2500095002 -
2500095003 -
2500095100 - Barrow-iron Bear Trap[e]
2500095101 - An old hunter trap that can be turned back into ingots by a weaponsmith.
2500095102 - Barrow-iron Bear Traps[p]
2500095300 - Create Bear Trap
2500095400 - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
2500095401 - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
2500095402 - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
2500095403 - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
2500095404 - A Hunter's Charge
2500095405 - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
2500095406 - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
2500095407 - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
2500095408 - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
2500095409 - 'Let us go,
250009540A - , and quickly! If the Wargs keep their course, they will come upon the town of Overhill -- we must get there first!'\n\nThis is a Solo quest, and cannot be completed with a Fellowship.
250009540B - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
250009540C - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
250009540D - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
250009540E - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
250009540F - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
2500095410 - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
2500095411 - Gytha Lainey is at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree.\n\nGytha Lainey has sent word to you that she urgently needs your help.
2500095412 - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
2500095413 - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
2500095414 - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
2500095415 - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
2500095416 - Gytha Lainey is at Adso's Camp in Breeland, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.\n\nGytha Lainey is waiting to speak with you and then travel into the Shire to intercept the hunting-party of Wargs that have come south in search of one of their own.
2500095417 - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
2500095418 - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
2500095419 - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
250009541A - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
250009541B - Gytha Lainey is at Adso's Camp in Breeland, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.\n\nGytha Lainey is waiting to speak with you about your defence of the town of Overhill.
250009541C - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
250009541D - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
250009541E - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
250009541F - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
2500095420 - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
2500095421 - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
2500095422 - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
2500095423 - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
2500095424 - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
2500095425 - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
2500095426 - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
2500095427 - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
2500095428 - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
2500095429 - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
250009542A - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
250009542B - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
250009542C - Talk to Gytha Lainey and travel into the Shire
250009542D - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
250009542E - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
250009542F - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
2500095430 - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
2500095431 - 'Gytha Lainey requested your aid with some urgent matter,
2500095432 - . Go to her at once at Adso's Camp in Bree-land, on the road between Buckland and the town of Bree!'
2500095433 - 'Thanks to you, the town of Overhill has been made safe. I am glad.'
2500095434 - 'It was a tough thing,
2500095435 - , but we were able to defeat the Wargs.'
2500095436 - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
2500095437 - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
2500095438 - 'I haven't forgotten that you helped us,
2500095439 - . Thank you again!'
250009543A - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
250009543B - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
250009543C - 'You're an excellent hunter,
250009543D - , and we of Overhill are grateful!'
250009543E - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
250009543F - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
2500095440 - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
2500095441 - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
2500095442 - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
2500095443 - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
2500095444 - 'I'm glad you came with such haste,
2500095445 - , for I don't know who else I could trust to help me with this -- few hunters have proven themselves to me as you have, for the demise of Yellowfang is unmatched as proof of your worth.\n\n'But Yellowfang is merely a pup compared to the danger of which I have learned -- a hunting-party of Wargs, a great breed of wolves, have come out of the north and are even now making their way into the lands of the Little Folk. What little I could learn from the frightened folk of the North Downs told me that these Wargs are looking for one of their number who came south and disappeared.\n\n'This search might have brought them to the Shire, but when they find such a wealth of defenceless \qmorsels,\q they will surely forget their mission and prey upon the people there! We have to find and stop these Wargs before they reach any towns,
2500095446 - ! Let me know if you are ready to travel at once, and with haste!'
2500095447 - 'I was not wrong about you this time,
2500095448 - , for I knew that you were up to the task at hand, and now the Wargs know it too! Though their fellow may remain missing, I do not think they will trouble the Shire again...not for a while yet.\n\n'I charge you with this: always maintain your focus,
2500095449 - -- a true hunter does not stray from her path, no matter the distraction.\n\n'You have my thanks, Hunter
250009544A - .'
250009544B - In times of danger, a trained hunter might be the only one capable of finding and defeating a threat before it strikes.
250009544C - 'A traveller brought word to me that Gytha Lainey is seeking your help,
250009544D - . He was given the message not long ago, and he impressed upon me the urgency of the task, though she did not convey to him its nature.\n\n'You should go to Gytha Lainey at once! It must be something serious to have troubled so great a hunter as she.\n\n'Look for her at Adso's Camp, on the road between Bree-town and Buckland.'
2500095600 - 'Wargs? If these creatures are anything like the big black bear that's caused me no end of grief, they're sure to be fierce!\n\n'I don't want any trouble with none of these Wargs. I'll go inside now, and no questions asked!'
2500095601 - 'Well, you bring disturbing news,
2500095602 - , don't you? Of all the times for my cart to run into trouble, too! I'm sure these Wargs you mentioned wouldn't come anywhere near my home on Bree-hill!\n\n'I'll stay with my friend Everard until this blows over. Thanks for letting me know!'
2500095603 - Instance: A Hunter's Charge
2500095604 - 'Wargs? What could have ever brought such frightening creatures into the Shire?\n\n'I'm going to go inside at once -- you don't need to tell me twice, not this hobbit!'
2500095605 - 'It seems that we're not too late,
2500095606 - -- we have arrived before the Wargs, but I do not know how long it will be before they reach the town.\n\n'Quickly, run into town and tell everyone you see to go inside their homes and not to come back out until we say the danger has passed. Do not take \qno\q for an answer,
2500095607 - -- their lives may depend on doing what we say.\n\n'I will try and determine how far away the creatures may have come since I lost their trail.'
2500095608 - Gytha Lainey has been defeated
2500095609 - 'Hello? The danger has passed, then? I am glad to hear it. You and your friend have my thanks, of course.'
250009560A - 'You have done it,
250009560B - , and I cannot thank you enough! The people of Overhill would have been helpless without our warning and subsequent aid, and though they might not have appreciated the danger, it does my heart good to know that such a place is safe once again from the ravages of war.\n\n'I think the Wargs will not come again into this land, not for a time, yet. I wonder what it is that brought them here?\n\n'Let me know when you are ready to go, and we can travel back to Adso's camp.'
250009560C - 'So the Wargs have gone, then? Good, good. I would have been out here too, of course, just to see what the fuss was all about, but I had the tea on and couldn't get away.\n\n'Good work, though, no mistake about that!'
250009560D - 'I am ready to return to Adso's camp, if you are ready as well. The folk here are always polite, even if they do not always appreciate the presence of \qBig Folk\q like myself. Today, however, I think they do. It makes me smile.'
250009560E - Gytha Lainey is on the road outside Overhill.\n\nYou have come to Overhill with Gytha Lainey to save its people from the danger that threatens them. Gytha is waiting to speak with you about how to proceed.
250009560F - 'It sounds like you took care of things. Thank you for that!'
2500095610 - 'Good, you have done well,
2500095611 - -- now, at least, the hobbits here should be safe for a time should we fail to stop the Wargs.\n\n'Judging from the direction of their tracks before I lost the trail, the Wargs are surely in the Bindbole Wood by now. Look to the north, and try to stop them before they reach the town! They will have split up by this time, and are surely prowling cautiously southward.\n\n'I will try and stop any that reach the town,
2500095612 - , but I am counting on you to defeat as many as you can as they approach -- if too many of the creatures arrive at Overhill at once, I will surely be overwhelmed, and then all hope of stopping the creatures will be gone.'
2500095613 - The people of Overhill are going about their business, oblivious to the danger that lurks somewhere north of their town.\n\nGytha has told you to warn the people of Overhill to stay inside their houses until the danger has passed.
2500095614 - 'A job well done,
2500095615 - !'
2500095616 - Gytha Lainey is in the town of Overhill.\n\nNow that you have told the people of Overhill to go inside their houses, it is up to you and Gytha to stop the intruding Wargs.
2500095617 - 'It's safe now, isn't it?'


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
2500095618 - Gytha Lainey is in Overhill.\n\nYou have successfully defeated the Warg hunting-party that intruded into the Bindbole Wood and should now speak of your success to Gytha Lainey.
2500095619 - 'I don't understand what's been happening to the Shire lately.'
250009561A - 'Everard! Do you have room for me to stay tonight?'
250009561B - 'Tell the townspeople to hide inside their homes! I fear time is short!'
250009561C - 'The rest of the mail can wait!'
250009561D - 'I think the danger has passed, for now!'
250009561E - Talk to Gytha Lainey
250009561F - Talk to the people of Overhill
2500095620 - Talk to Gytha Lainey
2500095621 - 'I will keep an eye on Overhill,
2500095622 - . Try and find the Wargs before they arrive!'
2500095623 - Defeat the intruding Wargs
2500095624 - Talk to Gytha Lainey
2500095625 - 'What a strange night this is!'
2500095626 - 'Thanks for the warning!'
2500095627 - You have travelled with Gytha Lainey to the town of Overhill, in the Shire, to defend its people from the ravages of a prowling group of Wargs that have come down from the north.
2500095628 - 'What's that you said? Wargs? Oh my, what kind of creature is that? Well, whatever they are, they don't have any business coming to Overhill, and I don't mind saying it!\n\n'It's late, and I was planning on going inside soon anyway. I'll turn in for the night, and I hope that in the morning these creatures will have come to their senses and left Overhill alone!'
2500095700 - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
2500095701 - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095702 - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
2500095703 - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095704 - The Hunter's Path
2500095705 - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
2500095706 - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095707 - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
2500095708 - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095709 - 'Are you ready to go? We will travel into the Old Forest, and I will judge your merit -- if you can defeat Yellowfang, you might be worthy of my teaching.\n\n'Keep in your mind these two warnings, however. The Old Forest is a confusing place for the unwary, and it seems as if the trees move about when you are not looking. Even if you have journeyed beneath the canopy before, you might find that the paths are unknown to you now.\n\n'And secondly, Yellowfang is no fool. She will not challenge you unless you can somehow draw her out of hiding. Your combat ability, as well as your skill at tracking, will be tested.'\n\nThis is a Solo quest, and cannot be completed with a Fellowship.
250009570A - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
250009570B - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
250009570C - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
250009570D - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
250009570E - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
250009570F - Gytha Lainey, a hunter of great skill, can be found in Bree-land at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.\n\nYou have been told to speak with Gytha Lainey for instruction in the art of the hunter.
2500095710 - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095711 - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
2500095712 - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095713 - Gytha Lainey, a hunter of great skill, can be found in Bree-land at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road between Bree and Buckland.\n\nGytha is waiting to speak with you about journeying into the Old Forest.
2500095714 - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095715 - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
2500095716 - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095717 - Gytha Lainey, a hunter of great skill, can be found in Bree-land at Adso's Camp, on the Great East Road between Bree and Buckland.\n\nGytha is waiting to speak with you about your victory over Yellowfang within the Old Forest.
2500095718 - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095719 - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
250009571A - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
250009571B - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
250009571C - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
250009571D - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
250009571E - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
250009571F - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095720 - Journey with Gytha Lainey into the Old Forest
2500095721 - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095722 - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095723 - 'You can find Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the road between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095724 - 'I am sorry again for doubting you,
2500095725 - .'
2500095726 - 'No ordinary hunter could have bested Yellowfang. You have done well!'
2500095727 - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
2500095728 - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095729 - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
250009572A - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
250009572B - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
250009572C - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
250009572D - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
250009572E - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
250009572F - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
2500095730 - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095731 - 'You say you are a hunter, but what proof do you have that you have chosen the right calling? Perhaps you should have been a minstrel, like that Prescott fellow who sometimes sings of my doings. Or perhaps the calling of burglar would have suited you better, like the hobbit back there with his eyes on Adso's roast?\n\n'Still you say you are worthy of calling yourself a hunter! I shall be the judge of that, then, for I have a challenge for you. A mighty wolf stalks among the fallen leaves of the Old Forest, but she displays unusual cunning for her kind and is a menace to those who stray from the paths.\n\n'Speak with me if you are willing to undertake this challenge, and I will go with you into the forest. There will I judge your skill in bringing down the terrible Yellowfang.'
2500095732 - 'You surprised me,
2500095733 - . I did not believe you were capable of finding and defeating Yellowfang, and for that you have my apologies.\n\n'You are a hunter of great promise, and are already well on your way to learning an important technique on your own: the ability to more quickly let fly your arrows.'
2500095734 - For a true hunter, speed and precision are everything. A lack of one brings ill fortune. A lack of both brings disaster.
2500095735 - 'Your aim is true and your eyes sharp,
2500095736 - , but your prey is still weak. You are not yet skilled enough to hold your own against the foes you need to face.\n\n'I may know someone who can guide you. Gytha Lainey is a hunter of no small skill, and though she has little patience for the undeserving, if she feels you are worthy of the instruction, she will gladly teach you what she knows.\n\n'Look for Gytha Lainey at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland.'
2500095900 - 'Yellowfang is no more? I am surprised,
2500095901 - , but I have no reason to doubt your words. It could be that I misjudged your worth as a hunter.'
2500095902 - 'I will lead the way back to Adso's Camp,
2500095903 - , if you are ready to leave.'
2500095904 - 'Yellowfang is hiding somewhere within the Old Forest, but you will need to show some cunning of your own if you are to locate her,
2500095905 - .\n\n'I will wait for you to defeat the mighty wolf. If you are worthy of calling yourself a hunter, you should be able to do this deed.'
2500095906 - Instance: The Hunter's Path
2500095907 - Gytha Lainey has brought you into the Old Forest to challenge your skill as a hunter.
2500095908 - Defeated Yellowfang
2500095909 - Defeat Yellowfang
250009590A - Yellowfang is somewhere within the Old Forest.\n\nGytha Lainey has tasked you with defeating Yellowfang, a deadly wolf that stalks the Old Forest. She warned you that Yellowfang is cunning, and you will need to devise some way to lure her out of hiding.
250009590B - Gytha Lainey is waiting for you somewhere in the Old Forest.\n\nGytha will be both pleased and surprised to know that you have defeated Yellowfang.
2500095A00 - 'You have come far,
2500095A01 - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A02 - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A03 - 'You have come far,
2500095A04 - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A05 - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A06 - Hunter: The Swiftest Arrow is Learning
2500095A07 - 'You have come far,
2500095A08 - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A09 - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A0A - 'You have come far,
2500095A0B - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A0C - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A0D - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A0E - As a Hunter, you have achieved such renown as to receive a summons from Fenton Marshley of Archet.\n\nYou should seek Fenton Marshley to receive further training in your class.
2500095A0F - 'You have come far,
2500095A10 - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A11 - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A12 - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A13 - 'You have come far,
2500095A14 - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A15 - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A16 - Fenton Marshley is outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land.\n\nYou have been told to speak with Fenton Marshley, a skilled hunter who may have some words for you.
2500095A17 - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A18 - 'You have come far,
2500095A19 - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A1A - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A1B - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A1C - 'You have come far,
2500095A1D - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A1E - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A1F - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A20 - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A21 - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A22 - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A23 - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A24 - Fenton Marshley is outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land.\n\nYou have been told to speak with Fenton Marshley, a skilled hunter who may have some words for you.
2500095A25 - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A26 - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A27 - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A28 - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A29 - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A2A - 'Fenton Marshley makes his home at the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land. He may have some words for a hunter such as yourself that has reached such a high level of skill.'
2500095A2B - 'You have come far,
2500095A2C - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A2D - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A2E - 'You have come far,
2500095A2F - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A30 - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, in Bree-land, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A31 - 'You have come far,
2500095A32 - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A33 - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A34 - 'You have come far,
2500095A35 - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A36 - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A37 - 'You have come far,
2500095A38 - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A39 - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A3A - 'You have come far,
2500095A3B - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A3C - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095A3D - Meet Fenton Marshley for further Hunter training
2500095A3E - 'It is an honour and a privilege to meet you,
2500095A3F - . Many good folk depend on us for their protection and the safety of their borders, though they may not know it. We have the respect of the Rangers of the North for a reason, and our paths often cross with theirs, to the betterment of all.'
2500095A40 - You have braved many challenges and walked many leagues through the wilderness, and now you are counted among the greatest of hunters.
2500095A41 - 'You have come far,
2500095A42 - , over hill and beneath the woods, but I speak not only of your weary travels...I speak, too, of your mind's strength. A true hunter strengthens his body and his mind, the better to face the perils of the wilderness.\n\n'Few indeed possess the skill you have attained,
2500095A43 - , and I direct you now to one such hunter, a Man by the name of Fenton Marshley. He makes his home at the Hunting Lodge once marshalled by Jon Brackenbook.\n\n'Speak to Fenton outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet, for he will surely have words of interest to you.'
2500095B00 - 'Good day. How may I help you?'
2500095B01 - Hunter Trainer
2500095B02 - Freshly returned from a hunt, this lanky hunter is willing to help those who share his path.
2500095B03 - Darren Mills[mns]
2500095C00 - 'We Dourhands have far superior skills.'
2500095C01 - Hunter Trainer
2500095C02 - Dourhand[m]
2500095D00 - 'A keen eye will catch you your quarry.'
2500095D01 - Fenton Marshley[mn]
2500095E00 - 'You return in victory,
2500095E01 - ! I am pleased to see that you bring with you the hide of Zorrgolug and helmets of the Tarkrîp tinged with brimstone. The tale of your deeds grows ever longer!\n\n'There are more components to seek,
2500095E02 - . Next I will need the glossy hides of cave-claws and the horns of the Neekerbreekers that dwell in Angmar and other such evil places.'
2500095E03 - 'You do not have the first set of components I asked for,
2500095E04 - ? How can this be?'
2500095E05 - Articles of Discovery
2500095E06 - 'I welcome you once again,
2500095E07 - , for I see that you have returned with the glossy skins and corroded horns I tasked you with obtaining.\n\n'The last set of components remains, and obtaining these will not be easy. Do not despair! I am confident that you can retrieve them, even from the blackest depths of the shadow itself!\n\n'I need now a Rune of Winged Dominance, borne by the merrevail Mormoz and Azgoth at Carn Dûm, and an Insignia of Battle, carried by Sorkrank and Burzfîl at Urugarth.'
2500095E08 - 'You have not returned with the second set of components for which I asked,
2500095E09 - .'
2500095E0A - Collected Zorrgolug's matted hide
2500095E0B - 'You may find the Warg Zorrgolug prowling in Fasach-falroid in Angmar. The Tarkrîp goblins may also be found in Angmar, but dwelling among the Orc-camps of Malenhad.'
2500095E0C - 'You emerge triumphant from the darkness,
2500095E0D - , and I rejoice to see it!\n\n'I marvel at your hunting prowess, my friend. Wear this small token with pride, for you have earned it with your hard work and your dedication!'
2500095E0E - Collected brimstone-tinged Tarkrîp-helmets (
2500095E0F - /
2500095E10 - )
2500095E11 - 'As I have told you, you may find both cave-claws and nerbeglir in Angmar and other evil places.'
2500095E12 - 'You have not brought me the components for which I asked,
2500095E13 - .'
2500095E14 - Collected glossy cave-claw skins (
2500095E15 - /
2500095E16 - )
2500095E17 - Zorrgolug prowls in Fasach-falroid in Angmar. Tarkrîp goblins dwell among the Orc-camps of Malenhad in Angmar.\n\nFenton Marshley asked you to bring him the matted hide of the Warg Zorrgolug and brimstone-tinged Tarkrîp helmets.
2500095E18 - 'You may find Mormoz and Azgoth at Carn Dûm, while Sorkrank and Burzfîl serve at Urugarth.'
2500095E19 - Collected corroded Neekerbreeker-horns (
2500095E1A - /
2500095E1B - )
2500095E1C - Collect Insignia of Battle
2500095E1D - Fenton Marshley is at the Hunting Lodge east of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land.\n\nYou have collected the first set of components Fenton Marshley asked you to bring him.
2500095E1E - Collected Rune of Winged Dominance
2500095E1F - Bring last set of components to Fenton Marshley
2500095E20 - Cave-claws and nerbeglir dwell in Angmar and other such evil places.\n\nFenton Marshley asked you to bring him glossy cave-claw skins and corroded Neekerbreeker-horns.
2500095E21 - Collected Insignia of Battle
2500095E22 - Collect Rune of Winged Dominance
2500095E23 - Fenton Marshley is at the Hunting Lodge east of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land.\n\nYou have collected the second set of components Fenton Marshley asked you to bring him.
2500095E24 - Collect Insignia of Battle
2500095E25 - Mormoz and Azgoth may be found at Carn Dûm in Angmar. Sorkrank and Burzfîl serve at Urugarth.\n\nFenton asked you to bring him a Rune of Winged Dominance and an Insignia of Battle.
2500095E26 - Fenton Marshley is at the Hunting Lodge east of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land.\n\nYou have collected the final set of components Fenton Marshley asked you to bring him.


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
2500095E27 - Collect Zorrgolug's matted hide
2500095E28 - Collect brimstone-tinged Tarkrîp-helmets (
2500095E29 - /
2500095E2A - )
2500095E2B - Bring the first set of components to Fenton Marshley
2500095E2C - Collect glossy cave-claw skins (
2500095E2D - /
2500095E2E - )
2500095E2F - Collect corroded Neekerbreeker-horns (
2500095E30 - /
2500095E31 - )
2500095E32 - Bring second set of components to Fenton Marshley
2500095E33 - Collect glossy cave-claw skins (
2500095E34 - /
2500095E35 - )
2500095E36 - Collect corroded Neekerbreeker-horns (
2500095E37 - /
2500095E38 - )
2500095E39 - Collect Rune of Winged Dominance
2500095E3A - Fenton Marshley has agreed to help you fashion a piece of equipment worthy of your great skill as a hunter.
2500095E3B - 'I can make you a piece of equipment worthy of your skill as a hunter,
2500095E3C - , but with this offer I give to you a warning: the tale of this piece will be hard-fought and purchased with great toil.\n\n'I will need time between each stage of the process, so do not bring me everything at once. I will first need the matted hide of Zorrgolug, a great Warg of Fasach-falroid, and five brimstone-tinged Tarkrîp helmets affected by the great swamp of Malenhad. Begin your hunt with confidence and finish it with triumph!'
2500095F00 - Zorrgolug's Matted Hide[n]
2500095F01 - Zorrgolug's tough hide is matted and tangled by life in the wild.
2500095F02 - Zorrgolug's Matted Hides[ns]
2500096000 - Brimstone-tinged Tarkrîp-helmet[e]
2500096001 - The helmets of the Tarkrîp have been corroded by the swamp's fumes.
2500096002 - Brimstone-tinged Tarkrîp-helmets[ps]
2500096100 - Corroded Neekerbreeker Horn[e]
2500096101 - This neekerbreeker horn is covered in rust-like patches.\n\nThis trophy is sought by Captains, Hunters, Rune-keepers, and Beornings.
2500096102 - Corroded Neekerbreeker Horns[ps]
2500096200 - Rune of Winged Dominance[e]
2500096201 - The morroval Mormoz once held this rune, and it gave to her some measure of fell strength.\n\nThis trophy is sought by Hunters, Minstrels, and Rune-keepers.
2500096202 - Runes of Winged Dominance[p]
2500096400 - Fenton Marshley, impressed by your dedication and your ability, has recommended that you speak with Legolas, an Elf possessed of great skill in the hunt.
2500096401 - 'You are deserving of equipment that reflects your well-honed skill,
2500096402 - , and I would be delighted to help you fashion it. Be advised, however, that no path worth following is an easy one. The things I can help you prepare will only be as good as the story behind them, and the story behind these implements and articles will be one of fell dangers and the ultimate triumph over evil.\n\n'A hunter of lesser stature would despair of this road into the dark, but you, I know, will come again into the light of the sun. Speak with me if you are ready to set upon this path.'
2500096403 - Fenton Marshley knows of a legendary hunter who could teach you great lessons, but first you must be suitably outfitted.
2500096404 - 'Allow me to congratulate you on your great accomplishments,
2500096405 - . Few hunters can boast of the dangers you have braved and the dark places into which your hunts have taken you, and you should be proud of your deeds, for they are worthy of commendation!\n\n'My home is in Dale, but the way of the hunter is one that wanders. As I passed through the Mirkwood on the journey that eventually brought me here, I chanced upon a party of Elves that were leaving Thranduil's halls on some errand to speak with Elrond of Rivendell. One of that company, a fair Elf named Legolas, seemed to be a hunter of no small skill.\n\n'I can teach you nothing more, but I am sure this Legolas could give you some manner of instruction. If he is still at Rivendell, seek him out in one of the guest rooms along the road that winds up the southern slope of the Vale of Imladris and you may find a willing teacher.'
2500096406 - Fenton Marshley is outside the Hunting Lodge east of the town of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land.
2500096407 - Legolas may still be in Rivendell, in one of the guest rooms of Elrond's House.\n\nFenton Marshley encountered a party of Elves on his journey through the Mirkwood and believes that one of that company might still have things to teach even a skilled hunter such as yourself.
2500096408 - 'You need to complete the tasks I set before you.'
2500096409 - 'I bid you welcome,
250009640A - , as one hunter to another! I remember Fenton Marshley, for we were not far from my father's halls when we came upon him and offered to show him the way there to rest. He politely refused, saying he still had some miles left in him to walk that day. He seemed a hardy sort.\n\n'There is little I need to teach you,
250009640B - , for you are already possessed of many skills! I can give you this, however: it is more important to be watchful, to be always aware of your surroundings, than it is to be strong. Strength of arm is important, for the bow-string must be taut before her arrow will fly, but strength of mind is more important than all! Be ever-watchful,
250009640C - , and your bow will never want for targets.\n\n'I will see you again, my friend, and it is to be hoped in happier days! It is always a pleasure to speak with one who follows the same course, though the paths be different.'
250009640D - 'I do not know the nature of the errand that brought Legolas and his people to Rivendell, but he seemed a hunter of no small skill. He may be able to impart to you even more hunter's wisdom. Look for him in one of the guest rooms along the road that winds up the southern slope of the Vale of Imladris.'
250009640E - 'Greetings, fellow hunter!'
250009640F - Complete Articles of Discovery
2500096410 - 'It is always a pleasure to speak with you,
2500096411 - .'
2500096412 - Complete Implements of the Hunt
2500096413 - Talk to Legolas in Rivendell
2500096414 - A Lesson from Legolas
2500096600 - Bow of the Righteous
2500096601 -
2500096700 - 'I rejoice at your return,
2500096701 - , for Driftclaw was of old a fearsome opponent! His claw now will be of use to me in fashioning a weapon worthy of such a hunter as you!\n\n'It may surprise you to know that the staves you have brought are not what I seek. No, it is the corrosion of their surface that is of value. It will lend its bite to your weapon.\n\n'There are more components to be gathered. Now you should find the eyes of worms such as dwell in Forochel and Angmar. I will also need the beaks of the dread-turtles of Angmar and the putrid fingernails of the wights in Imlad Balchorth.'
2500096702 - 'You do not have the first set of components I asked for,
2500096703 - ? Why is this?'
2500096704 - Implements of the Hunt
2500096705 - 'You have returned, and with the components for which I asked! Remarkable!\n\n'You have done very well to this point,
2500096706 - , and have proven yourself a worthy hunter indeed, but your greatest challenge lies ahead.\n\n'The final components I need to fashion you a worthy weapon lie within the dark city of Carn Dûm. That is an evil place, and within its walls you will face great danger if you choose to proceed. I need a Medallion of Passage, borne by the uruks who guard the city, and the putrid slime of Helchgam, which dwells beneath the city.'
2500096707 - 'You do not have the components for which I asked,
2500096708 - . Why? Do you not wish to have this weapon?'
2500096709 - Collected Driftclaw's razor-sharp claw
250009670A - 'You may, of course find Men of Angmar in Angmar. Driftclaw, as I understand it, roams the land of the giants in the Misty Mountains.'
250009670B - 'You have returned,
250009670C - , and with the final components I need!\n\n'The tale of this weapon will be most remarkable, for you have hunted creatures of such malice that few before you would choose to face.\n\n'I am honoured to know you,
250009670D - , and am in your service. I give to you a weapon that I hope will prove worthy of your great skill.'
250009670E - Collected corroded Iron Crown staves (
250009670F - /
2500096710 - )
2500096711 - 'You may find all the creatures you seek in Angmar, though it is said a similar variety of worm lives in Forochel as well.'
2500096712 - 'You do not have the components for which I asked? Why is this so?'
2500096713 - Collected clouded worm-eyes (
2500096714 - /
2500096715 - )
2500096716 - Men of Angmar may be found in Fasach-falroid and near Malenhad in Angmar. Driftclaw may be found in the Misty Mountains, where the giants dwell.\n\nFenton Marshley asked you to bring him one of Driftclaw's razor-sharp claws and the corroded Iron Crown staves carried by the evil Men of Angmar.
2500096717 - 'I do not envy you this task,
2500096718 - , but these final components will allow me to fashion you a truly remarkable weapon. Carn Dûm is home to great evil, but retrieving these things will bring to your weapon incredible strength.'
2500096719 - Collected venomous dread-turtle beaks (
250009671A - /
250009671B - )
250009671C - Bring the second set of components to Fenton Marshley
250009671D - Fenton Marshley is at the Hunting Lodge east of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land.\n\nYou have collected the first set of components Fenton Marshley has asked you to bring him.
250009671E - Collected putrid fingernails (
250009671F - /
2500096720 - )
2500096721 - Collect Medallion of Passage
2500096722 - Worms may be found in Forochel and Angmar. Dread-turtles may be found in Malenhad in Angmar. Wights roam Imlad Balchorth in Angmar.\n\nFenton asked you to bring him clouded worm-eyes, venomous dread-turtle beaks, and putrid fingernails.
2500096723 - Collected Medallion of Passage
2500096724 - Collect putrid slime of Helchgam
2500096725 - Fenton Marshley is at the Hunting Lodge east of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land.\n\nYou have collected the second set of components Fenton Marshley asked you to bring him.
2500096726 - Collected putrid slime of Helchgam
2500096727 - Bring the last set of components to Fenton Marshley
2500096728 - Uruks guard the city of Carn Dûm in Angmar, while the vile Helchgam dwells beneath.\n\nFenton asked you to bring him a Medallion of Passage and the putrid slime of Helchgam.
2500096729 - Collect Medallion of Passage
250009672A - Fenton Marshley is at the Hunting Lodge east of Archet and north of Bree, in Bree-land.\n\nYou have collected the last set of components Fenton Marshley asked you to bring him.
250009672B - Collect putrid slime of Helchgam
250009672C - Collect Driftclaw's razor-sharp claw
250009672D - Collect corroded Iron Crown staves (
250009672E - /
250009672F - )
2500096730 - Bring the first set of components to Fenton Marshley
2500096731 - Collect clouded worm-eyes (
2500096732 - /
2500096733 - )
2500096734 - Collect venomous dread-turtle beaks (
2500096735 - /
2500096736 - )
2500096737 - Collect putrid fingernails (
2500096738 - /
2500096739 - )
250009673A - Collect clouded worm-eyes (
250009673B - /
250009673C - )
250009673D - Collect venomous dread-turtle beaks (
250009673E - /
250009673F - )
2500096740 - Collect putrid fingernails (
2500096741 - /
2500096742 - )
2500096743 - Fenton Marshley has agreed to help you fashion a weapon worthy of your great skill as a hunter. The tale of this weapon will be one of danger and evil, but from these hardships will come strength.
2500096744 - 'I can make you a weapon that befits your great skill as a hunter,
2500096745 - , but you must steel yourself for hardship, for its tale will not be easily won.\n\n'I will need time between each stage of the process, so do not bring me everything at once. I will first need corroded Iron Crown staves, which may be found in Angmar, and a razor-sharp claw belonging to Driftclaw, a great bear of the Misty Mountains, who dwells in the land of the giants.\n\n'May fortune smile upon you during your hunt,
2500096746 - . It has to this point, and I know it will continue to do so.'
2500096800 - Driftclaw's Razor-sharp Claw[n]
2500096801 - The mighty bear Driftclaw stalked the snowy slopes of the Misty Mountains, his claws a terror to those who were forced to go that way.
2500096802 - Driftclaw's Razor-sharp Claws[ps]
2500096900 - Corroded Iron-crown Stave[e]
2500096901 - The toxic fumes in the air have corroded the staves carried by those allied with the Iron Crown.
2500096902 - Corroded Iron-crown Staves[ps]
2500096A00 - Clouded Worm Eye[e]
2500096A01 - The worm's eye is cloudy, all sign of its intelligence gone.\n\nThis trophy is sought by Hunters and Minstrels.
2500096A02 - Clouded Worm Eyes[ps]
2500096B00 - Medallion of Passage[e]
2500096B01 - This medallion once decorated the neck of an uruk charged with guarding the sewers' entrance at Carn Dûm.\n\nThis trophy is sought by Captains and Hunters.
2500096B02 - Medallions of Passage[p]
2500096D00 - Bracelet of Discovery[n]
2500096D01 -
2500096E00 - Earring of Discovery[n]
2500096E01 -
2500096F00 - Zorrgolug[mn]
2500097000 - 'I am Legolas of the woodland realm, sent by my father king Thranduil on an errand of great importance, who might you be?'
2500097001 - Legolas[mns]
2500097100 - A Shot in the Dark
2500097101 - You have discovered A Shot in the Dark!
2500097102 - This page contains entries from some of the hunter's early days. His skills were lacking, and oft he found himself in dire straits only to escape by the merest of chances.
2500097103 - You found a missing page of A Shot in the Dark
2500097104 - This text shows how the hunter finally learned how to move nearly as silently as an Elf, but while he could use his abilities to hide from danger, he could not yet draw his bow without a small noise. That was often enough to warn his prey of his presence.
2500097105 - You found a missing page of A Shot in the Dark
2500097106 - This passage says little of interest. It is mostly a description of his attempts to stalk a lone boar he came upon in the forest.
2500097107 - You found a missing page of A Shot in the Dark
2500097108 - This page relates how the hunter's failed attempt to stalk a wild boar led him into trouble with a band of goblins. The only good that came of the encounter was a firm resolve to master his skills.
2500097109 - This journal is badly weathered and torn -- perhaps by the self-same goblins whom the hunter claims to have frequently out-witted -- and several key passages are missing. Another hunter of renown might be able to shed some light on this unusual book. Legolas of Mirkwood, who is said to be in Eriador on a mission of some import.
250009710A - You found a missing page of A Shot in the Dark
250009710B - This page tells of the hunter's self-training in the heart of Mirkwood, east of the Misty Mountains. When he at last deemed himself ready, he returned to the forests of Eriador to hunt the goblins who had driven him from his home.
250009710C - It may be that the missing pages could be found in the high crags of the Misty Mountains or in the ruins of Angmar.
250009710D - You found a missing page of A Shot in the Dark
250009710E - This page recounts the hunter's first encounter with the goblins after returning to Eriador. He came upon the trail of a goblin scouting-party and hunted them back to their encampment. The page ends there.
250009710F - You found a missing page of A Shot in the Dark
2500097110 - This page tells how, using his newly-trained skills, the hunter slew an entire encampment of goblins without ever being found by them. His skill with a bow and his penchant for stalking the shadows earned him renown among Elven minstrels.
2500097111 - You found a missing page of A Shot in the Dark
2500097112 - The final entry of this journal appears to be instruction on how he trained himself to master the arts of fear and confusion. The entry is unfinished, but it may be of use to a skilled hunter.
2500097113 - You found a missing page of A Shot in the Dark
2500097114 - Talk to Legolas in Rivendell
2500097115 - A Shot in the Dark, page 5
2500097116 - A Shot in the Dark, page 10
2500097117 - A Shot in the Dark, page 14
2500097118 - A Shot in the Dark, page 16
2500097119 - A Shot in the Dark, page 19
250009711A - A Shot in the Dark, page 22
250009711B - A Shot in the Dark, page 23
250009711C - A Shot in the Dark, page 25
250009711D - The first four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Angmar, Eregion, and Moria. The last four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Forochel, Moria, and the Misty Mountains.\n\nThis journal was written by a hunter who seems to have spent much of his time alone somewhere on the western borders of Mirkwood across the Misty Mountains, where few Men live and goblins present a frequent threat. With no allies to rely upon and always outnumbered, he discovered the value of uncertainty and fear as a weapon to keep his pursuers off balance as he strove to survive in that rugged country. Having no-one to talk to, it seems that he chose to create a record of his life and experiences.\n\nThis journal is badly weathered and torn -- perhaps by the self-same goblins whom the hunter claims to have frequently out-witted -- and several key passages are missing. Another hunter of renown might be able to shed some light on this unusual book. Legolas of Mirkwood is said to be in Eriador on a mission of some import.
250009711E - 'Well met,
250009711F - . What have you there? A journal of some sort? The title is not familiar to me, but I may have heard of the man who wrote it. He was one who shunned the company of his own kind and chose to live far from paths well travelled. Still, he did have some contact with my people, and it is through this that I know of him.\n\n'He was a remarkable hunter, particularly for one of the race of Men. I would not wonder to learn that he had no small lineage of the Dúnedain within him. In those days, before the Battle of Five Armies, the goblins would frequently come down from the Misty Mountains to hunt in the western forests and cause no little harm to the Elves that lived there if they could. Rather than avoid these raiding parties, this hunter would stalk them through their entire course, choosing his moments to strike with care and cunning. It is said that he became so adept at striking without warning or mercy, that the mere whistle of his arrow came to cause panic amongst the goblins and Wargs that he hunted.\n\n'Alas, the lives of men are short, so it seems unlikely that he still lives, given the weight of so many winters, but it is interesting to see that this journal of his survived. To an aspiring hunter his writings might be of great interest, if the remaining pieces of the journal could be found.'
2500097300 - Bard's Arrow
2500097301 - A shot that fears the enemy.\n\nMounted Combat Enemies: Fear replaced with attack speed debuff.
2500097400 - Fear
2500097401 -
2500097402 -
2500097403 -
2500097500 - Fervour
2500097501 - Champion skills are fueled by righteous fervour in combat.
2500097600 - Focus
2500097601 - Hunters can focus in combat while remaining still, allowing them to make near-impossible shots.
2500097700 - A Shot in the Dark[n]
2500097701 - A legendary book describing the art of a lone hunter who once stalked Mirkwood, hunting Goblins there with ruthless efficiency.\n\nThis book automatically starts a class deed and will be consumed upon purchase.
2500097702 - A Shot in the Dark[vp]
2500097800 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 5[n]
2500097801 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500097802 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 5[p]
2500097900 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 10[n]
2500097901 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500097902 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 10[p]
2500097A00 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 14[n]
2500097A01 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500097A02 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 14[p]
2500097B00 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 16[n]
2500097B01 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500097B02 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 16[p]
2500097C00 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 19[n]
2500097C01 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500097C02 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 19[p]
2500097D00 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 22[n]
2500097D01 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500097D02 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 22[p]
2500097E00 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 23[n]
2500097E01 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500097E02 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 23[p]
2500097F00 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 25[n]
2500097F01 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500097F02 - A Shot in the Dark, Page 25[p]
2500098000 - The Way of the Hunter
2500098001 - You have discovered The Way of the Hunter
2500098002 - This is the title page of The Way of the Hunter. It does confirm that the text was translated by a lore-master in Rivendell.
2500098003 - You found a missing page of The Way of the Hunter
2500098004 - This page from the preface speaks of the purpose of the book, which is to aid those who choose the path of the hunter to maximize the efficiency of their skills, but it says little to actually do so.
2500098005 - You found a missing page of The Way of the Hunter
2500098006 - The author smoothly transitions into a discussion of tracking and survival skills. There is much here that a student of the hunter's path could benefit from.
2500098007 - You found a missing page of The Way of the Hunter
2500098008 - This page discusses the proper use of a bow from a perch. Precarious balance can lead to many missed shots.
2500098009 - This copy of The Way of the Hunter appears to have been a much more accurate work, probably transcribed by Elven scribes in Rivendell or Lórien -- but unfortunately someone seems to have intentionally defaced the book, ripping several pages from it. Legolas of the Elves might be able to shed some light on the text.
250009800A - You found a missing page of The Way of the Hunter
250009800B - This page outlines the best use of the bow while on the move. Rarely does an arrow fly true when loosed in motion, even from the bow of an Elf, but these techniques may help minimize wayward quarrels.
250009800C - The missing pages may be found among the snowy peaks of the Misty Mountains or the former realm of the Witch-king, Angmar.
250009800D - You found a missing page of The Way of the Hunter
250009800E - This page describes the organization of the forwards scouts of Gondolin in the days before the Goblin Wars. Their tactical knowledge may be of use to the intelligent hunter, though not without the remainder of the book.
250009800F - You found a missing page of The Way of the Hunter
2500098010 - This page helps explain the information found in previous notes, though without all of the previous notes it has little meaning.
2500098011 - You found a missing page of The Way of the Hunter
2500098012 - This page concludes The Way of the Hunter, summarizing the goals, but saying little about the actual text. It is useless outside of the full book.
2500098013 - You found a missing page of The Way of the Hunter
2500098014 - Talk to Legolas in Rivendell
2500098015 - The Way of the Hunter, page 1
2500098016 - The Way of the Hunter, page 3
2500098017 - The Way of the Hunter, page 4
2500098018 - The Way of the Hunter, page 8
2500098019 - The Way of the Hunter, page 17
250009801A - The Way of the Hunter, page 20
250009801B - The Way of the Hunter, page 21
250009801C - The Way of the Hunter, page 28
250009801D - The first four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Angmar, Eregion, and Moria. The last four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Forochel, Moria, and the Misty Mountains.\n\nYou have heard of this book before -- The Way of the Hunter is believed to have been a work produced by Elven hunters who were set to the task of guarding the approaches of the hidden city of Gondolin, which fell to the forces of darkness in the First Age. While this work outlived its authors and has been copied innumerable times since, many of those copies were produced by Men from far older works and are imperfect in their translation, leaving several important points untold.\n\nThis copy of The Way of the Hunter appears to have been a much more accurate work, probably transcribed by Elven scribes in Rivendell or Lórien -- but unfortunately someone seems to have intentionally defaced the book, ripping several pages from it. Legolas of the Elves might be able to shed some light on the text.
250009801E - 'Ah, the Way of the Hunter. My father had an excellent copy of this text that I read in my youth. You are lucky indeed to have found one so accurately copied! Alas, few scholars of Men have a proper appreciation for the older Elven tongues in these latter ages and much is often lost in the transcriptions they create.\n\n'If only some mischievous villain had not seen fit to tear out several of the pages, you would have a great prize in hand with this book! Do not despair though...there are other copies and pages of this tome in the world, and if you can gather them, you may well be able to complete the text after all.\n\n'The wisdom of my brethren many ages past lies within those pages, and you would be much advised to study it should that opportunity present itself.'
2500098200 - Press Onward
2500098201 - Quickly heals a great deal of Morale and Power when out of combat.
2500098300 - Press Onward Morale
2500098301 -
2500098400 - Press Onward Power
2500098401 -
2500098500 - The Way of the Hunter[n]
2500098501 - A legendary book of great age, written by the Elvish hunters who once set guard upon the lost city of Gondolin.\n\nThis book automatically starts a class deed and will be consumed upon purchase.
2500098502 - The Way of the Hunter[p]
2500098600 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 1[n]
2500098601 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500098602 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 1[p]
2500098700 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 3[n]
2500098701 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500098702 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 3[p]
2500098800 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 4[n]
2500098801 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500098802 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 4[p]
2500098900 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 8[n]
2500098901 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500098902 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 8[p]
2500098A00 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 17[n]
2500098A01 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500098A02 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 17[p]
2500098B00 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 20[n]
2500098B01 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500098B02 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 20[p]
2500098C00 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 21[n]
2500098C01 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500098C02 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 21[p]
2500098D00 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 28[n]
2500098D01 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
2500098D02 - The Way of the Hunter, Page 28[p]
2500098E00 - The Furthest Charge
2500098E01 - You have discovered The Furthest Charge
2500098E02 - This page is written in the clear hand of a man well-learned in both letters and war. It describes the Order of Battle of the regiment in which he served during the War of the Last Alliance.
2500098E03 - You replaced a missing page of The Furthest Charge
2500098E04 - This page leads a section of the book describing the early phases of the war, before the Alliance of Elves and Men was fully founded and suspicion was yet rife between the two sides, even as the true threat of Mordor began to reveal itself. This regiment had long been posted in the north to guard the river Anduin as it entered the realm of Gondor -- it is there that the contrivances of the Enemy brought them into unexpected battle with an expedition of Elven warriors come far south out of Lórien.
2500098E05 - You replaced a missing page of The Furthest Charge
2500098E06 - This page describes the contrivance of the Enemy that triggered the ill-fated battle between the forces of Gondor and Lórien. At that time, the forces of Gondor had in their employ men of wild nature whom they paid to bring them news from lands beyond their border, such as the Eastern Marches of Rohan and the Wilderlands.\n\nThey had in part forgotten that they must always be wary of the Enemy's ability to corrupt the hearts of Men, for these untrustworthy scouts brought tidings of a foreign force that had come down the river from the North, armed and armoured in the ways of war and unannounced by any herald -- for those heralds had been slain by dark shadows that crept in the night, unbeknownst to either army.
2500098E07 - You replaced a missing page of The Furthest Charge
2500098E08 - The battle began on a mist-enshrouded morning, as the valiant men of Gondor fell upon the vanguard of the 'invading' host, sowing confusion and panic among the unsuspecting Elves. But the regiment was doubly betrayed, for the quisling servants of the Enemy had lied as well about the size of the Elvish force that had come from the North, and as the main body of their army crested a nearby hill, the Men of Gondor were greatly dismayed, for it was thrice the size they had been told and near equal in number to their own force.
2500098E09 - The Furthest Charge is sadly incomplete, and little can be learned from its cryptic writings. \n\nThe famous Hunter, Bilbo Baggins is known for his love of riddles and mysteries - perhaps he might be able to shed some light on this text?
2500098E0A - You replaced a missing page of The Furthest Charge
2500098E0B - Thinking that the worst of fates had come to pass -- that the Elves had somehow thrown in their lot with the forces of the Enemy and so brought the moment of utter defeat and ruin fast upon them -- the Men of Gondor dared not shrink from their foes in the midst of battle, lest all hope of victory be lost in a moment of hesitation.\n\nTheir Captains rallied the men amongst the remnants of the shattered Elf-vanguard and bade them prepare to charge against the Elves, hoping to rout them from the field of battle with the ferocity of their momentum, knowing that prowess and armour would ensure the victory of their immortal foes should the tide of battle turn for even a moment.
2500098E0C - Collect the pages of The Furthest Charge from the goblins of the Misty Mountains, and the nomads hiding in the Trollshaws.
2500098E0D - You replaced a missing page of The Furthest Charge
2500098E0E - The page follows a florid description of the great blaze of trumpets and the snapping of banners in the rapidly clearing morning, as the sun rose higher upon the field, and the regiment sprang into thunderous motion up the hill.\n\nThe captain then describes his own puzzlement as he watched the archers of the Elf-host begin their response, hurling their arrows not at them, but up into the sky, the motion of each archer seeming almost lazy and indifferent to the onrushing army, but each one moving with a strict and rapid precision that belied their careless aim.
2500098E0F - You replaced a missing page of The Furthest Charge
2500098E10 - This page describes a bedlam of frightened men and horses as arrows rained down among them, a seemingly endless hail of shafts biting armour, flesh, and ground alike with callous indifference. The captain relates that it was not the deadly accuracy of the arrows that inspired fear and chaos, but their random intensity, such that no man upon the field might feel safe or protected for even a moment whether he carried shield or stood in the shadow of his fellow, and so many faltered and stopped, laying about in vain for cover where there was none to be found.\n\nThe indifferent rain continued until all was chaos and disorder, and few were those valiant souls who made their way to the Elf-host, there to die upon sword and pike wielded with ruthless efficiency.
2500098E11 - You replaced a missing page of The Furthest Charge
2500098E12 - The captain's last entry describes matters that followed the battle, after the Elves took him and those few others who survived their injuries upon the field captive, and in a short while untangled the deception of the Enemy, for it had been his purpose that the battle should not be so decisive, or that the Men of the West should emerge victorious over the forces of Lórien and so unravel the nascent Alliance -- but the Elves, having come to little harm in the battle, were thus inclined to be lenient and instead directed their anger even more hotly towards Barad-dûr.\n\nThe captain closes by pondering the irony of his regiment's defeat. Had they acquitted themselves with greater valour and cunning upon the field of battle that day...what then would have befallen the Kingdom of Gondor, or indeed all of Middle-earth in the war that followed? Small comfort for so many friends lost, but such are the whims of fate and war.
2500098E13 - You replaced a missing page of The Furthest Charge


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
2500098E14 - Talk to Legolas in Rivendell
2500098E15 - The Furthest Charge, page 7
2500098E16 - The Furthest Charge, page 9
2500098E17 - The Furthest Charge, page 10
2500098E18 - The Furthest Charge, page 14
2500098E19 - The Furthest Charge, page 17
2500098E1A - The Furthest Charge, page 18
2500098E1B - The Furthest Charge, page 21
2500098E1C - The Furthest Charge, page 24
2500098E1D - The first four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Angmar, Eregion, and Moria. The last four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Forochel, Moria, and the Misty Mountains.\n\nThe Furthest Charge was written by a Captain of Gondor who fought in a misguided battle shortly before the War of the Last Alliance. In this battle, the forces of the young kingdom of Gondor found themselves pitted against a company of Elven hunters out of Lórien, both sides having been tricked into battle by a device of the Enemy, who was determined to cripple the alliance that would eventually result in his overthrow. In this book, the Captain describes a valiant but doomed charge of the Men of Gondor against the Elves, within which they suffered a terrible onslaught of arrows raining down from the sky in such fashion as to cause brave men to cower and falter in their advance, trapped unmoving beneath an endless hail of biting wood and metal.\n\nThe Furthest Charge is considered to be a defining work on the power of the hunter's art in the grand battles that have defined the face of Middle-earth today. Unfortunately, this copy is badly damaged by time and wear. Perhaps Legolas of Mirkwood, purported to be in Eriador, could shed some light upon the text.
2500098E1E - 'You have brought me a most interesting find today, have you not? The Furthest Charge is at once an excellent work on the power of the hunter to alter the tide of battle, while also describing a shameful blot upon the honour of Elves and Men alike by the ease with which it describes our falling to the base trickery of the Enemy.\n\n'Nevertheless, the Alliance held, and the Enemy was overthrown, so perhaps this history serves as much to describe the strength of our bonds as their weakness. I only hope that we can show such strength and honour in the face of the Enemy again as the darkness continues to gain strength in this age.\n\n'Now as to this book, time has taken a toll upon it. Even my eyes cannot make out some of these faded passages, but it is not unique. You may yet be able to find the missing or faded passages elsewhere in the world if you are tireless in your search. And as a hunter, you will find much to learn from the complete text should you succeed.'
2500099000 - Rain of Thorns
2500099001 - Rains thorn arrows down upon your enemies, allowing you to pin multiple targets.\n\nMounted Combat Enemies: Root replaced with a mount acceleration debuff.
2500099100 -
2500099101 - Rain of Thorns Root
2500099102 -
2500099200 - The Furthest Charge[n]
2500099201 - A legendary book detailing the account of a battle between soldiers of Gondor and Elvish hunters of Lórien near the opening of the War of the Last Alliance.\n\nThis book automatically starts a class deed and will be consumed upon purchase.
2500099202 - The Furthest Charge[p]
2500099300 - The Furthest Charge, Page 7 (Old) [n]
2500099301 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
2500099302 - The Furthest Charge, Page 7 (Old) [p]
2500099400 - The Furthest Charge, Page 9 (Old) [n]
2500099401 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
2500099402 - The Furthest Charge, Page 9 (Old) [p]
2500099500 - The Furthest Charge, Page 10 (Old) [n]
2500099501 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
2500099502 - The Furthest Charge, Page 10 (Old) [p]
2500099600 - The Furthest Charge, Page 14 (Old) [n]
2500099601 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
2500099602 - The Furthest Charge, Page 14 (Old) [p]
2500099700 - The Furthest Charge, Page 17 (Old) [n]
2500099701 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
2500099702 - The Furthest Charge, Page 17 (Old) [p]
2500099800 - The Furthest Charge, Page 18 (Old) [n]
2500099801 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
2500099802 - The Furthest Charge, Page 18 (Old) [p]
2500099900 - The Furthest Charge, Page 21 (Old) [n]
2500099901 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
2500099902 - The Furthest Charge, Page 21 (Old) [p]
2500099A00 - The Furthest Charge, Page 24 (Old) [n]
2500099A01 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
2500099A02 - The Furthest Charge, Page 24 (Old) [p]
2500099B00 - 'We must track the Wood-trolls to their lair,
2500099B01 - , if we are to cleanse the corruption that scars the Trollshaws.\n\n'I can take you to them. Their tracks are easily distinguishable in the muddy earth, and Wood-trolls are not known for their subtlety or intelligence. But ask me not in haste! I know of the Nazgûl that Master Elrond has lost, and I fear that it may have lent some of its strength and power to these creatures for them to be so bold. We must be watchful.\n\n'Speak with me when you have gathered such friends as you can trust and are ready to be led into the wild in search of the Wood-trolls, and the evil power I fear may be their ally.'\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
2500099B02 - 'We have ended the Nazgûl's designs by slaying the Wood-troll Taushakh, but the escape of so great a servant of the Enemy casts a shadow upon my heart.'
2500099B03 - 'Are you ready? I can follow the tracks of the Wood-trolls and can lead you to their lair. Bring what friends you can trust, for Wood-trolls are dangerous creatures, and we may find more than one or two.'\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
2500099B04 - Book 4, Chapter 8: The Unmarked Trail
2500099B05 - Legolas recognized the creature you described as one of Wood-trolls and has agreed to help you track the rest down.
2500099B06 - Talk to Legolas in Rivendell and track down the Wood-trolls
2500099B07 - Legolas is in Rivendell, in one of the guest rooms of Elrond's House.\n\nThe Elf-prince from Mirkwood, Legolas, is waiting to help you track down the Wood-trolls in the Trollshaws and defeat them.\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
2500099B08 - Talk to Legolas in Rivendell
2500099B09 - Legolas is in Rivendell, in one of the guest rooms of Elrond's House.\n\nThe Elf-prince from Mirkwood, Legolas, is waiting to speak with you about what the two of you saw in the lair of the Wood-trolls.
2500099C00 - 'Taushakh will remember.'
2500099C01 - 'Attack now earth-foes in the name of the Great Eye!'
2500099C02 - 'Taushakh will not fall so easily!'
2500099C03 - 'That is not the end of the creatures, friend. More are upon us!'
2500099C04 - 'Whatever evil resides within the Gladdalf has disturbed even the trees!'
2500099C05 - 'The trail continues down to the east. Come!'
2500099C06 - 'These are unusually large tracks....'
2500099C07 - 'Come now, I feel our final foe lies ahead!'
2500099C08 - 'Well done! Thanks to your aid, Taushakh's service to Mordor was short indeed!'
2500099C09 - 'The Nazgûl vanished from my view, but he did not immediately depart. Legend tells that one of the Ringwraiths was an Easterling king who had great skill in tracking and stealth...only the dread that lay heavily upon my heart told of his presence. That now is gone, but the memory is black.\n\n'It is good that you defeated Taushakh, for the Nazgûl had given him some power with which to rally the Wood-trolls. In great numbers, they might have threatened Imladris itself! Individually, they are much less of a threat.\n\n'We should return,
2500099C0A - . The Gladdalf grows cold and sad.'
2500099C0B - 'If you are ready to return to Imladris, I will go with you. We must report what has happened here, though the news be grim.'
2500099C0C - 'These tracks are unusual,
2500099C0D - . That they are the prints of wood-trolls cannot be denied, but they are too large even for those of their kind that walk occasionally within southern Mirkwood.\n\n'Let us move into the Gladdalf, but cautiously. We are certain to find the trolls within.\n\n'Stay alert! The wood-trolls will not have become organized enough to exert their influence without help, and there is still a Nazgûl somewhere in these lands.'
2500099C0E - 'The earth groans beneath the tread of evil,
2500099C0F - . There are Wood-trolls near.'
2500099C10 - 'I am ready to proceed as well. The Gladdalf was a place of peace in earlier days, but now it is a den of evil, and I will be glad to leave it.'
2500099C11 - Legolas has been defeated
2500099C12 - 'Come now...some beast calls the fen-crawlers. We must put an end to this creature if we are to continue following the tracks through Gladdalf.'
2500099C13 - Legolas has been defeated
2500099C14 - 'The larger Wood-troll tracks lead to the west. Let us go!'
2500099C15 - 'I knew the moment you defeated the Caller of the Bog,
2500099C16 - , for his command over the creatures of the fen suddenly abated.\n\n'There is something still within the Gladdalf, for the evil that corrupts this place did not vanish with your defeat of the wood-troll that opposed us.\n\n'There is something else behind this woe.'
2500099C17 - Legolas has been defeated
2500099C18 - 'Well-fought, my friend! Let us gather our strength and press onward!'
2500099C19 - 'The earth groans beneath the tread of evil,
2500099C1A - . There are Wood-trolls near.'
2500099C1B - Legolas has been defeated
2500099C1C - Legolas has been defeated
2500099C1D - Legolas has been defeated
2500099C1E - Legolas has led the way deep into the Gladdalf, a remote corner of the Trollshaws, on the trail of the Wood-trolls.
2500099C1F - 'More foes are ahead!'
2500099C20 - 'These creatures are as persistent as their Mirkwood cousins!'
2500099C21 - 'A deep uneasiness lies about this place.'
2500099C22 - 'Never forget your new master. Pain comes to those who do.'
2500099C23 - 'Then prove your loyalty to the Great Eye! Deal with these foes, Taushakh.'
2500099C24 - 'Something evil dwells within these woods. I can feel it.'
2500099C25 - 'I leave them to you!'
2500099C26 - 'Did you hear that?'
2500099C27 - 'Look, to the north! More fen-crawlers!'
2500099C28 - 'Come to Taushakh, earth-foes!'
2500099C29 - Aid Legolas
2500099C2A - 'Come, earth-foes! Rip and tear, gnash and gnaw!'
2500099C2B - Talk to Legolas
2500099C2C - Talk to Legolas
2500099C2D - Follow Legolas
2500099C2E - Talk to Legolas
2500099C2F - Talk to Legolas
2500099C30 - Follow Legolas
2500099C31 - Talk to Legolas
2500099C32 - Aid Legolas
2500099C33 - Talk to Legolas
2500099C34 - Aid Legolas
2500099C35 - Aid Legolas
2500099C36 - 'Look, our foe lies ahead!'
2500099C37 - Aid Legolas
2500099C38 - Talk to Legolas
2500099C39 - 'The way ahead is barred by the trees and roots! We must defeat them!'
2500099C3A - 'Good, now spare a few moments and rest, for the way ahead is fraught with worse perils.'
2500099C3B - 'Careful now, be on your guard!'
2500099C3C - 'I have read the signs aright, my friend! Look east. Wood-trolls!'
2500099C3D - Legolas is following a mysterious trail into the Gladdalf.\n\nYou and Legolas of Mirkwood have followed the signs of the Wood-trolls through the wilderness of the Trollshaws.
2500099C3E - Legolas is threatened by attacking wood-trolls in the Gladdalf.\n\nYou and Legolas of Mirkwood have followed the signs of the Wood-trolls through the wilderness of the Trollshaws.
2500099C3F - Legolas is following a mysterious trail into the Gladdalf.\n\nYou and Legolas of Mirkwood have followed the signs of the Wood-trolls through the wilderness of the Trollshaws.
2500099C40 - Legolas is threatened by droves of corrupted fen-crawlers in the Gladdalf.\n\nYou and Legolas of Mirkwood have followed the signs of the Wood-trolls through the wilderness of the Trollshaws.
2500099C41 - 'I have read the signs aright, my friend! Wood-trolls!'
2500099C42 - Legolas has followed a mysterious trail onto an earthen rise surrounded by water in the centre of the Gladdalf.\n\nYou and Legolas the Elf have followed the signs of the Wood-trolls through the wilderness of the Trollshaws.
2500099C43 - Legolas is waiting to speak with you.\n\nYou and Legolas of Mirkwood have followed the signs of the Wood-trolls through the wilderness of the Trollshaws.
2500099C44 - Legolas has followed a mysterious trail onto an earthen rise surrounded by water in the centre of the Gladdalf.\n\nYou and Legolas the Elf have followed the signs of the Wood-trolls through the wilderness of the Trollshaws.
2500099C45 - 'You have defeated a fearsome foe, but our search is not yet ended.'
2500099C46 - Legolas is following a mysterious trail into the Gladdalf.\n\nYou and Legolas the Elf have followed the signs of the Wood-trolls through the wilderness of the Trollshaws.
2500099C47 - Taushakh, an enormous wood-troll, has gained the allegiance of his kind due to the favour of the Nazgûl.\n\nYou and Legolas the Elf have followed the signs of corrupting influence through the wilderness of the Trollshaws.
2500099C48 - 'Look! The fen-crawlers rise up against us!'
2500099C49 - 'More are approaching from the west. Be ready!'
2500099C4A - Legolas chased the Nazgûl as it fled and is waiting to speak with you.\n\nYou and Legolas the Elf have followed the signs of the Wood-trolls through the wilderness of the Trollshaws.
2500099C4B - 'Even the roots rise up against us!'
2500099C4C - Unmarked Trail
2500099C4D - Instance: The Unmarked Trail
2500099C4E - 'Some foul beast sends these fen-crawlers against us!'
2500099C4F - 'Come now, up to the north.'
2500099E00 -
2500099E01 - Success!
2500099E02 - Interrupted!
2500099F00 - 'Brother, you know we have our orders.'
2500099F01 - 'If you are in need of counsel, seek Elrond my father in the Vale of Imladris.'
2500099F02 - 'Elrohir, I understand your concerns.'
2500099F03 - 'Brother, there may be something to what you say, but we cannot stand idle.'
2500099F04 - 'Elrond our father has made himself very clear, Elrohir, has he not?'
2500099F05 - Elladan[mn]
250009A000 - 'Your tale begins to fill in this puzzle for me,
250009A001 - , and I think I now see what has happened.\n\n'Caught between the remainder of Frodo's company and the raging of the Bruinen, the Nine were forced into the torrent -- but one escaped in the chaos. Near death, his steed bore him through hidden channels into some place where, nearly formless, he gathered his strength.\n\n'His horse he abandoned, and he vanished into the wild. Without his cloak he would be all but invisible to us -- a malice on the wind. If he takes it onto himself again, it is only to give shape to his strength. It means he has survived the ordeal unharmed and will surely strike at us again. We are running out of time,
250009A002 - .'
250009A003 - 'You have not returned with the bridle,
250009A004 - . How am I to examine it to see that this is truly that of the missing Nazgûl's steed?'
250009A005 - Book 4, Chapter 2: The Missing Rider
250009A006 - Flies buzz about the corpse of a black horse
250009A007 - 'We discovered hoofprints leading into the narrow valleys far south of the road through the South Trollshaws. The ruins of Minas Agor are located within those channels and have a fell name. The missing Rider may be sheltering within those crumbling walls.'
250009A008 - You will find inspiration in the darkest places
250009A009 - 'The black steed of the Nazgûl is dead, within the ruins of Minas Agor? We must be certain,
250009A00A - -- return to the ruins and remove the horse's bridle. Only then can we be certain of what you have seen.'
250009A00B - Strength swells within your chest. Here is a place where you can draw upon inspiration.
250009A00C - The hoofprints were discovered far south of the road, and the sons of Elrond believe that the missing Rider might be hiding in the ruins of Minas Agor, located within the narrow channels of the South Trollshaws.\n\nElladan has asked you to follow the Nazgûl into the South Trollshaws.\n\nThe Elf-stone can be used to allow for you to access the inspiration buff while solo or in a smaller fellowship.
250009A00D - 'Great tragedy befell the dwellers of Minas Agor long ago, and the place has never recovered from the memory of what happened there. If it is now a refuge for the missing Nazgûl, it appears its fate has not much changed.\n\n'You will find the ruins south of the Great East Road that runs through the South Trollshaws, amidst the narrow valleys of that place.'
250009A00E - Collected bridle of the black steed
250009A00F - The corpse of a black horse lies in the ruins of Minas Agor, located among the narrow channels of the South Trollshaws.\n\nYou should remove the bridle from the horse's corpse and return with it to Elladan.\n\nThe Elf-stone can be used to allow for you to access the inspiration buff while solo or in a smaller fellowship.
250009A010 - 'You have found the black horse of the Nazgûl? Quickly,
250009A011 - -- return to Minas Agor and bring us the bridle of the steed. We must know for certain.'
250009A012 - You will find inspiration in the darkest places
250009A013 - Elladan is at Thorenhad, located among the Bruinen Gorges, north of a bear-den.\n\nElladan will be both pleased and troubled to see the bridle of the black horse, for it means that the missing Rider is still somewhere within the Trollshaws.
250009A014 - 'You must tell Elladan these grim tidings at once. I confess that a shadow has fallen over my heart, for these lands that I love are endangered by the very presence of the Nazgûl. Would that he had been caught within the Bruinen with the rest of his fell brethren!'
250009A015 - Strength swells within your chest. Here is a place where you can draw upon inspiration.
250009A016 - Strength swells within your chest. Here is a place where you can draw upon inspiration.
250009A017 - You cannot draw upon inspiration here
250009A018 - Find some sign of the missing Nazgûl
250009A019 - Use the Elf-stone to draw upon your inner inspiration
250009A01A - If you find yourself without a full fellowship you may draw upon inspiration
250009A01B - Remove bridle from the black horse's corpse
250009A01C - Use the Elf-stone to draw upon your inner inspiration
250009A01D - If you find yourself without a full fellowship you may draw upon inspiration
250009A01E - Bring bridle of the black steed to Elladan
250009A01F - Elladan and Elrohir have had an unfruitful search for the missing Rider, but the brothers have finally uncovered some traces of his passing.
250009A020 - 'Shortly after Frodo Baggins and his company came to Rivendell, my father sent us to search for signs of the Nazgûl, the Nine Riders of the Enemy. We found the bodies of eight horses downstream, but of the last there was no sign. We searched further, but still found nothing.\n\n'We travelled far afield, into lands to the south, and still found no sign of the fleeing Rider. Only on our return journey did we find something: hoofprints in the South Trollshaws, far south of the road. There are many narrow valleys in that region -- the Nazgûl might lie there, sheltered from prying eyes, waiting for his time to strike.\n\n'Journey far south of the road in the South Trollshaws,
250009A021 - , and seek out the missing Rider. The ruins within those narrow channels have a fell reputation. Minas Agor that place was called of old, and the Nazgûl may have sought it out for that reason.'\n\nThis quest is meant to completed while grouped, but can be attempted solo. The stone you receive upon bestowal can be used for a short term buff that will enable you to benefit from the inspiration buff while in a fellowship smaller than five.\n
250009A100 - Bridle of a Black Steed[e]
250009A101 - This bridle was once worn by a black steed that carried one of the Nine.
250009A102 - Bridles of the Black Steeda[ps]
250009A200 - You hold the beryl of Glorfindel aloft, and it glows with a pale light
250009A201 - The Nazgûl were denied passage across the Bruinen at this crossing
250009A202 - You leave the Ford of Bruinen behind
250009A203 - Elladan was pleased that you found the horse of the missing Rider, but will not be satisfied until he knows its master's fate.
250009A204 - You leave the Ford of Bruinen behind
250009A205 - 'We know more than we did,
250009A206 - , but we do not yet know what we must, for the safety of all those who live or journey in this region: the whereabouts of the missing Nazgûl. His steed was our greatest ally in this search, for while he could remove his cloak and remain nearly unseen, his horse was a mortal creature and its physical trail could be followed. With the creature now dead, either from exhaustion or at his master's hand, our ability to track the Nazgûl is lessened.\n\n'Lessened but not gone, perhaps. I would ask you to return to Imladris and to consult with Lord Glorfindel, for he is accounted very wise and may have some strategem we have not yet tested. He keeps close counsel with my father and with Mithrandir, and often contemplates near the falling water by my father's house.\n\n'He may be able to help us find this missing Nazgûl.'
250009A207 - Lord Glorfindel can be found in Imladris, far to the east of Thorenhad, contemplating the waterfalls by the Last Homely House.\n\nElladan has asked you to consult with the Elf-lord Glorfindel about the missing Rider.
250009A208 - 'You are welcome to Imladris,
250009A209 - . These are times of trouble, but for now, at least, the curtain of shadow is held back and we meet in peace.\n\n'You bring grievous tidings from Elladan, but they are not entirely unlooked-for. I feared that not all of the Nazgûl were claimed by the Bruinen. This stray servant of the Enemy will leave a mark on the wilderness -- he may have already done so -- and we can use it to track him.\n\n'I give you my beryl, and ask you to hold it aloft at the Ford of Bruinen. Return to me once you have done so, and we will speak further.'
250009A20A - The Ford of Bruinen is to the west of Imladris, at the bottom of the steeply-climbing slopes.\n\nLord Glorfindel has given you a beryl and has asked you to test its powers by holding it aloft on the banks of the Bruinen.
250009A20B - Lord Glorfindel is in Imladris, high above the Bruinen and to the east, by the waterfall outside the Last Homely House.\n\nGlorfindel is waiting to speak with you upon your return from the Ford of Bruinen.
250009A20C - 'Look for Glorfindel in Imladris, near the waterfalls by my father's house. He is often wont to contemplate the falling water and is counted among the Wise.'
250009A20D - 'You have returned,
250009A20E - . Did you notice any change in the beryl I gave you when you arrived at the Ford?\n\n'The beryl began to glow? That is what I expected, and I am glad it was so for it shall be our means of locating the Nazgûl that remains hidden within the wilderness.\n\n'The Nine, servants of the Enemy and shadows beneath his greater shadow, are creatures of such evil that the land cannot bear their presence. This beryl will glow in places where they have been. It will allow us to follow the missing Rider's trail.'
250009A20F - 'The Ford of Bruinen is to the west of Imladris, at the bottom of steeply-sloping hills. It is where the Nazgûl were halted by Lord Elrond's power of command over those waters, and it is where you must hold aloft the beryl I gave you.\n\n'We shall speak more upon your return.'
250009A210 - 'I am waiting for you to return with the beryl I gave you,
250009A211 - .'
250009A212 - Use Glorfindel's beryl at the Ford of Bruinen
250009A213 - Bring Glorfindel's beryl to Lord Glorfindel
250009A214 - Book 4, Chapter 3: The Wisdom of Lord Glorfindel


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
250009A300 - Glorfindel's beryl[n]
250009A301 - This beryl was given to you by Lord Glorfindel to aid in tracking the missing Rider.
250009A302 - Glorfindel's beryls[ns]
250009A400 - 'I do not often travel into the wild, though I will do so when the need is great, as the Ranger Aragorn or his small friend Frodo Baggins could tell you. The sons of Elrond are better-suited for directing your search for the missing Nazgûl.\n\n'I leave my beryl in your care for the time being and ask you to return with it to Elladan at his camp of Thorenhad. He will know where you should bring it to follow the traces of the Nazgûl.\n\n'Go with speed and with clarity of vision! The beryl will help you to find this stray servant of the Enemy, but what will you do when you find him, I wonder?'
250009A401 - 'The words of Lord Glorfindel are most wise, and his gift of this beryl brings me hope that we may be able to regain the trail of this missing Nazgûl. You have my thanks,
250009A402 - , but now I must determine where we are to bring the beryl in order to reveal the Nazgûl's location!'
250009A403 - 'Elladan's camp of Thorenhad is located among the Bruinen Gorges, west of Imladris and north of the bear-dens. Bring him the beryl and my good wishes, and I hope that each will give the sons of Elrond what they need to seek out this evil.'
250009A404 - 'You speak of Lord Glorfindel's beryl, but I do not see it. Have you misplaced it?'
250009A405 - Book 4, Chapter 4: Regaining the Trail
250009A406 - 'Has the search for the missing Nazgûl borne fruit?'
250009A407 - Lord Glorfindel gave you a beryl which glows when it is brought into places where great evil has left its mark.
250009A408 - 'I have faced the Nazgûl before. They are terrible to behold.'
250009A409 - Bring Glorfindel's beryl to Elladan
250009A40A - Elladan is at Thorenhad, his camp among the Bruinen Gorges, north of the bear-dens.\n\nLord Glorfindel has sent you back to Elladan with a beryl, an Elf-stone that glows when it comes near places on which great evil has left its mark.
250009A500 - 'You have done as I asked,
250009A501 - , and for that I am grateful. Nay, do not frown so! Had you not searched the caves, we could never be sure that the Nazgûl was not hiding within, waiting for his time to strike anew. Now we have eliminated some of his possible hiding-places, and for that we should be pleased.\n\n'I will take Glorfindel's beryl and return it to him. For you, I have another avenue of inquiry, and it could be this one will bear fruit.'
250009A502 - 'You do not have Glorfindel's beryl,
250009A503 - . I need you to return it to me.'
250009A504 - Book 4, Chapter 5: Hiding in the Dark
250009A505 - Torogrod
250009A506 - You hold Glorfindel's beryl aloft, but it remains dark
250009A507 - 'I gave you my notes on the troll-caves you should search,
250009A508 - . Descend to the deepest chamber within the caves Torogrod, Nurath, and Thingroth and hold aloft Glorfindel's beryl.'
250009A509 - You have reached the deepest chamber of Torogrod
250009A50A - 'You are seeking the cave of Thingroth? I do not know if it bears that name, but there is a troll cave to the east -- I passed by it as I sought the Wovenvales.'
250009A50B - You leave the deepest chamber of Torogrod
250009A50C - Elladan gave you his notes containing the locations of the troll-caves.\n\nElladan wants you to search three troll-caves with Glorfindel's beryl.\n\nUsing the Shimmering Elf-stone allows you to access the inspiration buff while solo or in a smaller fellowship.
250009A50D - You hold Glorfindel's beryl aloft, but it remains dark
250009A50E - Bring Glorfindel's beryl back to Elladan
250009A50F - Elladan is at Thorenhad, his camp among the Bruinen Gorges, north of the bear-dens.\n\nElladan is waiting to hear what Glorfindel's beryl revealed: that the missing Nazgûl was never in any of the caves you searched.
250009A510 - You have reached the deepest chamber of Nurath
250009A511 - You leave the deepest chamber of Nurath
250009A512 - You hold Glorfindel's beryl aloft, but it remains dark
250009A513 - You have reached the deepest chamber of Thingroth
250009A514 - You leave the deepest chamber of Thingroth
250009A515 - Nurath
250009A516 - Use Glorfindel's beryl
250009A517 - Find the deepest chamber of Torogrod
250009A518 - Use Glorfindel's beryl
250009A519 - Find the deepest chamber of Nurath
250009A51A - Use Glorfindel's beryl
250009A51B - Find the deepest chamber of Thingroth
250009A51C - If you are not in a fellowship you can use the Shimmering Elf-stone to invoke inspiration
250009A51D - If not in a fellowship you can use the Shimmering Elf-stone to invoke inspiration
250009A51E - Thingroth
250009A51F - Bring Glorfindel's beryl back to Elladan
250009A520 - Strength swells within your chest. You can use the Shimmering Elf-stone here to draw upon inspiration.
250009A521 - You cannot invoke inspiration here.
250009A522 - Elladan has determined that the missing Rider may be hiding in one of the many caves that dot the crags of the Trollshaws and wants you to search several of them with Glorfindel's beryl.
250009A523 - 'I have given some thought to our riddle,
250009A524 - , and while I do not know if this is the answer, my heart tells me that we must exhaust this course before we can be sure it is fruitless.\n\n'Many caves dot the wilderness of the Trollshaws, home to the creatures that give this place its name. The missing Nazgûl suffered some grievous hurt when caught between the fires of Glorfindel and the Ranger Aragorn and the waters of Bruinen, and he must have escaped to some secluded corner of the wild to regain his strength; I believe he fled to one of the troll-caves.\n\n'I will write down the names and locations of three caves. Descend into the deepest chamber of each and hold Glorfindel's beryl aloft. We must learn if the Nazgûl hid within one of these caves in order to pick up his trail. Bring allies to these caves, for the trolls that lurk within are dangerous. Here are my notes,
250009A525 - .'\n\nUsing the Shimmering Elf-stone allows you to access the inspiration buff while solo or in a smaller fellowship.
250009A600 - Elladan's Notes
250009A601 - Elladan's Notes[nps]
250009A602 - Elladan
250009A603 - THE CAVE OF NURATH\n\nAt the base of the slope that rises to Thorenhad, walk east along the rolling hills. If you were to follow the slope as it rises on your left, you would come in time to the ruins of Ost Thondol. Instead, when you see the line of stonework on the cliff's edge, look to your right. You will see Nurath among the rocks.\n\nTHE CAVE OF TOROGROD\n\nTorogrod is not far from the Last Bridge. Leave the road and strike north into the wild. East of Ost Dúrgonn you will find a space between the hills that will allow you passage north. A gentle slope on your left rises to Torogrod.\n\nTHE CAVE OF THINGROTH\n\nThingroth is not far from Torogrod, but the ruins of Ost Belegram are known to be thick with stone-trolls. If you have a good deal of faith in your abilities, and in those of your allies, you can pass through the arch of Ost Belegram and travel a short way north to the camp of Thoroniel, currently scouting the North Trollshaws at my brother's behest. She can guide you to Thingroth, for she is most familiar with that area. If you choose to avoid the dangers of Ost Belegram, you will need to pass further east; there is no assurance that the way is easier, but you may be fortunate.
250009A700 - You defeated the Wood-troll
250009A701 - While you were searching the caves of the Trollshaws for some sign of the missing Nazgûl, Elladan heard tell of one of the Onodrim in the wilderness that might know the Rider's whereabouts.
250009A702 - 'While you were searching the stone-troll caves -- a productive search! Do not be dismayed that you did not reveal the Nazgûl's location! -- I received word from Barachen in the South Trollshaws. My brother dispatched him to watch over the lands south of the road, and it seems that duty has been rewarded.\n\n'Barachen has reported seeing one of the wandering Onodrim. If this is so, older and wiser eyes than our own may have seen the passing of the Nazgûl and could tell us much.\n\n'Travel west along the road that runs through the South Trollshaws. Barachen has scouts along the road, and one of them can direct you to his camp. Barachen can then tell you where to find our wayward Onodrim.'
250009A703 - Barachen is at his camp south of the Great East Road that runs through the South Trollshaws. Scouts along the road can direct you to him.\n\nElladan told you that Barachen reported seeing one of the Onodrim somewhere in the wild and wants you to talk to him about it.
250009A704 - 'The Onod attacked you? The tree-herders of old were peaceful and more wont to stand unnoticed among the trees than treat with strangers, with peace or violence.\n\n'I do not know the meaning of these signs,
250009A705 - . Our problems may be more far-reaching than I had supposed.'
250009A706 - One of the Onodrim, a creature of ancient days, was seen in the valley of the giants south of the High Moor, high above the Bruinen. Barachen reportedly saw the Onod standing next to some mighty trees as he came south into the valley.\n\nBarachen reported seeing one of the Onodrim somewhere in the Trollshaws, and Elladan thinks it possible that this Onod might know something of the missing Nazgûl's whereabouts.
250009A707 - Elladan is at Thorenhad, his camp among the Bruinen Gorges, north of the bear-dens.\n\nElladan will be troubled to learn the fate of the Onod that Barachen saw in the valley of the giants.
250009A708 - 'Barachen's camp is in the South Trollshaws, west of here. Look for Rochwen along the road...she has been keeping watch for those journeying in these lands and can guide you to Barachen's camp.'
250009A709 - 'I have long believed that the Onodrim of legend have walked among the wooded areas of the Trollshaws, but I have never seen one for myself until now.\n\n'As I climbed the High Moor towards Imladris to bear messages from Rochwen and Alphlanc, a curious mood took hold of me. I strayed from my path, walking south down a great slope into the valley of the giants. From a great distance I beheld one of the Onodrim standing like a mighty tree, its leaves turning to red. As I watched, it turned and slowly moved behind a great boulder and was lost to my view.\n\n'Be careful on your journey, for the giants of that valley are formidable, and speak with this Onod. He may know the location of the Nazgûl Elladan seeks.'
250009A70A - 'The High Moor is far to the east, above the Bruinen, and a path slopes southward into the valley of the giants. As I entered the valley, I saw the Onod standing beside a tree with red leaves before it turned and vanished behind a large boulder. He might know of the Nazgûl's presence in this land.'
250009A70B - The Onod stares at you with expressionless eyes. Its bark-like skin is coiled with corruption, and its mouth opens and closes soundlessly. Suddenly, the deep wells of its eyes ripple with anger!
250009A70C - 'The Onod attacked you? That is dire news, for it is not the way of the tree-herders.\n\n'These are fell tidings,
250009A70D - . You must tell Elladan at once. Seek him out at Thorenhad, north of the bear dens of the Bruinen Gorges.'
250009A70E - Find the Onod
250009A70F - 'Barachen's camp is to the south, at the top of a sloping rise in the shadow of those tall cliffs -- bear to the right as you leave the road. He can tell you about the Onodrim he saw, if that is why you seek him.'
250009A710 - Defeat the Onod
250009A711 - 'I am pained to hear the sad fate of the Onodrim I saw.'
250009A712 - Book 4, Chapter 6: The Knowledge of the Onodrim
250009A713 - 'Much that was beautiful in the Trollshaws has been made ugly by evil forces.'
250009A800 - 'There have always been spiders in the North Trollshaws, but in recent days their number has multiplied, and the creatures have been spotted far afield. Barachen sent Thoroniel to investigate, and she has sent word that the situation is more grave than we had expected.\n\n'You should travel north into the wild lands of the North Trollshaws to aid Thoroniel. Spiders are evil creatures that threaten to overwhelm good people wherever they are found.\n\n'Thoroniel described a particularly large spider-lair, the Wovenvales, in the north-west corner of the North Trollshaws. You are certain to find her just south of the Wovenvales. Bring allies with you, for the situation sounds most grim. If you take the road east to the marker-stone, you can reach the Wovenvales by heading north off the road and making your way into the wild.'\n\nNote: This quest arc is intended for a full fellowship.
250009A801 - 'At last you have arrived! The threat these spiders pose is too great. We have much work to do.'
250009A802 - 'Thoroniel is waiting for your assistance,
250009A803 - , and you should not delay. You will find her south of the Wovenvales, a particularly dense spider-lair in the north-western corner of the North Trollshaws. You should bring friends with you, for Thoroniel has sent word that the spiders are most dangerous.'
250009A804 - A Scout in the North Trollshaws
250009A805 - 'The Wovenvales are thoroughly overrun with spiders.'
250009A806 - Talk to Thoroniel in the North Trollshaws
250009A807 - Many scouts were dispatched across the Trollshaws to keep watch for signs of evil.\n\nNote: This quest arc is intended for a full fellowship.
250009A808 - 'The sons of Elrond were wise to send you to me with such haste.'
250009A809 - Thoroniel is south of the Wovenvales, a particularly dense spider-lair in the northwestern corner of the North Trollshaws. Rochwen told you to take the road eastward to the marker-stone, then strike north into the wild from there.\n\nRochwen has asked you to aid Thoroniel, currently scouting a lair of spiders in the North Trollshaws. You should take allies with you.
250009A900 - 'Brother, I am not entirely convinced. Let us consider this matter carefully.'
250009A901 - 'You would do well to travel with companions until we have finished our search for the missing rider.'
250009A902 - 'What you say is true, brother, but still....'
250009A903 - 'Elladan, I am still not convinced.'
250009A904 - 'Strange tidings from the north, Elladan?'
250009A905 - Elrohir[mn]
250009AC00 - Many scouts were dispatched across the Trollshaws to keep watch for signs of evil, and the sons of Elrond want to know if anything has been found.
250009AC01 - Defeated worms in Nan Tornaeth (
250009AC02 - /
250009AC03 - )
250009AC04 - 'Elladan is right. Nan Tornaeth is the most logical place to begin searching for the master of the worm-wight. Many worms dwell in those Gorges. I sent Calenthon and Malloval to scout Nan Tornaeth...they may be able to help you discover the source of this evil.\n\n'Calenthon's encampment can be reached by taking the path that leads to Ost Thondol; however, when you reach the first fork, take the north-west path instead. Look for the white marker stone at the head of the path.\n\n'Along the way, you might want to dispose of some of the worms...you might find some evidence of the evil which has stirred them to unrest.'
250009AC05 - Calenthon is at his camp, which can be reached by following the northward path to Ost Thondol and taking the north-west trail at the fork.\n\nElrohir suggested you enlist the aid of Calenthon in finding the evil which has stirred up the worms of Nan Tornaeth.
250009AC06 - 'You have come from Thorenhad? I would have sent word to Elrohir, but I do not yet understand the nature of the evil I have discovered here. Will you lend me your aid?'
250009AC07 - Defeat worms in Nan Tornaeth (
250009AC08 - /
250009AC09 - )
250009AC0A - This must be the correct path to Calenthon's camp
250009AC0B - 'Calenthon should be somewhere to the north-west, investigating the ruins of Nan Tornaeth. Take out your map, and look for him by the 'T' of Nan Tornaeth.'
250009AC0C - 'Nan Tornaeth is full of danger. The echoes of the past lie heavily on this land.'
250009AC0D - Talk to Calenthon
250009AC0E - 'The sons of Elrond dispatched many of us into the wilderness.'
250009AC0F - Seek the white stone marking the correct trail
250009AC10 - A Scout in Nan Tornaeth
250009AC11 - Worms can be found in Nan Tornaeth on the path to Calenthon's camp, which can be reached by following the northward path to Ost Thondol and taking the north-west trail at the first fork. Elrohir said to look for the white marker stone at the head of the path.\n\nElrohir suggested you defeat a number of worms on your way to speak with Calenthon, hoping you might find some clue as to the identity of the evil which has stirred them to madness.
250009AE00 - The discovery of the Cave-trolls near Thorenhad and the Shadow-wolf elder has brought great concern to Narlinn and Fimgris.
250009AE01 - 'The sons of Elrond must know of your discoveries here in the Bruinen Gorges, for the threat both creatures present cannot be ignored. The servants of the Enemy are encamped upon our doorstep!\n\n'Alas, neither Fimgris nor I may leave our post here. Will you bring word of these evils to Elladan and Elrohir? They are encamped in the ruins of Thorenhad. Just follow the road east to the white marker stone, then take the northern path until you come to Thorenhad. The ruins are set atop the bluff overlooking the bear-den.'
250009AE02 - Elladan and Elrohir are at Thorenhad, east and north of Narlinn's camp. The ruins may be found by following the road eastward to the white marker stone and taking the northward path to the bluff.\n\nNarlinn has asked you to bring news of the trolls and the Shadow-wolf to Elladan and Elrohir, the sons of Elrond.
250009AE03 - 'Narlinn was right to send you to us. The evils you describe cannot be allowed to remain upon the threshold of Imladris. Elladan and I shall see that word comes to our father.\n\n'For now, we have some tasks which you may aid us with....'
250009AE04 - 'I give you my greetings,
250009AE05 - . You are welcome at Thorenhad, and I hope you will be a help to us in our duty. My brother Elrohir can better acquaint you with what needs to be done, but I look forwards to facing the evils of the wild at your side.'
250009AE06 - Talk to Elrohir or Elladan at Thorenhad
250009AE07 - 'You will find Elrohir at his camp of Thorenhad, east of here among the Bruinen Gorges and north of the bear-dens, among a set of hilltop ruins.'
250009AE08 - 'Narlinn was right to send you to us. The evils you describe cannot be allowed to remain upon the threshold of Imladris. Elladan and I shall see that word comes to our father.\n\n'For now, we have some tasks which you may aid us with....'
250009AE09 - 'The wilderness is full of danger.'
250009AE0A - 'Keep all your senses sharp, for the Trollshaws harbour hidden dangers.'
250009AE0B - 'Our father has sent us to keep watch over the wilderness.'
250009AE0C - The Sons of Elrond
250009AE0D - 'Stay alert, for the Enemy has servants in all corners of the world.'
250009AF00 - 'I do not believe you have been told yet of Thorenhad. Elrond has sent scouts there to patrol the wilds of the Trollshaws and to search out the evil that lurks in those old hills.\n\n'I am sure you would be welcomed there, for the Trollshaws are a broad land, and our people too few. Seek out Elrond's son Elrohir and say that I have sent you to support him.\n\n'Thorenhad is a ruin atop a hill north of the bear-dens of the Bruinen Gorges. It is to the east of Barachen's camp and some distance west of here.'
250009AF01 - 'You are welcome to join our company,
250009AF02 - . My brother and I have done our best, but there is more still to be done if we are to keep this land safe from servants of the Enemy.'
250009AF03 - 'Please, seek out Elrohir at Thorenhad.'
250009AF04 - To Thorenhad
250009AF05 - Elf-scouts are encamped at Thorenhad, charged with patrolling the Trollshaws for signs of evil.
250009AF06 - Thorenhad is a ruin atop a hill north of the bear-dens of the Bruinen Gorges. It is to the east of Barachen's camp, and some distance west of Rivendell.\n\nAnhebir has sent you to Thorenhad, to report to Elrond's son, Elrohir.
250009B000 - 'As you might expect, the Trollshaws are a wild place and home to many different tribes of troll, but all of them are dangerous. They are not to be crossed lightly.\n\n'It is most unusual for a stone-troll to covet stones of the sort Heithur Ironfist has described -- these are of historical value only and would never be confused for precious gemstones.\n\n'To the north-east, you will find the home of many stone-trolls. One of them will have these stones, if any do. Nan Tornaeth or the Bruinen Gorges are too far away for any troll there to be responsible for this theft, so do not travel too far afield. And you should bring allies, for even a single stone-troll is a difficult foe.'
250009B001 - 'You have recovered the stones from the Stone-trolls! You have my thanks,
250009B002 - , and more besides -- you have the thanks too of Lord Glóin of the Lonely Mountain!\n\n'Take this reward and bear it in memory of the good that you have done for me and my master!'
250009B003 - The True Thieves
250009B004 - 'Where are the stones?'
250009B005 - 'You'll find Rochwen to the north of here, on the road. She may be able to tell us which lair of the stone-trolls is home to the beast that stole the stones from my dwarves!'
250009B006 - 'Travel east and north to find the home of the stone-trolls responsible for the loss of the stones sought by Heithur Ironfist. If you reach Nan Tornaeth or the Bruinen Gorges, you have gone too far afield.'
250009B007 - Rochwen is north of Barachen's camp, on the road that runs through the South Trollshaws.\n\nHeithur Ironfist has asked you to speak with Rochwen about the stone-trolls of the region so you may retrieve the stones stolen from his couriers.
250009B008 - 'You have recovered the stones! Heithur Ironfist will be most pleased! Deliver them to him at Barachen's camp, south of here and to the right, atop the sloping hill that lies in the shadow of the tall cliffs!'
250009B009 - The Stone-trolls are encamped on a trail north of the road, further east from the Last Bridge.\n\nTóki Whitebeard asked you to hunt down the trolls who stole the stones and recover the treasure.
250009B00A - 'Why would the stone-trolls steal such stones as these? Most peculiar.'
250009B00B - Heithur Ironfist is at Barachen's camp, south of the road, westward from the Stone-troll camp.\n\nYou should bring the stolen stones to Heithur Ironfist at once.
250009B00C - 'I am at your service,
250009B00D - .'
250009B00E - 'I am glad that you were able to help Heithur with his troubles.'
250009B00F - The Stone-trolls are encamped on a trail north of the road, further east from the Last Bridge.\n\nTóki Whitebeard asked you to hunt down the trolls who stole the stones and recover the treasure.
250009B010 - 'Elrohir and Elladan expect much of us, and we maintain our vigilance for their sake.'
250009B011 - 'Barachen, Alphlanc, and I watch for threats in the South Trollshaws.'
250009B012 - 'The sons of Elrond maintain a camp at Thorenhad to the north-east.'
250009B013 - The Stone-trolls are encamped on a trail north of the road, further east from the Last Bridge.\n\nTóki Whitebeard asked you to hunt down the trolls who stole the stones and recover the dwarves' treasure.
250009B014 - 'My friends Fimgris and Narlinn can be found at Thorenhad.'
250009B015 - 'Imladris is far to the east, beyond the Bruinen.'
250009B016 - 'You have already been a great help to Barachen and to all of us.'
250009B017 - Bring the stolen stones to Heithur Ironfist
250009B018 - 'Rochwen told me of your brave recovery of Heithur's stones.'
250009B019 - 'Heithur Ironfist told me all about your efforts on my behalf. I thank you!'
250009B01A - 'We are well-met in friendship,
250009B01B - !'
250009B01C - Search for the stolen stones among the Stone-trolls
250009B01D - Search for stolen stones among the Stone-trolls of the Trollshaws
250009B01E - Tóki Whitebeard told you that trolls stole the stones his company was bearing.
250009B01F - Search for the stolen stones among the Stone-trolls
250009B020 - Found the stolen stones
250009B021 - 'We are very close to recovering the stones,
250009B022 - , I am sure of it! Tóki Whitebeard has repaid my trust in him ten-fold, for now we know the culprits: the stone-trolls of this inhospitable place!\n\n'The Elf Rochwen was right to send you to the ruins where you found the Whitebeard, and I expect she will be able to tell us where these trolls make their lair.\n\n'Speak to Rochwen, north of here by the road, and recover those stones,
250009B023 - ! Lord Glóin should not be made to wait any longer for the delivery he requested!'
250009B100 - Unremarkable Stones[ps]
250009B101 - These stones are notable only for their historical value to the Elves and are otherwise unremarkable.
250009B102 - Unremarkable Stones[ps]
250009B200 - 'Welcome and well met.'
250009B201 - Glóin[mn]
250009B300 - Glóin is at his camp north of Rivendell.\n\nIn defeating Gurzmat, you find him accompanied by hostile Dourhand dwarves. Glóin should be made known of this development immediately.
250009B301 - 'So you say that Elrond mentioned goblins in his direction to come here? It doesn't surprise me. I ran into some troublesome goblins up here when I crossed the Misty Mountains in Thorin's great quest. That time we were sorely beset by goblins.\n\n'Now, it does seem the foul things are even more stirred up lately, and perhaps your Rider is the cause. One of the scouts here reported them moving far from their holes far to the east and heard them chanting \qGurzmat\q...their leader no doubt.\n\n'Aye, that's what needs to be done. Slay this Gurzmat, and the goblins will be in such a disarray they won't present a problem to anyone -- and maybe you'll find the trail of this Rider you seek. Seek out the goblin fires to the north and east along the Pinnath Fenui, and you'll likely find Gurzmat holed up deep in one of the camps. I wish I could help you more, but as I said, there's a more pressing task from Dáin that I must give my attention to.'
250009B302 - 'What! Dourhand dwarves with the goblins? Oh, yes, it's all coming together now!\n\n'While you were away, one of my scouts reported something interesting. You see, the task given to me by King Dáin was to track down the Dourhands' last refuge. The scout seems to have found it, as there were a large number of Dourhands around an old dwarf-fortress called Gabilazan. But that wasn't all that he found!\n\n'As the scout watched from a high ridge, two figures rode up to the fortress. One was a dwarf, the other a cloaked figure. At first he didn't know what he was seeing, but when all the Dourhands stopped what they were doing and cheered, he knew the dwarf could only be one person: Skorgrím! Now, with what you've told me, the other figure with him must have been the Ringwraith. It would seem our two tasks are but one, friend.'
250009B303 - 'The goblins have a camp out there someplace, hidden somewhere among the snows. Look east and north of here, along the ridges of the Pinnath Fenui. Once you find this camp, work your way deep inside. If you can put an end to this Gurzmat, you'll likely put an end to that Rider's schemes.'
250009B304 - Book 5, Chapter 2: Troublesome Goblins
250009B305 - 'You've found the camps, but Gurzmat still lives?
250009B306 - , that just will not do. You need to ascend into that goblin-camp and put an end to Gurzmat!'
250009B307 - Glóin told you that the goblins seem very active of late, and that he would not be surprised if the Nazgûl you are pursuing were the cause.
250009B308 - The goblin-camps sprawl along the ridges of the Pinnath Fenui
250009B309 - Find the goblin-camp
250009B30A - The goblins have many camps among the ridges of Pinnath Fenui, far to the east and north of Glóin's camp.\n\nGlóin told you that if you search for the goblins' camps in the Misty Mountains, you should find a goblin named Gurzmat. He appears to be their leader, and by defeating him, you should throw the goblins into disarray and perhaps find the trail of the Nazgûl.
250009B30B - Gurzmat is somewhere deep within the goblin-camp that sprawls along the ridges of the Pinnath Fenui.\n\nGlóin told you that by defeating the goblin Gurzmat, you would throw the goblins into disarray and perhaps find the trail of the Nazgûl you seek.
250009B400 - Searching the cornerstone, you discover the Gabilazan plans.
250009B401 - Collected Gabilazan plans
250009B402 - Glóin told you that the Nazgûl you are pursuing can be found in the old dwarf-fortress of Gabilazan, in the company of Skorgrím Dourhand. The two entered the nearly impregnable inner keep of the fortress. Glóin believes the only way to enter the inner keep is to learn its secret entrance.
250009B403 - 'If we can but enter this fortress, we will end two problems with one fell stroke. By ending the threat of this Rider, we can ensure Rivendell's safety, and by putting an end to Skorgrím, we will crush the Dourhands. However, it won't be easy, as the scout reported that the two entered the inner keep of the fortress. That keep is nearly impregnable.\n\n'This is what you must do,
250009B404 - . Every dwarf-fortress has a secret entrance, and although I do not know the secret of Gabilazan, I know how to learn it. When the cornerstone for Gabilazan was laid down, a copy of the fortress' plans would have been stored within. Around that cornerstone the fortress was built, and can now only be accessed by entering Gabilazan's vault. Once we have the plans, we will be able to learn the fortress' secret entrance.\n\n'Gabilazan can be found in the more westerly of the two passes that gate entrance to Iorbar. The easternmost pass, Rakhâs-bizar, is not guarded by dwarves and may give you a roundabout means of approaching the keep.'
250009B405 - The cornerstone containing the plans is located inside Gabilazan's Vault, located in one of the two passes east of Glóin's camp. Glóin's camp is north of Rivendell.\n\nGlóin told you that to learn how to access the secret entrance to Gabilazan's inner keep, you will need to take the plans for the fortress placed in its cornerstone.
250009B406 - 'Ah, wonderful, you found the cornerstone, and the plans were within. I didn't mention it before you left, but there was a very good chance the plans were taken or destroyed years ago. Yet it seems fortune is smiling upon us this day!\n\n'Oh, and look here. Here's the inner keep's secret entrance!'
250009B407 - Bring the Gabilazan plans to Glóin.
250009B408 - Glóin is at his camp north of Rivendell.\n\nYou scouted the old dwarf-keep and found many Dourhands, but you were unable to enter the main keep. You should return to Glóin with the news.
250009B409 - 'The plans are at Gabilazan,
250009B40A - ...with those, we may find our way in!'
250009B40B - 'The pass to Gabilazan runs from north to south and will be guarded by Dourhands. Find the vault in Gabilazan. Within that vault you should be able to find the fortress' cornerstone. Within that stone, there should be the original plans for the fortress.\n\n'With those plans, we should be able to learn the secret entrance into the fortress' inner keep.'
250009B40C - 'You have done well to find the dwarf-keep in Gabilazan, but I need you to scout the inner keep. Return to Gabilazan and keep your eyes open!'
250009B40D - Search the Gabilazan Cornerstone
250009B40E - Bring the Gabilazan plans to Glóin
250009B40F - Collect plans from Gabilazan cornerstone


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
250009B410 - Book 5, Chapter 3: The High Fortress
250009B500 - Gabilazan-plans[ps]
250009B501 - The original plans for the dwarf-keep of Gabilazan.
250009B502 - Gabilazan-plans[ps]
250009B600 - 'Ah, yes, why it will be just like when Burglar Bilbo crept into Smaug's lair! We'll just need the key to open the secret door, and you'll be in the inner keep. Finding that key, though, could present a challenge.\n\n'Now the old tales of Helegrod -- that's the great dwarf-hall to the north that fell to the dragon Thorog -- say that after it was abandoned, all the surrounding dwarf-halls were abandoned as well. The key-stones that opened the secret doors to all those halls were hidden in a small dwarf-vault near the source of the Bruinen. The building might be in ruins now, but the vault is surely still there. Once we have the key-stone, the inner keep of Gabilazan will be open to us!\n\n'Journey north to the source of the Bruinen and look for the vault at Iskeld's Lookout. You will need to brave the snowbeasts that make their homes among the drifts, but that should not be a problem for you, I would expect!'
250009B601 - 'Yes, yes, this is the key-stone of which I spoke! Good work,
250009B602 - ! Now the real business will begin.'
250009B603 - 'Please get that key-stone. We won't be able to get into the inner keep without it! Look to the source of the Bruinen for the dwarf-vault.'
250009B604 - Book 5, Chapter 4: The Key-stone
250009B605 - Glóin discovered the secret entrance to the inner keep of Gabilazan, but the way is locked and will require an artifact of the old days.
250009B606 - Collected the key-stone
250009B607 - Bring the key-stone to Glóin
250009B608 - The dwarf-vault that contains the key-stone is at Iskeld's Lookout, near the source of the Bruinen. Glóin is at his camp north of Rivendell.\n\nGlóin has asked you to retrieve a key-stone from an old dwarf-vault. The key-stone will allow you entry into the Dourhand-occupied dwarf-keep.
250009B609 - Collect the key-stone
250009B700 - Key-stone[e]
250009B701 - Not the topmost stone in an arch, this intricately-carved stone can open a dwarf-wrought door.
250009B702 - ...[p]
250009B800 - 'Who dares intrude upon these grounds?'
250009B801 - 'Thrice accursed fools! I shall tolerate your hounding of my steps no longer!'
250009B802 - 'Skorgrím! Deal with these interlopers and then bring your men to Helegrod.'
250009B803 - With the Key-stone in hand, you can now enter the dwarf-keep in Gabilazan, the last refuge of the Dourhands and confront both the Nazgûl and Skorgrím.
250009B804 - 'Now that we have the Key-stone, the back way into the Dourhand keep will be open to us! You should be able to confront both the Nazgûl and Skorgrím. However, the task will be a great one, and you will need help, so gather a company of allies. Also, since completion of this task may mean the end of Skorgrím, a great boon to Durin's Folk, I will send my son Gimli along with you to aid in the battle. I will entrust him with both the Key-stone and the secret dwarf-lore needed to open the gate.\n\n'Now go and gather a company of allies and prepare for the battle ahead. Once you are prepared, speak to Gimli. He is staying in one of the guest rooms of Elrond's House. Together you will set off for the keep, and he shall open the secret way into the inner keep.\n\n'This will be a great day for the Free Peoples,
250009B805 - ! I am eager for your return with the tale of your victory!'\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250009B806 - Gimli is in one of the guest rooms of Elrond's House.\n\nWhen you have gathered a fellowship, seek out Gimli, and he will accompany you to the dwarf-keep where the Nazgûl and Skorgrím may be hiding.\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250009B807 - 'You bring tidings both joyous and dark,
250009B808 - . The Dourhands are done! They will never hope to threaten the Longbeards again.\n\n'While the news of the spirit that was driven from Skorgrím is unsettling, it is not as disturbing as the news of the Rider's escape. What is worse, you tell me that he spoke of bringing men to Helegrod. What he seeks in that old dwarf-hall is a mystery to me.\n\n'Unfortunately, there is more that must be done if Rivendell is to be secured. Know, though, that I will give you whatever help I can.'
250009B809 - Glóin is at his camp north of Rivendell.\n\nThe Nazgûl left the dwarf-keep, commanding Skorgrím to slay you. Fortunately, you were able to defeat Skorgrím, but a fell spirit emerged from his corpse and cursed the Longbeards before vanishing. You should tell Glóin all that has transpired.
250009B80A - 'That was a good fight,
250009B80B - ! Such exercise does not come along every day!'
250009B80C - 'Today reminds me of our last meeting so many years ago in the Silver Deep. This time, though, we had no need for wizards! Skorgrím is defeated, and whatever foul spirit was within him has returned to the Void! A good day indeed!'
250009B80D - 'Ah, hello
250009B80E - . A glorious battle awaits us!\n\n'Are you and your allies ready? My father sent me the Key-stone, so I am prepared. Let us go now into the Mountains to defeat Skorgrím and his Dourhands!'\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250009B80F - 'Ah, hello again
250009B810 - . It has been many years since we last fought together, hasn't it!\n\n'Are you and your allies ready? My father has sent me the Key-stone, so I am prepared. Let us go now into the Mountains to defeat Skorgrím and his Dourhands!'
250009B811 - 'Speak to Gimli when your allies are ready, and he will lead you to the dwarf-keep. He is in one of the guest rooms along the road that winds up the southern slope of the Vale of Imladris.'
250009B812 - Speak to Gimli in Rivendell
250009B813 - 'That was a glorious battle we had with those Dourhands!'
250009B814 - 'As you command.'
250009B815 - 'Tol-anim nín gwenyr!'
250009B816 - 'You have done the Longbeards a great service, my friend! The line of Durin is in your debt!'
250009B817 - Book 5, Chapter 5: The Last Refuge
250009B900 - 'Keep fighting!'
250009B901 - 'Get him!'
250009B902 - 'What are you doing?'
250009B903 - 'You can never hope to win!'
250009B904 - 'You fools!'
250009B905 - 'Come to my aid, my brothers!'
250009B906 - 'Protect the captain!'
250009B907 - 'Pay no heed to those others, focus on the Longbeard!'
250009B908 - 'For every Dourhand you kill, I will kill ten Longbeards!'
250009B909 - 'You have no hope of victory!'
250009B90A - 'Gabilazan will be your grave!'
250009B90B - 'You have gained entry through some dishonourable means, Gimli, son of Glóin.'
250009B90C - 'Skorgrím, you cannot hide forever!'
250009B90D - 'So be it. If you won't come down, Skorgrím, we'll come up!'
250009B90E - 'You fought well,
250009B90F - , and we have put an end to Skorgrím's menace! I am troubled by the escape of the Nazgûl and the apparition that appeared upon Skorgrím's death, but there is nothing we can do about that right now. At least we have paid the Dourhands for their treachery! Ha ha!'
250009B910 - 'It was a good battle, but I think it is time to leave. I am ready to journey back to the guest rooms at Rivendell when you are.'
250009B911 - 'Skorgrím must think that the walls of his fortress will keep him safe, tall and broad as they are, but he does not know about the key-stone you recovered.\n\n'We will fight our way through his remaining defences, and perhaps I will give him one chance to come out of the main gates of the keep to face me in combat. He has no honour, so my challenge will probably go unanswered. It is just as well, but my axe is anxious for the chance to end this fool Dourhand!\n\n'Are you ready? The Dourhands cannot hope to stand against us!'
250009B912 - 'I am ready to go on, if you are as well. I will challenge Skorgrím to come down, and if he does not, we will seek out the hidden door.'
250009B913 - 'What? How did you get in here?'
250009B914 - 'It seems these Dourhands were not expecting us to come in by the hidden door,
250009B915 - .\n\n'This is amusing, but I tire of dealing with lesser Dourhands. Let us find Skorgrím with no further delay!'
250009B916 - Gimli has been defeated
250009B917 - 'Skorgrím has nowhere left to hide,
250009B918 - , and I think he now realizes it. His doom stands outside his door, and he has no choice but to face it!\n\n'Are you ready for battle?'
250009B919 - Gimli has been defeated
250009B91A - Gimli has been defeated
250009B91B - Gimli has been defeated
250009B91C - 'I am hurt! Where are my worthless guards?'
250009B91D - Defeated Skorgrím
250009B91E - 'This vessel has served our purposes well, but now its time is past.'
250009B91F - 'Yes, I am close now. Very close to my objective.'
250009B920 - 'And now to my final task!'
250009B921 - With your help, Glóin was able to obtain the key-stone to the secret entrance leading to the inner keep of the dwarf fortress located in the pass of Gabilazan. Alongside his son, Gimli, he has asked you to go into this keep and put a stop to the Nazgûl and Skogrím.
250009B922 - 'Puny dwarf, I shall squash you!'
250009B923 - Talk to Gimli
250009B924 - Assist Gimli
250009B925 - Talk to Gimli
250009B926 - 'It's time we finished this. The Nazgûl and Skorgrím have nowhere else to hide!'
250009B927 - Assist Gimli
250009B928 - Talk to Gimli
250009B929 - Assist Gimli
250009B92A - Confront the Nazgûl and Skorgrím
250009B92B - 'Steady, my brothers!'
250009B92C - Defeat Skorgrím
250009B92D - 'There's no need for haste! We can finish them handily!'
250009B92E - Talk to Gimli
250009B92F - 'You are a fool, Gimli, son of Glóin! You cannot hope to pass these strong walls!'
250009B930 - 'Come out, you villains! Your day is done!'
250009B931 - 'Enough talk, Skorgrím! My axe will put an end to your wagging tongue!'
250009B932 - 'To me, Dourhands! To me!'
250009B933 - Speak with Gimli to begin your foray into the dwarf-keep.\n\nThe dwarf-keep in the pass of Gabilazan might be both the last hiding-place of the Dourhands led by Skorgrím and the Nazgûl you have pursued through the Trollshaws and into the Misty Mountains.
250009B934 - Speak with Gimli to continue your foray into the dwarf-keep.\n\nThe dwarf-keep in the pass of Gabilazan might be both the last hiding-place of the Dourhands led by Skorgrím and the Nazgûl you have pursued through the Trollshaws and into the Misty Mountains.
250009B935 - Speak with Gimli to continue your foray into the dwarf-keep.\n\nThe dwarf-keep in the pass of Gabilazan might be both the last hiding-place of the Dourhands led by Skorgrím and the Nazgûl you have pursued through the Trollshaws and into the Misty Mountains.
250009B936 - You have made your way deep into the dwarf-keep. It is nearly time to confront the Nazgûl and Skorgrím. Speak with Gimli to begin the final battle.\n\nThe dwarf-keep in the pass of Gabilazan might be both the last hiding-place of the Dourhands led by Skorgrím and the Nazgûl you have pursued through the Trollshaws and into the Misty Mountains.
250009B937 - Gimli is standing in the courtyard of the keep of Gabilazan.\n\nYou have successfully defeated Skorgrím Dourhand, but the significance of his death is still uncertain.
250009B938 - 'What fools these intruders must be!'
250009B939 - 'Get over here, you worthless giants! What is my master paying you for, if not for this?'
250009B93A - 'Let us see now what Skorgrím has to say.'
250009B93B - 'Death to the intruders!'
250009B93C - 'You shame the Longbeards with your sneaking and your crawling! Begone!'
250009B93D - 'You are a fool. Where are your armies, stupid Longbeard?'
250009B93E - 'Here are mine!'
250009B93F - 'I will finish you myself!'
250009B940 - Instance: The Last Refuge
250009B941 - 'Hold this gate, you sluggards!'
250009B942 - 'Help the captain!'
250009B943 - 'You may wound this body, but this body is nothing to me!'
250009BA00 - Discovered the Treasury of Helegrod
250009BA01 - Collected Sigil of Drugoth
250009BA02 - Upon hearing that the Nazgûl fled to Helegrod, Glóin told you some of the tale of that ancient fortress.
250009BA03 - 'If you have a moment, allow me to tell you some of the tale of Helegrod, the ruins of which lie north of here. The tale may shed light on what the Rider seeks to accomplish, though I cannot guess what that might be. Helegrod was delved beneath the mountain of Orod Lostol; it remained the northern-most outpost of Khazad-dûm for long years. Mithril was never found there, but a good many other stones and riches were. Those riches drew a dragon to Helegrod. Thorog, he was named; he slew all the dwarves and made his bed in Helegrod's treasury.\n\n'In Khazad-dûm, which the Elves call Moria, Durin marshalled a company of dwarves to journey to Helegrod and slay the beast. Thorog was defeated, but Durin was slain by the dragon's dying breath. He was the fifth of that name; the next, too, had a sad end, but I will not speak of that now. Dwarves sought to reclaim Helegrod in the years that followed, but death hung heavy over that place and they abandoned the halls and removed Helegrod's riches to Khazad-dûm.\n\n'I do not know what the Rider might seek to gain by taking to Helegrod. Perhaps he simply wants to fortify it, but I would wager there is more to this deed than we can see. Perhaps by scouting the borders of Helegrod we can learn more of his plans. Do not attempt to enter Helegrod itself--too many dark things linger there--but instead seek the outer treasury. Search near Nan Gongarag.'
250009BA04 - Helegrod is north of Glóin's camp. The outer treasury is near Nan Gongarag.\n\nGlóin thinks you may be able to learn what the Nazgûl's plan for Helegrod is by scouting the borders of that abandoned hall for the entrance to the treasury. He warned you not to enter Helegrod itself, for it is guarded too strongly by dark things.
250009BA05 - 'Wights! Surely this is the doing of the Rider! And that sigil you found on one of them...I can tell that it is an artifact of evil, but its true meaning is beyond me. Perhaps it is time we ask for help from Master Elrond!'
250009BA06 - Helegrod is north of Glóin's camp.\n\nAt the entrance to Helegrod's treasury you encountered wights. You should defeat one and search its remains for some clue as to what brought it here.
250009BA07 - 'Helegrod lies to the north of here. Perhaps by scouting its borders, we may learn more of the Black Rider's plans for it.'
250009BA08 - 'Wights! You should go back and search one of them. Surely this is the doing of the Rider. But we must learn more. Perhaps there might be some clue as to what brought them here. Defeat one and search its remains!'
250009BA09 - 'I wonder what new evil is stirring in Angmar, and why it chooses now to come forth?'
250009BA0A - 'You have been a great help to us,
250009BA0B - .'
250009BA0C - Scout the borders of Helegrod
250009BA0D - Bring the Sigil of Drugoth to Glóin
250009BA0E - Search one of the wights
250009BA0F - 'By the command of Drugoth the Black, thou shall not enter!'
250009BA10 - Book 5, Chapter 6: In the Steps of Evil
250009BB00 - Collected northern bear-hides (
250009BB01 - /
250009BB02 - )
250009BB03 - Glóin thinks that the dwarves may be overstaying their welcome at Rivendell and wishes to renew his guest-gift to Elrond.
250009BB04 - 'Elrond's hospitality is all well and good, but we tarry here longer than we expected, and I wonder if we begin to overstay our welcome. We brought gifts for the Elves when first we came, but I think perhaps that we have become tiresome guests, eating the Elves out of house and home, as once we did for a certain hobbit....\n\n'Be that as it may, I would find another guest-gift for Elrond. There are great white bears roaming the Misty Mountains to the east and south of here, and I am of a mind to give Elrond a gift of their hides. I wonder if you would help us by hunting these beasts and collecting their hides?'
250009BB05 - Bears, both white and brown, can be found to the north, east, and south of Glóin's camp.\n\nHunt the great bears of the Misty Mountains and collect their hides.
250009BB06 - 'Word travels quickly. These are fine hides, fine hides indeed. You have proven a worthy hunter of beasts,
250009BB07 - . I hope this gift will please the Elves.'
250009BB08 - Collect northern bear-hides
250009BB09 - 'Never thought you for a coward, or maybe there are more pressing needs that you must attend. I understand that the whimsy of an old dwarf rates lower than the requests of these fine upstanding Elves.'
250009BB0A - Bring the hides to Glóin located in his camp
250009BB0B - Glóin is rumoured to be in need of bear hides to deliver to Elrond in Rivendell as a token of his appreciation.\n\nCollect bear hides in the Misty Mountains and bring them to Glóin in his camp.
250009BB0C - Collect northern bear-hides (
250009BB0D - /
250009BB0E - )
250009BB0F - Bears of the North
250009BB10 - There may be great white bears to the east and south of Glóin's camp. There may be brown bears north of Glóin's camp.\n\nHunt the great bears of the Misty Mountains and collect their hides.
250009BC00 - Northern Bear-hide[e]
250009BC01 - Hide from the great bears found lurking in the Misty Mountains north of Rivendell.
250009BC02 - Northern Bear-hides[eps]
250009C000 - Dorlos[n]
250009C001 -
250009C100 - Inscribed Horn[E]
250009C101 -
250009C200 - Estelham[n]
250009C201 -
250009C300 - Manatham[n]
250009C301 -
250009C400 - Luth-klath[n]
250009C401 -
250009C500 - Gilloch[n]
250009C501 -
250009C600 - Arassechor[n]
250009C601 -
250009C700 - Nazgûl[n]
250009C800 - Response
250009C801 - Able to respond to recent event.
250009C802 -
250009C900 - DNT - Dread Aura
250009C901 - DNT - The unsettling presence of evil.
250009CA00 - Dread
250009CA01 - Your heart is heavy in the face of such evil.
250009CA02 - Add
250009CA03 - Dread
250009CB00 - Shadow Grip
250009CC00 - Shadow Grip
250009CC01 - Steals the morale of the target, healing the wraith.
250009CD00 - Shadow Grip
250009CD01 -
250009CE00 - Shaken
250009CF00 - Unnatural Scream
250009D000 - Threat of Retribution
250009D100 - Terrible Retribution
250009D101 - Attacking the wraith returns cold, shocking pain. Sometimes the shock is enough to root the attacker with terror where they stand.
250009D300 - Aura of Dread
250009D301 - Your heart is heavy in the face of such evil.
250009D302 - Add
250009D303 - Dread
250009D400 - a melee double attack
250009D500 - a melee triple attack
250009D600 - Vulnerability to Shadow
250009D700 - Lowers shadow damage mitigation.
250009D701 - Shadow Vulnerability
250009D702 - Lowers shadow damage mitigation.
250009D800 - Silence of Death
250009D900 - Rolling Fear
250009DA00 - Summon Fell Spirit
250009DB00 - Summoned Fell Spirit
250009DB01 -
250009DC00 - Desecrated Spirit[m]
250009DD00 - a weak melee attack
250009DE00 - a minor melee attack
250009DF00 - a moderate melee attack
250009E000 - Induction Enter Invulnerability State
250009E100 - Induce MonsterInvulnerability
250009E101 -
250009E200 -
250009E201 - Success!
250009E202 - Interrupted!
250009E300 - Exit Invulnerability State
250009E301 -
250009E400 - Exits the combat state MonsterInvulnerability
250009E401 - Exit MonsterInvulnerability
250009E402 -
250009E500 - Shadow Burst
250009E501 - ..
250009E600 - Shadow Scream
250009E700 - Shadow Touched
250009E800 - Greater Dread
250009E900 - Decreases Will and Fate
250009E901 - Major Fright
250009E902 - Decreases Will and Fate
250009EA00 - Distraught
250009EB00 - Distraught
250009EB01 -
250009EC00 - Terrify
250009ED00 - Induce Cowering
250009ED01 -
250009EE00 - 'It has been long since I walked on the green grass and sang among the birches of Imladris.'
250009EE01 - Aragorn[mn]
250009EF00 - The Elves, Men, and dwarves of the North Downs have all agreed to come to the Council of Esteldín, but Halbarad's chieftain has yet to be informed of the events that have transpired there.
250009EF01 - 'While I await the arrival of those coming to the Council, I must ask one final task of you. My chieftain, Aragorn, must be told of what has transpired here.\n\n'I also would seek his counsel, as the position I find myself in is an unusual one. Aragorn has always been the one to lead, to organize, and inspire. If only the matter he was seeing to was not of much greater importance, then he would be here!\n\n'That cannot be helped though. By now, Aragorn should have arrived at the refuge of Rivendell in the Trollshaws. It is a hard ride that awaits you, but word must be taken to Aragorn of these matters. Look for him in one of the guest rooms of Elrond's House.'
250009EF02 - Aragorn can be found in one of the guest rooms of Elrond's House in Rivendell, which lies in the Trollshaws.\n\nHalbarad has asked you to take word of the invasion of the North Downs to his chieftain, Aragorn, and to obtain his advice.
250009EF03 - 'Oh that I could be there to aid in those matters. But it would seem my fate lies to the south and not the north. I will compose a message for Halbarad and ask Master Elrond if one of his Elves could carry it to Esteldín.\n\n'You have done enough, and you have my thanks! For now, take what ease you can here in Rivendell.'
250009EF04 - 'My chieftain, Aragorn, must be told of what happened here. Please, take word to him in Rivendell, the refuge of Elrond Halfelven that lies in the Trollshaws. It is a long trek there, but I need his counsel if I am to deal with the days ahead. You will find him in one of the guest rooms along the road that winds up the southern slope of the Vale of Imladris.'
250009EF05 - 'I wish I could be in Esteldín to lead my men, but alas, my fate lies in the south.'
250009EF06 - 'Many challenges await the peoples of the North in the days ahead.'
250009EF07 - Talk to Aragorn in Rivendell
250009EF08 - 'Tales will be told of your deeds, my friend. The name of
250009EF09 - will not be forgotten.'
250009EF0A - 'This Council stands assembled, thanks to you. I am most grateful for your efforts!'
250009EF0B - Book 3, Chapter 7: The Council Assembled
250009EF0C - 'Already, a party of Men, dwarves, and Elves holds a corner of the fields before Fornost.'
250009EF0D - 'Those who fight Angmar at Fornost could use your strength, if you are willing to aid them.'
250009F000 - 'Hail and well met,
250009F001 - . It is well that you have come. This morning, a falcon arrived, bearing a message for me from Esteldín, the hidden refuge of my people in the North Downs. It would appear that another such bird came to Esteldín from the North, gravely wounded, bearing a message from one of my kinsmen we had believed long dead.\n\n'I know little more, for the message to me was brief, but Daervunn has asked me to come at once. My time here is short, and I cannot return now to confer with my people. My path lies to the south and to the east. Will you go to Esteldín in my stead and learn what tidings have come there? Speak to Daervunn, for it was he who sent the message to me.\n\n'I fear that the news is grave, for Corunir was deemed lost years ago when his captain, Golodir, disobeyed my edict and took a company north into Angmar. They were never heard from again. It is a joy that Corunir lives, but what kept him from contacting us before now?'
250009F002 - 'Welcome,
250009F003 - ! Did Aragorn not come with you? Alas, but that is fell news. Well, there is naught for it now. You will have to do.\n\n'Are you prepared for a long, dark journey? It is through Ram Dúath into Angmar that I must send you.'
250009F004 - 'Why do you tarry here? Go to Esteldín in the North Downs and confer with my kinsman Daervunn.'
250009F005 - Book 6, Chapter 1: Of Golodir and Angmar
250009F006 - A trained falcon arrived at Rivendell, bearing a troubling message from the hidden Ranger-camp at Esteldín for Aragorn, Chieftain of the Rangers.
250009F007 - Esteldín lies in the North Downs, far to the north and west of Rivendell.\n\nAragorn has asked you to travel to Esteldín in his stead to speak with Daervunn, whom he hopes can shed light on the troubling message.
250009F100 - 'This victory is an important one, though not as complete as I had at first hoped. However, even this victory will give us a brief reprieve from the onslaught of the Enemy. I would ask that news of our success be brought to my chieftain, Aragorn, son of Arathorn.\n\n'You have met him then? He is at Rivendell? Go, then, to speak with my Lord Aragorn in one of the guest rooms along the road that winds up the southern slope of the Vale of Imladris, and tell him of our deeds here.'
250009F101 - 'So Golodir did not perish, and the Shadow of Angmar is, for the moment at least, weakened. I am of a mind that even if Mordirith does finally fall, he may someday return... or another Shadow of the Enemy will take his place.\n\n'Still, your efforts were valiant and deserving of praise,
250009F102 - . Your name will not be forgotten by the Dúnedain of the North.'
250009F103 - 'Aragorn must learn of our victory against the False King. Go to Rivendell and speak with him in one of the guest rooms along the road that winds up the southern slope of the Vale of Imladris.'
250009F104 - Book 8, Chapter 6: A Watchful Eye
250009F105 - 'Thank you for bringing me back to the realm of the living,
250009F106 - . My grief is not now so terrible.'
250009F107 - With Golodir's aid, you have greatly weakened Mordirith, the Steward of Angmar, and avenged the death of Lorniel.
250009F108 - 'Mordirith has been defeated, but only for a time. Still, it is a reprieve.'
250009F109 - 'Angmar has been hindered for the moment, thanks to you.'
250009F10A - 'Thank you for returning Golodir to us, my friend.'
250009F10B - Talk to Aragorn in Rivendell
250009F10C - Aragorn is at Rivendell in the Trollshaws, in one of the guest rooms of Elrond's House.\n\nGolodir instructed you to take word of Mordirith's fall to his chieftain, Aragorn.
250009F200 - 'There is much you can do for the Free Peoples. Where do you wish to start today?'
250009F201 - Golodir[mn]
250009F300 - 'What do you have there, a bracelet? Perhaps you can sell it to someone. I have not much to say about jewellery and other such baubles.'
250009F301 - 'This bracelet looks to be of Hillman-make. You should speak to one of the Hillmen who camp up near Carn Dûm to see if they recognize it.'
250009F302 - 'Ah, one of the Hillmen's bracelets. Speak with one of them up near Carn Dûm if you wish to learn more about it.'
250009F303 - 'This bracelet looks to be of Hillman-make. You should speak to one of the Hillmen who camp near Carn Dûm to see if they recognize it.'
250009F304 - 'What...? Where did you find this? This belonged to my Dírdrë. I thought it was lost forever when she was taken from me by the Angmarim. But that was so long ago....\n\n'Thank you for finding it!'
250009F305 - You found a bracelet of burnished gold, covered in grime and filth. The name \qDírdrë\q was marked upon it.
250009F306 - 'Yes? Can I help you?'
250009F307 - Wiping away a bit of the grime covering the bracelet, you discover an engraving that reads, \qDírdrë.\q It may be that someone at Tármunn Súrsa will recognize the bracelet or the name engraved upon it.
250009F308 - Tármunn Súrsa lies in the northern part of eastern Angmar.\n\nYou should go to Tármunn Súrsa and question its inhabitants about the bracelet you found.
250009F309 - 'This is not of dwarf-make, I can tell you that much. Nor is it of Elf-craft. It's a bit primitive, I think. I can't say I know from whence it comes.'
250009F30A - '\qDírdrë\q sounds like a Hillman name to me, but I can't tell you much else.'
250009F30B - 'Yes, I can make out the name, but I do not recall meeting anyone of that name in this place. It is a Hillman's name. Perhaps one of those Hillmen who camp near Carn Dûm will know something about it.'
250009F30C - 'Ah, this is a Hillman's bracelet, but I do not recognize the name written upon it. Perhaps one of the others will know of this \qDírdrë.\q'
250009F30D - Speak to people in Tármunn Súrsa
250009F30E - 'I know nothing of such baubles. Speak to one of the others if you are so interested in this bracelet!'
250009F30F - 'A bracelet you found on one of the Nimwaith? Likely the creature found it or stole it from someone else. Other than that, I can tell you nothing about the bracelet. Some of the others in the camp may know more.'
250009F310 - The Tarnished Bracelet
250009F311 - 'I have never seen a bracelet such as this. It seems a bit crude, but still beyond the skill of the Nimwaith. I cannot tell you more than that. I would speak to some of the others in the camp...they may be able to help you more.'
250009F312 - 'I think this bracelet was made by the Hillmen. I have seen some of them wearing similar bracelets. Speak to one of them up near Carn Dûm to find out more.'
250009F400 - Tarnished Bracelet[e]
250009F401 - A worn and tarnished bracelet, covered in filth and grime.
250009F402 - ...[p]
250009F500 - 'The Dwarves of Gabilshathûr shall not forget Lorniel. No, a great statue will be erected in her name!'
250009F501 - 'Golodir is returned, but he is not the man I once knew. There is no hope for my people.'
250009F502 - 'Golodir is returned to us, but at such a cost....'
250009F503 - 'The Iron Crown shall pay for Lorniel's death! Mark my words!'
250009F504 - 'I fear Golodir shall never recover from Lorniel's death.'
250009F505 - With the key to Carn Dûm in hand, the time has come to move against the forces of the False King and try to rescue Golodir.
250009F506 - 'Your efforts have renewed my hope,
250009F507 - . The time has come to move against the False King. Fortunately, I have just received word from Raghnall that my father was being moved outside of Carn Dûm to Rhunendin. With the key you have forged, no door will be barred to us. We will never have a better chance to free my father!\n\n'Are you with me? If so, speak with me again when you are ready to leave.'\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250009F508 - Lorniel awaits you at Gath Forthnír in eastern Angmar.\n\nLorniel told you to speak with her again when you were ready to begin your raid on Carn Dûm.\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250009F509 - 'Why did you come? Why did you allow Lorniel to come? I would sooner have dwelt there in torment for a thousand years, than to see my only daughter perish at the gates of that forsaken place....\n\n'Here, I took this accursed key from Lorniel before we left her behind...but, no, I no longer wish it. Take it!'
250009F50A - Golodir is at Gath Forthnír.\n\nYou have rescued Golodir, but at a terrible cost. The False King, Mordirith, appeared and slew her. You were able to weaken Mordirith and escape with Golodir back to Gath Forthnír.
250009F50B - 'Are you ready to leave,
250009F50C - ? Who knows how long we have before my father is moved once more.'\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250009F50D - 'Golodir's pain is not unknown to me. I, too, lost a daughter to Angmar, long, long ago....'
250009F50E - 'Lorniel was as a sister to me. I do not know if I shall ever get over the pain of losing her.'


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
250009F50F - Talk to Lorniel
250009F510 - 'If only I had done more...if only I had gone in her place....'
250009F511 - 'It seems like just yesterday that Lorniel and I were children running through Esteldín...now she is gone....'
250009F512 - Book 7, Chapter 8: The Gates of Carn Dûm
250009F513 - 'Why? Why did she have to die? Curse Mordirith! May he fall beyond the Void!'
250009F514 - 'Lorniel's determination was like a fire that kindled hope in all our hearts. Now that hope is extinguished....'
250009F515 - 'I wished Golodir to be free...to be returned to us...but not in exchange for Lorniel! Never that!'
250009F600 - 'Good work!'
250009F601 - 'See, Golodir. It is as I promised. Here is your daughter.'
250009F602 - 'And here is
250009F603 - and all the others you have watched for so long.'
250009F604 - 'You see, for a great many days, Golodir has watched you from afar through a palantír.'
250009F605 - 'I told him that seeing your failures would break his will.'
250009F606 - 'Now we fight!'
250009F607 - 'Yet, as he saw your \qsuccesses,\q he thought me the fool.'
250009F608 - 'Now though, as he sees your final defeat at my hands, he shall know true despair!'
250009F609 - Golodir speaks through choking sobs, 'No, no...Lorniel!\n\n'He was right...Mordirith was right. He was just playing with me...with you. He could have defeated you today if he had truly wanted to.\n\n'All that time seeing through the palantír I thought I would see the victory...that Lorniel and you...that you would free me, would bring about the downfall of Angmar. It is all gone...all is lost....'
250009F60A - 'Quickly, we must leave this terrible place....'
250009F60B - 'Father! Are you badly hurt?'
250009F60C - 'And in his despair, he shall abandon all hope and become a servant of the Iron Crown!'
250009F60D - 'Good, so far we have passed unnoticed by the Enemy. Now we must see if we can find my father.\n\n'I have no insight into where exactly he may be...Raghnall did not tell me where in Rhunendin he would be found. We will have to make a careful search.\n\n'Prepare yourself, who knows what lies ahead....'
250009F60E - 'Look at all of them! Quick, this way!'
250009F60F - 'It is very strange that the key did not work on this gate. I hope we do not encounter any other unexpected surprises as we continue on.'
250009F610 - 'My father is not here. How could Raghnall's words have proven false? I fear that we will have to go into Carn Dûm itself!'
250009F611 - Lorniel has been defeated
250009F612 - 'It is enough! I need not waste time with you fools any longer!'
250009F613 - Lorniel has been defeated
250009F614 - Lorniel has been defeated
250009F615 - Defeated Mordirith, the False King
250009F616 - 'Summon the giant!'
250009F617 - You have travelled to Rhunendin with Lorniel. Using the key you helped forge, she is going to search for her father.
250009F618 - 'Intruders!'
250009F619 - 'Bring forth the giant! They must be stopped!'
250009F61A - Talk to Golodir
250009F61B - 'Strange...the key does not work here....'
250009F61C - 'Stop them! They cannot interrupt the ritual!'
250009F61D - 'I am not sure why the key did not work, but I did see a means to open the gate.'
250009F61E - 'Perhaps the key will work here...'
250009F61F - 'On the other side of the gate, there is a lever.'
250009F620 - 'I will wait here and watch the pass behind us.'
250009F621 - 'Leave now and take Golodir with you.'
250009F622 - 'I have accomplished what I set out to do!'
250009F623 - Talk to Lorniel
250009F624 - 'Let us hold here for a moment. Perhaps an opportunity will present itself...'
250009F625 - Protect Lorniel as she searches for her father
250009F626 - Open the gate for Lorniel
250009F627 - 'It is not him. Let us continue!'
250009F628 - 'This poor soul is not my father...'
250009F629 - Talk to Lorniel
250009F62A - 'I am sure now; this is not my father.'
250009F62B - Protect Lorniel as she searches for her father
250009F62C - Talk to Lorniel
250009F62D - 'Never!'
250009F62E - 'Lorniel!'
250009F62F - Protect Lorniel as she searches for her father
250009F630 - Defeat Mordirith, the False King
250009F631 - Defeat Mordirith, the False King
250009F632 - 'The giant has broken free from our will!'
250009F633 - 'unh...'
250009F634 - 'It is time to put this key to its final test...'
250009F635 - 'Tread carefully now...'
250009F636 - 'Wait! The gates open on their own!'
250009F637 - 'Father!'
250009F638 - Protect Lorniel as she searches for her father, Golodir.
250009F639 - Use the lever on the other side of the gate.\n\nAs you progressed deeper into Rhunendin, you encountered a gate the key to Carn Dûm would not open. You should make your way to the lever and open the gate for Lorniel.
250009F63A - Protect Lorniel as she searches for her father, Golodir.
250009F63B - Protect Lorniel as she searches for her father, Golodir.
250009F63C - After you found Golodir, Lorniel was slain. Now the False King stands before you, far from his source of power. Now is the time to defeat Mordirith.
250009F63D - 'Be on your guard...'
250009F63E - Golodir is waiting to talk to you.\n\nYou have found Golodir and driven off Mordirith, but at a terrible cost.
250009F63F - 'There, a fallen Ranger!'
250009F640 - 'Another Ranger lies ahead!'
250009F641 - 'I can see another fallen Ranger ahead.'
250009F642 - 'There! Another Ranger!'
250009F643 - 'Good!'
250009F644 - 'Die.'
250009F645 - 'Hurry now, use the lever on the other side of the gate and open the way.'
250009F646 - 'Please do not be him...'
250009F647 - 'Hold, I will open this gate...'
250009F648 - 'Please do not let this be my father!'
250009F649 - 'Father, is that you?'
250009F64A - 'Come now, Carn Dûm lies before us!'
250009F64B - 'Wait...this is Raghnall!'
250009F64C - Instance: The Gates of Carn Dûm
250009F64D - 'He is not here!'
250009F700 - Collected Golodir's sword
250009F701 - Collected Golodir's mail shirt
250009F702 - Collected Golodir's shield
250009F703 - The assault on Carn Dûm saw the freedom of the Ranger Golodir, but proved fruitless as Lorniel perished, and Mordirith, the Steward of Angmar, withdrew into the fastness of the city.
250009F704 - 'I have nothing left, thanks to your carelessness. If you wish to speak with someone, speak with Laerdan. He will have to continue the fight on now, without me.\n\n'Now leave me.' \n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250009F705 - Laerdan is at Gath Forthnír.\n\nGolodir, crushed by his daughter's death, told you to leave him be and to go speak with the Elf Laerdan.\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250009F706 - 'Ah,
250009F707 - . It is good that you have returned. I have known Golodir for many years, but never have I seen his spirit so broken. Though Lorniel's death was perhaps the final stone to be cast at his shattered heart, I sense there is something more dire at the root of his despair.\n\n'We must reforge Golodir's spirit, my friend...though I know not how. I have only a dim flicker of a plan, but perhaps it will work.\n\nGolodir was a mighty warrior, and he could be reminded of that past if he were to have his weapons again. They were taken from him, and given as gifts to the emissaries of the tribes of Angmar, as tokens of Mordirith's victory over the Free Peoples. Each of these emissaries occupies a tower at Barad Gúlaran to the south. If we are fortunate, you will find Golodir's weapons and gear on these emissaries.'
250009F708 - Golodir's gear was given to emissaries from the goblins, dwarves and nomads of Angmar. These emissaries can be found in the spires surrounding Barad Gúlaran to the south of Gath Forthnír.\n\nAs a first step in his plan to renew Golodir's spirit, Laerdan has asked you to retrieve the Ranger's weapons and gear from the emissaries within the towers of Barad Gúlaran.\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250009F709 - 'Leave me be,
250009F70A - . My life and my joy have been stripped from me.'
250009F70B - 'So you have returned and with success. Alas, this gear is no longer fit for use. I fear the flicker of my plan is soon to be extinguished.\n\n'Still, there may be some hope left.'
250009F70C - 'Leave me be! I have no interest in your folly.'
250009F70D - 'Have you found Golodir's gear? Each piece is in the possession of an emissary of the tribes of Angmar - goblin, dwarf and nomad - with the towers at Barad Gúlaran.'
250009F70E - Bring Golodir's gear to Laerdan
250009F70F - Find Prakhum, the emissary of Goblin-town, and recover Golodir's sword from him
250009F710 - Find Karstíona, the emissary of the Trév Duvárdain, and recover Golodir's mail shirt from her
250009F711 - Find Laugi Goldentongue, the emissary of the Dourhands, and recover Golodir's shield from him
250009F712 - Book 8, Chapter 1: The Flickering Flame
250009F800 - Golodir's Mail-shirt[nm]
250009F801 - This shirt is covered in rust and filth.
250009F802 - ...[p]
250009F900 - Gondorian Shield[e]
250009F901 - The age of this shield is difficult to ascertain, but it seems very old.
250009F902 - ...[p]
250009FA00 - 'Mordirith has been weakened, though not destroyed. The way though is open for others to finally throw down this False King. I wish that it had been I who had driven that foul creature back into Shadow, but it is enough to have done what I have.\n\n'I ask that if you do return to Carn Dûm, finish the work that we started, strike down Mordirith. Although a creature such as he cannot be entirely destroyed -- for he can simply recloak -- such a loss for him will be a great victory for the Free Peoples of Eriador.\n\n'Still, there is more I would ask of you....'
250009FA01 - 'Good, you have arrived! Now is the time to face Mordirith and make him pay for all that he has done. Here we shall strike a blow against Angmar, or die in the attempt!\n\n'Are you ready?'
250009FA02 - Book 8, Chapter 5: Mordirith's Fall
250009FA03 - 'You have my thanks for now. I will see you all soon, I am sure of it.'
250009FA04 - Golodir has been defeated
250009FA05 - 'The journey into Carn Dûm will be a difficult one, but Mordirith must be thrown down. Are you ready to travel?'\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250009FA06 - You have defeated Mordirith
250009FA07 - 'The debt of gratitude I owe you,
250009FA08 - , is not one that can be easily repaid. But be assured, I shall not forget all that you have done for me.'
250009FA09 - Mordirith can be found within the throne room of Carn Dûm.\n\nGolodir has asked you to join him as he returns to Carn Dûm to face Mordirith, the False King, Steward of Angmar.\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250009FA0A - 'Mordirith's defeat is a great victory, but do not be mistaken: the war against Angmar is not yet won.'
250009FA0B - Golodir is at Gath Forthnír.\n\nAfter defeating Mordirith and encountering the mysterious Sara Oakheart, you and Golodir travelled back to Gath Forthnír. You should speak with Golodir again.
250009FA0C - 'You have done well in restoring Golodir's hope and avenging Lorniel's death. Thank you.'
250009FA0D - 'I never thought the day would come! The False King has fallen!'
250009FA0E - 'The factions of Angmar will fall into infighting now that the Witch-king's Steward has been defeated!'
250009FA0F - 'Through the long years here, hiding, I had about given up hope of us ever striking such a blow against the Iron Crown. Yet, Mordirith has fallen!'
250009FA10 - 'Hope has returned. The spirit of Lorniel's father has been restored. I think Lorniel would be happy...yes, I know she would!'
250009FA11 - 'Golodir, did you really think that you could stop Angmar with \qwarriors\q such as these?'
250009FA12 - 'Although the False King was but a link in the shackles that bind my people, I know now that one day the shackles of slavery shall be utterly broken, forever!'
250009FA13 - '
250009FA14 - , unwittingly, you have been an aid to me time and again.'
250009FA15 - 'Fools! I've had enough of your meddling!'
250009FA16 - 'To face so great an enemy and defeat him. Such strength does not dwell within me...we are honoured to have one such as you aid us.'
250009FA17 - 'The victory was bought at a great cost, yet no price is too high to pay if it results in the downfall of the Iron Crown!'
250009FA18 - 'Mordirith's defeat is but the first blow in our war against Angmar! Soon the Iron Crown will be toppled, and my kin will be free of them!'
250009FA19 - Speak to Golodir
250009FA1A - '
250009FA1B - ! Thank you. Thank you for avenging Lorniel's death. She was a fine girl...you've done well by her name!'
250009FA1C - Talk to Golodir in Gath Forthnír
250009FA1D - '
250009FA1E - ! The bane of Mordirith! Your victory shall never be forgotten! Never!'
250009FA1F - Talk to Golodir in Gath Forthnír
250009FA20 - 'This evil shall be destroyed once and for all!'
250009FA21 - 'For you see, the Palantír is now mine.'
250009FA22 - Laerdan's hopes of using the sword and armour of Golodir to renew the Ranger's spirit were not in vain. The sight of the shining shield of Gondor and of his bright-burning sword, Dúnachar, kindled within Golodir a new fire...perhaps a dangerous one.
250009FA23 - 'Good, you have arrived! Let us destroy this evil once and for all!'
250009FA24 - 'The time for vengeance is at hand. Despite the strength you have seen within Angmar's bosom, it is a strength which may falter quickly. Mordirith, the False King, is a creature of great power, but I believe he may be hindered, if not destroyed altogether.\n\n'I will return to Carn Dûm and face Mordirith. It is time to cut the Iron Crown from the head of this serpent. I would ask that you stand with me!\n\n'Together, we will pass into that vile city and face Mordirith in the throne room of Carn Dûm. Gather what companions and supplies you need, for the fight ahead will be terrible.'\n\nThis quest is meant for a fellowship. If you choose to undertake this quest solo you will receive an inspiration bonus, but the challenge will be great.
250009FB00 - 'I am concerned for the safety of Eriador. Things look bleak this day.'
250009FB01 - Laerdan[mn]
250009FC00 - 'Well, the shield was not a problem, although I have never seen one quite like it. This was not Golodir's shield, it is much older and bears the markings of the South Kingdom. Very interesting...whatever the case, it will serve him well.\n\n'The sword though, well that is another matter. It was forged by the Elves long ago and is beyond my ability to repair. I am sorry, but I have done what I can.\n\n'Perhaps Daervunn will have another thought on how to repair Golodir's sword.'
250009FC01 - 'Golodir's equipment? I will help however I can.\n\n'Hmm, yes. I believe I can repair the damage to his mail shirt, but repairing the shield and the sword is beyond my ability. I think though one of the armoursmiths here in Esteldín will be able to help. Go and take the sword and shield to Toram. While you do this, I will set to work on the shirt.'
250009FC02 - Book 8, Chapter 2: Rekindling the Flame
250009FC03 - 'What can I do for you today?'
250009FC04 - 'So Golodir lives? It is an amazing thing. I had thought him long dead, yet another victim of Angmar. It is a shame though that his freedom was won at the price of his daughter's life. Lorniel, was a gift. Beautiful in spirit and form. What a shame.\n\n'Ah, I have gone on too long. Let me see that sword and shield. I will do what I can to help Golodir.'
250009FC05 - 'You should not tarry here, but make your way to Esteldín. Perhaps there Golodir's friend Daervunn may be able to repair his gear.'
250009FC06 - 'What can I do for you today?'
250009FC07 - 'You should not tarry here, but make your way to Esteldín. Perhaps there Golodir's friend Daervunn may be able to repair his gear.'
250009FC08 - 'Fortunately, without too much difficulty, I have been able to repair the shirt. I am disappointed though that Toram was unable to repair the sword. At least he was able to repair the shield.\n\n'It is interesting that the shield you found was not Golodir's, but is of the South Kingdom. It is quite a mystery...but one that must be solved another time, I suppose.\n\n'Returning to the sword, if we are to have it reforged, I can think of but one place where there are Elf-smiths of sufficient skill to repair it.'
250009FC09 - Daervunn is at Esteldín in the North Downs, far to the south and west of Angmar.\n\nLaerdan instructed you to take Golodir's equipment to the Ranger Daervunn to be repaired.
250009FC0A - 'You should not tarry here, but make your way to Esteldín. Perhaps there his friend Daervunn may be able to repair Golodir's gear.'
250009FC0B - 'Have you Golodir's sword and shield?'
250009FC0C - Toram is in Esteldín.\n\nDaervunn felt he could repair Golodir's shirt, but the sword and shield were beyond his ability. He asked you to speak to Toram in Esteldín to have those items repaired.
250009FC0D - 'You should not tarry here, but make your way to Esteldín. Perhaps there Golodir's friend Daervunn may be able to repair his gear.'
250009FC0E - Reclaim Golodir's sword and shield from Toram in Esteldín.\n\nDaervunn asked you to take Golodir's sword and shield to Toram, an armoursmith in Esteldín, for repair.
250009FC0F - 'I will repair the shirt, but the sword and shield are beyond my ability. Take them to Toram, one of Esteldín's armoursmiths. He should be able to fix them.'
250009FC10 - Daervunn is at Esteldín.\n\nYou should return to Daervunn to collect Golodir's shirt and to see if he has any thoughts on how to repair Golodir's sword.
250009FC11 - 'I am nearly done with the shirt, but you should go see Toram and reclaim Golodir's sword and shield.'
250009FC12 - 'I have done all I can for you. That sword is beyond my ability to repair. I would speak to Daervunn, if I were you. He may have some thoughts on how it may yet be repaired.'
250009FC13 - 'Hmm, the sword looks of Elf-make... the shield though, that's something I can repair.'
250009FC14 - Bring Golodir's equipment to Daervunn
250009FC15 - Wait for Toram to complete his task
250009FC16 - Bring the sword and shield to Toram
250009FC17 - Bring the sword and shield to Daervunn
250009FC18 - You managed to recover Golodir's equipment, but as Laerdan pointed out to you, the gear was corroded and decayed beyond use.
250009FC19 - 'What hope remains to Golodir must lie with his own people. It may be that they can repair this gear or somehow draw from it, something that may renew Golodir.\n\n'Take this equipment to the hidden Ranger encampment of Esteldín in the North Downs -- I am sure you have been there before. Tell them Laerdan of Eregion sent you.\n\n'Time is wasting for Golodir!'
250009FD00 - Lorniel[fn]
250009FE00 - After discovering the secret of the watching-stones of Rammas Deluon, Corunir sent you into the eastern reaches of Angmar, seeking the Rangers and Hillmen of Aughaire who had marched forth to throw down the rising power of Angmar. You found the Ranger Braigiar at the dwarf-outpost of Gabilshathûr in Malenhad.
250009FE01 - 'It is a pity that Corunir could not steel his heart against the Watchers of Rammas Deluon. The power of the watching-stones is terrible. Many of the Hillmen tried to flee back through Rammas Deluon and perished.\n\n'We marched on, but ere we ever came unto Carn Dûm, we were beset by Orcs and creatures more terrible. Golodir was lost and our numbers were scattered. The scarce remnant that remains has barely managed to avoid the snares of the Enemy for these last few years, but I fear Angmar has grown too strong, and we will not be able to hide forever.\n\n'I have learned that one party of my kindred is encamped at a place called Gath Forthnír, far to the north in the eastern reaches of Himbar. Go to them, if you would, and lend them what aid you may.'
250009FE02 - Gath Forthnír lies somewhere far to the north of Gabilshathûr.\n\nBraigiar has sent you to find and lend aid to the survivors of Golodir's company at the encampment of Gath Forthnír.
250009FE03 - 'You have come from Corunir by way of Braigiar? Welcome, then, and well met! Indeed, we could use your aid. These last few years have seen us nearly vanquished.\n\n'But it is not for me to tell you of our woes. You should enter within and speak with Lorniel, Golodir's daughter.'
250009FE04 - Lorniel is inside the building at Gath Forthnír.\n\nAreneth told you to speak with Lorniel, daughter of Golodir.
250009FE05 - 'Your aid is needed among my brethren at Gath Forthnír. Do not delay!'
250009FE06 - 'I do not believe good fortune alone brings you hither, my good
250009FE07 - . Come, we have much to speak about.'
250009FE08 - 'You say Lorniel lives? You should return to Gath Forthnír at once and speak with her!'
250009FE09 - 'Lorniel is inside. She will wish to speak with you.'
250009FE0A - Find the Rangers of Gath Forthnír
250009FE0B - 'Whatever you do, make sure the Iron Crown never learns of Gath Forthnír!'
250009FE0C - 'The shadow hangs heavy here, yet even here, hope can be found.'
250009FE0D - Book 7, Chapter 1: Hidden in Shadow
250009FE0E - 'The Enemy is strong, to be sure, but his pride shall lead to his fall!'
250009FF00 - 'The Morroval fly close! I can't be seen!'
250009FF01 - Lorniel told you that she believes her father still lives, held captive in the dungeons of Carn Dûm. She hopes to find a way inside the terrible city and rescue him.
250009FF02 - 'If you came from Braigiar, I have no doubt you heard that my father was lost. He was indeed lost to us, but I do not believe he was slain. I have heard reports from our allies that he was taken captive and is being held within the dungeons of Carn Dûm.\n\n'One such ally, a sympathetic Hillman from the hostile eastern tribes named Raghnall, claims that he has acquired a scroll from the libraries of Carn Dûm that tells how to gain access to the city. If you would meet Raghnall and obtain the scroll from him, it would be a tremendous step towards freeing my father from the clutches of the Enemy.\n\n'Be wary, though...he will be waiting just south of Bail Cátharnakh, a Hillman village which lies to the south-west of Gath Forthnír. Most of the Hillmen there are in the service of the Iron Crown.'
250009FF03 - Meet with Raghnall south of Bail Cátharnakh, west of Gath Forthnír.\n\nLorniel told you that she had heard from a Hillman named Raghnall who was seeking to leave the service of Angmar and might have information that will allow her to gain access to Carn Dûm.
250009FF04 - 'You were sent here by the woman from the South? Here...take this scroll. My people are suspicious. I must go at once!'
250009FF05 - Lorniel can be found within Gath Forthnír, east of Bail Cátharnakh.\n\nYou met with Raghnall and he gave you a scroll that explains how to forge a key for the Gates of Carn Dûm.
250009FF06 - 'Leave me at once! My people will kill me if they see us together. Take the scroll to the woman, to your Lorniel...she will know what to do with it.'
250009FF07 - 'Did you find Raghnall? Ah! That must be the scroll he told of! Let me see it.'
250009FF08 - 'Hurry,
250009FF09 - ...there is no telling how long Raghnall can stay hidden. You must go speak with him immediately! He should be hiding somewhere south of Bail Cátharnakh.'
250009FF0A - 'Did you obtain the scroll from Raghnall?'
250009FF0B - Bring the scroll to Lorniel
250009FF0C - Book 7, Chapter 2: Crossing the Shadow
25000A0000 - Raghnall[mn]
25000A0100 - 'In this dark land, we look for hope from the South.'
25000A0101 - Areneth[mn]
25000A0200 - 'The text you recovered told of a dire champion of Angmar, an Orc of great strength that slew many of my people.\n\n'Is this a legend of old or are these the words of truth? That I cannot say, but this Mordirith's servants are many and powerful...I do not doubt these claims.\n\n'You should investigate the matter. Return to Minas Caul and strike its gates. Should this fabled champion exist, he would be ill-advised to ignore such a challenge.'
25000A0201 - 'Felling the Champion of Minas Caul is an impressive task. The Orcs will soon realize the threat you pose to their master.\n\n'Celebrate your victory,
25000A0202 - , but do not forget the Orcs' love for vengeance.'
25000A0203 - 'That text you hold should summon the Orc champion.'
25000A0204 - The Champion of Minas Caul
25000A0205 - Lindir translated the text you found from the Black Speech into Westron.
25000A0206 - Summon and defeat Minas Caul's Champion
25000A0207 - Minas Caul stands on the western side of Barad Gularan, south of Gath Forthnír.\n\nYou must travel to Barad Gularan and issue a challenge to the Orcs within Minas Caul.
25000A0208 - Report back to Lindir
25000A0209 - Lindir is in the Fire Hall in Rivendell in the Trollshaws, far to the south.\n\nYou travelled to the Minas Caul and called out its champion. After a difficult battle, you defeated him. You should return to Lindir with news of your victory.
25000A0300 - Translated Incantation[e]
25000A0301 - This text tells of a mighty Orc-champion from Minas Caul.
25000A0302 - ...[p]
25000A0400 - 'The text you recovered told of an evil woman of the Hillmen who betrayed her tribe to serve the False King. Now she dwells within Minas Agar, commanding the Angmarim who pledge allegience to the Iron Crown.\n\n'Is this a legend of old or are these the words of truth? That I cannot say, but Mordirith's servants are many and powerful...I do not doubt these claims.\n\n'You should investigate the matter. Return to Minas Agar and strike its gates. Should this fabled champion exist, she would be ill-advised to ignore such a challenge.'
25000A0401 - 'The Angmarim are fierce warriors without mercy, but they respect a show of strength. You defeated their champion in battle, and they will never forget this.'
25000A0402 - 'That text you hold should summon the Angmarim champion.'
25000A0403 - The Champion of Minas Agar
25000A0404 - Lindir translated the text you found from the Black Speech into Westron.
25000A0405 - Summon and defeat Minas Agar's Champion
25000A0406 - Minas Agar stands on the western side of Barad Gularan, south of Gath Forthnír.\n\nYou must travel to Barad Gularan and issue a challenge to the Angmarim within Minas Agar.
25000A0407 - Report back to Lindir
25000A0408 - Lindir is in the Fire Hall in Rivendell in the Trollshaws, far to the south.\n\nYou travelled to the Minas Agar and called out its champion. After a difficult battle, you defeated her. You should bring news of your victory to Lindir.
25000A0500 - Translated Incantation[e]
25000A0501 - This text tells of a sinister Angmarim-champion from Minas Agar.
25000A0502 - ...[p]
25000A0600 - 'The text you recovered told of a goblin warrior, a champion of Angmar that commanded a legion of his kind.\n\n'Is this a legend of old or are these the words of truth? That I cannot say, but this Mordirith's servants are many and powerful...I do not doubt these claims.\n\n'You should investigate the matter. Return to Minas Maur and strike its gates. Should this fabled champion exist, it would be ill-advised to ignore such a challenge.'
25000A0601 - 'The goblins are a craven lot, vicious and evil. Their champion was no less despicable, but by your accounting, it seems he was a formidable opponent.'
25000A0602 - 'That text you hold should summon the goblin champion.'
25000A0603 - The Champion of Minas Maur
25000A0604 - Lindir translated the text you found from the Black Speech into Westron.
25000A0605 - Summon and defeat Minas Maur's Champion
25000A0606 - Minas Maur stands on the western side of Barad Gularan, south of Gath Forthnír.\n\nYou must travel to Barad Gularan and issue a challenge to the goblins within Minas Maur.
25000A0607 - Report back to Lindir
25000A0608 - Lindir is in the Fire Hall in Rivendell in the Trollshaws, far to the south.\n\nYou travelled to Minas Maur and called out its champion. After a difficult battle, you defeated the creature. You should return to Lindir with the news of your victory.
25000A0700 - Translated Incantation[e]
25000A0701 - This text tells of a ruthless goblin-champion from Minas Maur.
25000A0702 - ...[p]
25000A0800 - 'The text you recovered spoke of the betrayal of the Longbeards by the Dourhands, and of a champion that survived the death of his master, the pale dwarf called Skorgrím.\n\n'I remember this dark day but is this evil champion the stuff of legend? That I cannot say, but this Mordirith's servants are many and powerful...I do not doubt these claims.\n\n'You should investigate the matter. Return to Minas Angos and strike its gates. Should this fabled champion exist, he would be ill-advised to ignore such a challenge.'
25000A0801 - 'I have stood shoulder to shoulder with our dwarf-allies, and I can attest to their skill in battle. That you fought a champion of the Dourhands and survived is an amazing feat, and one that those treacherous villains will not soon forget.'
25000A0802 - 'That text you hold should summon the Dourhands' champion.'
25000A0803 - The Champion of Minas Angos
25000A0804 - Lindir translated the text you found from the Black Speech into Westron.
25000A0805 - Summon and defeat Minas Angos' Champion
25000A0806 - Minas Angos stands on the western side of Barad Gularan, south of Gath Forthnír.\n\nYou must travel to Barad Gularan and issue a challenge to the evil dwarves within Minas Angos.
25000A0807 - Report back to Lindir
25000A0808 - Lindir is in the Fire Hall in Rivendell in the Trollshaws, far to the south.\n\nYou travelled to Minas Angos and called out its dwarven champion. After a difficult battle, you defeated him. You should return to Lindir with the news of your victory
25000A0900 - Translated Incantation[e]
25000A0901 - This text tells of a devious Dourhand-champion from Minas Angos.
25000A0902 - ...[p]
25000A0B00 - 'They shall trouble us no further!'
25000A0B01 - 'I had not thought, though, that I would see it become a threat again.'
25000A0B02 - 'Your actions saved Muiladan from certain doom, but the Enemy is resourceful and will find a way to this safe-haven.\n\n'We must show the Angmarim an even greater gesture of our strength. If they resume their attacks, I fear the worst.'
25000A0B03 - 'For the Free Peoples!'
25000A0B04 - 'At least, not in my lifetime!'
25000A0B05 - 'I am glad you made it through. The eyes of the merrevail are everywhere, and I feared I would be discovered before someone arrived.\n\n'We must leave here at once.'
25000A0B06 - Help from the South
25000A0B07 - 'Good job!'
25000A0B08 - 'Yet that is the way of things, I suppose.'
25000A0B09 - 'I think it is time we continued on!'
25000A0B0A - 'Let us see if we can get through to the west...'
25000A0B0B - Muiladan has been defeated
25000A0B0C - 'Find Muiladan and escort him back here.'
25000A0B0D - You have escorted Muiladan to safety
25000A0B0E - 'Curses, Angmarim! They must have followed you.'
25000A0B0F - Muiladan waits in the valley to the south.\n\nAreneth asked you to escort Muiladan, a scout from Esteldín, to the Ranger-encampment at Gath Forthnír.
25000A0B10 - Areneth is at Gath Forthnír to the north.\n\nMuiladan survived the journey north and will be able to lead his companions to the hidden camp.
25000A0B11 - 'Careful, enemies ahead!'
25000A0B12 - 'The Enemy has found us!'
25000A0B13 - 'Look! More enemies lie ahead!'
25000A0B14 - 'More of the Enemy's servants have found us!'
25000A0B15 - 'Prepare yourself! They have found us!'
25000A0B16 - 'Let us go!'
25000A0B17 - Find Muiladan
25000A0B18 - Escort Muiladan
25000A0B19 - 'Wait! Hold here. We dare go no further!'
25000A0B1A - Scouts from Esteldín have been trying to break the lines and reach Gath Forthnír. So far, none have been successful.
25000A0B1B - 'Wait. Let us rest here for a few moments.'
25000A0B1C - 'I think we are through the worst of them.'
25000A0B1D - 'Let us continue. I do not think it is much further.'
25000A0B1E - 'I will continue on ahead. I would like to scout the land a bit more.'
25000A0B1F - 'My thanks, friend!'
25000A0B20 - 'The grounds ahead are too exposed. The Morroval would surely spot us.'
25000A0B21 - 'We will have to try to the east.'
25000A0B22 - 'Let us continue!'
25000A0B23 - 'This is a nightmarish realm, is it not?'
25000A0B24 - 'Forward!'
25000A0B25 - 'Of course, I have heard tales of the Witch-king and his realm from my youth.'
25000A0B26 - 'A scout from Esteldín, Muiladan, needs your help, and time is of the essence. If the Enemy discovers him, they will redouble their efforts to attack us before help arrives. \n\n'Escort him through the valley from his hiding place south of here, atop a ridge that overlooks Nan Gurth. The terrain is treacherous, and there are many dangers on the way to Gath Forthnír. \n\n'His companions will not be far behind, and with their numbers, they should have little trouble fighting their way to us, if need be.'
25000A0C00 - 'I know a way to take the fire from the Angmarim. But I must warn you that this is no mean feat. I cannot promise you will return from this battle.\n\n'There is a creature that commands the Angmarim. The wraith Garthamendir, a Cargûl that guards the gate of Carn Dûm. It is the thing that spurs the Angmarim into battle, the thing they fear more than your steel or the arrows of my Rangers.\n\n'Find the Cargûl at the gates of Carn Dûm to the west. Rest first and gather your strength. You will need all of it if you are to triumph. And go not alone!'
25000A0C01 - 'Your courage inspires my men,
25000A0C02 - . With the wraith defeated, the Angmarim scurry in search of a new leader. We will attack them while they are at their weakest.'
25000A0C03 - 'Garthamendir will fall this day, I can feel it on the wind. Head to the Gates of Carn Dûm in the north-west corner of Himbar.'
25000A0C04 - The Keeper Garthamendir


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25000A0C05 - Your constant harassment of the Angmarim has not gone unnoticed. The Rangers wish to push the fight to the Gates of Carn Dûm itself and defeat the leader of the Angmarim in Himbar.
25000A0C06 - You defeated Garthamendir
25000A0C07 - Defeat the Cargûl, Garthamendir
25000A0C08 - Garthamendir guards the gates of Carn Dûm to the west.\n\nAreneth warned you of the Cargûl and its terrible wrath. But killing the fell creature is the only way to break the Angmarim forces. He warned you not to face Garthamendir alone.
25000A0C09 - Areneth is at Gath Forthnír, east of Carn Dûm.\n\nGarthamendir was defeated and his forces shattered. You should return to Areneth with the news.
25000A0D00 - 'You have been a help to we who keep Gabilshathûr safe,
25000A0D01 - , and I am sure you can do the same for others. Some time ago, a company of Rangers and Hillmen led by a man named Golodir crossed Rammas Deluon. Many could not overcome the power of the watching-stones, but some few escaped the dreadful statues.\n\n'The survivors established a camp, Gath Forthnír, far to the north, in Himbar. Go to them and give them the assistance you have provided us!\n\n'You are strong and brave,
25000A0D02 - ,
25000A0D03 - of much skill. You will bring hope to those who stand watch against the evils of Carn Dûm.'
25000A0D04 - 'You have come from Gabilshathûr? Welcome, friend. Your aid is indeed welcome here.'
25000A0D05 - Onward to Gath Forthnír
25000A0D06 - Commander Gisur is impressed with your performance and believes he knows of someone who can use your aid.
25000A0D07 - Talk to the gate-keeper of Gath Forthnír
25000A0D08 - Gath Forthnír is far to the north of Gabilshathûr.\n\nCommander Gisur told you that Golodir's army was not completely destroyed, and the Ranger has established a camp in the north, Gath Forthnír.
25000A0E00 - Collected broken swords from Angmarim warriors (
25000A0E01 - /
25000A0E02 - )
25000A0E03 - Collected broken crossbows from Angmarim marksmen (
25000A0E04 - /
25000A0E05 - )
25000A0E06 - The Angmarim, servants of the Dark Lord, threaten the Rangers of Gath Forthnír.
25000A0E07 - 'I received word of reinforcements coming from the south. If this is true, they can help us strike out against Carn Dûm. We must make a show of strength to the Angmarim, lest they become emboldened and attack us before help arrives. \n\n'Set out to the west, to Himbar, and defeat the Angmarim warriors and marksmen. Take their weapons and bring them back to me. We must prepare the message before we deliver it.'
25000A0E08 - The Angmarim are to the west of Gath Forthnír, near Carn Dûm.\n\nAreneth said that a display of strength could break the spirits of the Angmarim loyal to Mordor. He asked you to collect the weapons of those you defeat.
25000A0E09 - 'Thank you for helping us, friend. We must take these broken weapons and deliver them a message. No longer will they wreak havoc upon us.'
25000A0E0A - Araneth is at Gath Forthnír, to the east of Carn Dûm.\n\nYou must return to Araneth with the weapons which you captured.
25000A0E0B - The Rangers of Gath Forthnír wait for you at their camp to the east of Carn Dûm.\n\nYou broke the morale of the Angmarim with your display of strength and resolve. It will be some time before their willingness to fight returns.
25000A0E0C - 'If we can strike fear into the black hearts of the Angmarim, they will not harry the movement of our allies to the south.'
25000A0E0D - 'You defeated many Angarim, and that is good. Now show the others your prowess in battle by placing their broken arms on the altars.'
25000A0E0E - Collect broken swords from Angmarim warriors (
25000A0E0F - /
25000A0E10 - )
25000A0E11 - Collect broken crossbows from Angmarim marksmen (
25000A0E12 - /
25000A0E13 - )
25000A0E14 - Bring the weapons to Areneth
25000A0E15 - Placed captured weapons on the altars (
25000A0E16 - /
25000A0E17 - )
25000A0E18 - A Tenuous Thread
25000A0F00 - Broken Sword[e]
25000A0F01 - A broken sword taken from an Angmarim.
25000A0F02 - Broken Swords[ps]
25000A1000 - Broken Crossbow[e]
25000A1001 - A broken crossbow taken from an Angmarim.
25000A1002 - Broken Crossbows[ps]
25000A1100 - 'Guards! Form up! Prepare to repel an assault!'
25000A1101 - 'All right. Guards, return to your posts.'
25000A1102 - Guard-captain Gisur[m]
25000A1103 - 'Guards! Make ready! We may be attacked any moment!'
25000A1104 - 'Ha! That's the end of them, I think.'
25000A1200 - Collected Orc-axes in Ongbishúk (
25000A1201 - /
25000A1202 - )
25000A1203 - Collected Orc-picks in Ongbishúk (
25000A1204 - /
25000A1205 - )
25000A1206 - Collected Orc-saws in Ongbishúk (
25000A1207 - /
25000A1208 - )
25000A1209 - Avar, the leader of the dwarf-outpost at Gabilshathûr, told you of their desperate situation. The Orcs have discovered their hidden holding and are felling trees to the north. Avar fears they are taking the trees to construct siege-weapons, with which they can assault and destroy the outpost.
25000A120A - Collected Orc-saws (
25000A120B - /
25000A120C - )
25000A120D - 'We are fortunate that you arrived when you did. We have hidden in the shadow of Angmar for so long, but now we have been discovered. An Orc-scout stumbled into our halls a few days ago and escaped before we could slay him. Now the Orcs attack us regularly, and it is only going to get worse, if what I suspect is true.\n\n'One of my dwarves returned and told us that the Orcs are felling the trees north of here, and that can only mean one thing: they are making siege-weapons with which to attack us. We have to slow down or halt their work!\n\n'If you wish to help us, go to Ongbishúk, north of here and defeat the Orcs you find there. Gather their tools, such as axes, picks, and saws, and bring them here.'
25000A120E - The Orc-camp of Ongbishúk lies to the north-east of Gabilshathûr.\n\nAvar asked you to take the tools of the Orcs to help slow down their efforts to construct siege-weapons.
25000A120F - 'Good work,
25000A1210 - . You have done well. I will see that these tools are melted down. At least their metal will serve us well.\n\n'Unfortunately, it appears I was too late in sending you there to frustrate the Orcs' plans. Sadly, I have learned that they were further along than I thought!'
25000A1211 - 'We must slow the Orcs down,
25000A1212 - ! Go to the Orc-camp of Ongbishúk and gather tools from them. Without their tools, the Orcs will not be able to fell the trees they need for their weapons!'
25000A1213 - Bring the Orc-tools to Avar
25000A1214 - Collect Orc-axes in Ongbishúk (
25000A1215 - /
25000A1216 - )
25000A1217 - Collect Orc-picks in Ongbishúk (
25000A1218 - /
25000A1219 - )
25000A121A - Collect Orc-saws in Ongbishúk (
25000A121B - /
25000A121C - )
25000A121D - Tools of the Orcs
25000A1300 - Orc-axe[v]
25000A1301 - A crude axe with a sharp, steel head.
25000A1302 - Orc-axes[ps]
25000A1400 - Orc-saw[v]
25000A1401 - A crude saw with a row of rusting teeth.
25000A1402 - Orc-saws[ps]
25000A1500 - Orc-pick[v]
25000A1501 - A crude pick used to dig up tree stumps and stones.
25000A1502 - Orc-picks[ps]
25000A1600 - Defeated Orc-warriors (
25000A1601 - /
25000A1602 - )
25000A1603 - Defeated Orc-defilers (
25000A1604 - /
25000A1605 - )
25000A1606 - Defeated Orc-skirmishers (
25000A1607 - /
25000A1608 - )
25000A1609 - The dwarf-holding of Gabilshathûr is in grave danger. An army of Orcs is not far away, and Orc raiding-parties are harrassing the outpost.
25000A160A - 'You came here, alone, from the west? I suppose there is more to you than one would guess at a glance.\n\n'Here, you can indeed be of some help to us. I am charged with the protection of Gabilshathûr, and this had become quite a challenge since an Orc-scout discovered our outpost a few days back. Now, we are constantly harassed by the Orcs, and I am not sure how much longer we can hold out.\n\n'If you can slay some of those Orcs, though, we might get a bit of breathing space. I am not picky, slaying any Blogmal or Krahjarn Orc you encounter in Eastern Malenhad is enough... although to be most helpful, you should slay some of their warriors and skirmishers. Oh, and some defilers as well....'
25000A160B - There are Blogmal and Krahjarn Orcs throughout Eastern Malenhad, north of Gabilshathûr.\n\nGisur has asked you to defeat many Orcs in an attempt to give the dwarves of Gabilshathûr some breathing-room.
25000A160C - 'Oh good, you have returned! You have done well, but I fear that your efforts may have come to naught. The Orcs are moving on us!'
25000A160D - Guard-captain Gisur is at Gabilshathûr, south of Duvuinen.\n\nYou have defeated a large number of Orcs and should return to Gisur to inform him of your success.
25000A160E - 'Defeat the Blogmal and Krahjarn Orcs north of Gabilshathûr. It is but a drop in the Sea in regard to their numbers, but if we can distract them from our holding, we will have bought ourselves a bit of breathing-room...at least, that is what I hope!'
25000A160F - Defeat Orc-warriors (
25000A1610 - /
25000A1611 - )
25000A1612 - Defeat Orc-defilers (
25000A1613 - /
25000A1614 - )
25000A1615 - Defeat Orc-skirmishers (
25000A1616 - /
25000A1617 - )
25000A1618 - Breathing-space
25000A1700 - 'Don't think that I do not appreciate what you have done, but these legs and tongues are horrible! Any reasonable dwarf would rather starve than eat food such as this! Bother it all! If only we could make it taste less vile.\n\n'I hesitate to mention this, but I have heard that drake eggs are delicious. Aye, I know it sounds strange, but we are in some dire straits here.\n\n'Far to the east, there is a valley called Dolroth which is full of drakes. If you could gather friends and raid their nests for eggs, perhaps I will have a meal that a dwarf would actually eat!'
25000A1701 - 'Ah, so you have the eggs...well give them here. I will start making a meal from what you have brought back.\n\n'I must say, those eggs don't look like much, but maybe they will make the difference, and I will be able to make a meal a dwarf would not turn his nose up at.\n\n'Although, I have to admit, I would just be happy if they ate it at all! A meal such as this will at least keep their strength up. They may not like it, and their stomachs may complain, but maybe it'll help us survive just long enough to get some real food!'
25000A1702 - 'The drake nests are found to the east of Gabilshathûr, in a valley called Dolroth. Although the task will not be easy, I fear a dwarf would rather die than eat those legs and tongues. Adding those eggs may make it a palatable meal!'
25000A1703 - 'Do you have the drake eggs?'
25000A1704 - A Dire Need
25000A1705 - Kol told you that the norboglir-legs and slug-tongues you brought back were disgusting...far too disgusting for even a desperate dwarf to eat.
25000A1706 - Gather drake-eggs (
25000A1707 - /
25000A1708 - )
25000A1709 - Gather drake-eggs (
25000A170A - /
25000A170B - )
25000A170C - There are drake nests far to the east of Gabilshathûr in the valley of Dolroth.\n\nKol has asked you to collect drake-eggs to supplement the inedible provender you already provided.
25000A170D - Bring the drake-eggs to Kol
25000A170E - Kol is at Gabilshathûr, far to the east of the drake-nests.\n\nYou have counted a fair number of drake-nests and should now return to Kol with the information you have gathered.
25000A1800 - Burned the catapult
25000A1801 - Burned the siege-tower
25000A1802 - The Orcs were further along in their plans to build siege-weapons with which to assault Gabilshathûr than Avar thought. He told you that they had built two siege weapons and were hiding them within the caves of Grishbalt.
25000A1803 - 'A very brave Dwarf-scout returned to Gabilshathûr and confirmed what I feared: the Orcs are building siege-weapons. In fact, they have already completed some of them! It is only a matter of time before they bring them to bear up on us.\n\n'We have had two pieces of luck though. The Orcs have hidden these weapons well in the caves of Grishbalt north of here. However, the Dwarf-scout saw them bring a load of lumber into the caves and carefully followed them in. The second piece of luck is that the Orcs have built only a single siege-tower and a single catapult. That makes the task easier...although only a little.\n\n'The caves of Grishbalt are to the north of here, along the east side of Duvuinen. The caves are infested with Orcs and trolls, so bring allies to help you.'
25000A1804 - The caves of Grishbalt lie north of Gabilshathûr, along the east side of Duvuinen.\n\nAvar asked you to find and destroy the two siege-weapons the Orcs have hidden there.
25000A1805 - 'Well done,
25000A1806 - ! You have bought us at least a temporary respite from the Orcs. It will not be long before they are at it again, I fear, but at least for the moment we are safe.'
25000A1807 - The caves of Grishbalt lie north of Gabilshathûr, along the east side of Duvuinen.\n\nAvar asked you to find and destroy the two siege-weapons the Orcs have hidden there.
25000A1808 - Avar is at Gabilshathûr, south of Duvuinen.\n\nYou should return to the Avar with word of your success.
25000A1809 - After examining the catapult, you determine that the only way to destroy it is with fire.
25000A180A - 'Well done again,
25000A180B - ! It was a dangerous task, but you were up to it. I wonder if you would help us one more time....'
25000A180C - After examining the siege-tower, you determine the only way to destroy it is with fire.
25000A180D - 'Hurry, there is no time to waste. Gather your allies and travel to the caves of Grishbalt north of here and destroy the siege-weapons found there!'
25000A180E - Find a torch to burn the catapult
25000A180F - 'It will not be long before those Orcs are back at it again, but for now,
25000A1810 - , we are safe.'
25000A1811 - Burn the catapult
25000A1812 - Find a torch to burn the siege-tower
25000A1813 - Burn the siege-tower
25000A1814 - Weapons of the Orcs
25000A1900 - Guard-Captain Gisur has fallen
25000A1901 - Gabilshathûr has been saved
25000A1902 - Gabilshathûr is in danger. A raiding party of Orcs is making their way toward the dwarf-holding and may overrun it.
25000A1903 - 'It seems that defeating those Orcs to the north was not enough. A scout sent word that a band of Blogmal and Krahjarn Orcs are approaching Gabilshathûr! They must have been angered by your assault!\n\n'Please, join the other guards and help defend Gabilshathûr. Hurry! There is little time to prepare!'
25000A1904 - Orcs are moving against Gabilshathûr.\n\nGuard-captain Gisur has asked you to help defend Gabilshathûr against an Orc-attack.
25000A1905 - 'By Durin's beard! Did you see? That raiding-party was much smaller than any who have raided us in the past! Your efforts weren't for naught. And perhaps -- after the setback they suffered today -- they will think twice about coming here again. Hopefully, their pride will prevent them from telling any of their masters that a few dwarves defeated them so soundly!\n\n'It seems that, for now, we are safe. You have our thanks,
25000A1906 - , and what little reward I can give you, I will.'
25000A1907 - Guard-captain Gisur is at Gabilshathûr.\n\nYou helped stave off the Orc-attack and should speak with Gisur, now that the danger is over.
25000A1908 - 'You saved us! We are in your debt.'
25000A1909 - 'Look to your weapon, friend! I fear the Orcs may be upon us in a few moments. We can only hope that they are not aware of our force here, and that they are but a small raiding-party.'
25000A190A - Talk to Guard-Captain Gisur when you are ready
25000A190B - Protect Gabilshathûr
25000A190C - The Orc-raid
25000A1A00 - You failed to bring the turtle-egg to Grishbalt
25000A1A01 - You set down the turtle-egg
25000A1A02 - Guard Ansurr told you of his plan to turn the rage of the mother-turtle, Gaeruan, against the trolls and Orcs of Grishbalt. Her attack should throw the creatures there into confusion and make infiltrating the caves there easier.
25000A1A03 - 'Pardon me,
25000A1A04 - , but I have heard you may be travelling into the caves of Grishbalt...a dangerous place, home to many trolls and Orcs. However, there is an idea I have had in my head for a while that might make your task a bit easier.\n\n'See, the other day I saw a troll get near the nest of the great turtle-mother, Gaeruan, that rests in the middle of the lake. As the troll poked at her eggs, Gaeruan came along and sent that troll running!\n\n'My idea is to take an egg from Gaeruan's nest and bring it in close to the large central fire in the caves. As the egg heats, the scent will bring Gaeruan, and we can turn her rage against those creatures!'
25000A1A05 - Gaeruan's nest is resting in the middle of the lake Duvuinen, north of Gabilshathûr. The caves of Grishbalt are north-east of Gaeruan's nest.\n\nTake one of Gaeruan's eggs from her nest and place it near the central bonfire in the caves of Grishbalt.
25000A1A06 - 'Ha! So it worked,
25000A1A07 - ? Astounding! I didn't want to tell you this, but I was sure my plan was going to fail!\n\n'It seems the only flaw was that I wasn't there to see the destruction that Gaeruan visited on them.\n\n'Well done! Well done!'
25000A1A08 - Guard Ansurr can be found in the dwarf-holding of Gabilshathûr, south-west of Grishbalt.\n\nGuard Ansurr's plan worked perfectly. The mother-turtle was drawn into the caves, and her rage threw the camp into confusion.
25000A1A09 - 'Have you forgotten the plan so quickly? Gaeruan's nest lies in the centre of the lake Duvuinen. Carefully gather one of her eggs and bring it to the central bonfire in Grishbalt.\n\n'The scent of her egg heating should draw Gaeruan, and her rage should throw Grishbalt into confusion!'
25000A1A0A - 'I still cannot believe my plan with Gaeruan worked,
25000A1A0B - !'
25000A1A0C - 'Gaeruan wreaked havoc upon the Enemy!'
25000A1A0D - Find Gaeruan's nest in Duvuinen
25000A1A0E - Carry the turtle-egg to central bonfire in Grishbalt
25000A1A0F - Gaeruan's Rage
25000A1B00 - Gaeruan's Nest[e]
25000A1B01 - A large earthen mound containing several large turtle-eggs.
25000A1B02 - Gaeruan's Nests[ps]
25000A1C00 - 'Is it true what I have heard? That you are travelling into the valley of Dolroth? If that is true, could you thin the numbers of the drakes found there? You would be doing a great service to Gabilshathûr!\n\n'Although not nearly as dangerous and wicked as a dragon, drakes share at least a small part of their love for precious things. In the past, the drakes of Dolroth were drawn here, swooping in and attacking us. After one such attack, I led a band of dwarves into Dolroth and thinned their numbers.\n\n'Yet now, seeing as we are hard-pressed by the Orcs, we have no dwarves to spare to remove the drakes, and I fear the drakes' numbers will grow once more. If you, though, could slay a number of them, we will only have one threat to deal with!'
25000A1C01 - 'Well done! I will rest easier knowing that at least the drakes will not menace us any time soon. Well, at least that would be the case if the Orcs gave us a moment's rest!\n\n'Oh, do not think me ungrateful,
25000A1C02 - . You have done us a great service.'
25000A1C03 - 'Drakes can be found far the the east of here,
25000A1C04 - , in Dolroth.'
25000A1C05 - Scaled Menace
25000A1C06 - Guard Ansurr told you that in the past the drakes of Dolroth menaced Gabilshathûr. He fears that now that they have no time to thin the numbers of the drakes, they will once again threaten Gabilshathûr.
25000A1C07 - Defeated drakes in Dolroth (
25000A1C08 - /
25000A1C09 - )
25000A1C0A - Defeat drakes in Dolroth (
25000A1C0B - /
25000A1C0C - )
25000A1C0D - Drakes can be found far to the east of Gabilshathûr, in the valley of Dolroth.\n\nAnsurr asked you to thin the numbers of the drakes.
25000A1C0E - Guard Ansurr is at Gabilshathûr, far to the west of the valley of Dolroth.\n\nYou have defeated many drakes and should return to Guard Ansurr with news of your success.
25000A1D00 - Kol[mn]
25000A1E00 - Torcuil was grateful for the help you have offered his people and told you that his people needs additional allies if they are to survive under Angmar's harsh rule. He told you about a tale he has heard of dwarves living in Angmar's shadow and wonders if they could be allies for his people in the future.
25000A1E01 - 'You have done much to help us here in Tyrn Lhuig. It is not easy for us to accept such aid. In fact, it was not that long ago that we would have refused such help, but in the face of Angmar's growing might, such aid is necessary if we are to survive. Even though I am not a leader among my people, I can see we need allies.\n\n'Such allies might be found to the east, if the tales are true. It is told that past the Rammas Deluon there is a dwarf-holding. They could prove to be good allies for my people against Angmar in the future.\n\n'If you would heed the words of a mere merchant, travel past the Rammas Deluon and look for these lost dwarves. The dwarves' hall should be somewhere south of Duvuinen.'
25000A1E02 - The dwarf-holding is east of Rammas Deluon and south of Duvuinen.\n\nThe merchant Torcuil asked you to seek the lost dwarves and obtain their allegiance.
25000A1E03 - 'You have come at the behest of the Hillmen to the west, have you? Good, good, someone who is not our foe, but a friend...or so I hope!\n\n'I suppose it was foolish for we dwarves to come here those years ago, but we were chafing under the rule of the Dourhands and left Othrikar in hopes of finding gems and ores. At that time, Angmar's evil was dormant, and later we paid too little heed to its growing power. Once its Orc-armies marched forth from Carn Dûm, we were cut off.\n\n'Now we are hard-pressed from all sides and could use your help if we are to survive in these blighted lands. We cannot give you much in return, but if we survive, perhaps one day we can lend our strength to throwing down Angmar!'
25000A1E04 - There are many dwarves within Gabilshathûr.\n\nYou have discovered hidden holding of the dwarves in Angmar, Gabilshathûr. You should speak with someone within the holding and convey Torcuil's message.
25000A1E05 - 'What? You have come from the west to aid us? Speak to Avar immediately!'
25000A1E06 - 'So you have crossed Rammas Deluon, have you? Friendly folk here are few and far between, so I am glad to see you. You should inform Avar that you have arrived...he will be most pleased to see you.'
25000A1E07 - 'If you are seeking the truth behind the tales I have heard about the lost dwarves, you will want to cross Rammas Deluon and look for their holding south of Duvuinen.'
25000A1E08 - Find the hidden holding of the dwarves
25000A1E09 - 'The tales are true? Well then, speak to someone within this \qGabilshathûr\q immediately!'
25000A1E0A - Talk to the leader of Gabilshathûr
25000A1E0B - The Lost Dwarves
25000A1F00 - a moderate swipe attack
25000A2000 - Shield Bash
25000A2100 - Avar[mn]
25000A2400 - Carrying egg...
25000A2401 - Egg broken!
25000A2402 - Egg broken!
25000A2403 - Carrying egg...
25000A2500 - Drake-nest[e]
25000A2501 - The nest of a drake.
25000A2502 - Drake-nests[ps]
25000A2600 - Altar[e]
25000A2601 - A large stone altar dedicated to the worship of the Dark Lord.
25000A2602 - Generic Quest Items[ps]
25000A2700 - Altar[e]
25000A2701 - A large stone altar dedicated to the worship of the Dark Lord.
25000A2702 - Generic Quest Items[ps]
25000A2800 - Altar[e]
25000A2801 - A large stone altar dedicated to the worship of the Dark Lord.
25000A2802 - Generic Quest Items[ps]
25000A2900 - Altar[e]
25000A2901 - A large stone altar dedicated to the worship of the Dark Lord.
25000A2902 - Generic Quest Items[ps]
25000A2A00 - Altar[e]
25000A2A01 - A large stone altar dedicated to the worship of the Dark Lord.
25000A2A02 - Generic Quest Items[ps]
25000A2B00 - Iron Crown Warrior[mv]
25000A2C00 - a weak swipe attack
25000A2D00 - Iron Crown Marksman[mv]
25000A2E00 - a ranged strike attack
25000A2F00 - a ranged double attack
25000A3000 - Scout's Helmet[n]
25000A3001 -
25000A3100 - Areneth's Hammer[n]
25000A3101 -
25000A3200 - Brocham[n]
25000A3201 -
25000A3300 - Areneth's Mantle[n]
25000A3301 -
25000A3400 - Areneth's Staff[n]
25000A3401 -
25000A3500 - Great Axe of the Hill-chieftain[n]
25000A3501 -
25000A3600 - Garthamendir[mn]
25000A3700 - DNT - Dread Aura
25000A3701 - DNT - The unsettling presence of evil.
25000A3800 - Dread
25000A3801 - Your heart is heavy in the face of such evil.
25000A3802 - Add
25000A3803 - Dread
25000A3900 - Laimbadanir[n]
25000A3901 -
25000A3A00 - Victory at Minas Caul[n]
25000A3A01 -
25000A3C00 - Gates of Minas Caul[e]
25000A3C01 - A fortified gate guarding the entrance to Minas Caul.
25000A3C02 - Gates of Minas Caul[p]
25000A3D00 - Summoning Champion...
25000A3D01 - Success!
25000A3D02 - Interrupted!
25000A3E00 - 'Welcome to the halls of fire, if you are seeking poetry I am afraid I am still assisting Bilbo in the completion of his latest piece.'
25000A3E01 - Lindir[mn]
25000A3F00 - Melodies of the Valar
25000A3F01 - You discovered Melodies of the Valar
25000A3F02 - Like many of the songs in Melodies of the Valar, this one is wordless, guiding the voice of the performer as an instrument.\n\nThe song itself seems to conjure in the mind of the listener the image of a babbling brook beneath the foothills of some distant and long-forgotten mountain.
25000A3F03 - You found a missing page of Melodies of the Valar
25000A3F04 - The lyrics of the song upon this page are in some strange language even the Elves do not recognize. While in some respects it sounds similar to Sindarin, it is nevertheless alien.\n\nWhen listening to the words a sense of unmeasurable ages settles upon you, as if the singer were attempting to describe a time before even the Elves set foot upon the lands of Middle-earth.
25000A3F05 - You found a missing page of Melodies of the Valar
25000A3F06 - This song is meant to be sung in a chorus of voices, starting with one and each entering the chorus in turn.\n\nIt is said that when it is performed correctly beneath the light of the stars, the sound rises ever upwards drawing the listeners with it into a rapt contemplation of the vastness of the star-strewn sky.
25000A3F07 - You found a missing page of Melodies of the Valar
25000A3F08 - This quiet piece evokes a sense of suspended tension in the air, much as one might feel in the rumbling forerunners of a summer storm flickering upon the horizon.\n\nHow a woman's voice could convey such feelings is unclear, but the effect is unmistakably powerful.
25000A3F0A - You found a missing page of Melodies of the Valar
25000A3F0B - This page presents a slow and sonorous melody. It is hard to imagine how a woman's fair voice could have created such a deep tone.\n\nIts words are mysterious and no known language describes them, but the listener may find themselves transported into an ancient realm beneath the earth, seemingly accompanied by the tread of heavy boots upon stone and the glimmer of vast caverns formed of lime and crystal, seen as if for the first time by any living eyes. In time, the chant reaches its end and the listener finds himself awakening as if from a deep slumber.
25000A3F0D - You found a missing page of Melodies of the Valar
25000A3F0E - This song wells with deep sadness, speaking of honour long fallen to pride and a people lost in dreams of forgotten glory. The music meanders along a bittersweet path that seems to lead inevitably towards the swelling roar of the ocean, along a mythic shore lost beneath the endless waves ages ago.
25000A3F0F - You found a missing page of Melodies of the Valar
25000A3F10 - This song is strikingly different from all those that come before. It speaks to the listener of valour, strength, and the achievements of great craft. Clear and certain tones strike a chord deep within any who would lead or who strive to achieve.\n\nYet from this lofty beginning it continues without abatement, speaking of the authority of Kings and of the unquenchable pride of one who must master all they attempt. The tones become uncomfortably assertive, assailing the listener, seeming to place a weight upon their shoulders, pushing ever more firmly downwards.\n\nThe final chord reaches a victorious peak as the voice of the singer booms out over the audience with unquestionable authority, demanding submission and adulation from all who listen. It is a powerful, stirring piece, yet some of those who hear it also find it to be profoundly disturbing.
25000A3F11 - You found a missing page of Melodies of the Valar
25000A3F12 - This last piece is most unusual. It is sung in a single voice that conjures forth the image of an infinitely patient crafter building a castle out of tiny pebbles upon the beach, that time and again is dashed away by angry tides. Yet with each passing of the tide the structure grows, becoming ever more grand over ages of quiet labour.\n\nIn the end, the song describes an ancient and beautiful fortress, weathered with the passage of tide and time, inhabited by an elegant, noble people and bearing the banners of a hundred honourable houses upon its walls, standing impregnable upon the edge of an ocean whose tides still crash below -- still violent, but humbled by the crafter's patient art.\n\nGiven that the song offers no words to be understood by mortal (or Elven) ears, it seems odd that such concepts might be conveyed, and yet it does so with remarkable clarity.
25000A3F13 - You found a missing page of Melodies of the Valar
25000A3F14 - Talk to Lindir at the Last Homely House in Rivendell
25000A3F15 - Melodies of the Valar, page 12
25000A3F16 - Melodies of the Valar, page 14
25000A3F17 - Melodies of the Valar, page 23
25000A3F18 - Melodies of the Valar, page 24
25000A3F19 - Melodies of the Valar, page 27
25000A3F1A - Melodies of the Valar, page 29
25000A3F1B - Melodies of the Valar, page 30
25000A3F1C - Melodies of the Valar, page 32


Xabrina ICQ www 181 Female
25000A3F1D - The first four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Angmar, Eregion, and Moria. The last four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Forochel, Moria, and the Misty Mountains.\n\nIt is said in the most ancient of tales that the world was formed in a great chorus of song, but this story is ancient and shrouded in myth even to the oldest among the living Elves, and no one in Middle-earth today could claim to know the truth of it. Towards the end of the Second Age, during the War of the Last Alliance, there was born a fair woman who sang in such wonderous tones that even the Elves would stop and listen in silence for so long as she would sing for them. Stranger still, she had no teaching in song or music, and yet could compose such melodies as to bring tears to the powerful and the Wise. She claimed that she composed no songs, and that she was simply trying to duplicate a music that she could hear -- a music that she claimed arose from the world itself, from mountains, streams, wind, and tree alike, in infinite variety.\n\nMelodies of the Valar is the book that contains these songs as the Elves transcribed them, but most of the copies of this book have been taken away into the West, and very few remain in Middle-earth today. Alas, this one has been damaged, but an Elven minstrel of renown might well be able to shed some light on the matter.
25000A3F1E - Greetings,
25000A3F1F - . I hope the day finds you well? A book? Ah, and not just any book I see! You have quite a treasure there in hand, my friend. That book is much revered among the Elves. I myself would count it among the finest works ever granted to the world by Men, but then perhaps I am a bit biased. I am sure you know some of the tale behind it? Of the woman who claimed a gift to hear the chorus of the world? It is true, or at least so I believe it to be, but there is a poignant twist to the tale as well that few remember today.\n\n'You see, it is said that this poor girl was driven to the brink of madness by her gift, for it seemed that no matter how beautiful those around her found her voice and the melodies she crafted with it, she herself heard only broken, half-finished works from her throat -- a sound which could not compare with the grand symphony which only she could hear. In the end she sang no more and fell silent, for no matter how much those around her extolled the beauty of her song, she could stand her own voice no longer, hearing it as nothing more than a mockery of the chorus she had striven so long to compliment. She lived out the latter half of her life as mute as stone, contenting herself only to listen to the symphony of the world and abandoning her dream to draw it into the world of Men.\n\n'Most scholars among Men believe that she was a wonderfully talented minstrel who was simply unstable -- as Men and even Elves sometimes are when true genius arises -- but among the Elves, it is believed that she was truly gifted with the ability to hear the faint echoes of the song from which the world arose, and we faithfully recorded her songs in the years before her voice fell silent. I cannot say from whence this copy came or how it came to be damaged, but it is a book worth pursuing, for no more beautiful songs exist in the tongues of Men today.
25000A4100 - Rally!
25000A4101 - Revives a defeated ally in combat, with their Health and Power mostly intact.
25000A4200 - Eldar's Grace
25000A4201 -
25000A4300 - Melodies of the Valar[n]
25000A4301 - A legendary book describing the songs and life of a young woman from an age now past who claimed that she could hear the songs of the world itself.\n\nThis book automatically starts a class deed and will be consumed upon purchase.
25000A4302 - Melodies of the Valar[p]
25000A4400 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 12[n]
25000A4401 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A4402 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 12[p]
25000A4500 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 14[n]
25000A4501 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A4502 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 14[p]
25000A4600 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 23[n]
25000A4601 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A4602 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 23[p]
25000A4700 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 24[n]
25000A4701 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A4702 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 24[p]
25000A4800 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 27[n]
25000A4801 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A4802 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 27[p]
25000A4900 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 29[n]
25000A4901 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A4902 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 29[p]
25000A4A00 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 30[n]
25000A4A01 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A4A02 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 30[p]
25000A4B00 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 32[n]
25000A4B01 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A4B02 - Melodies of the Valar, Page 32[p]
25000A4C00 - The Rising Chord
25000A4C01 - You have discovered The Rising Chord
25000A4C02 - This page details a classical Dúnedain song from the times when Arnor still stood proudly in the North, extoling the strength and vigour of that lost kingdom.\n\nGiven the rather maudlin praises of the distant past that they seem to prefer in this day and age, the song offers a striking example of how a people's music may change over the passage of years to reflect the condition and times within which they live. It also hints at the strength and heights to which they might again aspire....
25000A4C03 - You found a missing page of The Rising Chord
25000A4C04 - Recorded in a particularly ancient form of Sindarin, this song purports to be an Elvish work in praise of the light of Elbereth's stars, written in a timeless age before the Sun and the Moon hung in the sky.\n\nIt is a remarkably simple song, containing few of the more complex contrivances of form that can often be found in Elvish music. Even so, the story of the song's origin sounds more like some tale out of myth than you are ready to give credence to.
25000A4C05 - You found a missing page of The Rising Chord
25000A4C06 - This spry piece seems to hail from the Shire. It purports to be a local harvest-song from around the Michel Delving area, sung by many of the farmers and youths there as they move through the fields in late summer and fall. The lyrics speak of the fine meals they would enjoy in their comfortable holes during the long, cold winter months that follow.
25000A4C07 - You found a missing page of The Rising Chord
25000A4C08 - This song was written by a talented singer amongst the Rohirrim and speaks simply and clearly of the love he held for a young woman among his own people.\n\nUnlike so many love-songs, it does not dwell on the sorrow of parting, nor unrequitted love, nor jealousy, nor hardship of any sort. It speaks solely of her beauty in his eyes, and the joy that comes to those lovers who learn to truly understand each other.
25000A4C0A - You found a missing page of The Rising Chord
25000A4C0B - Technically speaking, this song is a dwarf-dirge sung for the fallen upon the field of battle, though it is not clear which of the dwarf-houses it hails from.\n\nThe song's relationship to a dirge is distant at best, as it turns the sombre tones of the form on their head with the inclusion of bawdy, irreverent lyrics intended to unreservedly celebrate both the life and death of the fallen hero. Indeed, you have never seen so brash and overt a challenge to the sullen and infinite power of death as this song proposes.
25000A4C0D - You found a missing page of The Rising Chord
25000A4C0E - This song is a victory march from Gondor, written to celebrate the grand victory of the Last Alliance over the forces of darkness and the fall of Sauron. It was written before Isildur's untimely death, and in the context of the events that followed, it has gained an undertone of sombre irony.\n\nRegardless, it also clearly declares the strength and power of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth to rise up against seemingly unconquerable adversity.
25000A4C0F - You found a missing page of The Rising Chord
25000A4C10 - Though sometimes it seems that the immortal span of the Elves results in a preponderance of art that breathtakingly mourns times and places lost beyond the memory of any mortal race, there are also those that speak of the vitality of the endless present, describing the experience of those Elves who do not care to dwell on the events of ages past.\n\nThis song is one of the latter, rooted firmly in the experience of living in a vital world that obligingly continues to change, offering an unlimited palette of new experiences to anyone who cares to open their eyes to the world that surrounds them in the here and now.
25000A4C11 - You found a missing page of The Rising Chord
25000A4C12 - This song speaks only to the wonder and palette of the natural world, without acknowledgement of axe, nor fire, but only the passage of seasons, the growth of trees, and the wandering of animals who guard no purpose beyond the day at hand.\n\nAt first, you suppose that it might be an Elvish song, but on further reflection the forms do not reflect that heritage of music. In fact, you find it difficult to determine who might have written such a piece, for it does not adhere to the principles common to any of the Free Peoples -- and it is certainly no work of Orc or Dragon -- but the mystery only adds to its cachet as a unique and vibrant work of art.
25000A4C13 - You found a missing page of The Rising Chord
25000A4C14 - Talk to Lindir at the Last Homely House in Rivendell
25000A4C15 - The Rising Chord, page 3
25000A4C16 - The Rising Chord, page 4
25000A4C17 - The Rising Chord, page 11
25000A4C18 - The Rising Chord, page 14
25000A4C19 - The Rising Chord, page 16
25000A4C1A - The Rising Chord, page 23
25000A4C1B - The Rising Chord, page 27
25000A4C1C - The Rising Chord, page 28
25000A4C1D - The first four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Angmar, Eregion, and Moria. The last four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Forochel, Moria, and the Misty Mountains.\n\nThe Rising Chord is considered to be a remarkable collection of songs all of a theme that speaks to the heart of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth in one voice, be they Men, Elves, or dwarves. Drawing on the tradition of each of these peoples, the songs resound with a clarion call of freedom and hope that is unsullied by the slightest trace of sorrow, fear, or hate. There are some who claim that this work is shallow and without dimension, but to the adept minstrel, it is a description of form unparalleled by other works. Unfortunately, the book and its strident forms became 'unfashionable' after the fall of the North Kingdom, as a deep lethargy and cynicism crept over the kingdoms of Men, and the Elves withdrew ever further into their forest strongholds.\n\n'Nowadays, The Rising Chord is quite difficult to find, and even when a copy is found -- such as this -- it is incomplete at best. Perhaps the famed Elvish minstrel Lindir might be able to tell you more about it.
25000A4C1E - 'Ah, I see you have come upon a copy of The Rising Chord -- one of my favourite works, I must say. It is not truly a work for Elves in these the autumn days of our people in Middle-earth, but for the younger races it may prove to be a beacon of light which guides you through the coming darkness. \n\n'Yet who am I to say? There are still some among the Elves who are young at heart and who would strive for such joy and hope as they might capture with their own two hands, even in the waning days of our glory. Seek them out then, the missing songs and melodies of The Rising Chord. No matter your destiny, they will let you approach it with your head held high and filled with the certainty that you shall prevail, come what may.\n\n'It is at the least a fine way to die, is it not? Twas only a jest! Go and find your pages and trouble me no more, young one...your destiny is your own!'
25000A4E00 - Symphony of the Hopeful Heart
25000A4E01 - Increases Hope and Incoming Healing in a 5m area for 2m 30s.\n\nFurthermore, if an ally remains within the area for a few seconds, they will receive a buff to Resistance and Avoidance Penetration when they exit the area.
25000A4F00 -
25000A4F01 -
25000A4F02 -
25000A5000 - The Rising Chord[n]
25000A5001 - A legendary book of inspiring songs gathered from all the Free Peoples during the second age of Middle-Earth.\n\nThis book automatically starts a class deed and will be consumed upon purchase.
25000A5002 - The Rising Chord[p]
25000A5100 - The Rising Chord, Page 3[n]
25000A5101 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A5102 - The Rising Chord, Page 3[p]
25000A5200 - The Rising Chord, Page 4[n]
25000A5201 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A5202 - The Rising Chord, Page 4[p]
25000A5300 - The Rising Chord, Page 11[n]
25000A5301 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A5302 - The Rising Chord, Page 11[p]
25000A5400 - The Rising Chord, Page 14[n]
25000A5401 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A5402 - The Rising Chord, Page 14[p]
25000A5500 - The Rising Chord, Page 16[n]
25000A5501 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A5502 - The Rising Chord, Page 16[p]
25000A5600 - The Rising Chord, Page 23[n]
25000A5601 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A5602 - The Rising Chord, Page 23[p]
25000A5700 - The Rising Chord, Page 27[n]
25000A5701 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A5702 - The Rising Chord, Page 27[p]
25000A5800 - The Rising Chord, Page 28[n]
25000A5801 - A missing page from this legendary tome.
25000A5802 - The Rising Chord, Page 28[p]
25000A5900 - Valour's Marches
25000A5901 - You have discovered Valour's Marches
25000A5902 - The first song is an old Númenórean rower's song meant to lift the spirits of soldiers bent hard at the oar and to prevent fatigue before impending battle at sea. It called upon the winds to offer speed, the morning mists to confound their enemies, and the waves to hurl them ashore lest they founder in the deeps.
25000A5903 - You replaced a missing page of Valour's Marches
25000A5904 - This ancient music was a ceremonial march played for soldiers who had returned from across the sea, to celebrate their safe homecoming after duties far from the shores of the Isle of Númenor.
25000A5905 - You replaced a missing page of Valour's Marches
25000A5906 - This stirring but mournful march was supposedly played to commemorate the deaths of lesser nobles and dignitaries of the ancient kingdom of Númenor.
25000A5907 - You replaced a missing page of Valour's Marches
25000A5908 - This unique piece was supposedly played in the royal court of Númenor to unmistakably announce the victory of the King whenever a conquered leader was brought before his throne. It was played in that court for the last time when the Enemy was brought before the King in chains, having surrendered before the might of Númenor's armies.\n\nAfter the fall of Númenor it came to be said that to play this march was to invite disaster and defeat in any military endeavour.
25000A590A - You replaced a missing page of Valour's Marches
25000A590B - This drum-dominated score is a truly classical example of a military march. Played by the soldiers of Númenor as they marched victoriously across the ancient lands of Middle-earth, it was one of the most recognizable pieces of music in its day.\n\nMany variataions of this score exist today, but the original was thought lost in the long turmoil following the sudden fall of that mighty kingdom.
25000A590D - You replaced a missing page of Valour's Marches
25000A590E - This drum score is considered very unusual for the period of the Númenóreans. Minstrels and scholars suppose that its writer may have been influenced by contact with the musical culture of the Haradrim, far off in the uncharted South of Middle-earth.\n\nSuch was the scope and power of Númenor at its height that even those distant kingdoms knew war and trade with the Men of Westernesse.
25000A590F - You replaced a missing page of Valour's Marches
25000A5910 - Though penned by a minstrel of Númenor, this song is written in Sindarin and shows numerous influences from the Elven culture of music.\n\nThis piece likely arose during the earlier span of Númenor's long reign before the Men of Westernesse mostly turned away from their appreciation of things Elvish, and a deep estrangement formed between the their peoples.
25000A5911 - You replaced a missing page of Valour's Marches
25000A5912 - This song was an anthem written to celebrate the unlimited might and majesty of the Last King of Númenor as he embarked at the head of a vast expeditionary fleet. It speaks of a vast fleet numbering in the thousands and of the ascension of the King to godhood as he proudly sailed into the West.\n\nThe song ends half-finished -- clearly the minstrel had left it incomplete in expectation of describing the victorious return of the fleet with its god-king, but never got the chance to do so.
25000A5913 - You replaced a missing page of Valour's Marches
25000A5914 - Talk to Lindir at the Last Homely House in Rivendell
25000A5915 - Valour's Marches, page 1
25000A5916 - Valour's Marches, page 5
25000A5917 - Valour's Marches, page 7
25000A5918 - Valour's Marches, page 8
25000A5919 - Valour's Marches, page 12
25000A591A - Valour's Marches, page 16
25000A591B - Valour's Marches, page 23
25000A591C - Valour's Marches, page 26
25000A591D - The first four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Angmar, Eregion, and Moria. The last four pages of this book can be found on enemies scattered across Forochel, Moria, and the Misty Mountains.\n\nValour's Marches -- the very title of the book you hold stirs something within your breast as you look upon it. Though its cover crumbles with age, the binding remains strong, as if infused with the same martial fervour that the melodies within it strive to invoke. This book is one of the rare few that survived the fall of the kingdom of Númenor, coming across the waves by some unlikely circumstance to Middle-earth, where it has lain hidden for ages. Though written in the Sindarin tongue, the songs are those of the noble kingdoms of Men. Nevertheless, they speak to the heart of any who would face battle, calling forth visions of endless, shining hosts on the march, thundering with the clash of steel in a thousand voices.\n\nIn the hands of a minstrel, these songs of martial eminence provide crucial insight into the working of the warrior's heart and how it might be aroused from its slumber in times of need. If only so many of the songs were not frustratingly missing from the volume you now hold. Perhaps Lindir of Rivendell may be able to help fill the voids.
25000A591E - 'Ah, my friend, now you have managed to bring me something extraodinary indeed, for I myself have never held a copy of the book you hold there. By the time of its writing, the people of Númenor and my own were sadly estranged, and after its fall, well, let us say that copies were hard to come by. It is difficult for me to imagine the long path this book has travelled to find its way to your hands today, and harder still for me to see how you will be able to find the pages that are missing from it -- but do not let my foolish words dissuade you. If fate has seen fit to deliver the book to your hands through such contrived circumstance, then why not a few simple pages?\n\n'In any case, you will find no finer primer on how to kindle the fire of war in a band of fellows through the medium of song. The men of ancient Númenor were masters of such grand affairs in a fashion that even the Noldor perhaps were not, for few among the Elves see the mastery of warfare as an end glorious unto itself as Men do, though we were more skilled in it.\n\n'The difference may seem semantic, but when it comes to music that is what matters, is it not?'
25000A5B00 - Cry of the Wizards
25000A5B01 - Call upon a powerful song to blast your enemies with an area-of-effect of light that will slow the creatures who are hit by it.
25000A5C00 - Anthem of the Wizards: Slowed
25000A5C01 - The targets' movement is slowed by
25000A5C02 - .
25000A5C03 - +
25000A5C04 - Target Attack Duration
25000A5C05 -
25000A5E00 - Valour's Marches[n]
25000A5E01 - A legendary book of the great military marches of ancient Númenor.\n\nThis book automatically starts a class deed and will be consumed upon purchase.
25000A5E02 - Valour's Marches[p]
25000A5F00 - Valour's Marches, Page 1 (Old) [n]
25000A5F01 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
25000A5F02 - Valour's Marches, Page 1 (Old) [p]
25000A6000 - Valour's Marches, Page 5 (Old) [n]
25000A6001 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
25000A6002 - Valour's Marches, Page 5 (Old) [p]
25000A6100 - Valour's Marches, Page 7 (Old) [n]
25000A6101 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
25000A6102 - Valour's Marches, Page 7 (Old) [p]
25000A6200 - Valour's Marches, Page 8 (Old) [n]
25000A6201 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
25000A6202 - Valour's Marches, Page 8 (Old) [p]
25000A6300 - Valour's Marches, Page 12 (Old) [n]
25000A6301 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
25000A6302 - Valour's Marches, Page 12 (Old) [p]
25000A6400 - Valour's Marches, Page 16 (Old) [n]
25000A6401 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
25000A6402 - Valour's Marches, Page 16 (Old) [p]
25000A6500 - Valour's Marches, Page 23 (Old) [n]
25000A6501 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
25000A6502 - Valour's Marches, Page 23 (Old) [p]
25000A6600 - Valour's Marches, Page 26 (Old) [n]
25000A6601 - NOTE: This item is now obsolete, and is no longer used by the legendary deed.
25000A6602 - Valour's Marches, Page 26 (Old) [p]
25000A6700 - Baillindiel believes that you should speak with Lindir, an Elf in Imladris who might be able to give you some instruction.
25000A6701 - 'You are deserving of equipment that reflects the joy you bring to others,
25000A6702 - . I can help you fashion such articles, but I must give you a warning: this road is not an easy one, and you may despair of ever seeing its end. I need not tell a minstrel that the joy at the end of a long road is all the sweeter for the hardship, though.\n\n'Let me know if you are ready, and I will tell you what must be done. The tale of these items will be difficult and dangerous, but that is what will give them their strength.'
25000A6703 - Baillindiel knows of a legendary minstrel who could teach you great lessons, but first you must be suitably outfitted.
25000A6704 - 'Allow me to congratulate you on your accomplishments,
25000A6705 - ! You have become a minstrel beyond compare and have exceeded that which I can teach you. I marvel at your successes and wish you only the best!\n\n'My good friend Lindir may be able to give you more instruction, for he is very fond of song and loves to speak with minstrels of all types.\n\n'Look for Lindir within the Hall of Fire in Elrond's home in Imladris, for I am sure he will be glad to speak with you.'
25000A6706 - Baillindiel is at Celondim, the Elf-harbour in Ered Luin.
25000A6707 - Lindir is in the Hall of Fire in Elrond's home in the vale of Imladris.\n\nBaillindiel thinks you should speak with Lindir, for the Elf may be able to provide you with further instruction.
25000A6708 - 'You should complete the tasks set before you.'
25000A6709 - 'Welcome,
25000A670A - ! The song of your deeds will be quite a song indeed, when it is finally set to verse! Yes, I have already heard snippets of it, though I do not know that I am the one to set it down. Bilbo, perhaps...though it seems that every day brings to him three new ideas that crowd out what has gone before.\n\n'Sing always,
25000A670B - , for it is your greatest weapon. A voice raised in song is a voice that cannot succumb to despair.\n\n'Take time for celebration and mirth, my friend, even in these dark times. Do not stay away from the Hall of Fire overlong, for you will always have friends here. I will see you again, and we will sing of happier times and of times that will come again!'
25000A670C - 'Look for Lindir in the Hall of Fire in Elrond's home in the vale of Imladris, and he may be able to provide you with further instruction.'
25000A670D - 'Welcome again to the Hall of Fire,
25000A670E - !'
25000A670F - Complete Articles of Harmony
25000A6710 - 'Let us raise our voices in song, friend minstrel!'
25000A6711 - Complete Implements of Song
25000A6712 - A Lesson from Lindir
25000A6800 - This crude scrap of text is written in the Black Speech. The foreign, hasty scribblings are meaningless to your eyes. The Elves of Rivendell are said to understand the language of Mordor. Perhaps one of them can translate the message for you and reveal its purpose?
25000A6801 - 'The Black Speech? Yes, I have seen this kind of thing before. Although the words sting like venom on my tongue, situations warrant an ability to read the language of the Enemy, though no word of it has ever before -- until recently -- been spoken in Imladris.\n\n'This is a challenge to a dark champion of some kind. Better that I scribe a translated version and keep this for my library.'
25000A6802 - 'I'm sorry, I would help you if I could, but without the parchment you speak of there is little I can do.'
25000A6803 - Black Incantations
25000A6804 - The Enemy speaks a dire language known as the Black Speech. Plans and messages to the False King, his generals, and commanders are often carried into battle by their minions.
25000A6805 - Find a scholar at Rivendell who is able to translate Black Speech
25000A6806 - Rivendell is in the Trollshaws, far to the south of Angmar.\n\nYou discovered a strange piece of text, written in the Black Speech. The Elves of Rivendell might be able to translate it.
25000A6900 - Scrap of a Dwarf Pledge[e]
25000A6901 - A scrap of paper written in dwarf-hand. It seems to be a decree of some sort.
25000A6902 - Scraps of a Dwarf Pledge[es]
25000A6B00 -
25000A6B01 - Success!
25000A6B02 - Interrupted!
25000A6C00 - Singing...
25000A6C01 - Canceled
25000A6C02 - Interrupted
25000A6C03 - Song Complete
25000A6D00 - ..
25000A6D01 - DNT - Symphony of the Hopeful Heart
25000A6E00 - Hope
25000A6E01 - Your heart is glad to have found a beacon of light in the dark.
25000A6E02 - Add
25000A6E03 - Hope
25000A7200 - 'A sweet song never goes unappreciated.'
25000A7201 - Baillindiel[fn]
25000A7300 - 'I am glad to see your safe return,
25000A7301 - , and will make use of these components in the fashioning of your equipment.\n\n'I hope that you have as much fortune obtaining the next set of components I need. The second set of materials I need are the eyes of worms, such as are found in Angmar, and the remains of wights found in Imlad Balchorth in Angmar.'
25000A7302 - 'You do not have the components for which I asked,
25000A7303 - ?'
25000A7304 - Articles of Harmony
25000A7305 - 'My heart is joyful to see you return from the darkness,
25000A7306 - ! One set of components remains, and I fear this will be your greatest challenge. But despair not! You will wear the equipment I make for you with greater satisfaction in memory of the triumph it will represent!\n\n'I need to you to bring me a horn from the Gorthorog Tarlûg, who resides in Carn Dûm. I also need a badge of rank from the goblins of Urugarth.'
25000A7307 - 'You do not have the components for which I asked,
25000A7308 - ?'
25000A7309 - Collected matted snowbeast-furs (
25000A730A - /
25000A730B - )
25000A730C - 'Snowbeasts are common on the slopes of the Misty Mountains. The goblins you seek serve the Tarkrîp Orcs of Mallenhad in Angmar.'
25000A730D - 'You have returned from out of the darkness,
25000A730E - , and my heart leaps to see you victorious! I will make use of these last components in the fashioning of your equipment.\n\n'I give this to you with the deepest respect for your worthiness as a minstrel,
25000A730F - . Use it well, and bring hope to the Free Peoples! These dark days will pass, and word of your deeds will be a pleasant memory by the hearth when peace comes again. It is with great joy that I call you friend.'
25000A7310 - Collected brimstone-tinged Tarkrîp plates (
25000A7311 - /
25000A7312 - )
25000A7313 - 'Look for the worms in Gorothlad in Angmar and the wights in Imlad Balchorth.'
25000A7314 - 'You do not have the components for which I asked,
25000A7315 - ? Why is this?'
25000A7316 - Collected clouded worm-eyes (
25000A7317 - /
25000A7318 - )
25000A7319 - Snowbeasts can be found in the Misty Mountains. Goblins are encamped with the Tarkrîp Orcs in Malenhad in Angmar.\n\nBaillindiel asked you to bring her matted snowbeast-fur and brimstone-tinged Tarkrîp-plates.
25000A731A - 'Seek the Gorthorog Tarlûg at Carn Dûm. Goblins guard the tower of Urugarth, also in Angmar.'
25000A731B - Collected revered wight-remains (
25000A731C - /
25000A731D - )
25000A731E - Collect goblin-badge of rank
25000A731F - Baillindiel is at the Elf-harbour of Celondim, in Ered Luin.\n\nBaillindiel is waiting for you to return with the first set of components.
25000A7320 - Collected ashen Gorthorog-horn
25000A7321 - Bring last set of components to Baillindiel
25000A7322 - Worms can be found in Angmar. Wights can be found in Imlad Balchorth in Angmar.\n\nBaillindiel asked you to bring her clouded worm-eyes and revered wight-remains.
25000A7323 - Collected goblin-badge of rank
25000A7324 - Collect ashen Gorthorog-horn
25000A7325 - Baillindiel is at the Elf-harbour of Celondim, in Ered Luin.\n\nBaillindiel is waiting for you to return with the second set of components.
25000A7326 - Collect goblin-badge of rank
25000A7327 - Tarlûg can be found at Carn Dûm in Angmar. Goblins can be found at Urugarth in Angmar.\n\nBaillindiel asked you to bring her an ashen Gorthorog-horn and a goblin-badge of rank.
25000A7328 - Baillindiel is at the Elf-harbour of Celondim, in Ered Luin.\n\nBaillindiel is waiting for you to return with the last set of components.
25000A7329 - Collect matted snowbeast-furs (
25000A732A - /
25000A732B - )
25000A732C - Collect brimstone-tinged Tarkrîp plates (
25000A732D - /
25000A732E - )
25000A732F - Bring first set of components to Baillindiel
25000A7330 - Collect clouded worm-eyes (
25000A7331 - /
25000A7332 - )
25000A7333 - Collect revered wight-remains (
25000A7334 - /
25000A7335 - )
25000A7336 - Bring second set of components to Baillindiel
25000A7337 - Collect clouded worm-eyes (
25000A7338 - /
25000A7339 - )
25000A733A - Collect revered wight-remains (
25000A733B - /
25000A733C - )
25000A733D - Collect ashen Gorthorog-horn
25000A733E - Baillindiel has agreed to help you fashion a piece of equipment that will be of use to a renowned minstrel such as you.
25000A733F - 'For a minstrel of such heart as you,
25000A7340 - , I will gladly fashion some truly remarkable equipment. The components I will need for its making will not be easily obtained, but I know that you will succeed.\n\n'I will need you to bring me the items I will need. The first items I will need are furs from the snowbeasts of the Misty Mountains and brimstone-tinged armour-plates from the Tarkrîp goblins in Angmar.\n\n'I will see you again,
25000A7341 - , and we will sing of your deeds when you return in triumph!'
25000A7400 - Matted Snowbeast-fur[e]
25000A7401 - This snowbeast-fur is matted and tangled.
25000A7402 - Matted Snowbeast-furs[ps]
25000A7500 - Brimstone-tinged Tarkrîp-plate[e]
25000A7501 - The armour-plates worn by the Tarkrîp have been corroded by the swamp's fumes.
25000A7502 - Brimstone-tinged Tarkrîp-plates[ps]
25000A7600 - Ashen Gorthorog Horn[v]
25000A7601 - The horns of Târlug are an unpleasant ashy colour, but they retain still their strength and toughness.\n\nThis trophy is sought by Minstrels and Rune-keepers.
25000A7602 - Ashen Gorthorog Horns[vps]
25000A7800 - '
25000A7801 - , you have become a minstrel of such talent that you have surpassed whatever I might once have taught you. I thank you now for the privilege of aiding you then. It has been an honour, and I will sing of you that the people will know what greatness can come from even a humble beginning.\n\n'There are few now from whom you might learn that which you do not know...Baillindiel, perhaps. She might wish to speak with you.\n\n'I have heard that she is staying now at Celondim, the Elf-harbour in Ered Luin. Seek her out and speak with her, for I am sure she would enjoy meeting you.'
25000A7802 - '
25000A7803 - , you have become a minstrel of such talent that you have surpassed whatever I might once have taught you. I thank you now for the privilege of aiding you then. It has been an honour, and I will sing of you that the people will know what greatness can come from even a humble beginning.\n\n'There are few now from whom you might learn that which you do not know...Baillindiel, perhaps. She might wish to speak with you.\n\n'I have heard that she is staying now at Celondim, the Elf-harbour in Ered Luin. Seek her out and speak with her, for I am sure she would enjoy meeting you.'
25000A7804 - Minstrel: The Finest Melody is Understanding
25000A7805 - '
25000A7806 - , you have become a minstrel of such talent that you have surpassed whatever I might once have taught you. I thank you now for the privilege of aiding you then. It has been an honour, and I will sing of you that the people will know what greatness can come from even a humble beginning.\n\n'There are few now from whom you might learn that which you do not know...Baillindiel, perhaps. She might wish to speak with you.\n\n'I have heard that she is staying now at Celondim, the Elf-harbour in Ered Luin. Seek her out and speak with her, for I am sure she would enjoy meeting you.'
25000A7807 - '
25000A7808 - , you have become a minstrel of such talent that you have surpassed whatever I might once have taught you. I thank you now for the privilege of aiding you then. It has been an honour, and I will sing of you that the people will know what greatness can come from even a humble beginning.\n\n'There are few now from whom you might learn that which you do not know...Baillindiel, perhaps. She might wish to speak with you.\n\n'I have heard that she is staying now at Celondim, the Elf-harbour in Ered Luin. Seek her out and speak with her, for I am sure she would enjoy meeting you.'
25000A7809 - 'Baillindiel is likely at Celondim, the Elf-harbour in Ered Luin. Seek her out, for she is one of few who may be able to aid so skilled a minstrel as you.'
25000A780A - '
25000A780B - , you have become a minstrel of such talent that you have surpassed whatever I might once have taught you. I thank you now for the privilege of aiding you then. It has been an honour, and I will sing of you that the people will know what greatness can come from even a humble beginning.\n\n'There are few now from whom you might learn that which you do not know...Baillindiel, perhaps. She might wish to speak with you.\n\n'I have heard that she is staying now at Celondim, the Elf-harbour in Ered Luin. Seek her out and speak with her, for I am sure she would enjoy meeting you.'
25000A780C - 'Baillindiel is likely at Celondim, the Elf-harbour in Ered Luin. Seek her out, for she is one of few who may be able to aid so skilled a minstrel as you.'
25000A780D - As a Minstrel, you have achieved such renown as to receive a summons from Baillindiel of Celondim.\n\nYou should seek Baillindiel to receive further training in your class.
25000A780E - '
25000A780F - , you have become a minstrel of such talent that you have surpassed whatever I might once have taught you. I thank you now for the privilege of aiding you then. It has been an honour, and I will sing of you that the people will know what greatness can come from even a humble beginning.\n\n'There are few now from whom you might learn that which you do not know...Baillindiel, perhaps. She might wish to speak with you.\n\n'I have heard that she is staying now at Celondim, the Elf-harbour in Ered Luin. Seek her out and speak with her, for I am sure she would enjoy meeting you.'
25000A7810 - Baillindiel is at Celondim, the Elf-harbour in Ered Luin.\n\nYou have been told to speak with Baillindiel, a talented minstrel who may desire to speak with you.
25000A7811 - 'Baillindiel is likely at Celondim, the Elf-harbour in Ered Luin. Seek her out, for she is one of few who may be able to aid so skilled a minstrel as you.'