250001AFF2 - (1 time) On 250001AFF3 - Damage Source Qualifiers: 250001AFF4 - Requires at least 250001AFF5 - max health 250001AFF6 - 250001AFF7 - 250001AFF8 - You must have completed deed ' 250001AFF9 - '. 250001AFFA - 250001AFFB - 250001AFFC - 250001AFFD - is drained of 250001AFFE - of their current 250001AFFF - 250001AF100 - Must use within a neighbourhood in which you or your kinship owns a house. 250001AF101 - Next bonus slot: ( 250001AF102 - / 250001AF103 - ) 250001AF104 - Applied on expiration if in combat: 250001AF105 - Needed for next level: 250001AF106 - 250001AF107 - 250001AF108 - 250001AF109 - points. 250001AF10A - You must be outside to use this skill. 250001AF10B - Minimum item level for reinforcement: 250001AF10C - 250001AF10D - the Fellowship 250001AF10E - Apply to the target: 250001AF10F - Decoration Category: 250001AF110 - 250001AF111 - 250001AF112 - Speed 250001AF113 - No Encounter 250001AF114 - + 250001AF115 - Damage to 250001AF116 - 250001AF117 - Adds #1: 250001AF118 - #2: 250001AF119 - #1:{points|point[1]} every #3: 250001AF11A - #3:{seconds|second[1]} 250001AF11B - 250001AF11C - % chance to 250001AF11D - 250001AF11E - Kinship Rank: 250001AF11F - 250001AF120 - 250001AF121 - % break chance on harm after 250001AF122 - s 250001AF123 - % vs. 250001AF124 - , Max {{keepspaces}} 250001AF125 - #1: 250001AF126 - #1:{Point[1]|Points} to Next Rank 250001AF127 - Cooldown: 250001AF128 - 250001AF129 - + 250001AF12A - Hope 250001AF12B - Requires: 250001AF12C - traits in 250001AF12D - line slotted. 250001AF12E - On application: 250001AF12F - 250001AF130 - :{{keepspaces}} 250001AF131 - Apply to the source: 250001AF132 - Maximum repaired item level: 250001AF133 - 250001AF134 - Requires at least 250001AF135 - max dexterity 250001AF136 - Healer 250001AF137 - 250001AF138 - , 250001AF139 - 250001AF13A - Copper cost increase: 250001AF13B - % 250001AF13C - Warning: Your kinship house may be revoked due to unfulfilled qualifications. 250001AF13D - Requires 250001AF13E - - 250001AF13F - players in fellowship 250001AF140 - Time until rot : 250001AF141 - At most 250001AF142 - 250001AF143 - Created 250001AF144 - . 250001AF145 - Requires 250001AF146 - work units.\n\n You contribute 250001AF147 - work units per second.\n\n Time to complete work: 250001AF148 - s 250001AF149 - 250001AF14A - , 250001AF14B - 250001AF14C - Name: 250001AF14D - 250001AF14E - Current Benefits:\n 250001AF14F - 250001AF150 - Requires: 250001AF151 - 250001AF152 - Vital costs increase: 250001AF153 - % 250001AF154 - Worn on Back 250001AF155 - Requires:
250001AF156 - Effects to apply on revival: 250001AF157 - 250001AF158 - % - 250001AF159 - % 250001AF15A - Natural 250001AF15B - Apply to target on critical: 250001AF15C - Reputation Item 250001AF15D - You must have failed 250001AF15E - . 250001AF15F - Cannot be a member of a fellowship 250001AF160 - Aura - affects Fellowship members within 250001AF161 - metres: 250001AF162 - Earned 250001AF163 - Worn on weapon slot 250001AF164 - 250001AF165 - 's Cooldown: 250001AF166 - 250001AF167 - Legacies 250001AF168 - On 250001AF169 - : 250001AF16A - Cooldown Remaining: 250001AF16B - 250001AF16C - Other Account 250001AF16D - Class: 250001AF16E - 250001AF16F - Next upkeep collection is 250001AF170 - . 250001AF171 - Requires Level 250001AF172 - 250001AF173 - Your inventory contains more items that it should, you will be unable to pick up additional items until you have removed all items that are currently stored in the hidden overflow area. 250001AF174 - 250001AF175 - {{keepspaces}} 250001AF176 - Optimal balance level: 250001AF177 - 250001AF178 - Requirements for Take: 250001AF179 - Selection range: 250001AF17A - - 250001AF17B - metres 250001AF17C - You can open an additional active quest slot for every 250001AF17D - deeds you complete.\n\n You can earn a total of 250001AF17E - additional active quest slots from completed deeds.\n\n 250001AF17F - Completed Deeds 250001AF180 - Score Information: 250001AF181 - Can be performed with (left hand): 250001AF182 - Barring {Skill|Skills[p]}: 250001AF183 - 250001AF184 - Maximum Target Level 250001AF185 - 250001AF186 - Requires: 250001AF187 - Standing with 250001AF188 - 250001AF189 - 250001AF18A - % 250001AF18B - Target Effects: 250001AF18C - Requires at least 250001AF18D - max intelligence 250001AF18E - damage 250001AF18F - Offence: 250001AF190 - Requires raid 250001AF191 - hit received 250001AF192 - On Defeat 250001AF193 - 250001AF194 - ( 250001AF195 - - 250001AF196 - ) 250001AF197 - 250001AF198 - : 250001AF199 - 250001AF19A - Value: 250001AF19B - {coins|coin[1]} 250001AF19C - - 250001AF19D - {{keepspaces}} 250001AF19E - Can be used to repair the following item types: 250001AF19F - Barring Effects: 250001AF1A0 - Starts Warband Manoeuvre 250001AF1A1 - Contains #1: 250001AF1A2 - #1:{item[1]|items}. 250001AF1A3 - On Equip: 250001AF1A4 - Power Of Darkness: 250001AF1A5 - 250001AF1A6 - Applied to master while summoned: 250001AF1A7 - Worn on wrist 250001AF1A8 - 250001AF1A9 - 250001AF1AA - Requires at least 250001AF1AB - players in fellowship 250001AF1AC - Members: 250001AF1AD - Deals 250001AF1AE - - 250001AF1AF - 250001AF1B0 - 250001AF1B1 - ( 250001AF1B2 - - 250001AF1B3 - base) 250001AF1B4 - Reinforcement categories: 250001AF1B5 - Description: 250001AF1B6 - 250001AF1B7 - % chance to: 250001AF1B8 - Level: 250001AF1B9 -
250001AF1BA - Negate 250001AF1BB - damage 250001AF1BC - Worn on legs 250001AF1BD - Your raw 250001AF1BE - must be at least 250001AF1BF - . 250001AF1C0 - 250001AF1C1 - 250001AF1C2 - Requires: 250001AF1C3 - 250001AF1C4 - Rank: 250001AF1C5 - 250001AF1C6 - You must be at a certain stage in 250001AF1C7 - . 250001AF1C8 - Success chance decrease: 250001AF1C9 - % 250001AF1CA - Monsters 250001AF1CB - Consumes all remaining 250001AF1CC - 250001AF1CD - Allowed Equipment: 250001AF1CE - You must not have failed the ' 250001AF1CF - ' quest. 250001AF1D0 - Armour Value: 250001AF1D1 - 250001AF1D2 - 250001AF1D3 - Purchased from store 250001AF1D4 - 250001AF1D5 - 250001AF1D6 - 250001AF1D7 - 250001AF1D8 - You must be in a Kinship. 250001AF1D9 - Single Use Recipe 250001AF1DA - Contains 250001AF1DB - {items. | item.[1]} 250001AF1DC - 250001AF1DD - % break chance on damage 250001AF1DE - Must use within a neighbourhood in which your kinship owns a house. 250001AF1DF - Skills Earned: 250001AF1E0 - Can only be used when hooked. 250001AF1E1 - 250001AF1E2 - - 250001AF1E3 - 250001AF1E4 - 250001AF1E5 - Apply to target on Critical and Devastating Critical: 250001AF1E6 - Applied to self on critical: 250001AF1E7 - Cooldown: 250001AF1E8 - 250001AF1E9 - Progress: 250001AF1EA - / 250001AF1EB - 250001AF1EC - Requires: 250001AF1ED - 250001AF1EE - Next Rank 250001AF1EF - Deactivated! 250001AF1F0 - On Use: 250001AF1F1 - Adds 250001AF1F2 - to 250001AF1F3 - 250001AF1F4 - This component can be used as an optional ingredient when creating new items. 250001AF1F5 - Removes 250001AF1F6 - from 250001AF1F7 - initially 250001AF1F8 - 250001AF1F9 - m Range 250001AF1FA - Required Passive Skill: 250001AF1FB - 250001AF1FC - Maximum Level: 250001AF1FD - 250001AF1FE - 250001AF1FF - : 250001AF200 - chance of being consumed. 250001AF201 - Maximum item level for reinforcement: 250001AF202 - 250001AF203 - When an effect is dispelled, 250001AF204 - 250001AF205 - 250001AF206 - Fast 250001AF207 - Progress: 250001AF208 - 250001AF209 - Rot is imminent... 250001AF20A - Attacker 250001AF20B - You must have completed quest ' 250001AF20C - .' 250001AF20D - Item #-1:{Enhancement[1]|Enhancements}: #-1: 250001AF20E - 250001AF20F - 250001AF210 - % break chance on damage after 250001AF211 - s 250001AF212 - \q 250001AF213 - \q 250001AF214 - Combo Starter 250001AF215 - Execution time reduction: 250001AF216 - {seconds|second[1]} 250001AF217 - Reinforcement points available: 250001AF218 - out of 250001AF219 - 250001AF21A - Bound to Account 250001AF21B - {{keepspaces}} 250001AF21C - Adds 250001AF21D - -
250001AF21E - 250001AF21F - ( 250001AF220 - - 250001AF221 - base) to implement 250001AF222 - Can not summon in this area. 250001AF223 - \nRank 250001AF224 - 250001AF225 - Applied on expiration: 250001AF226 - Cost: 250001AF227 - 250001AF228 - 250001AF229 - 250001AF22A - 250001AF22B - : 250001AF22C - Every 250001AF22D - {seconds|second[1]}: 250001AF22E - Barring Emote: 250001AF22F - 250001AF230 - Applied on removal: 250001AF231 - Barter Item 250001AF232 - 250001AF233 - 250001AF234 - This house is currently unowned, however it is not yet available for purchase. 250001AF235 - You must purchase the Skirmish Trait Max Rank item in the LOTRO Store in order to earn this trait. 250001AF236 - Owner Qualifications: 250001AF237 - Toggle Skill 250001AF238 - Damage Mitigation: 250001AF239 - Effects applied to 250001AF23A - within 250001AF23B - metres: 250001AF23C - Additional Benefit:\n 250001AF23D - 250001AF23E - 250001AF23F - 250001AF240 - Worn on neck 250001AF241 - You have earned 250001AF242 - extra quest slots through completed deeds.\n\n 250001AF243 - 250001AF244 - Must have quest 250001AF245 - : objective 250001AF246 - : operator 250001AF247 - 250001AF248 - 250001AF249 - \n 250001AF24A - 250001AF24B - {{keepspaces}} 250001AF24C - 250001AF24D - Adjusts 250001AF24E - 250001AF24F - towards 250001AF250 - 250001AF251 - Empty Slot 250001AF252 - 250001AF253 - \n 250001AF254 - 250001AF255 - 250001AF256 - Different Set Items Equipped: 250001AF257 - 250001AF258 - Requires 250001AF259 - players in fellowship 250001AF25A - This item is broken, and must be repaired before it can be equipped. 250001AF25B - Weapon DPS 250001AF25C - Additional repair requirements: 250001AF25D - \q 250001AF25E - Must be mounted on 250001AF25F - 250001AF260 - Cannot use with Effect: 250001AF261 - 250001AF262 - Enchantment #-1:{Effect[1]|Effects}:#-1: 250001AF263 - 250001AF264 - - 250001AF265 - Applied Reinforcements: 250001AF266 - You must have quest ' 250001AF267 - '. 250001AF268 - Fellowship: 250001AF269 - 250001AF26A - 250001AF26B - : 250001AF26C - 250001AF26D - Radius: 250001AF26E - m 250001AF26F - Gloom: 250001AF270 - 250001AF271 - 250001AF272 - 250001AF273 - Must not be 250001AF274 - 250001AF275 - Rank: 250001AF276 - 250001AF277 - 250001AF278 - / 250001AF279 - 250001AF27A - Worn on feet 250001AF27B - Adjusts 250001AF27C - 250001AF27D - away from 250001AF27E - 250001AF27F - 250001AF280 - % of 250001AF281 - 250001AF282 - This item is cosmetically equipped. 250001AF283 - Dye: 250001AF284 - 250001AF285 - Defence: 250001AF286 - 250001AF287 - 250001AF288 - You need #1: 250001AF289 - more #1:{ranks | rank[1]} earned in the whole tree ( 250001AF28A - / 250001AF28B - ). 250001AF28C - 250001AF28D - % of your 250001AF28E - 250001AF28F - Unlocked 250001AF290 - Required Effect(s): 250001AF291 - {{keepspaces}} 250001AF292 - 250001AF293 - % Healing Received 250001AF294 - You must have the following trait slotted: 250001AF295 - required summonee materials. 250001AF296 - File: 250001AF297 - (0x 250001AF298 - ) 250001AF299 - Unable to complete your examination request at this time, please try again shortly. 250001AF29A - Your rent is due. Pay it off or you'll lose your house! 250001AF29B - Requirements For 250001AF29C - : 250001AF29D - Damage 250001AF29E - 250001AF29F - Required Effect: 250001AF2A0 - Cooldown: 250001AF2A1 - 250001AF2A2 - Worn on hands 250001AF2A3 - 250001AF2A4 - : 250001AF2A5 - 250001AF2A6 - 250001AF2A7 - Requires: Kinship Rank 250001AF2A8 - 250001AF2A9 - This house is currently unowned and available for purchase. 250001AF2AA - This can only be used at night 250001AF2AB - Apply to target on devastating critical: 250001AF2AC - Aura - affects Group members within 250001AF2AD - metres: 250001AF2AE - Power: 250001AF2AF - ( of 250001AF2B0 - ) 250001AF2B1 - 250001AF2B2 - , 250001AF2B3 - 250001AF2B4 - Written by 250001AF2B5 - . 250001AF2B6 - Effects applied to friends within 250001AF2B7 - metres: 250001AF2B8 - Requires Character Level 250001AF2B9 - 250001AF2BA - Negate 250001AF2BB - damage 250001AF2BC - Missing a required active effect or item. 250001AF2BD - No 250001AF2BE - 250001AF2BF - 250001AF2C0 - Main-hand 250001AF2C1 - 250001AF2C2 - gains 250001AF2C3 - 250001AF2C4 - 250001AF2C5 - Account 250001AF2C6 - Minimum Target Level 250001AF2C7 - 250001AF2C8 - Trait Type: 250001AF2C9 - ( 250001AF2CA - / 250001AF2CB - ){{keepspaces}} 250001AF2CC - Reflect 250001AF2CD - 250001AF2CE - damage 250001AF2CF - Filename: 250001AF2D0 - 250001AF2D1 - Elf 250001AF2D2 - Requires at least 250001AF2D3 - 250001AF2D4 - 250001AF2D5 - Cooldown remaining: 250001AF2D6 - 250001AF2D7 - Max Players: 250001AF2D8 - 250001AF2D9 - 250001AF2DA - 250001AF2DB - 250001AF2DC - 250001AF2DD - Requires: 250001AF2DE - 250001AF2DF - Restores 250001AF2E0 - of maximum 250001AF2E1 - 250001AF2E2 - You must not be completing the ' 250001AF2E3 - ' quest. 250001AF2E4 - Weapon Speed: 250001AF2E5 - This can only be used during the day.
250001AF2E6 - Requires at most 250001AF2E7 - 250001AF2E8 - 250001AF2E9 - 250001AF2EA - Armour 250001AF2EB - You have not earned this rank 250001AF2EC - Impact on Alignment: 250001AF2ED - 250001AF2EE - Worn in Pocket 250001AF2EF - Adjusts 250001AF2F0 - 250001AF2F1 - towards 250001AF2F2 - initially 250001AF2F3 - Induction: 250001AF2F4 - 250001AF2F5 - Effects applied to item upon successful application: 250001AF2F6 - You must have profession: 250001AF2F7 - proficient to Tier 250001AF2F8 - and master to Tier 250001AF2F9 - 250001AF2FA - Requires Mount Level 250001AF2FB - 250001AF2FC - Nothing Selected 250001AF2FD - Worn on head 250001AF2FE - Requires: 250001AF2FF - 250001AF300 - Mastery 250001AF301 - There are too many players in the Ettenmoors at the moment. 250001AF302 - Adds 250001AF303 - to 250001AF304 - 250001AF305 - This house has been foreclosed, it can be repurchased by the leader of the Kinship that previously owned it. 250001AF306 - Requires an active gambit 250001AF307 - Requires: 250001AF308 - 250001AF309 - Clears 250001AF30A - #-1:{Gambit[1]|Gambits}#-1: 250001AF30B - 250001AF30C - You can loot this corpse. 250001AF30D - Skill Type: 250001AF30E - 250001AF30F - Off-hand 250001AF310 - Requires: Infamy Rank 250001AF311 - 250001AF312 - 250001AF313 - ) 250001AF314 - 250001AF315 - 250001AF316 - , 250001AF317 - 250001AF318 - You need at least two people in your fellowship before you can receive fellowship bonuses. 250001AF319 - Available XP: 250001AF31A - 250001AF31B - This component can be used with recipes that create the following item type(s): 250001AF31C - - 250001AF31D - 250001AF31E - Area-effect shape: 250001AF31F - ' 250001AF320 - ' 250001AF321 - Copper cost decrease: 250001AF322 - % 250001AF323 - 250001AF324 - 250001AF325 - You have 250001AF326 - % vitae. Consequently, all of your vitals are reduced by this amount. Other players can help you recover vitae, as can certain NPCs. 250001AF327 - Warrior 250001AF328 - Subtracts 250001AF329 - of maximum 250001AF32A - 250001AF32B - Wield #-1:{Effect[1]|Effects}: #-1: 250001AF32C - 250001AF32D - 250001AF32E - adds 250001AF32F - of amount drained to 250001AF330 - 250001AF331 - Upkeep for this house is overdue! 250001AF332 - Worth: 250001AF333 - Durability 250001AF334 - / 250001AF335 - 250001AF336 - Crafted by 250001AF337 - 250001AF338 - 250001AF339 - 250001AF33A - This component is consumed when used. 250001AF33B - Area-effect target limit: 250001AF33C - bonus 250001AF33D - When used: 250001AF33E - Retry Quest: 250001AF33F - - 250001AF340 - 250001AF341 - 250001AF342 - 250001AF343 - Occupancy: 250001AF344 - / 250001AF345 - 250001AF346 - Barring {Trait|Traits[p]}: 250001AF347 - 250001AF348 - 250001AF349 - 250001AF34A - You must have deed ' 250001AF34B - '. 250001AF34C - Current Instance: 250001AF34D - 250001AF34E - 250001AF34F - DPS 250001AF350 - 250001AF351 - / 250001AF352 - 250001AF353 - Allowed Targets: 250001AF354 - Corpse of 250001AF355 - 250001AF356 - Item Level: 250001AF357 - ( 250001AF358 - ) 250001AF359 - Requirements For You: 250001AF35A - Adds: 250001AF35B - This is a blank 250001AF35C - . 250001AF35D - 250001AF35E - After every kill- 250001AF35F - Target revives with 250001AF360 - % 250001AF361 - 250001AF362 - 250001AF363 - s 250001AF364 - 250001AF365 - Channel Duration: 250001AF366 - 250001AF367 - - 250001AF368 - 250001AF369 - 250001AF36A - 250001AF36B - 250001AF36C - 250001AF36D - Rank: 250001AF36E - ( 250001AF36F - + 250001AF370 - ) 250001AF371 - Destroyed upon exiting the instance 250001AF372 - Active when mounted on the War-steed. 250001AF373 - Ranged 250001AF374 - 250001AF375 - at Rank 250001AF376 - {{keepspaces}} 250001AF377 - Human 250001AF378 - Must be 250001AF379 - 250001AF37A - 250001AF37B - \n 250001AF37C - 250001AF37D - Requires 250001AF37E - skill of 250001AF37F - . 250001AF380 - Item powers: 250001AF381 - (Author IID is 250001AF382 - , account ID is 250001AF383 - .) 250001AF384 - Immediate 250001AF385 - Maximum Alignment Level: 250001AF386 - 250001AF387 - Item level: 250001AF388 - 250001AF389 - Target mode: 250001AF38A - Contents Unknown 250001AF38B - Attunes: 250001AF38C - 250001AF38D - Dread: 250001AF38E - (+ 250001AF38F - ) 250001AF390 - Success chance increase: 250001AF391 - % 250001AF392 - - 250001AF393 - Level: 250001AF394 - 250001AF395 - Wielder #-1:{Enhancement[1]|Enhancements}:#-1: 250001AF396 - 250001AF397 - #-1:{Effect[1]|Effects} when worn:#-1: 250001AF398 - 250001AF399 - Bound 250001AF39A - Return 250001AF39B - points 250001AF39C - You cannot loot this corpse. 250001AF39D - Cooldown: 250001AF39E - 250001AF39F - Level: 250001AF3A0 - 250001AF3A1 - Available at level 250001AF3A2 - : 250001AF3A3 - You have expanded your quest log to its maximum size from deeds. 250001AF3A4 - 250001AF3A5 - : 250001AF3A6 - Equipped 250001AF3A7 - 250001AF3A8 - - 250001AF3A9 - 250001AF3AA - Bind On Acquire 250001AF3AB - Requires Traits: 250001AF3AC - Execution time increase: 250001AF3AD - %
250001AF3AE - Contributes: 250001AF3AF - Quest Rating: 250001AF3B0 - 250001AF3B1 - Materials: 250001AF3B2 - 250001AF3B3 - IID: 250001AF3B4 - 250001AF3B5 - 250001AF3B6 - 250001AF3B7 - Impact on Alignment when Killed: 250001AF3B8 - 250001AF3B9 - Combat Delay: 250001AF3BA - Execution time increase: 250001AF3BB - {seconds|second[1]} 250001AF3BC - 250001AF3BD - , 250001AF3BE - 250001AF3BF - 250001AF3C0 - Damage 250001AF3C1 - 250001AF3C2 - 250001AF3C3 - 250001AF3C4 - \n 250001AF3C5 - 250001AF3C6 - Worn on ear 250001AF3C7 - Fast\n 250001AF3C8 - 250001AF3C9 - Reflect 250001AF3CA - of 250001AF3CB - damage 250001AF3CC - Consumed On Use 250001AF3CD - 250001AF3CE - 250001AF3CF - Your class must be one of: 250001AF3D0 - 250001AF3D1 - 250001AF3D2 - ( 250001AF3D3 - + 250001AF3D4 - ) 250001AF3D5 - Target 250001AF3D6 - Can be performed with (right hand): 250001AF3D7 - 250001AF3D8 - % Damage Received 250001AF3D9 - Barred Terrain: 250001AF3DA - 250001AF3DB - , 250001AF3DC - [p] 250001AF3DD - Not useable mounted 250001AF3DE - 250001AF3DF - - 250001AF3E0 - 250001AF3E1 - Damage 250001AF3E2 - Cost: 250001AF3E3 - 250001AF3E4 - 250001AF3E5 - Crafting costs when used: 250001AF3E6 - + 250001AF3E7 - 250001AF3E8 - 250001AF3E9 - Starts Quest: 250001AF3EA - 250001AF3EB - Apply to the caster: 250001AF3EC - Worn in pocket 250001AF3ED - You must be completing 250001AF3EE - . 250001AF3EF - % 250001AF3F0 - 250001AF3F1 - 250001AF3F2 - Upkeep of 250001AF3F3 - silver is collected every 250001AF3F4 - . 250001AF3F5 - Rank: 250001AF3F6 - 250001AF3F7 - Pattern: 250001AF3F8 - 250001AF3F9 - Starts Fellowship Manoeuvre 250001AF3FA - ** Translate Me ** 250001AF3FB - (This item is hooked) 250001AF3FC - 250001AF3FD - Cost: 250001AF3FE - % 250001AF3FF - Modifier 250001AF400 - 250001AF401 - 250001AF402 - 250001AF403 - 250001AF404 - Next Skill: 250001AF405 - 250001AF406 - 250001AF407 - \n 250001AF408 - 250001AF409 - Clears All Gambits 250001AF40A - 250001AF40B - 250001AF40C - 250001AF40D - , 250001AF40E - [p] 250001AF40F - Aura - affects targets within 250001AF410 - metres: 250001AF411 - Worn on shield slot 250001AF412 - On every 250001AF413 - skill, 250001AF414 - Cooldown: 250001AF415 - 250001AF416 - 250001AF417 - 's cooldown remaining: 250001AF418 - 250001AF419 - 250001AF41A - , 250001AF41B - 250001AF41C - 250001AF41D - 250001AF41E - Immediate\n 250001AF41F - 250001AF420 - Hobbit 250001AF421 - Bind to Account On Acquire 250001AF422 - Restricted Effect: 250001AF423 - 250001AF424 - m Range 250001AF425 - You must have none of these traits slotted: 250001AF426 - Founded on 250001AF427 - , 250001AF428 - 250001AF429 - Arc ( 250001AF42A - degrees with radius 250001AF42B - metres) 250001AF42C - Slot requires purchase from the LOTRO Store. 250001AF42D - Rank: 250001AF42E - ( 250001AF42F - ) 250001AF430 - Time Remaining: 250001AF431 - 250001AF432 - Must use within a kinship. 250001AF433 - You must be of 250001AF434 - rank or higher in a Kinship. 250001AF435 - Pending... 250001AF436 - Password: 250001AF437 - 250001AF438 - 250001AF439 - Minimum Level: 250001AF43A - 250001AF43B - 250001AF43C - % chance on 250001AF43D - : 250001AF43E - Adds 250001AF43F - to 250001AF440 - initially 250001AF441 - Requires 250001AF442 - of your 250001AF443 - minimum 250001AF444 - 250001AF445 - - 250001AF446 - 250001AF447 - Must have an alignment level of at least 250001AF448 - . 250001AF449 - For each effect dispelled, 250001AF44A - Lock Status: Locked 250001AF44B - Your race must be one of: 250001AF44C - You must meet certain acquisition requirements for the ' 250001AF44D - ' quest. 250001AF44E - Required reinforcement points to apply: 250001AF44F - 250001AF450 - 250001AF451 - 250001AF452 - When behind a target: 250001AF453 - Cost 250001AF454 - Applies a title to a legendary weapon. 250001AF455 - Minimum Alignment Level: 250001AF456 - 250001AF457 - Damage Stats: 250001AF458 - 250001AF459 - % break chance on harm 250001AF45A - Summons 250001AF45B - to your side. 250001AF45C - 250001AF45D - 250001AF45E - You must slot at least one of these traits: 250001AF45F - - 250001AF460 - 250001AF461 - 250001AF462 - Adjusts 250001AF463 - 250001AF464 - away from 250001AF465 - initially 250001AF466 - Not useable in Monster Play 250001AF467 - Current 250001AF468 - Recipe Cooldown: 250001AF469 - 250001AF46A - Fellowship Manoeuvre Starter 250001AF46B - You must be holding craft tool: 250001AF46C - Kinship: 250001AF46D - 250001AF46E - Requires 250001AF46F - 250001AF470 - minimum 250001AF471 - Requires level 250001AF472 - item 250001AF473 - Applies a title to a legendary class item. 250001AF474 - Not earned 250001AF475 - Required Trait:
250001AF476 - 250001AF477 - Sphere ( 250001AF478 - metres radius) 250001AF479 - Resistances: 250001AF47A - Requirements for Use: 250001AF47B - {{keepspaces}} 250001AF47C - {{keepspaces}} 250001AF47D - - 250001AF47E - 250001AF47F - 250001AF480 - Can be unlocked by visiting the store. 250001AF481 - Requires: 250001AF482 - 250001AF483 - - 250001AF484 - 250001AF485 - Self targetted 250001AF486 - On 250001AF487 - Reward For Deeds: 250001AF488 - Owned by: 250001AF489 - 250001AF48A - 250001AF48B - 250001AF48C - 250001AF48D - : 250001AF48E - Morale: 250001AF48F - ( of 250001AF490 - ) 250001AF491 - Other 250001AF492 - You must have less than 250001AF493 - % 250001AF494 - to use this skill. 250001AF495 - Apply to the source of 250001AF496 - : 250001AF497 - 250001AF498 - 250001AF499 - This skill must be untrained in order to reclass. 250001AF49A - Already Known 250001AF49B - 250001AF49C - 250001AF49D - (Based on 250001AF49E - ): 250001AF49F - Item Level: 250001AF4A0 - ( 250001AF4A1 - ) 250001AF4A2 - Requires: 250001AF4A3 - 250001AF4A4 - crafting ability 250001AF4A5 - You have earned 250001AF4A6 - extra quest slots through mithril purchase.\n 250001AF4A7 - Required repair facility: 250001AF4A8 - 250001AF4A9 - Requires: 250001AF4AA - 250001AF4AB - Proficiency 250001AF4AC - Armour Stats: 250001AF4AD - Barring Passive {Skill|Skills[p]}: 250001AF4AE - 250001AF4AF - Area: + 250001AF4B0 - Gloom 250001AF4B1 - Health: 250001AF4B2 - ( of 250001AF4B3 - ) 250001AF4B4 - Required crafting facility: 250001AF4B5 - 250001AF4B6 - Receive 250001AF4B7 - damage 250001AF4B8 - You must be a subscriber 250001AF4B9 - 250001AF4BA - 250001AF4BB - ( 250001AF4BC - ) 250001AF4BD - Worn on Craft Tool slot 250001AF4BE - You must not be in a Kinship. 250001AF4BF - This component can be used to reinforce existing items. 250001AF4C0 - When in Position: 250001AF4C1 - Item expires in: 250001AF4C2 - 250001AF4C3 - - 250001AF4C4 - 250001AF4C5 - 250001AF4C6 - You must have less than 250001AF4C7 - 250001AF4C8 - points to use this skill. 250001AF4C9 - 250001AF4CA - 250001AF4CB - Resistance: 250001AF4CC - 250001AF4CD - Cost: 250001AF4CE - 250001AF4CF - 250001AF4D0 - Bind to Account On Equip 250001AF4D1 - Worn on: 250001AF4D2 - Lock Status: No lock 250001AF4D3 - 250001AF4D4 - - 250001AF4D5 - {{keepspaces}} 250001AF4D6 - 250001AF4D7 - % chance to apply 250001AF4D8 - Applied on removal if in combat: 250001AF4D9 - 250001AF4DA - - 250001AF4DB - 250001AF4DC - 250001AF4DD - Requires at least 250001AF4DE - max strength 250001AF4DF - This component can only be applied to items of the following type(s): 250001AF4E0 - This component can only be used to repair items of the following type(s): 250001AF4E1 - Smoker 250001AF4E2 - You must not be at a certain stage in the ' 250001AF4E3 - ' quest. 250001AF4E4 - 250001AF4E5 - consumed: 250001AF4E6 - points 250001AF4E7 - Hope: 250001AF4E8 - 250001AF4E9 - + 250001AF4EA - 250001AF4EB - 250001AF4EC - Impact on Alignment per Successful Combat Strike: 250001AF4ED - 250001AF4EE - 250001AF4EF - - 250001AF4F0 - 250001AF4F1 - Crafting attempt modifiers when used: 250001AF4F2 - You must have profession: 250001AF4F3 - proficiency locked at Tier 250001AF4F4 - 250001AF4F5 - Requires: Glory Rank 250001AF4F6 - 250001AF4F7 - A maximum of 250001AF4F8 - silver upkeep can be paid in advance. 250001AF4F9 - dmg.{{keepspaces}} 250001AF4FA - Barring Trait: 250001AF4FB - 250001AF4FC - Level: 250001AF4FD - 250001AF4FE - Cost: 250001AF4FF - 250001AF500 - Per Second 250001AF501 - Requires at least 250001AF502 - max resevoir 250001AF503 - You need #1: 250001AF504 - more #1:{ranks | rank[1]} in other traits in the whole tree ( 250001AF505 - / 250001AF506 - ). 250001AF507 - Reflect effect: 250001AF508 - 250001AF509 - , 250001AF50A - 250001AF50B - 250001AF50C - 250001AF50D - 250001AF50E - 250001AF50F - : 250001AF510 - 250001AF511 - % chance to 250001AF512 - 250001AF513 - 250001AF514 - Home Area: 250001AF515 - 250001AF516 - 250001AF517 - 250001AF518 - {{keepspaces}} 250001AF519 - Usage blocked by an active effect or item. 250001AF51A - Required Terrain: 250001AF51B - Encounter: 250001AF51C - 250001AF51D - 250001AF51E - 250001AF51F - Weapon Stats: 250001AF520 - 250001AF521 - , Rank 250001AF522 - 250001AF523 - Expires if out of combat for a short amount of time. 250001AF524 - Lock Status: Unlocked 250001AF525 - Destroyed on use. 250001AF526 - Requires: 250001AF527 - and 250001AF528 - 250001AF529 - This is not a monster player. 250001AF52A - Apply to self: 250001AF52B - This is a monster player! 250001AF52C - Bound to 250001AF52D - 250001AF52E - User Effects: 250001AF52F - Quest: 250001AF530 - 250001AF531 - Penalty per balance level off optimal: 250001AF532 - % 250001AF533 - Minimum Level 250001AF534 - 250001AF535 - 250001AF536 - 250001AF537 - Reserved For: 250001AF538 - 250001AF539 - Receive 250001AF53A - damage 250001AF53B - Channelled Skill 250001AF53C - When Morale goes below 250001AF53D - %,
250001AF53E - Shield Stats: 250001AF53F - Removes #1: 250001AF540 - #2: 250001AF541 - #1:{points|point[1]} every #3: 250001AF542 - #3:{seconds|second[1]} 250001AF543 - 250001AF544 - 250001AF545 - Damage 250001AF546 - Sets 250001AF547 - to 250001AF548 - 250001AF549 - Return 250001AF54A - of damage 250001AF54B - 250001AF54C - , 250001AF54D - 250001AF54E - This skill will be removed if you reclass. 250001AF54F - 250001AF550 - 250001AF551 - Requires a locked craft mastery of 250001AF552 - 250001AF553 - Your awareness of your surroundings has been reduced somewhat in order to help reduce a heavy processing load on your server. Once the server returns to normal processing levels your awareness will be returned to normal. Until that time you will not see objects as far away as you are accustomed to, and may notice objects popping into view suddenly as you move about the landscape. 250001AF554 - On every skill, 250001AF555 - Effects applied to enemies within 250001AF556 - metres: 250001AF557 - : 250001AF558 - 250001AF559 - Hope: 250001AF55A - - 250001AF55B - ) 250001AF55C - 250001AF55D - , 250001AF55E - 250001AF55F - Cooldown Remaining: 250001AF560 - 250001AF561 - {{keepspaces}} 250001AF562 - 250001AF563 - 250001AF564 - Speed 250001AF565 - 250001AF566 - You must be a current or past subscriber 250001AF567 - + 250001AF568 - Crafted by 250001AF569 - 250001AF56A - Orc 250001AF56B - Structure points: 250001AF56C - / 250001AF56D - 250001AF56E - You need #1: 250001AF56F - more #1:{ranks | rank[1]} in other traits in the 250001AF570 - branch ( 250001AF571 - / 250001AF572 - ). 250001AF573 - Material Components: 250001AF574 - Level: 250001AF575 - 250001AF576 - Alignment Level Between: 250001AF577 - and 250001AF578 - 250001AF579 - Pets 250001AF57A - Requires: 250001AF57B - Trait Equipped 250001AF57C - Additional requirements: 250001AF57D - + 250001AF57E - Skill Effect Level 250001AF57F - Area: + 250001AF580 - Radiance 250001AF581 - Unique Use 250001AF582 - Must be leader of a Kinship with members from at least 250001AF583 - unique accounts. 250001AF584 - Apply to the target(s): 250001AF585 - any 250001AF586 - Expires if out of combat for 250001AF587 - {seconds|second[1]}. 250001AF588 - Maximum Level 250001AF589 - 250001AF58A - 250001AF58B - % Damage Dealt 250001B000 - Raid Member 250001B001 - Transfer leadership 250001B002 - 250001B003 - 250001B004 - Promote to assistant 250001B005 - Your Leader is performing a Ready Check. Are you ready? 250001B006 - Convert to Raid 250001B007 - Encounter Name: 250001B008 - Group 1 250001B009 - Not Ready 250001B00A - Ready 250001B00B - Group 2 250001B00C - Show Vitals 250001B00D - Dimiss from raid 250001B00E - Tell 250001B00F - Pending 250001B010 - Stages Completed: 250001B011 - Demote assistant 250001B012 - Personal Stage Information 250001B013 - Not Ready 250001B014 - Encounter Name: 250001B015 - 250001B016 - , 250001B017 - 250001B018 - Fellow Member: 250001B019 - Ready 250001B01A - Group Stage Information 250001B01B - Available: 250001B01C - Group 3 250001B01D - Raid Assist Window 250001B01E - Stages Completed: 250001B01F - Group 4 250001B020 - Stages Completed: 250001B200 - Invalid inventory category!\n 250001B201 - Receiving #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B202 - would exceed the text capacity limit for #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B203 - . 250001B204 - That item is already involved in an inventory transaction!\n 250001B205 - Remote item!\n 250001B206 - Quantity overflow!\n 250001B207 - #1: 250001B208 - #1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} is broken. 250001B209 - Contents could not be reorganized because of a general inventory error.\n 250001B20A - You fail to give #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B20B - to #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B20C - . 250001B20D - 250001B20E - #-1: 250001B20F - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} is already equipped.\n 250001B210 - #-1: 250001B211 - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} is controlled by someone or something else.\n 250001B212 - You fail to pick up #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B213 - . 250001B214 - 250001B215 - Cannot take 250001B216 - right now due to Fellowship looting policy...\n 250001B217 - #-1: 250001B218 - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} is already closed.\n 250001B219 - 250001B21A - closed.\n 250001B21B - You do not meet the requirements to use that item in that way!\n 250001B21C - You are only able to remove items from that container!\n 250001B21D - Inventory slot full!\n 250001B21E - #-1: 250001B21F - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} is not currently equipped.\n 250001B220 - #-1: 250001B221 - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} cannot be stacked.\n 250001B222 - You get #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B223 - from #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B224 - .\n 250001B225 - #-1: 250001B226 - You could not turn to face #-1:{him[m]|her[f]|it}.\n 250001B227 - #-1: 250001B228 - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} is broken.\n 250001B229 - You fail to open #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B22A - . 250001B22B - 250001B22C - #-1: 250001B22D - You could not reach #-1:{him[m]|her[f]|it}.\n 250001B22E - #-1: 250001B22F - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} is attuned to you.\n 250001B230 - You are not of the correct race or sex.\n 250001B231 - #-1: 250001B232 - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} cannot be unequipped.\n 250001B233 - #1:{The[!n]} #1: 250001B234 - is full.\n 250001B235 - You're helpless!\n 250001B236 - You're not proficient with that equipment!\n 250001B237 - Security check failed!\n 250001B238 - You don't have {the[!n]} 250001B239 - open.\n 250001B23A - Acquiring #1:{the[!p]} #1: 250001B23B - will bind #1:{it|them[p]} to you permanently, do you wish to continue? 250001B23C - You cannot do that with broken items!\n 250001B23D - You do not have permission to take that!\n 250001B23E - You have acquired: 250001B23F - .\n 250001B240 - #-1: 250001B241 - You don't have #-1:{him[m]|her[f]|it}.\n 250001B242 - #-1: 250001B243 - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} cannot be removed from #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B244 - .\n 250001B245 - Incompatible inventory category!\n 250001B246 - You cannot unequip items while you are swimming.\n 250001B247 - Contents could not be reorganized because there are no units to move.\n 250001B248 - 250001B249 - 250001B24A - Transaction failed, completing it would violate text item limits!\n 250001B24B - Remote container!\n 250001B24C - 250001B24D - equipped.\n 250001B24E - All inventory slots are full!\n 250001B24F - Contents could not be reorganized because you may only reorganize the contents of your own backpack.\n 250001B250 - Split failed!\n 250001B251 - You receive #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B252 - from #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B253 - .\n 250001B254 - Not taking 250001B255 - , you must confirm binding...\n 250001B256 - Merge incompatible!\n 250001B257 - 250001B258 - , 250001B259 - 250001B25A - Item Removed: 250001B25B - .\n 250001B25C - The target container is already involved in an inventory transaction!\n 250001B25D - 250001B25E - \n 250001B25F - You fail to unequip #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B260 - . 250001B261 - 250001B262 - Incompatible inventory slot!\n 250001B263 - #-1: 250001B264 - You cannot use #-1:{him[m]|her[f]|it}.\n 250001B265 - #1:{The[!n]} #1: 250001B266 - is not accepting items right now.\n 250001B267 - You give #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B268 - to #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B269 - .\n 250001B26A - #-1: 250001B26B - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} cannot be carried.\n 250001B26C - You cannot equip items while you are swimming.\n 250001B26D - #-1: 250001B26E - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} is not in your control.\n 250001B26F - Illegal inventory operation!\n 250001B270 - Contents could not be reorganized because you are too busy doing something else right now.\n 250001B271 - Contents could not be reorganized because the item is not in your posession.\n 250001B272 - The item, 250001B273 - , has expired and been destroyed from your inventory. 250001B274 - Placement failed!\n 250001B275 - #1:{The[!n]} #1: 250001B276 - was empty. 250001B277 - You drop {the[!n]} 250001B278 - .\n 250001B279 - You're attacking!\n 250001B27A - That item is reserved for someone else!\n 250001B27B - #-1: 250001B27C - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} is in the midst of a transaction. Try again later.\n 250001B27D - container 250001B27E - You move #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B27F - from #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B280 - .\n 250001B281 - #-1: 250001B282 - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} cannot be equipped.\n 250001B283 - You fail to equip #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B284 - . 250001B285 - 250001B286 - You died before you could do it.\n 250001B287 - You cannot do that with attuned items!\n 250001B288 - This equippable item has no applicable VDesc for this character. 250001B289 - #-1: 250001B28A - You cannot unequip #-1:{him[m]|her[f]|it} from that slot.\n 250001B28B - You cannot equip that category of item!\n 250001B28C - You are already in the middle of another inventory transaction!\n 250001B28D - {The[!n]} 250001B28E - is in use.\n 250001B28F - Incompatible ammunition!\n 250001B290 - Your #1: 250001B291 - #1:{is|are[p]} damaged.\n 250001B292 - #-1: 250001B293 - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} cannot be dropped right now.\n 250001B294 - All the valid slots for this item are already filled. You might try unequipping one of the following: 250001B295 - .\n 250001B296 - #-1: 250001B297 - Too many people are using #-1:{him[m]|her[f]|it} right now. Try again later.\n 250001B298 - #-1: 250001B299 - You already have #-1:{him[m]|her[f]|it}.\n 250001B29A - You fail to receive #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B29B - from #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B29C - . 250001B29D - 250001B29E - Your backpack does not have room for #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B29F - .\n 250001B2A0 - You fail to close #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B2A1 - . 250001B2A2 - 250001B2A3 - Contents could not be reorganized because the target stack is of different types of items.\n 250001B2A4 - Taking the contents of #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B2A5 - ...\n 250001B2A6 - The target container is not accepting items!\n 250001B2A7 - entity 250001B2A8 - You pick up {the[!n]} 250001B2A9 - .\n 250001B2AA - There are no units to move.\n 250001B2AB - You fail to drop #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B2AC - . 250001B2AD - 250001B2AE - 250001B2AF - unequipped.\n 250001B2B0 - Are you sure you want to destroy 250001B2B1 - ? 250001B2B2 - You are too busy right now. Try again later.\n 250001B2B3 - #1: 250001B2B4 - #1:{'s|'[s]} 250001B2B5 - {are[p]|has} broken.\n 250001B2B6 - You have acquired: 250001B2B7 - . Some currency was lost due to reaching the currency cap.\n 250001B2B8 - You cannot do that with items that are being traded!\n 250001B2B9 - You must unequip the following items first: 250001B2BA - .\n 250001B2BB - That belongs to someone else.\n 250001B2BC - #-1: 250001B2BD - You travelled before reaching #-1:{him[m]|her[f]|it}.\n 250001B2BE - You cannot merge into an empty inventory slot!\n 250001B2BF - Your #1: 250001B2C0 - #1:{has|have[p]} broken.\n 250001B2C1 - You failed to move close enough to #-1: 250001B2C2 - #-1:{him[m]|her[f]|it}. 250001B2C3 - You already have another container open.\n 250001B2C4 - 250001B2C5 - opened.\n 250001B2C6 - 250001B2C7 - 250001B2C8 - Cannot be contained!\n 250001B2C9 - You fail to put #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B2CA - in #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B2CB - . 250001B2CC - 250001B2CD - #1:{The[!n]} #1: 250001B2CE - does not accept items.\n 250001B2CF - {The[!n]} 250001B2D0 - does not accept those.\n 250001B2D1 - Failed to take 250001B2D2 - ...\n 250001B2D3 - You're dead!\n 250001B2D4 - Precluded inventory slot full!\n 250001B2D5 - Server connection problems. Try again later.\n 250001B2D6 - You put #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B2D7 - into #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B2D8 - .\n 250001B2D9 - #-1: 250001B2DA - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} does not go in that slot.\n 250001B2DB - Are you sure you want to destroy 250001B2DC - ? Warning: You purchased this item through the store. 250001B2DD - You are not able to dual-wield weapons!\n 250001B2DE - #-1: 250001B2DF - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} is not in #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B2E0 - .\n 250001B2E1 - Cannot merge!\n 250001B2E2 - Quantity underflow!\n 250001B2E3 - You cannot do that while swimming!\n 250001B2E4 - #-1: 250001B2E5 - You died before reaching #-1:{him[m]|her[f]|it}.\n 250001B2E6 - You do not have sufficient housing permissions to do that!\n 250001B2E7 - The item, 250001B2E8 - , has been destroyed from your inventory due to unique item constraints. 250001B2E9 - 250001B2EA - #-1: 250001B2EB - #-1:{He[m]|She[f]|It} is attuned to #-2: 250001B2EC - #-2:{him[m]|her[f]|it}.\n 250001B2ED - Drop failed!\n 250001B2EE - You are too far away.\n 250001B2EF - Maximum encumbrance exceeded!\n 250001B2F0 - Cannot split!\n 250001B2F1 - Sanity check failed!\n 250001B2F2 - You cannot store quest items in the vault.\n 250001B2F3 - You fail to get #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B2F4 - from #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B2F5 - . 250001B2F6 - 250001B2F7 - You are unable to put #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B2F8 - into that backpack, it is full!\n 250001B2F9 - Your contents could not be reorganized because you don't have room in your backpack.\n 250001B2FA - Contents updated successfully.\n 250001B2FB - Equipping #1:{the[!p]} #1: 250001B2FC - will bind #1:{it|them[p]} to you permanently, do you wish to continue? 250001B2FD - Parenting failed!\n 250001B2FE - {The[!n]} 250001B2FF - is in the midst of another transaction. Try again later.\n 250001B2100 - Those stacks are not compatible.\n 250001B2101 - Are you sure you want to destroy 250001B2102 - ?\nWARNING: If you destroy this item, Quest\n 250001B2103 - \nwill be cancelled! 250001B2104 - You fail to move #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001B2105 - to #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001B2106 - . 250001B2107 - 250001B2108 - Containment failed!\n 250001B2109 - item 250001B210A - Distance check failed!\n 250001B210B - #-1: 250001B210C - You do not have #-1:{him[m]|her[f]|it} open.\n 250001B210D - You could not unequip your 250001B210E - .\n 250001B210F - Invalid inventory slot!\n 250001B300 - Bow 250001B301 - *** Unknown implement ( 250001B302 - ) *** 250001B303 - Shield 250001B304 - None 250001B305 - Any implement, or bare handed 250001B306 - Dagger 250001B307 - Cosmetic 250001B308 - Axe 250001B309 - Implement 250001B30A - Any implement 250001B30B - Thrown 250001B30C - Mace 250001B30D - One handed 250001B30E - Javelin 250001B30F - Stave 250001B310 - Spear 250001B311 - Rune-orb 250001B312 - Two-handed Sword 250001B313 - Sword 250001B400 - You cannot promote #1: 250001B401 - because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is not in your tribe.\n 250001B402 - You fail to demote that member of your tribe.\n 250001B403 - You cannot create a new kinship. You are already in a kinship.\n 250001B404 - Please wait! Kinship data not yet loaded 250001B405 - Failed.\n 250001B406 - You do not have a valid target to promote in your tribe.\n 250001B407 - ' 250001B408 - ' is not a valid kinship management function.\n 250001B409 - You cannot promote #1: 250001B40A - because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is not in your kinship.\n 250001B40B - 250001B40C - has resigned leadership of your tribe. You are the new leader.\n 250001B40D - You cannot invite #1: 250001B40E - into your tribe because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is already being invited by someone else.\n 250001B40F - 250001B410 - has resigned leadership of your tribe. Your new leader is 250001B411 - .\n 250001B412 - 250001B413 - has updated your tribe's Message of the Day:\n 250001B414 - \n 250001B415 - You failed to create a new tribe.\n 250001B416 - 250001B417 - has demoted 250001B418 - to 250001B419 - .\n 250001B41A - 250001B41B - You have recruited 250001B41C - into your kinship.\n 250001B41D - You cannot invite #1: 250001B41E - into your kinship because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is dead.\n 250001B41F - You cannot demote #1: 250001B420 - because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is not in your tribe.\n 250001B421 - Your rank title has been changed from 250001B422 - to 250001B423 - .\n 250001B424 - You failed to join the tribe's chat room. 250001B425 - You cannot leave your tribe since you are not in a tribe.\n 250001B426 - You cannot invite the target into your tribe because your target has left the world.\n 250001B427 - You have successfully changed 250001B428 - 's rank to ' 250001B429 - '.\n 250001B42A - ' 250001B42B - ' is not a valid tribe management function.\n 250001B42C - You must specify a target to invite.\n 250001B42D - You cannot invite #1: 250001B42E - into your tribe because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is already in a tribe.\n 250001B42F - You do not have permission to change your tribe's Message of the Day.\n 250001B430 - You have disbanded your kinship.\n 250001B431 - You have been removed from your tribe.\n 250001B432 - You do not have permission to demote 250001B433 - .\n 250001B434 - You have been expelled from your tribe by 250001B435 - .\n 250001B436 - You cannot create a new tribe. You are already in a tribe.\n 250001B437 - You cannot invite #1: 250001B438 - into your tribe because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is dead.\n 250001B439 - You have left your tribe.\n 250001B43A - You do not have permission to resign leadership of your tribe.\n 250001B43B - Failed.\n 250001B43C - You cannot name yourself as your own successor.\n 250001B43D - You are not in a kinship.\n 250001B43E - You cannot leave your kinship since you are not in a kinship.\n 250001B43F - You cannot invite a tribe member because you are not in a tribe.\n 250001B440 - Your invitation to join 250001B441 - {'s|'[s]} tribe has expired.\n 250001B442 - Your kinship was disbanded due to low member count.\n 250001B443 - Your kinship does not have the correct Lifespan Rank to set Message of the Day yet.\n 250001B444 - You are not in a tribe.\n 250001B445 - 250001B446 - has invited you to join {her[f]|his[m]} kinship.\n 250001B447 - You cannot invite #1: 250001B448 - because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is not accepting kinship invites at this time.\n 250001B449 - #1: 250001B44A - has removed you as #1:{her[f]|his[m]} successor.\n 250001B44B - Failed.\n 250001B44C - You decline 250001B44D - {'s|'[s]} invitation to join {her[f]|his[m]} tribe.\n 250001B44E - Your kinship is not eligible to be renamed.\n 250001B44F - You cannot resign leadership of your kinship since you are the only one in it. If you want to abandon your kinship you should disband it.\n 250001B450 - You cannot use kinship chat. You are not in a kinship.\n 250001B451 - Your tribe is not eligible to be renamed.\n 250001B452 - Are you sure you want to change the theme of your kinship to 250001B453 - ? 250001B454 - There is no rank with the name ' 250001B455 - '.\n 250001B456 - You have usurped the leadership of 250001B457 - . 250001B458 - The Clerk of Kinships 250001B459 - You are not in a kinship.\n 250001B45A - You have left your kinship.\n 250001B45B - Your kinship's Message of the Day:\n 250001B45C - \n 250001B45D - You have joined 250001B45E - 's tribe.\n 250001B45F - You cannot change the permissions of the tribe leader.\n 250001B460 - You do not have permission to resign leadership of your kinship.\n
250001B461 - ' 250001B462 - ' is not a valid kinship management function.\n 250001B463 - You cannot invite #1: 250001B464 - into your kinship because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is already being invited by someone else.\n 250001B465 - You have invited 250001B466 - to join your tribe.\n 250001B467 - You have disbanded your tribe.\n 250001B468 - Your kinship has been disbanded.\n 250001B469 - Your kinship's Lifespan Rank has changed to 250001B46A - . 250001B46B - ' 250001B46C - ' is not a valid tribe management function.\n 250001B46D - You cannot invite 250001B46E - into your tribe because your tribe is full.\n 250001B46F - 250001B470 - declines your invitation to join your tribe.\n 250001B471 - Error restoring Kinship 250001B472 - 250001B473 - has recruited 250001B474 - into your kinship.\n 250001B475 - You fail to demote that member of your kinship.\n 250001B476 - You are not currently being invited into a kinship.\n 250001B477 - You cannot use officer chat. You are not in a tribe.\n 250001B478 - You failed to join the tribe's officer chat room. 250001B479 - The text you entered is too short.\n 250001B47A - You are not in a tribe.\n 250001B47B - You are not in a kinship.\n 250001B47C - That rank already has that permission.\n 250001B47D - You cannot change the leader rank level.\n 250001B47E - 250001B47F - has changed your tribe's theme to 250001B480 - . 250001B481 - You do not have permission to demote tribe members.\n 250001B482 - We regret to inform you that something has gone wrong and we could not automatically restore your Kinship, \q 250001B483 - .\q\n\nAttached you will find a special Charter that will allow you to re-create your Kinship manually. This will preserve all lifespan benefits but returning members must be re-invited by you or an Officer.\n\nWe apologize for the inconvenience!\n\nSincerely,\nThe Clerk of Kinships 250001B484 - #1: 250001B485 - removed #2: 250001B486 - as #1:{her[f]|his[m]} successor.\n 250001B487 - You cannot recruit #1: 250001B488 - because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} has not completed the introduction.\n 250001B489 - You have successfully resigned leadership of your kinship. Your new leader is 250001B48A - .\n 250001B48B - There is no rank with the name ' 250001B48C - '.\n 250001B48D - Notice: Kinship will be disbanded. 250001B48E - 250001B48F - has recruited 250001B490 - into your tribe.\n 250001B491 - You fail to disband your kinship.\n 250001B492 - There is no rank with the name ' 250001B493 - '.\n 250001B494 - You can only attempt to expel members of your kinship.\n 250001B495 - You cannot change the permissions of the kinship leader.\n 250001B496 - 250001B497 - has left your tribe.\n 250001B498 - You cannot invite #1: 250001B499 - because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is not accepting tribe invites at this time.\n 250001B49A - You are not in a tribe.\n 250001B49B - There is no rank with the name ' 250001B49C - '.\n 250001B49D - Are you sure you want to change the theme of your tribe to 250001B49E - ? 250001B49F - 250001B4A0 - has been expelled from your tribe by 250001B4A1 - .\n 250001B4A2 - You cannot rename your kinship to ' 250001B4A3 - ' because that name is already in use by another kinship.\n 250001B4A4 - #-1: 250001B4A5 - You now lead a newly created tribe named ' 250001B4A6 - '.\n 250001B4A7 - You do not have a valid target to demote in your tribe.\n 250001B4A8 - You fail to promote that member of your tribe.\n 250001B4A9 - You do not have permission.\n 250001B4AA - You accept 250001B4AB - {'s|'[s]} invitation to join {her[f]|his[m]} kinship.\n 250001B4AC - You are already recruiting 250001B4AD - in your kinship.\n 250001B4AE - You cannot use officer chat. You are not in a kinship.\n 250001B4AF - Leader 250001B4B0 - The name of your tribe has been changed to ' 250001B4B1 - '.\n 250001B4B2 - You cannot change the permissions of the tribe leader.\n 250001B4B3 - +House of 250001B4B4 - + 250001B4B5 - Your tribe's Lifespan Rank has changed to 250001B4B6 - . 250001B4B7 - Your kinship has fallen below the minimum number of members. A kinship must maintain 8 or more members. If the situation persists, the kinship will be disbanded within 5 days. You will also lose your kinship's house if you have one. 250001B4B8 - That rank doesn't have that permission.\n 250001B4B9 - You do not have permission to rename your kinship.\n 250001B4BA - You do not have permission.\n 250001B4BB - You were unable to leave your kinship.\n 250001B4BC - You have updated your kinship's Message of the Day.\n 250001B4BD - You cannot invite #1: 250001B4BE - into your kinship because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is incapacitated.\n 250001B4BF - 250001B4C0 - has resigned leadership of your kinship. Your new leader is 250001B4C1 - .\n 250001B4C2 - Only an Officer can be named successor.\n 250001B4C3 - You are not in a kinship.\n 250001B4C4 - There is already a rank with a level of ' 250001B4C5 - '.\n 250001B4C6 - You are already recruiting 250001B4C7 - in your tribe.\n 250001B4C8 - Your kinship has been renamed to ' 250001B4C9 - '.\n 250001B4CA - You cannot rename your tribe to ' 250001B4CB - ' because that name is already in use by another tribe.\n 250001B4CC - You fail to disband your tribe.\n 250001B4CD - 250001B4CE - has gone offline.\n 250001B4CF - You are not in a kinship.\n 250001B4D0 - You failed to expel the target from your kinship.\n 250001B4D1 - The text you entered is forbidden.\n 250001B4D2 - The text you entered is too long.\n 250001B4D3 - You can only attempt to expel members of your tribe.\n 250001B4D4 - You have successfully changed the rank of ' 250001B4D5 - ' to 250001B4D6 - .\n 250001B4D7 - You have no tribe from which to resign.\n 250001B4D8 - You have no tribe to rename.\n 250001B4D9 - You are not in a tribe.\n 250001B4DA - You cannot expel anyone from your tribe since you are not in a tribe.\n 250001B4DB - There is already a rank with the name ' 250001B4DC - '.\n 250001B4DD - 250001B4DE - accepts your invitation to join your kinship.\n 250001B4DF - Your tribe has been disbanded.\n 250001B4E0 - You must be in a kinship to demote someone.\n 250001B4E1 - There is no rank with the name ' 250001B4E2 - '.\n 250001B4E3 - You cannot rename your kinship since it does not exist.\n 250001B4E4 - You have no kinship to disband.\n 250001B4E5 - You have successfully removed the rank ' 250001B4E6 - '.\n 250001B4E7 - 250001B4E8 - You are about to found a Tribe. Please enter the name of the Tribe. It will be created using the 250001B4E9 - . Warning: Tribe names, once set, cannot be changed! 250001B4EA - Your tribe was disbanded due to low member count.\n 250001B4EB - 250001B4EC - has updated your kinship's Message of the Day:\n 250001B4ED - \n 250001B4EE - You are not in a tribe.\n 250001B4EF - You cannot change the permissions of the kinship leader.\n 250001B4F0 - You are not in a kinship.\n 250001B4F1 - You have successfully resigned leadership of your tribe. Your new leader is 250001B4F2 - .\n 250001B4F3 - You have named 250001B4F4 - as your successor.\n 250001B4F5 - Your tribe's Message of the Day:\n 250001B4F6 - \n 250001B4F7 - You cannot invite 250001B4F8 - into your kinship.\n 250001B4F9 - You cannot create a tribe named ' 250001B4FA - ' because another tribe already has that name.\n 250001B4FB - You cannot use tribe chat. You are not in a tribe.\n 250001B4FC - You have promoted 250001B4FD - to 250001B4FE - .\n 250001B4FF - You have joined 250001B4100 - 's kinship.\n 250001B4101 - You have successfully changed the permissions of the ' 250001B4102 - ' rank.\n 250001B4103 - You have no tribe to disband.\n 250001B4104 - You have no kinship from which to resign.\n 250001B4105 - You are not in a tribe.\n 250001B4106 - The Tribal Scrivener 250001B4107 - You fail to rename your kinship.\n 250001B4108 - 250001B4109 - declines your invitation to join your kinship.\n 250001B410A - Your rank does not allow you to invite a tribe member.\n 250001B410B - You cannot disband your kinship since it does not exist.\n 250001B410C - There is no rank with the name ' 250001B410D - '.\n 250001B410E - You do not have permission.\n 250001B410F - You do not have permission to disband your tribe.\n 250001B4110 - You have expelled 250001B4111 - from your kinship.\n 250001B4112 - Failed.\n 250001B4113 - You failed to join the kinship's chat room. 250001B4114 - We regret to inform you that something has gone wrong and we could not automatically restore your Tribe, \q 250001B4115 - .\q\n\nAttached you will find a special Charter that will allow you to re-create your Tribe manually. Returning members must be re-invited by you or an Officer of the Tribe.\n\nWe apologize for the inconvenience!\n\nSincerely,\nThe Tribal Scrivener 250001B4116 - 250001B4117 - has been expelled from your kinship by 250001B4118 - .\n 250001B4119 - You do not have permission to name a successor.\n 250001B411A - You fail to rename your tribe.\n 250001B411B - You are already in a tribe.\n 250001B411C - Failed.\n 250001B411D - You do not have permission to expel the target from your tribe.\n 250001B411E - #-1: 250001B411F - {Kinswoman[f]|Kinsman} 250001B4120 - Your new leader is 250001B4121 - .\n 250001B4122 - You cannot change the permissions of the kinship leader.\n 250001B4123 - ' 250001B4124 - ' is not a valid kinship management function.\n 250001B4125 - You do not have permission to change your kinship's Message of the Day.\n 250001B4126 - You have been expelled from your kinship.\n 250001B4127 - You cannot rename your tribe since it does not exist.\n 250001B4128 - Failed.\n 250001B4129 - You cannot expel anyone from your kinship since you are not in a kinship.\n 250001B412A - There is already a rank with the name ' 250001B412B - '.\n 250001B412C - You are not in a kinship.\n 250001B412D - Failed.\n 250001B412E - Your kinship does not have the correct Lifespan Rank to use officer chat.\n 250001B412F - You have successfully created a new rank: 250001B4130 - .\n 250001B4131 - You do not have permission to use officer chat.\n 250001B4132 - You cannot invite #1: 250001B4133 - into your tribe because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is incapacitated.\n 250001B4134 - You cannot create a kinship named ' 250001B4135 - ' because another kinship already has that name.\n 250001B4136 - You are not in a tribe.\n 250001B4137 - #-1: 250001B4138 - You have successfully renamed your tribe to ' 250001B4139 - '.\n 250001B413A - You have recruited 250001B413B - into your tribe.\n 250001B413C - The name of your kinship has been changed to ' 250001B413D - '.\n 250001B413E - 250001B413F - has changed your kinship's theme to 250001B4140 - . 250001B4141 - You have successfully added the permission ' 250001B4142 - ' to the ' 250001B4143 - ' rank.\n 250001B4144 - 250001B4145 - has been removed from your tribe.\n 250001B4146 - You have been promoted to 250001B4147 - by 250001B4148 - .\n 250001B4149 - 250001B414A - accepts your invitation to join your tribe.\n 250001B414B - You are not currently being invited into a tribe.\n 250001B414C - Recruit 250001B414D - Your kinship does not have the correct Lifespan Rank to post Kinship Auctions yet.\n 250001B414E - Hall of Records 250001B414F - You have successfully changed the level of the ' 250001B4150 - ' rank to 250001B4151 - .\n 250001B4152 - You do not have permission to promote 250001B4153 - .\n 250001B4154 - You are the new leader.\n 250001B4155 - 250001B4156 - has resigned leadership of your kinship. You are the new leader.\n 250001B4157 - You do not have a valid target to promote in your kinship.\n 250001B4158 - Your rank does not allow you to invite a kinship member.\n 250001B4159 - You were unable to leave your tribe.\n 250001B415A - You have been expelled from your kinship by 250001B415B - .\n 250001B415C - You have invited 250001B415D - to join your kinship.\n 250001B415E - You must be in a tribe to demote someone.\n 250001B415F - You have no kinship to rename.\n 250001B4160 - 250001B4161 - has promoted 250001B4162 - to 250001B4163 - .\n 250001B4164 - You cannot demote #1: 250001B4165 - because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is not in your kinship.\n 250001B4166 - You have been expelled from your tribe.\n 250001B4167 - You failed to join the kinship's officer chat room. 250001B4168 - You failed to expel the target from your tribe.\n 250001B4169 - #-1: 250001B416A - You now lead a newly created kinship named ' 250001B416B - '.\n 250001B416C - You must target a valid kinship member!\n 250001B416D - You have successfully removed the permission ' 250001B416E - ' to the ' 250001B416F - ' rank.\n 250001B4170 - You do not have permission.\n 250001B4171 - You do not have permission to disband your kinship.\n 250001B4172 - You do not have permission to demote kinship members.\n 250001B4173 - You fail to resign leadership of your kinship.\n 250001B4174 - #1: 250001B4175 - has named you as #1:{her[f]|his[m]} successor.\n 250001B4176 - You have been demoted to 250001B4177 - by 250001B4178 - .\n 250001B4179 - You have demoted 250001B417A - to 250001B417B - .\n 250001B417C - You cannot invite 250001B417D - into your tribe.\n 250001B417E - You are not in a kinship.\n 250001B417F - The string you entered is too long. It must be no longer than 250001B4180 - characters.\n 250001B4181 - You have expelled 250001B4182 - from your tribe.\n 250001B4183 - You cannot resign leadership of your tribe since it does not exist.\n 250001B4184 - You do not have permission.\n 250001B4185 - You are not in a kinship.\n 250001B4186 - You must be in a tribe to promote someone.\n 250001B4187 - You are not in a kinship.\n 250001B4188 - You failed to create a new kinship.\n 250001B4189 - Rank levels must be greater than 1.\n 250001B418A - You have removed 250001B418B - as your successor.\n 250001B418C - ' 250001B418D - ' is not a valid tribe management function.\n 250001B418E - You fail to promote that member of your kinship.\n 250001B418F - You fail to resign leadership of your tribe.\n 250001B4190 - Officer 250001B4191 - You cannot change the permissions of the tribe leader.\n 250001B4192 - You have successfully changed your tribe's theme to 250001B4193 - . 250001B4194 - You cannot invite a kinship member because you are not in a kinship.\n 250001B4195 - You cannot resign leadership of your tribe since you are the only one in it. If you want to abandon your tribe you should disband it.\n 250001B4196 - The string you entered is too long. It must be no longer than 250001B4197 - characters.\n 250001B4198 - You are not in a tribe.\n 250001B4199 - #1: 250001B419A - has named #2: 250001B419B - as #1:{her[f]|his[m]} successor.\n 250001B419C - You cannot invite #1: 250001B419D - into your kinship because #1:{he[m]|she[f]|it} is already in a kinship.\n 250001B419E - 250001B419F - has come online.\n 250001B41A0 - You have been removed from your kinship.\n 250001B41A1 - You do not have permission to rename your tribe.\n 250001B41A2 - You are not in a tribe.\n 250001B41A3 - Your tribe has been renamed to ' 250001B41A4 - '.\n 250001B41A5 - 250001B41A6 - has been removed from your kinship.\n 250001B41A7 - You accept 250001B41A8 - {'s|'[s]} invitation to join {her[f]|his[m]} tribe.\n 250001B41A9 - You cannot resign leadership of your kinship since it does not exist.\n 250001B41AA - You cannot invite 250001B41AB - into your kinship because your kinship is full.\n 250001B41AC - You do not have a valid target to demote in your kinship.\n 250001B41AD - You do not have permission to expel the target from your kinship.\n 250001B41AE - You do not have permission.\n 250001B41AF - You must target a valid tribe member!\n 250001B41B0 - You do not have permission to promote kinship members.\n 250001B41B1 - You do not have permission.\n 250001B41B2 - You cannot promote 250001B41B3 - to be the same rank as you.\n 250001B41B4 - Your invitation to join 250001B41B5 - {'s|'[s]} kinship has expired.\n 250001B41B6 - You are about to found a Kinship. Please enter the name of the Kinship. It will be created using the 250001B41B7 - . Warning: Kinship names, once set, cannot be changed! 250001B41B8 - You have successfully changed your kinship's theme to 250001B41B9 - . 250001B41BA - You have updated your tribe's Message of the Day.\n 250001B41BB - You cannot disband your tribe since it does not exist.\n 250001B41BC - 250001B41BD - has invited you to join {her[f]|his[m]} tribe.\n 250001B41BE - You are not in a tribe.\n 250001B41BF - #-1: 250001B41C0 - You have successfully renamed your kinship to ' 250001B41C1 - '.\n 250001B41C2 - You do not have permission to promote tribe members.\n 250001B41C3 - You must be in a kinship to promote someone.\n 250001B41C4 - You are already in a kinship.\n 250001B41C5 - The text you entered contains invalid characters.\n 250001B41C6 - Error restoring Tribe 250001B41C7 - You decline 250001B41C8 - {'s|'[s]} invitation to join {her[f]|his[m]} kinship.\n 250001B41C9 - 250001B41CA - has left your kinship.\n 250001B41CB - You cannot invite the target into your kinship because your target has left the world.\n 250001B500 - Sort the tribe members by class. 250001B501 - Player 250001B502 - Sort the kinship members by kinship rank. 250001B503 - Remove the selected player from the kinship. 250001B504 - Fellowship 250001B505 - Sort the kinship members by name. 250001B506 - Invite 250001B507 - Remove 250001B508 - Sort the kinship members by class. 250001B509 - Note 250001B50A - #1: 250001B50B - has invited you to join #1:{her[f]|his[m]} kinship, #2: 250001B50C - . Do you accept? 250001B50D - No member selected. 250001B50E - 0 250001B50F - Sort the tribe members by their join date. 250001B510 - Sort the tribe members by name. 250001B511 - Effect 250001B512 - Set MotD 250001B513 - Level 250001B514 - Remove the current leader and become the new leader of the kinship 250001B515 - Kinship: 250001B516 - Demote the selected player to the next lower kinship rank. 250001B517 - 250001B518 - 250001B519 - Member Name 250001B51A - Update 250001B51B - Rank 250001B51C - Sort the kinship members by level. 250001B51D - Join Date 250001B51E - Members 250001B51F - Demote 250001B520 - Set kinship Leader successor to: 250001B521 - Group 250001B522 - Player 250001B523 - 250001B524 - Successor 250001B525 - To create a tribe, you must attain sufficient rank and purchase a Tribe Charter from a \qTribal Scrivener.\q 250001B526 - #1: 250001B527 - has invited you to join #1:{her[f]|his[m]} tribe, #2: 250001B528 - . Do you accept? 250001B529 - Are you sure you want to resign from your position? 250001B52A - 250001B52B - Sort by Fellowship Leader. 250001B52C - The next Lifespan Rank of the tribe. 250001B52D - Leave 250001B52E - Location 250001B52F - No player selected. 250001B530 - Lvl 250001B531 - Kinship 250001B532 - Are you sure you want to boot 250001B533 - ? 250001B534 - Tribe: 250001B535 - Rank 250001B536 - Update Your Member Note. 250001B537 - Last On 250001B538 - Create the kinship using the specified name. 250001B539 - Usurp 250001B53A - Online 250001B53B - None 250001B53C - WARNING! Your tribe has fallen below the minimum number of members. It will be disbanded within five(5) days if the tribe does not have eight(8) or more members. 250001B53D - As the leader or officer of the kinship, you may specify the Message of the Day and press this button to update it for all kinship members. 250001B53E - Resign from your position in the tribe 250001B53F - As the leader of the tribe, you may select an officer from the list and name them your successor. 250001B540 - Title 250001B541 - Are you sure you want to quit the tribe? 250001B542 - Online 250001B543 - Sort the kinship members by fellowship status. 250001B544 - 250001B545 - 250001B546 - Sort the players by in game location 250001B547 - This is the Message of the Day. 250001B548 - Are you really sure you want to disband your tribe? 250001B549 - As the leader of a kinship, you may choose to disband your kinship. 250001B54A - Dismiss 250001B54B - As the leader of the kinship, you may select an officer from the list and name them your successor. 250001B54C - Sort the kinship members by their login status. 250001B54D - Promote 250001B54E - 250001B54F - 250001B550 - Create 250001B551 - Online 250001B552 - Status 250001B553 - Sort by player level. 250001B554 - Description 250001B555 - Are you really sure you want to disband your kinship? This will also abandon your kinship house if you have one. 250001B556 - Player Note 250001B557 - Extend tribe invite to: 250001B558 - Sort the tribe members by group status. 250001B559 - Are you sure you want to become the leader of your tribe? 250001B55A - Tribe 250001B55B - Show Only Online Members 250001B55C - 250001B55D - 250001B55E - Set 250001B55F - Lifespan Rank: 250001B560 - Demote 250001B561 - Rank 250001B562 - Set tribe Leader successor to: 250001B563 - The name of the kinship. 250001B564 - Renown: 250001B565 - The current Lifespan Rank of the kinship. 250001B566 - Resign 250001B567 - Sort the tribe members by in game location. 250001B568 - The next Lifespan Rank of the kinship. 250001B569 - 250001B56A - To create a kinship, visit one of the \qClerks of Kinships\q throughout the world and purchase a Kinship Charter. 250001B56B - Extend kinship invite to: 250001B56C - Successor 250001B56D - None 250001B56E - WARNING! Your kinship has fallen below the minimum number of members. It will be disbanded within five(5) days if the kinship does not have eight(8) or more members. If you have a kinship house, it will also be abandoned. 250001B56F - Change View 250001B570 - Effects 250001B571 - Sort by entries that match your LFP criteria. 250001B572 - Ranks 250001B573 - 250001B574 - 250001B575 - LFG 250001B576 - 250001B577 - / 250001B578 - 250001B579 - Resign 250001B57A - Send a tribe Recruit message to the targetted player. 250001B57B - Create the tribe using the specified name. 250001B57C - Next Lifespan Rank: 250001B57D - Sort the tribe members by their login status. 250001B57E - Online(AFK) 250001B57F - Expel 250001B580 - Promote the selected player to the next tribe rank. 250001B581 - As the leader or officer of the tribe, you may specify the Message of the Day and press this button to update it for all tribe members. 250001B582 - Quit 250001B583 - Are you sure you want to quit the kinship? 250001B584 - Tell 250001B585 - Promote the selected player to the next kinship rank. 250001B586 - Promote 250001B587 - Sort the tribe members by level. 250001B588 - 250001B589 - 250001B58A - Message of the Day: 250001B58B - Transfer Leadership 250001B58C - Resign from your position in the kinship 250001B58D - Member 250001B58E - Member 250001B58F - Sort by player names. 250001B590 - Member 250001B591 - Are you sure you want to become the leader of your kinship? 250001B592 - Disband 250001B593 - Join Date 250001B594 - Remove the current leader and become the new leader of the tribe 250001B595 - Add 250001B596 - LFG 250001B597 - Message of the Day: 250001B598 - Lvl 250001B599 - Members 250001B59A - Disband 250001B59B - Permissions 250001B59C - As the leader of a tribe, you may choose to disband your tribe. 250001B59D - 250001B59E - Sponsor: 250001B59F - Member 250001B5A0 - Sort the tribe members by tribe rank. 250001B5A1 - Sort the kinship members by their join date. 250001B5A2 - Send a kinship Recruit message to the targetted player. 250001B5A3 - Location 250001B5A4 - The name of the tribe. 250001B5A5 - Demote the selected player to the next lower tribe rank. 250001B5A6 - Remove the selected player from the tribe. 250001B5A7 - None 250001B5A8 - Invite 250001B5A9 - Are you sure you want to recruit 250001B5AA - into your kinship? 250001B5AB - Sort the kinship members by in game location. 250001B5AC - Time Remaining 250001B5AD - Sort by Group Leader. 250001B5AE - Achievements 250001B5AF - The current Lifespan Rank of the tribe. 250001B5B0 - Class 250001B5B1 - Are you sure you want to recruit 250001B5B2 - into your tribe? 250001B5B3 - Class 250001B5B4 - 10 250001B600 - The item you tried to transmute was not in your inventory.\n 250001B601 - The item you tried to transmute has no value.\n 250001B602 - Adding 250001B603 - {piece[1]|pieces} of Gold.\n 250001B604 - There is no room in your inventory for a money stack.\n 250001B605 - Your money bag is full.\n 250001B606 - You are too busy to do that.\n 250001B700 - #1:{ [n]| [p]| an[v]| a} 250001B701 - >\[#1: 250001B702 - \]<\\ExamineItemInstance> 250001B703 - #1:{ [n]| [p]| an[v]| a} 250001B704 - : 250001B705 - >\[#1: 250001B706 - \]<\\Examine> 250001B707 - 250001B708 - : 250001B709 - >\[ 250001B70A - \]<\\Examine> 250001B70B - ID: 250001B70C - > 250001B70D - <\\QuestRef> 250001B70E - 250001B70F - : 250001B710 - > 250001B711 - <\\NPCQuery> 250001B712 - #1:{ [n]| [p]| an[v]| a} 250001B713 - >\[#1: 250001B714 - \]<\\ExamineIA> 250001B715 - ID: 250001B716 - > 250001B717 - <\\MapNoteRef> 250001B718 - 250001B719 - >\[ 250001B71A - \]<\\ExamineItemInstance> 250001B71B - 250001B71C - > 250001B71D - <\\Select> 250001B71E - 250001B71F - >\[ 250001B720 - \]<\\ExamineIA> 250001B800 - The portal storm has subsided.\n 250001B801 - The portal storm has teleported you!\n 250001B802 - A portal storm is brewing.\n 250001B803 - A portal storm is imminent!\n 250001B900 - 250001B901 - 250001B902 - 250001B903 - killed. 250001B904 - fall of amon sul agree to visit gram alach (name) 250001B905 - \ 250001B906 - #-1: 250001B907 - Once I killed a #-1:{man|woman[f]}. 250001B908 - 250001B909 - was {a man![m]|not a man.} but #1: 250001B90A - was #1:{a woman![f]|not a woman![!f]} 250001B90B - Well, 250001B90C - is {a man[mp]|a woman[fp]|a thing[i]|a male thing[m]|a female thing[f]|a man whose name ends in s[mps]|a female thing whose name begins with a vowel[fv]|a woman whose name begins with a vowel[fpv]} 250001B90D - Golodhir (temp c. 'Dol Gorth') 250001B90E - fall of amon sul defy gram alach (name) 250001B90F - Golodhir (temp c. 'The Bulwark') 250001B910 - 250001B911 - killed 250001B912 - 250001B913 - Golodhir (temp c. 'Dol Gorth') 250001BA00 - Trade System reported general error ( 250001BA01 - ).\n 250001BA02 - Trade finished.\n 250001BA03 - You cannot trade that.\n 250001BA04 - 250001BA05 - wishes to trade with you.\n 250001BA06 - Trading items ...\n 250001BA07 - 250001BA08 - is currently fighting.\n 250001BA09 - You do not have enough room in your pack for #2:{all[!1]} #2: 250001BA0A - #2:{more item[1]|items}.\n 250001BA0B - You change the offer.\n 250001BA0C - You must offer something.\n 250001BA0D - 250001BA0E - is already trading.\n 250001BA0F - You don't have that much money to offer. 250001BA10 - #1: 250001BA11 - does not have enough room in #1:{his[m]|her[f]|its} pack for #2:{all[!1]} #2: 250001BA12 - #2:{more item[1]|items}.\n 250001BA13 - Offer failed.\n 250001BA14 - Someone is already trying to trade with you.\n 250001BA15 - The trade was interrupted because the other player logged out, the trade may have been only partially completed.\n 250001BA16 - You can only trade items in your pack.\n 250001BA17 - You are already opening trade negotiations.\n 250001BA18 - Your partner 250001BA19 - You are too busy at the moment to trade. Try again later.\n 250001BA1A - Unable to trade with that character.\n 250001BA1B - You must open trade first.\n 250001BA1C - You must revoke something.\n 250001BA1D - You must wait before trading again.\n 250001BA1E - You are already trading.\n 250001BA1F - You can only trade with other PCs.\n 250001BA20 - There was a problem completing the trade. All items returned to owners.\n 250001BA21 - #1: 250001BA22 - is too busy at the moment to trade. Try again later.\n 250001BA23 - You must specify someone to trade with.\n 250001BA24 - You are too far away from your partner to trade with them.\n 250001BA25 - You can't offer items that are destroyed when they are acquired. 250001BA26 - 250001BA27 - has a container open.\n 250001BA28 - You cannot trade with yourself.\n 250001BA29 - Your partner has changed the offer.\n 250001BA2A - You cannot revoke that.\n 250001BB00 - Pocket slot 250001BB01 - You have 250001BB02 - out of 250001BB03 - uses left for buffs in this category. Uses return over time. 250001BB04 - Back 250001BB05 - 250001BB06 - / 250001BB07 - 250001BB08 - Event Quickslots 250001BB09 - Open the Deed Log 250001BB0A - 250001BB0B - \n 250001BB0C - 250001BB0D - Mini Panel 250001BB0E - Item Wear 250001BB0F - Tol Ascarnen\nMonster Players are in control 250001BB10 - Monster 250001BB11 - Make Coins 250001BB12 - 250001BB13 - invites you to join a fellowship for quest 250001BB14 - , but they are in another instance. Join the fellowship and teleport to that instance? 250001BB15 - Double-click to send a tell to this character. 250001BB16 - Group Skills 250001BB17 - Clear All 250001BB18 - (Choose One) 250001BB19 - Unlock 250001BB1A - Increased Standing with 250001BB1B - 250001BB1C - 250001BB1D - Elite 250001BB1E - Raid Invitation 250001BB1F - Lock map to character position: On. 250001BB20 - You've earned 250001BB21 - item XP. 250001BB22 - Reset 250001BB23 - Revive for Mithril Coins 250001BB24 - Completion Time: 250001BB25 - Increase Scale 250001BB26 - Class slot 250001BB27 - You must provide a description in order for the customer support team to assist you with this problem. 250001BB28 - Edit Mode 250001BB29 - Please wait ... 250001BB2A - Decline 250001BB2B - Bag 1 250001BB2C - Mount Display Panel 250001BB2D - Bag 2 250001BB2E - Bag 3 250001BB2F - 250001BB30 - invites you to join a raid. Will you join? 250001BB31 - Bag 4 250001BB32 - Refresh List 250001BB33 - Bag 5 250001BB34 - Select Currency 250001BB35 - Bag 6 250001BB36 - Training 250001BB37 - Report Bug 250001BB38 - You have entered a monster PVP area. You may fight with monster players. 250001BB39 - 250001BB3A - Restore 250001BB3B - You have no uses left. The time shown is the time remaining until you gain another use. 250001BB3C - Healers are good to have around. They will heal you. 250001BB3D - Rank 250001BB3E - : 250001BB3F - 250001BB40 - The current key mappings will be lost. Continue? 250001BB41 - Active 250001BB42 - Rotate Right 250001BB43 - Press to show the Tutorial Hint associated with this panel 250001BB44 - Neighbourhood Name 250001BB45 - Expires in 250001BB46 - 250001BB47 - Controls 250001BB48 - Friends 250001BB49 - \t 250001BB4A - Quests & Deeds 250001BB4B - Combat 250001BB4C - Group Leader 250001BB4D - System 250001BB4E - Open/close backpack 250001BB4F - Deed Log 250001BB50 - Click and drag to move panel 250001BB51 - The item power coming from item at your right ear 250001BB52 - Clear 250001BB53 - The item power coming from item at your left ear 250001BB54 - Will 250001BB55 - Lock and unlock items in your inventory 250001BB56 - Loot 250001BB57 - 250001BB58 - / 250001BB59 - 250001BB5A - ingredients 250001BB5B - Toggle Wallet 250001BB5C - Destroy 250001BB5D - 250001BB5E - 250001BB5F - 250001BB60 - 250001BB61 - Toggle Decoration Mode 250001BB62 - + 250001BB63 - XP 250001BB64 - Completed: 250001BB65 - % 250001BB66 - Capped 250001BB67 - All changes you have made to key mappings since you last clicked Apply will be lost. Exit anyway? 250001BB68 - The key cannot be remapped: it is reserved for a specific use. Try another key. 250001BB69 - Ranged Weapon Slot 250001BB6A - Craft Tool slot 250001BB6B - Copper 250001BB6C - 250001BB6D - 250001BB6E - Waiting for server... 250001BB6F - Voice Chat Enabled 250001BB70 - Take All 250001BB71 - Show Quest Guide On Map 250001BB72 - Killing Blows: 250001BB73 - 250001BB74 - 250001BB75 - 250001BB76 - Hit 250001BB77 - Revival Tome: These items can be used to return you to the battle when you have fallen. They cannot be used in instanced spaces and can be purchased through the LOTRO Store. 250001BB78 - Click and drag to move the Character panel 250001BB79 - Quantity to purchase? 250001BB7A - Tutorial Hints 250001BB7B - End Travel 250001BB7C - Drag a skill into this slot to set it as your default attack. 250001BB7D - Click to 250001BB7E - your Health numbers. 250001BB7F - You need #1: 250001BB80 - more available experience #1:{point[1]|points} to upgrade 250001BB81 - 250001BB82 - + 250001BB83 - Renown 250001BB84 - Shards to Earn: 250001BB85 - 250001BB86 - 250001BB87 - You have 250001BB88 - % vitae 250001BB89 - The item power coming from your primary weapon 250001BB8A - The item power coming from your secondary weapon 250001BB8B - Grimwood Lumber Camp\nPlayers are in control 250001BB8C - Product Types 250001BB8D - Level 250001BB8E - 250001BB8F - 250001BB90 - (Leader) 250001BB91 - Click and drag to move the Event Quickslots. 250001BB92 - Untrain Time: 250001BB93 - Unable to connect to the support database. Please try to send your request again in a few minutes. 250001BB94 - You have too many characters. Please delete characters until you have 5 or less.
250001BB95 - Bar 1 (Undocked) 250001BB96 - Click and drag to scroll 250001BB97 - target 250001BB98 - Open World Map 250001BB99 - Create a fellowship. 250001BB9A - Open LOTRO Store 250001BB9B - Buy Changes 250001BB9C - 250001BB9D - / 250001BB9E - 250001BB9F - Social 250001BBA0 - Please enter only numbers 250001BBA1 - Human 250001BBA2 - Items 250001BBA3 - Report Spam 250001BBA4 - Grimwood Lumber Camp\nMonster Players are in control 250001BBA5 - Use different templates to show the information in the Who list. 250001BBA6 - Hide items bound to other characters 250001BBA7 - 250001BBA8 - 250001BBA9 - Click or hit 'Enter' and type to talk to others. 250001BBAA - Shows/Hides your Inventory & Paperdoll panel 250001BBAB - 250001BBAC - 250001BBAD - Evade 250001BBAE - Barter 250001BBAF - Decoration 250001BBB0 - Isendeep Mine\nPlayers are in control 250001BBB1 - Info 250001BBB2 - Show Completed Quests 250001BBB3 - You don't have anything selected. 250001BBB4 - Back slot 250001BBB5 - Block 250001BBB6 - Traits 250001BBB7 - Kinship Text Input Only 250001BBB8 - Choose Your Class 250001BBB9 - Customize Toolbar Slots 250001BBBA - Increment the current shortcut set 250001BBBB - You've earned 250001BBBC - for quest completion.\n 250001BBBD - Are you sure you want to use the /stuck or /unstuck command to return to your rally point? You will be unable to do anything for 250001BBBE - before teleporting. 250001BBBF - Strength-based 250001BBC0 - Quest Actions Button 250001BBC1 - 250001BBC2 - &custom1= 250001BBC3 - &custom2= 250001BBC4 - &custom3= 250001BBC5 - &custom4= 250001BBC6 - &custom5= 250001BBC7 - &ext_ref= 250001BBC8 - &styleid=2 250001BBC9 - Report Combat Macro 250001BBCA - Frame Rate 250001BBCB - Primary Weapon Slot 250001BBCC - Comments 250001BBCD - Secondary Weapon/Shield Slot 250001BBCE - Accept 250001BBCF - 250001BBD0 - wishes to trade with you. Do you accept? 250001BBD1 - Enter Middle-earth 250001BBD2 - Deflect 250001BBD3 - Grouping 250001BBD4 - Powers 250001BBD5 - Start attacking the selected target (keyboard shortcut: `). 250001BBD6 - All 250001BBD7 - Dye colour preview for the Back slot. Press Reset button to clear. 250001BBD8 - Toggles this quickslot between horizontal and vertical orientation 250001BBD9 - Other 250001BBDA - Agility 250001BBDB - 250001BBDC - the Quickslots Panel (keyboard shortcut: I). 250001BBDD - Click to sort all your items 250001BBDE - Are you sure you want to rearrange all the items in your inventory? 250001BBDF - The item power coming from ring worn on right hand 250001BBE0 - The item power coming from ring worn on left hand 250001BBE1 - You've earned 250001BBE2 - destiny points.\n 250001BBE3 - 250001BBE4 - FPS 250001BBE5 - Isendeep Mine\nMonster Players are in control 250001BBE6 - Dye colour preview for the Boots slot. Press Reset button to clear. 250001BBE7 - Travel available to this destination. 250001BBE8 - Train 250001BBE9 - Click and drag to move panel 250001BBEA - Dismount 250001BBEB - 250001BBEC - 250001BBED - Active Quests: 250001BBEE - You need 250001BBEF - XP for level 250001BBF0 - . 250001BBF1 - 250001BBF2 - - 250001BBF3 - 250001BBF4 - Change Chat Font Size 250001BBF5 - The item power coming from item in your pocket 250001BBF6 - Close 250001BBF7 - Dye colour preview for the Legs slot. Press Reset button to clear. 250001BBF8 - Placeholder 250001BBF9 - Maintenance 250001BBFA - Belt slot 250001BBFB - You must wait 250001BBFC - before using /stuck or /unstuck again. 250001BBFD - This is your relative effectiveness in ranged combat. Better weapons and higher Agility will increase your effectiveness. 250001BBFE - Take 250001BBFF - Summonee: 250001BB100 - 250001BB101 - Cost 250001BB102 - Willpower 250001BB103 - Glove Colour 250001BB104 - Advice Text Input Only 250001BB105 - Player Bio: 250001BB106 - Enter 250001BB107 - Open the chat window and activate chat input 250001BB108 - Enter character name: 250001BB109 - Gold 250001BB10A - 250001BB10B - / 250001BB10C - 250001BB10D - Delete 250001BB10E - Filter Map Notes 250001BB10F - Available Skills 250001BB110 - Hides items bound to other characters 250001BB111 - External Container 250001BB112 - Kills/Deaths: 250001BB113 - 250001BB114 - + 250001BB115 - Reputation 250001BB116 - Not Roleplaying 250001BB117 - Choose Your Name 250001BB118 - Companion Shortcut Bar 250001BB119 - Send 250001BB11A - Legendary Item 250001BB11B -
Raid Locks are used for larger instances which may take multiple sessions to complete.
The Lock of the instance is dictated by the leader.
For the raid group to enter the instance, the leader's locks must contain all of your locks. (having no locks counts)
If you have any locks that the leader does not, then your raid group cannot enter the instance.
To meet the above requirements you may need to switch leadership status temporarily.
250001BB47D - Defeated 250001BB47E - Back 250001BB47F - Do not show again 250001BB480 - You cannot revive from an instant defeat. 250001BB481 - Showing Items. Click to see powers from items. 250001BB482 - Deflected 250001BB483 - Passive 250001BB484 - Healer 250001BB485 - Leg Colour 250001BB486 - Item to Receive 250001BB487 - Wardrobe 250001BB488 - Showing Powers. Click to see items equipped. 250001BB489 - Interrupted 250001BB48A - Rank: 250001BB48B - 250001BB48C - It's you! 250001BB48D - Companion Manager 250001BB48E - Dismiss 250001BB48F - O 250001BB490 - Session Play 250001BB491 - Click and drag to move panel 250001BB492 - Shared Storage 250001BB493 - Missed 250001BB494 - You need 250001BB495 - XP for level 250001BB496 - .\nYour experience gains are currently suppressed. 250001BB497 - Inspection 250001BB498 - How many items to drag? 250001BB499 - K 250001BB49A - Assist Window 250001BB49B - Close the examine panel (keyboard shortcut: E). 250001BB49C - Reward 250001BB49D - This game is suitable for persons 15 years and older and contains violence and drug use 250001BB49E - Shoulder slot 250001BB49F - To equip a hobby, drag it from the Hobbies Panel to an available quickslot at the bottom of the game screen. 250001BB4A0 - Upkeep Cost: 250001BB4A1 - Name 250001BB4A2 - 250001BB4A3 - the Social Panel (keyboard shortcut: F9). 250001BB4A4 - 250001BB4A5 - invites you to join a Raid, but they are in another instance. Join the Raid and teleport to that instance? 250001BB4A6 - 250001BB4A7 - invites you to join a Raid. If you join the Raid your current Private Encounter will close. Will you join? 250001BB4A8 - Assist 250001BB4A9 - Retreat Now 250001BB4AA - Intelligence-based 250001BB4AB - Select a colour 250001BB4AC - Miss 250001BB4AD - None 250001BB4AE - Male 250001BB4AF - Bar 5 (Undocked) 250001BB4B0 - Chat 1 250001BB4B1 - FULL 250001BB4B2 - Get Perks 250001BB4B3 - Yes 250001BB4B4 - Tribe 250001BB4B5 - Traits 250001BB4B6 - Press this button to end your travel. 250001BB4B7 - Open the plugin manager to manage the loading of your player-made Lua plugins. 250001BB4B8 - 250001BB4B9 - , your partner, has ended this trade session. 250001BB4BA - Find Items 250001BB4BB - Click and drag to resize the chat box. 250001BB4BC - Who will you be in Middle Earth? 250001BB4BD - Item Powers 250001BB4BE - Hobby Trainer 250001BB4BF - Barber Shop 250001BB4C0 - Cancel 250001BB4C1 - Monster Play 250001BB4C2 - Immune 250001BB4C3 - Alerts 250001BB4C4 - To wield Legendary Items you must begin Volume 2 of the Epic Story. 250001BB4C5 - Click and drag to move panel 250001BB4C6 - Recruit a new fellowship member. 250001BB4C7 - 250001BB4C8 - Reputation 250001BB4C9 - Decoration 250001BC00 - Lock quickslot bars 250001BC01 - Default Keys 250001BC02 - Play optional combat animations 250001BC03 - When checked, the character receives Kinship requests. 250001BC04 - Toolbar Right Slot 3 250001BC05 - Click and drag to move the radar 250001BC06 - Display my home ownership information 250001BC07 - Graphics 250001BC08 - Show Destiny Wallet 250001BC09 - Make bar 4 horizontal 250001BC0A - When off, hides your cloak from view. 250001BC0B - When on, locked items are shown on the vendor's sell tab. 250001BC0C - If checked the skill queue and global reset timer display will be visible. 250001BC0D - Enable Avatar Attack Effects 250001BC0E - None 250001BC0F - Chat Window Opacity 250001BC10 - Show Surname 250001BC11 - Show tutorial hints 250001BC12 - When performing mounted combat and turn on auto-attack you will constantly move toward your target. 250001BC13 - Selection: Only Show Effects Cast By You 250001BC14 - When checked, you will see radar blips for all your groupmates' companions. 250001BC15 - Screen Brightness 250001BC16 - Enable Combat Hit Effects 250001BC17 - Load Mozilla Firefox Proxy Settings 250001BC18 - Clear Skin 250001BC19 - Show Quest Guide on Radar 250001BC1A - When off, hides your helmet from view. 250001BC1B - Show Connection Status 250001BC1C - Are you sure you want to restore the default settings? 250001BC1D - Low 250001BC1E - Mounted Combat MoveTo Skill Assist 250001BC1F - Show Combat Results 250001BC20 - Cur/Max 250001BC21 - When checked, players will have their kinship names displayed 250001BC22 - Are you sure you want to log out? 250001BC23 - Enable skill target forwarding 250001BC24 - When checked, fellowship vitals displays will hide effects which are nondispellable. 250001BC25 - Toolbar Left Slot 3 250001BC26 - Show Skill Queue 250001BC27 - If unchecked, you will automatically decline any sparring offers 250001BC28 - When checked, group vitals displays will hide effects which are not cast by you. 250001BC29 - Revert Graphics 250001BC2A - Quest Guide Map colour 2 250001BC2B - Misc 250001BC2C - Default UI 250001BC2D - Dock bar 2 250001BC2E - Accept tells from friends, groupmates, and tribe members is now 250001BC2F - . 250001BC30 - Invert mouse look 250001BC31 - DX10 Dynamic Shadows 250001BC32 - Unknown 250001BC33 - When checked, displays a directional indicator to your current selection. 250001BC34 - Enable LOTRO Store purchase feedback 250001BC35 - If checked, you will automatically move to use an item or NPC that's too far away. 250001BC36 - If checked, you will automatically accept any automatically bestowed quests except when your quest log is full. When not checked or when your log is full, you will have the temporary ability to manually accept said quests using the Quest Action Button UI. 250001BC37 - You will need to restart the game for these changes to take effect. 250001BC38 - Decrease the size of all UI elements 250001BC39 - Show Radial Chat 250001BC3A - Automatically create IM sessions is now 250001BC3B - . 250001BC3C - Companion Quickslot Bar 250001BC3D - If checked, PCs will appear on your radar 250001BC3E - Apply changes? 250001BC3F - If bar 2 is undocked, toggles the orientation 250001BC40 - Cancel 250001BC41 - Quest Guide Map colour 5 250001BC42 - show quest tracker 250001BC43 - The UI scale of the toolbar. 250001BC44 - UI Settings 250001BC45 - When checked, renown / infamy gains will appear over your character's head. 250001BC46 - Show Equipped Items Only in Repair UI 250001BC47 - When checked, the selected creature or NPC will display a selection indicator. 250001BC48 - Toggles the Quest Guide feature which directs you to the general area locations for tracked quest objectives. 250001BC49 - Displays the companion quickslot 250001BC4A - When checked, particle and mesh visual effects used to represent monster attacks will be displayed 250001BC4B - Move To Use 250001BC4C - When checked, all items will display floating names 250001BC4D - Current User Skin 250001BC4E - When checked, your player music will be locked to a time grid. This results in notes being set on beats, each aligned to the closest point on the timing grid and provides a more uniform timing of notes. 250001BC4F - If bar 1 is undocked, toggles the orientation 250001BC50 - Mounted Combat Default Skills Perform MoveTos 250001BC51 - Enable Dread Effects 250001BC52 - Resets the suppressed Confirmation Dialogs when the button is clicked. 250001BC53 - Sets the second button on the left of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC54 - Player Tribes 250001BC55 - Selection 250001BC56 - Sets the fifth button on the left of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC57 - When checked, the assist window will be displayed. 250001BC58 - Show PCs on radar 250001BC59 - If checked, your current location coordinates will be displayed below the radar 250001BC5A - Selection Indicator 250001BC5B - When checked, particle and mesh visual effects used to represent avatar attacks will be displayed. 250001BC5C - You cannot set advanced graphics settings until you download the full game. 250001BC5D - The size of Attunement Panel to display. 250001BC5E - Click to create a new binding for this action. 250001BC5F - Companion Vitals 250001BC60 - Sets the fourth button on the left of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC61 - When checked, floating damage will appear based on the checkboxes below. 250001BC62 - Animation Quality 250001BC63 - Involuntary emotes are now 250001BC64 - . 250001BC65 - Click to clear all bindings for this action. 250001BC66 - Sets the seventh button on the left of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC67 - Make bar 2 horizontal 250001BC68 - Radar Filter 250001BC69 - My Character's Name 250001BC6A - 250001BC6B - 250001BC6C - When checked, players will have their tribe names displayed 250001BC6D - When checked, the character receives trade requests. 250001BC6E - When checked, floating damage numbers appear over creatures other than the PC and things he or she affects. 250001BC6F - Sets the fifth button on the right of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC70 - Restore defaults? 250001BC71 - Player Music 250001BC72 - Always accept automatic quests 250001BC73 - Enable fellowship requests 250001BC74 - When checked, the selection indicator will only be shown when you're in combat. This preference is only available when the \qSelection Indicator\q preference is ON. 250001BC75 - Many elements of the UI can be customized. Press CTRL-\ to toggle the UI lock, so you can reposition panels to wherever you like. Press CTRL-\ again to re-lock your UI. 250001BC76 - Show ranged weapon when out of combat 250001BC77 - Alerts 250001BC78 - The UI scale of the your group's or first raid group's vitals. 250001BC79 - If checked, monsters will appear on your radar 250001BC7A - Fellowship invites are now 250001BC7B - . 250001BC7C - When checked, you will be unable to see cosmetic pets summoned by other players. 250001BC7D - Suppressed Confirmation Dialogs have been reset. 250001BC7E - Show Trainable Skills Only 250001BC7F - Display combat state break notices in chat window 250001BC80 - Game 250001BC81 - Toolbar Left Slot 7 250001BC82 - Vitals 250001BC83 - See Icons for All Paper Doll Slots 250001BC84 - Player Titles 250001BC85 - If checked, the quest tracker will show party status instead of objectives. 250001BC86 - Show Character/Object Names 250001BC87 - Toggles the visibility of the event quickslots UI. 250001BC88 - The UI scale of the third raid group's vitals. 250001BC89 - Show Trivial Quest Icons In Radar 250001BC8A - My Fellows' Names 250001BC8B - Event Quickslots 250001BC8C - Use dynamic shadow maps in outdoor environments. DirectX 10 Graphics must be enabled. 250001BC8D - Enable movement assistance in combat 250001BC8E - Movement 250001BC8F - The UI scale of the fourth raid group's vitals. 250001BC90 - When checked, Opponent Vitals will hide effects which are nondispellable. 250001BC91 - UI Scale 250001BC92 - Raid Vitals 2 250001BC93 - Make bar 3 horizontal 250001BC94 - Class Ability Bars 250001BC95 - Low latency mode 250001BC96 - Enable cross-compare item tooltips 250001BC97 - Toolbar Left Slot 2 250001BC98 - Toggles the audio/visual feedback that occurs with each completed store order 250001BC99 - When checked, you will see a special reticule around your target's target, as well as the vital information for that target. 250001BC9A - Enabling this will show the Quest Guide indicators on the map that will show you possible quest objective locations. 250001BC9B - Adoption requests are now 250001BC9C - . 250001BC9D - When on, only equipped items are shown in the repair window. 250001BC9E - Accept Kinship Requests 250001BC9F - None 250001BCA0 - Show Group Companions on Radar: 250001BCA1 - If unchecked, you will automatically decline any fellowship offers 250001BCA2 - Directional Selection Indicator 250001BCA3 - Show Gloves 250001BCA4 - When checked, landscape music plays uninterrupted by combat music. 250001BCA5 - When checked, player music will be more responsive, but it may be more difficult to sync music with other players. 250001BCA6 - Accept Sparring Requests 250001BCA7 - Raid Vitals 3 250001BCA8 - Toolbar Right Slot 5 250001BCA9 - If checked, quest tracker will be automatically filled 250001BCAA - The currently selected user created skin to be applied over the default UI. 250001BCAB - Show Private Tells 250001BCAC - Revert Troubleshoot 250001BCAD - Revert Social 250001BCAE - If unchecked, you will automatically decline any kinship offers 250001BCAF - If checked, the Post Page will set your Auction Item's Initial Price and Buyout Price to match those of the most recently posted identical item. 250001BCB0 - Enable secure trade 250001BCB1 - When checked the Raid Micro Vitals will show companion vitals. 250001BCB2 - When checked, displays (non-quest related) icons over the heads of vendors, trainers, and other NPCs. 250001BCB3 - When checked, displays quest icons over the heads of quest related NPCs. 250001BCB4 - Grouping: 250001BCB5 - When checked, you will see radar blips for all your fellows' companions. 250001BCB6 - If checked, you will see world tooltips instantly 250001BCB7 - When checked, text spoken in the 'Say' chat channel will show a chat bubble for players within visual range. 250001BCB8 - Kinship invites are now 250001BCB9 - . 250001BCBA - When checked the full-screen effects associated with Dread will be displayed. 250001BCBB - Toolbar Right Slot 2 250001BCBC - If checked, your personal house will be labelled with your name. 250001BCBD - Enable instant world tooltips 250001BCBE - When checked this turns on optional, client-only combat animations. This has no impact on combat effectiveness or gameplay, it is only a cosmetic option. 250001BCBF - Gore Level 250001BCC0 - Enable Combat Particle Response Indicators 250001BCC1 - Show Normal Messages 250001BCC2 - Do you wish to keep the new setting? ( 250001BCC3 - ) 250001BCC4 - Revert Keys 250001BCC5 - The UI scale of your soldier vitals. 250001BCC6 - Always Loot All 250001BCC7 - Red Gore 250001BCC8 - If enabled, bar 4 will appear in the bank of shortcut bars in the middle of the toolbar 250001BCC9 - Disabled 250001BCCA - Music 250001BCCB - Tutorial Hints have been reset. 250001BCCC - Search for options matching text 250001BCCD - Accept trades is now 250001BCCE - . 250001BCCF - When checked, incoming chat will be filtered and profanity replaced with inoffensive text. 250001BCD0 - Group Vitals / Raid Vitals 1 250001BCD1 - Restrict Incoming Tells 250001BCD2 - Show Shoulder 250001BCD3 - Quest Guide 250001BCD4 - The UI scale of the radar. 250001BCD5 - Mic Test 250001BCD6 - Apply 250001BCD7 - When checked, my fellows display floating names. 250001BCD8 - Browser HTTPS Proxy Port Host 250001BCD9 - Player Kinships 250001BCDA - When checked, group vitals displays will hide effects which are nondispellable. 250001BCDB - If bar 4 is undocked, toggles the orientation 250001BCDC - Click and drag to move this pinned tooltip 250001BCDD - Very Low 250001BCDE - Volumetric Shadows 250001BCDF - Default Graphics 250001BCE0 - Player Pet Names 250001BCE1 - Toolbar Left Slot 4 250001BCE2 - Show Debuffs in Separate Row 250001BCE3 - Quickslot bar lock is now 250001BCE4 - . 250001BCE5 - 250001BCE6 - Target Marking 250001BCE7 - Accept Trade Requests 250001BCE8 - Default Mouse 250001BCE9 - Apply Proxy Settings 250001BCEA - If enabled, bar 5 is always shown 250001BCEB - Abandon changes? 250001BCEC - Vital Bar Numbers 250001BCED - Revert Mouse 250001BCEE - Show Rank 250001BCEF - Dock bar 3 250001BCF0 - When checked your surname will be displayed as part of your active title. 250001BCF1 - Adjusts the maximum distance at which floating damage numbers appear. 250001BCF2 - The UI scale of alerts. 250001BCF3 - Click and drag to scroll 250001BCF4 - Floating Damage 250001BCF5 - When checked, skills that are flagged to enable auto-attack will do so. 250001BCF6 - Full Screen 250001BCF7 - The next key you press or mouse button that you click will be mapped to the ' 250001BCF8 - ' action. You may combine keys with SHIFT or CTRL to create new mappings. Remapping joystick input or mouse buttons zero(0) or one(1) is not supported.\n\nPress the ESC key to cancel. 250001BCF9 - Revert Skin 250001BCFA - Send 250001BCFB - Reset Tutorial Hints 250001BCFC - Overhead Quest Icons 250001BCFD - When checked, Opponent Vitals will hide effects which are not cast by you. 250001BCFE - If checked, newly discovered deeds will automatically be added to the quest tracker 250001BCFF - When checked, all players display a floating name. 250001BC100 - Automatically fill quest tracker 250001BC101 - Changing the slider value will change the opacity of the chat window background. 250001BC102 - When off, hides your gloves from view. 250001BC103 - If checked, you will only get tells from players in your friends list, fellowship, raid and kinship. You will also receive tells from players you have sent a tell to. 250001BC104 - Chat 250001BC105 - Show items on radar 250001BC106 - None 250001BC107 - When checked combat attacker animations that overlap will blend, smoothing out the transition between skill plays. When disabled only one combat animation will be allowed per attacker causing an instant transition from one animation to the next as skills are executed. This has no impact on combat effectiveness or gameplay, it is only a cosmetic option. 250001BC108 - Voice 250001BC109 - Improves lighting detail for distant landscape. DirectX 10 Graphics must be enabled. 250001BC10A - When enabled, some persistent area effects (hotspots) will show supplemental graphics outlining their borders. 250001BC10B - When checked, bloody particles and mesh visual effects will be displayed as part of attack and hit effects. 250001BC10C - Floating Renown / Infamy 250001BC10D - Enable tribe requests 250001BC10E - Social Options 250001BC10F - Radar 250001BC110 - If checked, the client will be voice enabled. This allows the client to hear other voice enabled players as well as participate if they wish. 250001BC111 - Must Restart So Changes Can Take Effect. 250001BC112 - Always show bar 4 250001BC113 - KeyMap #1 250001BC114 - Sets the third button on the left of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC115 - KeyMap #2 250001BC116 - If checked, tooltips appear in a fixed location. If not checked, tooltips will appear near your mouse 250001BC117 - If checked, items will appear on your radar 250001BC118 - Locking the toolbars prevents you from dragging and dropping items on them. 250001BC119 - Configure Keyboard 250001BC11A - Reset All UI Scales 250001BC11B - Chat 250001BC11C - Name 250001BC11D - Enable companion quickslot bar 250001BC11E - Each entry adjusts the way the vital bar displays text information. 250001BC11F - See Numbers on Shortcuts 250001BC120 - Enable Blood Effects 250001BC121 - Show Boots 250001BC122 - Automatically add tasks to quest tracker 250001BC123 - When checked, other players' floating damage is displayed. 250001BC124 - Show Fellowship Messages 250001BC125 - My Groupmates' Names 250001BC126 - Enable group requests 250001BC127 - When checked, pets of other players will display their names floating above their heads. 250001BC128 - Quantize player music 250001BC129 - When checked, reputation changes will appear over your character's head. 250001BC12A - When checked, barter item gains will appear over your character's head. 250001BC12B - Revert UI 250001BC12C - Sets the sixth button on the left of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC12D - If enabled, bar 2 will appear in the bank of shortcut bars in the middle of the toolbar 250001BC12E - Combat Options 250001BC12F - The UI scale of your companion's quickslot bar. 250001BC130 - repeated key presses in chat will automatically delete and close the chat console. 250001BC131 - Sets the second button on the right of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC132 - If checked, Destiny Wallet will be visible 250001BC133 - Fellowship Vitals / Raid Vitals 1 250001BC134 - Audio 250001BC135 - Key Mapping 250001BC136 - Profanity filter is now 250001BC137 - . 250001BC138 - Sets the third button on the right of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC139 - Floating Reputation 250001BC13A - If checked, portals will appear on your radar 250001BC13B - WebStore 250001BC13C - Disable cosmetic pets 250001BC13D - Customize UI: CTRL-\ 250001BC13E - Chat 1 250001BC13F - If bar 5 is undocked, toggles the orientation 250001BC140 - Chat 2 250001BC141 - Chat 3 250001BC142 - Chat 4 250001BC143 - Show Helmet 250001BC144 - Sparring invites are now 250001BC145 - . 250001BC146 - Cancel 250001BC147 - Clip 250001BC148 - Confirm Rendering Options ( 250001BC149 - ) 250001BC14A - Group: Only Show Dispellable Effects 250001BC14B - Mouse 250001BC14C - Toolbar Right Slot 4 250001BC14D - Enable LFX Usage 250001BC14E - When checked, while shapeshifted, bar 1 and the main quickslot bar swap places. 250001BC14F - Enable New Item Highlighting 250001BC150 - Enable Quest Guide 250001BC151 - If the bar 3 is undocked, toggles the orientation 250001BC152 - When checked, the character receives Sparring requests. 250001BC153 - Displays the Connection Status icon 250001BC154 - The UI scale of your vitals. 250001BC155 - When checked, every companion action will display a message in the chat window. 250001BC156 - Quest Guide Map colour 3 250001BC157 - Maximum Distance for Damage Numbers 250001BC158 - Enable Weapon Passive Effects 250001BC159 - Enable NPC colour Text Voiceover Sounds 250001BC15A - Sound Volume 250001BC15B - If checked, milestones will appear on your radar 250001BC15C - When checked, all NPCs will display floating names. 250001BC15D - Browser Proxy Settings 250001BC15E - Enable timestamps on chat 250001BC15F - The UI scale of your quickslot bars. 250001BC160 - Default Social 250001BC161 - Toolbar Right Slot 1 250001BC162 - If checked, the timestamp of each message will be displayed. 250001BC163 - The UI scale of the your fellowship's or first raid group's vitals. 250001BC164 - Reset Confirmation Dialogs 250001BC165 - When enabled you will see notification of who ended some combat states such as rooted, dazed or feared by attacking or damaging the target. These notices are displayed in the 'Combat Event' chat filter. 250001BC166 - OK 250001BC167 - When enabled, releasing the movement key will automatically decrease the speed of your war-steed. 250001BC168 - Turns on/off floaty damage over your selected target's portrait. 250001BC169 - Sound Features 250001BC16A - 250001BC16B - Manoeuvres 250001BC16C - Auto target enemies 250001BC16D - Close the Options Panel (keyboard shortcut: F3). 250001BC16E - Dock bar 4 250001BC16F - Display Companion Orders In Chat Window 250001BC170 - Show Error Messages 250001BC171 - Show milestones on radar 250001BC172 - Effect Display Options: 250001BC173 - Request Assistance 250001BC174 - Accept tells from friends, fellows and kinship members is now 250001BC175 - . 250001BC176 - The UI scale of your escort vitals. 250001BC177 - Show Administrative Messages 250001BC178 - No Gore 250001BC179 - Default Audio 250001BC17A - Shows tooltips for equipped items in the same inventory slot 250001BC17B - Save all changes? 250001BC17C - When checked you will attempt to execute your skills on your target's target if the original target is not valid. 250001BC17D - If checked, you can configure your microphone for voice chat. Adjust the microphone gain and capture threshold until the meter appears green while you speak. 250001BC17E - Revert Chat 250001BC17F - Toolbar Right Slot 8 250001BC180 - Tooltips 250001BC181 - Selection: Only Show Dispellable Effects 250001BC182 - Toggle Floating Names 250001BC183 - When checked, your pets will display their names floating above their heads. 250001BC184 - Toolbar Left Slot 5 250001BC185 - Group 250001BC186 - Show Companion Vitals in Raid Vital Windows: 250001BC187 - Enable static placed tooltips 250001BC188 - If checked, you will automatically try to take the contents of any corpse or container that you open as if you had pressed the 'Loot All' button. 250001BC189 - Name, Background, or None set where the class colour visualization will occur in the Raid Micro Vitals. 250001BC18A - Send tells to IM is now 250001BC18B - . 250001BC18C - Show Selection Indicator in combat only 250001BC18D - Music Volume 250001BC18E - Default 250001BC18F - When checked, floating damage numbers appear over creatures in the game. 250001BC190 - Enable Secure Trade Item Spew 250001BC191 - Show Locked Items 250001BC192 - Dock bar 1 250001BC193 - Make bar 5 horizontal 250001BC194 - Floating Information 250001BC195 - Default 250001BC196 - Fellowship 250001BC197 - Allow combat animation blending 250001BC198 - When checked your rank will be displayed as part of your active title. 250001BC199 - Show Emotes 250001BC19A - Soldier Vitals 250001BC19B - User Skins 250001BC19C - Load Internet Explorer Proxy Settings 250001BC19D - If enabled, bar 1 is always shown 250001BC19E - Beorning Shapeshift Bar Swap 250001BC19F - Fast Landscape Render 250001BC1A0 - Sound Options 250001BC1A1 - If checked, a special effect will be played whenever a responsive skill is available for use. 250001BC1A2 - If enabled, bar 5 will appear in the bank of shortcut bars in the middle of the toolbar 250001BC1A3 - If checked, new items arriving in your inventory bag will be highlighted. 250001BC1A4 - My Floating Damage 250001BC1A5 - Send Tells to IM Chat Tab 250001BC1A6 - This will globally increase or decrease the size of the UI elements. 250001BC1A7 - If checked, NPCs with colour Text will also play an associated Voiceover sound. 250001BC1A8 - If unchecked, you will automatically decline any group offers 250001BC1A9 - Gore Hue 250001BC1AA - Revert 250001BC1AB - Toolbar Right Slot 7 250001BC1AC - Water Reflections 250001BC1AD - Show off-hand weapon when out of combat 250001BC1AE - Toolbar Slots 250001BC1AF - The UI scale for class-specific ability bars (e.g.- attunement and gambit bars) 250001BC1B0 - Volume 250001BC1B1 - When checked, fellowship vitals displays will hide effects which are not cast by you. 250001BC1B2 - 250001BC1B3 - is already bound to another action. Do you wish to overwrite it? 250001BC1B4 - Landscape Frill Distance 250001BC1B5 - Vital Bar Text Display 250001BC1B6 - Escort Vitals 250001BC1B7 - Item Names 250001BC1B8 - Leave World 250001BC1B9 - You will leave Session Play in 250001BC1BA - seconds... 250001BC1BB - Chat 250001BC1BC - When enabled, incoming adoption requests will be displayed. 250001BC1BD - Skills can enable default attack 250001BC1BE - Enable Monster Attack Effects 250001BC1BF - Landscape Draw Distance 250001BC1C0 - Always show bar 2 250001BC1C1 - Enable Involuntary Emotes 250001BC1C2 - Attunement Panel Size 250001BC1C3 - Floaty names are now 250001BC1C4 - . 250001BC1C5 - Enable kinship requests 250001BC1C6 - When checked, my character displays a floating name. 250001BC1C7 - Click and drag to move options window 250001BC1C8 - When checked, floating names will appear based on the checkboxes below. 250001BC1C9 - If enabled, bar 3 is always shown 250001BC1CA - Revert Mouse 250001BC1CB - Special Effects Options 250001BC1CC - Enable sparring requests 250001BC1CD - When off, hides your shoulder equipment from view. 250001BC1CE - Dock bar 5 250001BC1CF - Enable Adoption Requests 250001BC1D0 - The UI scale of your quest tracker. 250001BC1D1 - Voice Enabled 250001BC1D2 - Adv Graphics 250001BC1D3 - Very High 250001BC1D4 - The client must be restarted for very high texture detail to be enabled. There is an available update to the high resolution texture data which has not been applied to this client. Please close your client with very high detail enabled and restart to begin patching. 250001BC1D5 - Show portals on radar 250001BC1D6 - If you press a skill button or the auto-attack enable button without a selection while this option is enabled, you will target the nearest enemy instead of executing the skill. 250001BC1D7 - When on, only trainable skills are shown in the skill trainer window. 250001BC1D8 - Keyboard 250001BC1D9 - Are you sure you want to quit? 250001BC1DA - Some skills support miss chance penalties if used while moving as an alternative to the requirement to be stationary to execute the skill. When this option is checked you accept these penalties instead of being rooted in place while executing such skills. 250001BC1DB - Misc 250001BC1DC - Graphics 250001BC1DD - Percentage 250001BC1DE - Floating Experience 250001BC1DF - Revert Combat 250001BC1E0 - Opponent Vitals 250001BC1E1 - If unchecked, you will not see the loot messages when given items during a secure trade. 250001BC1E2 - Overhead non-Quest Icons (Vendor, Trainer, etc.) 250001BC1E3 - If checked, disables tutorial hints 250001BC1E4 - Always show bar 5 250001BC1E5 - Quest Guide Map colour 1 250001BC1E6 - Resets the Tutorial Hints when the button is clicked. 250001BC1E7 - Default Combat 250001BC1E8 - Show Quest Guide on Map 250001BC1E9 - Client 250001BC1EA - All Player Names 250001BC1EB - The UI scale of your mount displays. 250001BC1EC - Show Floaty Damage On Selection Portrait 250001BC1ED - OFF 250001BC1EE - The UI scale of your companion's vitals. 250001BC1EF - Quit 250001BC1F0 - Social Options 250001BC1F1 - If checked, tasks will automatically be added to the quest tracker 250001BC1F2 - Sets the first button on the left of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC1F3 - Revert 250001BC1F4 - Group: Only Show Effects Cast By You 250001BC1F5 - Browser HTTPS Proxy Port 250001BC1F6 - If checked, shows tutorial hints 250001BC1F7 - Browser HTTP Proxy Port 250001BC1F8 - 250001BC1F9 - 250001BC1FA - When a Tell is received and 'Send Tells to IM Chat Tab' is enabled, this preference automatically creates an IM session from the teller. 250001BC1FB - Combat Options 250001BC1FC - Restrict Incoming Tells 250001BC1FD - Sets the eighth button on the right of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC1FE - See Damage Numbers 250001BC1FF - If enabled, bar 2 is always shown 250001BC200 - Delete 250001BC201 - Quickslot Bars 250001BC202 - Sound Quality 250001BC203 - Sets the first button on the right of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC204 - Green Gore 250001BC205 - Quest Guide Map colour 4 250001BC206 - Show Assist Window 250001BC207 - Make bar 1 horizontal 250001BC208 - Event Tracker Panel 250001BC209 - Chat 250001BC20A - Browser HTTPS Proxy Host 250001BC20B - Show Kinship Messages 250001BC20C - Allow skill buttons to target nearest enemy 250001BC20D - Sets the sixth button on the right of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC20E - Show Cloak 250001BC20F - When checked, the selection will show a floating vital bar. 250001BC210 - General Combat 250001BC211 - War-steed Auto-slowdown 250001BC212 - When off, hides your boots from view. 250001BC213 - Trade item spew is now 250001BC214 - . 250001BC215 - Sets the seventh button on the right of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC216 - If checked, you will only get tells from players in your friends list, group, raid, and tribe. You will also receive tells from players you have sent a tell to. 250001BC217 - Quickslots 250001BC218 - When checked, particle and mesh visual effects used to represent weapon damage types will be displayed 250001BC219 - Miscellaneous 250001BC21A - Browser HTTP Proxy Host 250001BC21B - Panels 250001BC21C - Sets the fourth button on the right of the toolbar to display selected panel. 250001BC21D - Show the vitals of your selection's target 250001BC21E - Default Troubleshoot 250001BC21F - Cosmetic Pets 250001BC220 - If checked, NPCs will appear on your radar 250001BC221 - Disable tutorial hints 250001BC222 - Core 250001BC223 - Toggles the visibility of the landscape soldier vitals UI. 250001BC224 - Provides assistance with moving while in combat, turning to or following your selection based on the skills you execute. 250001BC225 - The UI scale of your opponent's vitals. 250001BC226 - Toolbars 250001BC227 - High 250001BC228 - My Pet Names 250001BC229 - Troubleshoot 250001BC22A - Disable Combat Music 250001BC22B - Quest Tracker 250001BC22C - Accept Fellowship Requests 250001BC22D - You will be logged out in 250001BC22E - seconds... 250001BC22F - If checked, quest tracker will be visible 250001BC230 - NPC Names 250001BC231 - Add 250001BC232 - The UI scale of the second raid group's vitals. 250001BC233 - Always show bar 1 250001BC234 - Options 250001BC235 - Quickslot Bar 1 250001BC236 - If unchecked, you will automatically decline trade requests 250001BC237 - Enable persistent area effect visualization 250001BC238 - Quickslot Bar 2 250001BC239 - Show NPCs on radar 250001BC23A - Camera Control 250001BC23B - Quickslot Bar 3 250001BC23C - Quickslot Bar 4 250001BC23D - Enable Auction Post History 250001BC23E - Quickslot Bar 5 250001BC23F - If checked, Debuff icons display in a separate row from Buff icons. 250001BC240 - When you execute a mounted combat skill you will perform a moveto to the target. 250001BC241 - Profanity Filter Enabled 250001BC242 - Model Detail 250001BC243 - Housing: 250001BC244 - Misc: 250001BC245 - Show main-hand weapon when out of combat 250001BC246 - Floating Destiny 250001BC247 - Toolbar 250001BC248 - Enable skill miss chance penalties while moving 250001BC249 - Displays the numbers on the shortcut UI 250001BC24A - Increase the size of all UI elements 250001BC24B - If enabled, bar 3 will appear in the bank of shortcut bars in the middle of the toolbar 250001BC24C - Toolbar Left Slot 6 250001BC24D - When checked, displays a numerical value overlay on all vital bars. 250001BC24E - Stop repeated keys in chat 250001BC24F - Floating Barter Items 250001BC250 - Mouse Options 250001BC251 - DX10 Distant Landscape Lighting 250001BC252 - When checked, players will have their titles appended to their names. 250001BC253 - Mounted Combat 250001BC254 - When checked, experience gains will appear over your character's head. 250001BC255 - Medium 250001BC256 - Chat Bubbles 250001BC257 - None 250001BC258 - Show monsters on radar 250001BC259 - Enable Auto-Targeting 250001BC25A - Others' Floating Damage 250001BC25B - If enabled, bar 4 is always shown 250001BC25C - If enabled, bar 1 will appear in the bank of shortcut bars in the middle of the toolbar 250001BC25D - Mount Display 250001BC25E - Show Map Cursor Coordinates 250001BC25F - Fellowship: Only Show Effects Cast By You 250001BC260 - Show numbers on shortcuts 250001BC261 - When checked, tells will be routed to the chat window's Instant Message tab. 250001BC262 - Show Fellowship Companions on Radar: 250001BC263 - Toolbar Left Slot 1 250001BC264 - Panels 250001BC265 - When checked, the selected creature or NPC will display a floating name. This preference is only available when the \qToggle Floating Names\q preference is OFF. 250001BC266 - Automatically add deeds to quest tracker 250001BC267 - Fellowship: Only Show Dispellable Effects 250001BC268 - Quickslots 250001BC269 - Appearances 250001BC26A - Exit Now 250001BC26B - Default Advanced 250001BC26C - When enabled, you will execute emotes when nearby players target you with emote inducing skills. 250001BC26D - When checked, my groupmates display floating names. 250001BC26E - When checked, the character receives Fellowship requests.
250001BC26F - Selection Name 250001BC270 - Toggles the visibility of the event tracker UI. 250001BC271 - Quest Tracker Party Mode 250001BC272 - Alienware™ LFX 250001BC273 - When checked, icons for items are overlaid with numbers when made into shortcuts. 250001BC274 - Default Chat 250001BC275 - Enabling this will show the Quest Guide indicators on the radar that direct you to quest objectives. 250001BC276 - See Other Characters' Damage Numbers 250001BC277 - Revert Audio 250001BC278 - Raid Vitals 4 250001BC279 - Raid Vital Class Colour Location: 250001BC27A - Show Location Coordinates On Radar 250001BC27B - Toolbar Right Slot 6 250001BC27C - If checked, you will see icons for quests that are significantly below your current level in the radar. If checked, \qTrack Nearby Quests\q will add these quests to your quest tracker. 250001BC27D - Light Coronas 250001BC27E - ON 250001BC27F - Automatically Create IM Sessions 250001BC280 - Material Detail 250001BC281 - If checked, the map will update to show the location of the mouse cursor 250001BC282 - When checked, destiny gains will appear over your character's head. 250001BC283 - Click the action name to add a new binding. 250001BC284 - Background 250001BC285 - Default Mouse 250001BC286 - When checked, auto-targeting is active. 250001BC287 - Selection Vital Display 250001BC288 - When checked, your floating damage is displayed. 250001BC289 - Chat Window 250001BC28A - When checked, LOTRO will trigger light changes on Alienware™ PCs/peripherals if Alienware LightFX™ is installed. 250001BC28B - If unchecked, you will automatically decline any tribe offers 250001BC28C - Always show bar 3 250001BC28D - If checked, you will automatically target enemies that attack you 250001BC28E - When checked, particle and mesh visual effects used to represent hits in combat will be displayed. 250001BC28F - Revert Advanced 250001BC290 - Landscape Soldier Vitals 250001BD00 - Quit 250001BD01 - Restore Character 250001BD02 - You need to name your monster. 250001BD03 - You have 250001BD04 - characters and 250001BD05 - character slots. Please choose the characters that you wish to have available to you. 250001BD06 - Accept options and continue. 250001BD07 - Eyebrows 250001BD08 - No character found in this slot. 250001BD09 - You cannot create a character of this class until you purchase it on the LOTRO Store! 250001BD0A - Hobbit (Female) 250001BD0B - Are you sure you want to exit without creating a character? 250001BD0C - Details 250001BD0D - Details 250001BD0E - Cloth 250001BD0F - Scenario Details 250001BD10 - Naming Guidelines 250001BD11 - Welcome to Monster Play. Here you can select a monster to play, pick the type of play session, and enter a name for your monster. Each time you complete a monster play session you earn Adventure Points which can be spent on Session Buffs for your player or to unlock new Monster Play Characters. Each different Monster Play Character you unlock has a different amount of Quests you can complete. You can also replay these Quests over and over. 250001BD12 - You are trying to enter with a stress client. 250001BD13 - Searching for logon server ... 250001BD14 - Movie Library 250001BD15 - QD 250001BD16 - Exit Character Creation 250001BD17 - Searching for logon server ... (Attempt 250001BD18 - of 250001BD19 - ) 250001BD1A - Height 250001BD1B - Logging in, please wait ... 250001BD1C - Credits 250001BD1D - You must abandon all housing owned by this character prior to deletion. 250001BD1E - The logon server is busy. Try again later. 250001BD1F - Click to select this character. 250001BD20 - Head 250001BD21 - The movie-file ' 250001BD22 - ' is not installed. 250001BD23 - Quit 250001BD24 - Facial Hair 250001BD25 - Exit Character Creation 250001BD26 - Body 250001BD27 - Generate a random appearance for your character. 250001BD28 - Are you sure you want to reset all data for this monster player? 250001BD29 - Body Type 250001BD2A - Monster Play 250001BD2B - Please enter ' 250001BD2C - ' into the confirmation box to reset this character. 250001BD2D - In Lord Of the Rings Online you can play hobbits, humans, dwarves, and elves. As a player you are allowed up to 5 characters per game account. Each characater will have a class, profession, and unique characteristics that make them unique in the game world. You can also name your character anything except GIBBERISH. Make sure and read each class and race description before creating your character. Characters can also be deleted in case you want to make room for a new character after you've made five characters. 250001BD2E - Hair Style 250001BD2F - Details 250001BD30 - Male 250001BD31 - Monster play is a unique experience in Lord of the Rings Online. By participating in Monster Play you can earn points which can be turned into Apply Session Buffs to the character you choose. The more you Monster Play the more monsters you can unlock to play. Now go in there and get some players... 250001BD32 - Level 250001BD33 - 250001BD34 - 250001BD35 - 250001BD36 - 250001BD37 - 250001BD38 - You cannot use this character until you have finished downloading the area they are in. 250001BD39 - New Character Creation is currently disabled on this world 250001BD3A - <- 250001BD3B - That name is not allowed. 250001BD3C - Click to quit the game. 250001BD3D - Race Info 250001BD3E - Rename Character 250001BD3F - Invalid character identity! 250001BD40 - You have selected a permadeath race. If this character dies they will automatically be deleted and all their items will be lost! 250001BD41 - Monster Play is currently disabled 250001BD42 - Back 250001BD43 - #-1: 250001BD44 - #-2: 250001BD45 - #-3: 250001BD46 - #-1:{You can upgrade to a subscription account in order to play your characters that you do not choose at this time.[1]}#-2:{You can upgrade to a subscription account or purchase additional character slots in order to play your characters that you do not choose at this time.[1]}#-3:{You can purchase additional character slots in order to play your characters that you do not choose at this time.[1]} 250001BD47 - Female 250001BD48 - 250001BD49 - 250001BD4A - Play the demo movie for this class. 250001BD4B - Rotate character. 250001BD4C - Enter a character name here. 250001BD4D - Creating ... 250001BD4E - Purchasing the expansion pack will provide you with 250001BD4F - extra character slots. 250001BD50 - Connection to the authorization server lost. 250001BD51 - A critical error occurred and the client must now exit! 250001BD52 - General error accessing your account information. Try again later, and contact tech support if the problem persists. 250001BD53 - Click for previous 250001BD54 - option. 250001BD55 - Admin 250001BD56 - This character must be restored before becoming usable. The character will be deleted within an hour. 250001BD57 - Play Movie 250001BD58 - Are you sure you wish to unlock this character? 250001BD59 - Name Your Monster 250001BD5A - Your character could not be deleted. 250001BD5B - Mouth 250001BD5C - Female 250001BD5D - Exit the game. 250001BD5E - Account has timed out. 250001BD5F - Enter account name here. 250001BD60 - Get Points & Account Upgrades 250001BD61 - Play Movie 250001BD62 - You must subscribe to participate in Monster Play. 250001BD63 - Creating character... 250001BD64 - Choose your Class 250001BD65 - Too many people downloading. We're # 250001BD66 - in line... 250001BD67 - 250001BD68 - of 250001BD69 - Advanced Character 250001BD6A - Back 250001BD6B - Quit 250001BD6C - Elves 250001BD6D - A critical resource could not be loaded from the dat files! 250001BD6E - The game system returned 250001BD6F - . 250001BD70 - Dwarf (Male) 250001BD71 - Zoom Out 250001BD72 - This character is currently unavailable. Please contact Customer Service. 250001BD73 - 250001BD74 - 250001BD75 - Click and drag to rotate your character. 250001BD76 - Enter Middle-earth 250001BD77 - Admin 250001BD78 - You cannot use this character because you have more characters than available slots. 250001BD79 - ADMIN PRIVILEGE DENIED! 250001BD7A - Enter 250001BD7B - The name you have selected contains vulgarity. If you use a vulgar name that slips by the name filter, you will be banned. 250001BD7C - Downloading update... 250001BD7D - Rename 250001BD7E - Your account is missing. Please contact tech support. 250001BD7F - Create a character at level 20 who begins their adventures in Bree 250001BD80 - Continue 250001BD81 - Continue Character Creation 250001BD82 - Your character does not have a race. 250001BD83 - Your account is currently banned. 250001BD84 - Return to the character selection screen. 250001BD85 - Next 250001BD86 - This character is currently unavailable. Please contact Customer Service. 250001BD87 - Mouth Wrinkles 250001BD88 - Generate a random appearance for your character using the current set of options. 250001BD89 - Your character could not be placed in the world. Please contact tech support for assistance. 250001BD8A - The name you have selected would not be appropriate in Middle-earth. Please choose another. 250001BD8B - Dwellers of stone and miners of metal, the Dwarves are a doughty folk, resistant to the corruption of the Enemy -- but not to greed. 250001BD8C - Show previous character of this class. 250001BD8D - Level 20 250001BD8E - Credits 250001BD8F - Click for next 250001BD90 - option. 250001BD91 - Create a new character at level 1 250001BD92 - Random All 250001BD93 - Choose your Vocation 250001BD94 - Enter Middle-earth 250001BD95 - You do not own this character. Please log out and log in again to fix this problem. 250001BD96 - Skin Colour 250001BD97 - Class Info 250001BD98 - Dwarves 250001BD99 - Entering Middle-earth 250001BD9A - The server has crashed. 250001BD9B - 250001BD9C - Kb/s 250001BD9D - Create Character 250001BD9E - Your character does not have a name. 250001BD9F - UNKNOWN! 250001BDA0 - Session buffs are for only one character at a time. You can purchase only one session buff per character as well. You earn adventure points by participating in Monster Play. To apply a Session Buff pick one from the list and then hit get. The Session Buff will be applied when you login. 250001BDA1 - Could not get credentials from the Authentication Server 250001BDA2 - Error in character generation! 250001BDA3 - 250001BDA4 - 250001BDA5 - Get Now 250001BDA6 - Random Name 250001BDA7 - 250001BDA8 - 250001BDA9 - Create a new character. 250001BDAA - Rename Character 250001BDAB - Checking for updates... 250001BDAC - Move slider to change 250001BDAD - . 250001BDAE - Skip new user tutorial 250001BDAF - Happiest when enjoying a simple life with six square meals a day, Hobbits are solid and dependable when called to action. 250001BDB0 - Detail Colour 250001BDB1 - Generate a random appearance for your character using all the available options. 250001BDB2 - Update complete! 250001BDB3 - Randomize 250001BDB4 - This option is NYI. 250001BDB5 - Disconnect 250001BDB6 - Create the character and enter Middle-Earth. 250001BDB7 - Your name appears to be gibberish. Please choose another. 250001BDB8 - Admin 250001BDB9 - Exit Movie 250001BDBA - Get Points 250001BDBB - Elf (Male) 250001BDBC - Enter the world with the selected character. 250001BDBD - You have been booted because your account logged in again. If this problem recurs, contact customer service. 250001BDBE - Your character does not have a nationality. 250001BDBF - Couldn't look up server hostname ' 250001BDC0 - '. 250001BDC1 - Level 250001BDC2 - 250001BDC3 - 250001BDC4 - Play LOTRO 250001BDC5 - Session Buffs Available 250001BDC6 - This class is not available for your race. 250001BDC7 - Start Monster Play 250001BDC8 - Create 250001BDC9 - No more slots. 250001BDCA - Customize 250001BDCB - & Account 250001BDCC - Your character could not be saved. 250001BDCD - Generate Name 250001BDCE - Upgrades 250001BDCF - Race of Man (Male) 250001BDD0 - Hobbits 250001BDD1 - PENDING! 250001BDD2 - Your network connection has been lost. 250001BDD3 - Show next character of this class. 250001BDD4 - Account: 250001BDD5 - Might 250001BDD6 - Agility 250001BDD7 - Health 250001BDD8 - Manage Plugins 250001BDD9 - You are trying to enter with an old character. 250001BDDA - Back 250001BDDB - Monster Play 250001BDDC - Zoom In 250001BDDD - You cannot create any more player characters! 250001BDDE - Pick a Scenario 250001BDDF - Choose your Upbringing 250001BDE0 - You're only allowed one monster player per account. 250001BDE1 - This character cannot be selected right now. Please try again later. 250001BDE2 - Elf (Female) 250001BDE3 - Restore a deleted character. 250001BDE4 - 250001BDE5 - 250001BDE6 - You've tried to enter the world with a deleted character. 250001BDE7 - Race of Man (Female) 250001BDE8 - Session Buffs 250001BDE9 - Return to the character selection screen. 250001BDEA - Slots Used 250001BDEB - Cancel 250001BDEC - Back 250001BDED - Connect 250001BDEE - Eye Wrinkles 250001BDEF - You have lost access to some of your created monster characters! Their progress has been saved but in order to play with them again, you must re-subscribe or purchase access to them via the LOTRO Store! 250001BDF0 - Get Perks 250001BDF1 - Character Selection 250001BDF2 - Create new character 250001BDF3 - Who shall you be in Middle-earth? 250001BDF4 - Free Peoples play is currently unavailable. 250001BDF5 - Enter Middle-earth 250001BDF6 - If this option is checked, this character will skip the new user tutorial. 250001BDF7 - Return to the Appearance Options screen. 250001BDF8 - 250001BDF9 - 250001BDFA - The GUN server returned error 250001BDFB - . 250001BDFC - Back 250001BDFD - Delete Character 250001BDFE - The connection to the server has been lost! 250001BDFF - Keyboard 250001BD100 - 250001BD101 - 250001BD102 - This account is invalid. Try again, and contact tech support if the problem persists. 250001BD103 - 250001BD104 - 250001BD105 - Enter host name here. 250001BD106 - You cannot use this character because you have more characters than available slots. 250001BD107 - Apply Session Buff 250001BD108 - Your name cannot have that many similar characters in a row. 250001BD109 - The name you have selected is already in use. 250001BD10A - World 250001BD10B - Not as long-lived as Elves, sturdy as Dwarves, or resilient as Hobbits, Men are renowned for their courage and resourcefulness. 250001BD10C - There has been an error. 250001BD10D - Get Characters 250001BD10E - Click to choose this character. 250001BD10F - You must finish downloading more data before you can enter the game with this character. 250001BD110 - Get Perks 250001BD111 - Delete the selected character. 250001BD112 - Cancel 250001BD113 - 250001BD114 - 250001BD115 - Click a character's name to select it. 250001BD116 - Page 250001BD117 - Select Origin 250001BD118 - 250001BD119 - 250001BD11A - OK! 250001BD11B - Head 250001BD11C - Connection failed:\n 250001BD11D - 250001BD11E - Man 250001BD11F - Click on a character to see a description. Once you've made your selection, click the wax seal on the right to continue. 250001BD120 - Level 1 250001BD121 - Create Character 250001BD122 - That name is taken. 250001BD123 - You cannot play movies until you download the full game. 250001BD124 - Naming Guidelines TBD 250001BD125 - Quit 250001BD126 - Set game options. 250001BD127 - 250001BD128 - 250001BD129 - Select a Race 250001BD12A - Unavailable 250001BD12B - Randomize 250001BD12C - Your account is in use. Either you are logged on somewhere else, or someone else is using your account. 250001BD12D - 250001BD12E - 250001BD12F - Name 250001BD130 - Admin 250001BD131 - Delete 250001BD132 - Pick a Monster to Play 250001BD133 - 250001BD134 - \nWarning: If you delete this character, the associated house will be abandoned automatically. 250001BD135 - Enter Monster Play 250001BD136 - -> 250001BD137 - Are you sure you want to delete 250001BD138 - ? 250001BD139 - This character's data has been damaged. Please contact tech support for assistance. 250001BD13A - Unable to connect to the authorization server. 250001BD13B - Visit the LOTRO Store to purchase this class 250001BD13C - Sheep 250001BD13D - Return to the login screen. 250001BD13E - You do not have access to this class! 250001BD13F - Naming 250001BD140 - Level 250001BD141 - 250001BD142 - Hair Colour 250001BD143 - Enter Your Name 250001BD144 - Eyes 250001BD145 - You have been logged off. 250001BD146 - Open the options panel to configure your game settings. 250001BD147 - Session Buff 250001BD148 - 250001BD149 - \n 250001BD14A - 250001BD14B - Randomize 250001BD14C - Jewellery 250001BD14D - This character cannot be selected right now. Please try again later. 250001BD14E - Monster Play Viewport Coming Soon! 250001BD14F - Enter 250001BD150 - Controls 250001BD151 - Total Adventure Points Earned: 250001BD152 - Cancel 250001BD153 - Your character has been booted from the world. 250001BD154 - Please enter ' 250001BD155 - ' into the confirmation box to delete this character. 250001BD156 - Get this perk? You will not be able to get another until you log in with this character. 250001BD157 - Select a Class 250001BD158 - New Character 250001BD159 - Host: 250001BD15A - Cancel 250001BD15B - Cancel 250001BD15C - Male 250001BD15D - Your character could not be created. 250001BD15E - The server is down. Please try again later. 250001BD15F - You must download the full game to watch movies. 250001BD160 - Your character does not have a sex. 250001BD161 - Create 250001BD162 - Details2 250001BD163 - An unknown error occurred. 250001BD164 - Are you sure you want to quit The Lord of the Rings Online? 250001BD165 - Play the demo movie for this race. 250001BD166 - Next 250001BD167 - 250001BD168 - % of 250001BD169 - K complete... 250001BD16A - You cannot skip the tutorial until you download the full game. 250001BD16B - Reach level 250001BD16C - with any character to unlock Monster Play. 250001BD16D - All of your level 20 Advanced Start character slots are full. 250001BD16E - This account doesn't exist. Try again, and contact tech support if the problem persists. 250001BD16F - 250001BD170 - 250001BD171 - Choose Nationality 250001BD172 - Couldn't set up a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) connection to 250001BD173 - on port 250001BD174 - . 250001BD175 - Create 250001BD176 - Eye Colour 250001BD177 - Hobbit (Male) 250001BD178 - Monsters 250001BD179 - Characters 250001BD17A - Your character is still being saved. Please try again later. 250001BD17B - Return to Free People selection 250001BD17C - Name: 250001BD17D - Invalid parameters! 250001BD17E - Error, cannot patch! 250001BD17F - Options 250001BD180 - Get 250001BD181 - Open up the movie library panel. 250001BD182 - Connection successful! 250001BD183 - Are you sure you want to quit The Lord of the Rings Online? The character you are creating will be lost! 250001BD184 - Monster Play 250001BD185 - Head 250001BD186 - Get 250001BD187 - An authentication error occurred. Please try logging in again. 250001BD188 - Create Character 250001BD189 - There are too many Monster Players logged on to Ettenmoors right now. 250001BD18A - Loading... Please Wait 250001BD18B - Connecting to Authentication Server ... 250001BD18C - Unlock Monster to Play 250001BD18D - Gender 250001BD18E - Zoom 250001BD18F - Quit The Lord of the Rings Online 250001BD190 - You must download the full game to use Monster Play. 250001BD191 - 250001BD192 - of 250001BD193 - Character Slots Used 250001BD194 - Enter Monster Play 250001BD195 - Sorry, that name is unavailable to players. 250001BD196 - View the credits. 250001BE00 - You must not be in a Kinship to use #1:{the [!n]}#1: 250001BE01 - .\n 250001BE02 - That item is locked.\n 250001BE03 - Journey could not be completed.\n 250001BE04 - You cannot pick up 250001BE05 - , you do not have permission to remove decorations from this house.\n 250001BE06 - That item has been used too recently to use it again.\n 250001BE07 - ^ 250001BE08 - should not be equipped as you do not meet its requirements. This item will be unequipped if you do not correct this condition.\n 250001BE09 - This private encounter is full.\n 250001BE0A - Select #1: 250001BE0B - more #1:{target[1]|targets} for #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001BE0C - .\n 250001BE0D - You are the wrong class to use that.\n 250001BE0E - You cannot use that container right now, it is currently being viewed by someone else.\n 250001BE0F - Error attempting to enter private encounter.\n 250001BE10 - You are the wrong race to use that.\n 250001BE11 - That is not a valid target for this item.\n 250001BE12 - Your 250001BE13 - does not fit the lock.\n 250001BE14 - You can't take that right now.\n 250001BE15 - You have trained skills which conflict with this item.\n 250001BE16 - That item no longer exists.\n 250001BE17 - Your max vitals are too low to use this item.\n 250001BE18 - Your 250001BE19 - can no longer be equipped because you no longer meet its requirements. If this continues, it will be unequipped.\n 250001BE1A - This NPC has nothing to say to you.\n 250001BE1B - An item has been unequipped, you no longer meet its requirements!\n 250001BE1C - The item is in use. Try again later.\n 250001BE1D - You must use the correct Glyph to enter this Vault.\n 250001BE1E - You can only use this item when it is on a hook.\n 250001BE1F - Unable to find a Private Encounter for your group. 250001BE20 - Item use interrupted.\n 250001BE21 - Your alignment level is too corrupt to use this item.\n 250001BE22 - You have been bound to this milestone.\n 250001BE23 - Your rank in your Kinship is too low to use #1:{the [!n]}#1: 250001BE24 - .\n 250001BE25 - This private encounter is not ready to accept players yet.\n 250001BE26 - Using #1:{the [!n]}#1: 250001BE27 - will cost #2: 250001BE28 - silver.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?\n\n(#3: 250001BE29 - #3:{second[1] | seconds}.) 250001BE2A - You can't use that right now.\n 250001BE2B - Shrine use canceled.\n 250001BE2C - You cannot edit this blank item at this time, you would exceed the inventory limit for custom text items.\n 250001BE2D - You no longer meet the requirements to wield {the[!n]} 250001BE2E - . Unequipping!\n 250001BE2F - {The[!n]} 250001BE30 - cannot be used during combat.\n 250001BE31 - You do not have permission to use that.\n 250001BE32 - Usage failed because of a general usage system error (err: 250001BE33 - ).\n 250001BE34 - You have nothing selected.\n 250001BE35 - The item must be in your inventory to use.\n 250001BE36 - You are too busy to use that.\n 250001BE37 - You do not match the Quest requirements for picking that up.\n 250001BE38 - There was an error placing you outside of the house you exited, you have been placed at the boot point for the house instead.\n 250001BE39 - Your level is too high to use that.\n 250001BE3A - Using #1:{the[!n]} #1: 250001BE3B - with #2:{the[!n]} #2: 250001BE3C - .\n 250001BE3D - Select a target for {the[!n]} 250001BE3E - .\n 250001BE3F - You can't enter a private encounter of that type from here.\n 250001BE40 - You fail to move to that item.\n 250001BE41 - Travelling...\n 250001BE42 - General private encounter error.\n 250001BE43 - You can't use that.\n 250001BE44 - You can't be the creator of more than one private encounter.\n 250001BE45 - You fail to move to the item.\n 250001BE46 - You already know the skill line bestowed by {the[!n]} 250001BE47 - .\n 250001BE48 - ^ 250001BE49 - has been unequipped because it no longer is allowed in the 250001BE4A - slot.\n 250001BE4B - You can't create a private encounter while the member of another encounter.\n 250001BE4C - That item is on your trade offer list.\n 250001BE4D - You already have a Private Encounter reserved. 250001BE4E - That item cannot be locked or unlocked.\n 250001BE4F - That Item Is Reserved For Another Player.\n 250001BE50 - item 250001BE51 - Your 250001BE52 - fits the lock.\n 250001BE53 - You can't use {the[!n]} 250001BE54 - while a similar item is active.\n 250001BE55 - Lifestone use canceled.\n 250001BE56 - You do not have the necessary skills to use this item.\n 250001BE57 - You don't have enough money to use this.\n 250001BE58 - This NPC has nothing to say to you.\n 250001BE59 - Use canceled.\n 250001BE5A - The leader of your group must enter the Private Encounter first. 250001BE5B - ^ 250001BE5C - has been unequipped as you no longer meet its requirements!\n 250001BE5D - There are no venues for this encounter currently available. Please try again later.\n 250001BE5E - You can't be the member of more than one private encounter.\n 250001BE5F - You can't pick that up.\n 250001BE60 - You do not meet the item's prerequisites.\n 250001BE61 - You do not have any free scroll skill slots left.\n 250001BE62 - You cannot enter default skill mode without a default skill set.\n 250001BE63 - An item has been unequipped because it no longer is allowed in the 250001BE64 - slot.\n 250001BE65 - At least one of your raw stats is too low to use #1:{the [!n]}#1: 250001BE66 - .\n 250001BE67 - Input Private Encounter Password 250001BE68 - Item use succeeds.\n 250001BE69 - You already have an outstanding interaction request with #1:{the [!n]}#1: 250001BE6A - .\n 250001BE6B - You need to be closer.\n 250001BE6C - You can only use this item at night.\n 250001BE6D - You do not match the item's Quest requirements.\n 250001BE6E - Monster Players can't use that.\n 250001BE6F - You use {the[!n]} 250001BE70 - .\n 250001BE71 - Your alignment level is too pure to use this item.\n 250001BE72 - You can only use this item during the day.\n 250001BE73 - You can't pick that up right now.\n 250001BE74 - INTERNAL ERROR: Bad Private Encounter Data.\n 250001BE75 - Your level is too low to use that.\n 250001BE76 - You must be in a Kinship to use #1:{the [!n]}#1: 250001BE77 - .\n 250001BE78 - You are the wrong class to use the item.\n 250001BF00 - Morale 250001BF01 - Stamina 250001BF02 - Morale 250001BF03 - War-steed Power 250001BF04 - Applies a damage preventing bubble granting 250001BF05 - temporary 250001BF06 - . 250001BF07 - Temporary 250001BF08 - : 250001BF09 - / 250001BF0A - 250001BF0B - Power 250001BF0C - Endurance 250001BF0D - War-steed Endurance 250001C000 - You have failed to teleport to the same layer as your fellowship leader. 250001C001 - You need at least #1: 250001C002 - available #1:{slot[1]|slots} in your inventory to run this command right now.\n 250001C003 - Auto move is now ON.\n 250001C004 - You are seeing damage text. 250001C005 - You must select a target to follow!\n 250001C006 - You have been halted by an admin and are now unable to move or act.\n 250001C007 - Your inscription is too long.\n 250001C008 - A Game Administrator needs to talk with you. Please immediately open a chat window where you can read /tell messages. Then respond to the Administrator. 250001C009 - You have injured yourself in a fall!\n 250001C00A - 250001C00B - \n 250001C00C - grey 250001C00D - You must provide inscription text.\n 250001C00E - You have used this command too recently, please try again later.\n 250001C00F - brown 250001C010 - You are not seeing damage text of others. 250001C011 - green 250001C012 - You are seeing damage text of others within 250001C013 - metres. 250001C014 - You are not seeing damage text. 250001C015 - Add failed, You must prepend the alias with a semicolon!\n 250001C016 - 18px tall 250001C017 - Shortcut to 250001C018 - added in location 250001C019 - .\n 250001C01A - There is no such alias as \q 250001C01B - \q. 250001C01C - blue 250001C01D - You collapse from injuries sustained in a fall!\n 250001C01E - Listing predefined aliases...\n 250001C01F - You do not have permission to inscribe that.\n 250001C020 - Successfully reclaimed 250001C021 - ...\n 250001C022 - Now entering 250001C023 - 250001C024 - 250001C025 - tells you ' 250001C026 - ' 250001C027 - Group chat is not currently available for your Raid.\n 250001C028 - Location 250001C029 - is not valid.\n 250001C02A - 250001C02B - 250001C02C - {{keepspaces}} 250001C02D - 250001C02E - 250001C02F - 250001C030 - You are already named that!\n 250001C031 - Account Status: 250001C032 - .\n 250001C033 - The following types are valid filter settings:\n 250001C034 - Invalid tab number. Please choose a tab between 1 and 250001C035 - .\n 250001C036 - You haven't played this character for long enough to use this chat channel. 250001C037 - Listing user-defined aliases...\n 250001C038 - You are not eligible for any items that can be reclaimed.\n 250001C039 - You are seeing damage text of others. 250001C03A - red 250001C03B - Maximum number of aliases ( 250001C03C - ) has been reached. Failed to add alias. \q 250001C03D - \q is NOT mapped to \q 250001C03E - \q\n 250001C03F - Add failed, You must have a semicolon and at least one other character\n 250001C040 - 250001C041 - 250001C042 - You have unlocked the movie ' 250001C043 - '.\n 250001C044 - You have nothing selected.\n 250001C045 - Alias added: \q 250001C046 - \q = \q 250001C047 - \q\n 250001C048 - You will no longer see numbers over your shortcuts.\n 250001C049 - Remove failed. You can NOT change this predefined alias!\n 250001C04A - You are no longer halted.\n 250001C04B - You successfully inscribe the item.\n 250001C04C - 250001C04D - is away. \q 250001C04E - \q\n 250001C04F - You will now see numbers over your shortcuts.\n 250001C050 - Cannot add shortcut to text.\n 250001C051 - purple 250001C052 - Cannot add shortcut to 250001C053 - .\n 250001C054 - Your name has been changed successfully.\n 250001C055 - You are no longer protected by the milestone's magic\n 250001C056 - 250001C057 - , 250001C058 - 250001C059 - Added 250001C05A - to tab 250001C05B - \n 250001C05C - Auto target is now OFF.\n 250001C05D - Started following.\n 250001C05E - Cannot add shortcut to \q 250001C05F - \q because it is not an alias.\n 250001C060 - 23px tall 250001C061 - pink 250001C062 - 250001C063 - 250001C064 - 250001C065 - was successfully renamed to 250001C066 - \n 250001C067 - 16px tall 250001C068 - You cannot teleport to that location 250001C069 - 22px tall 250001C06A - You cannot follow 250001C06B - .\n 250001C06C - Failed to add alias. \q 250001C06D - \q is NOT mapped to \q 250001C06E - \q\n 250001C06F - Teleportation finished. 250001C070 - You have used this command too recently, you must wait 250001C071 - before you can use this command again.\n 250001C072 - You are at: 250001C073 - \n 250001C074 - You take 250001C075 - impact damage!\n 250001C076 - NOTE: You are only allowed to send messages to the 'Advice' area chat channel. To access the other area chat channels you need to upgrade to a retail account.\n 250001C077 - There was an error changing your name. Please try again with a different name.\n 250001C078 - All aliases removed.\n 250001C079 - Stopped following.\n 250001C07A - You have been playing for: 250001C07B - \n 250001C07C - white 250001C07D - Unable to modify tab 250001C07E - \n 250001C07F - Auto target is now ON.\n 250001C080 - Location 250001C081 - is not valid.\n 250001C082 - Auto move is now OFF.\n 250001C083 - Your personal description has been updated.\n 250001C084 - Add failed, You can NOT change this predefined alias!\n 250001C085 - Account Status is unavailable.\n 250001C086 - Unknown parameter: 250001C087 - \n 250001C088 - Group chat is not currently available for your Fellowship.\n 250001C089 - Rename failed: The name you have selected is not a valid name. Please try again with a different name.\n 250001C08A - alias \q 250001C08B - \q = \q 250001C08C - \q\n 250001C08D - Shortcut to \q 250001C08E - \q added in location 250001C08F - .\n 250001C090 - Removed 250001C091 - from tab 250001C092 - \n 250001C093 - Alias removed: \q 250001C094 - \q.\n 250001C095 - Settings for tab 250001C096 - :\n 250001C097 - You have teleported to the same layer as your fellowship leader. 250001C098 - Reclaimed 250001C099 - out of 250001C09A - eligible items.\n 250001C09B - You are now protected by the milestone's magic.\n 250001C09C - 250001C09D - : 250001C09E - : 250001C09F - , 250001C0A0 - 250001C0A1 - yellow 250001C0A2 - Congratulations! You are now level 250001C0A3 - ! You have #1: 250001C0A4 - available experience #1:{point[1]|points} and #2: 250001C0A5 - skill #2:{credit[1]|credits} to spend.\n 250001C0A6 - 250001C0A7 - : 250001C0A8 - , 250001C0A9 - 250001C0AA - Cannot add shortcut.\n 250001C0AB - You are not currently in the world.\n 250001C0AC - You do not have any rename credits.\n 250001C0AD - 14px tall 250001C0AE - 20px tall 250001C0AF - You cannot inscribe that.\n 250001C0B0 - Rename failed: The name you have selected is already taken. Please try again with a different name.\n 250001C0B1 - World broadcast from 250001C0B2 - : 250001C0B3 - \n 250001C100 - woundedgetup 250001C101 - woundedhelp 250001C102 - wounded 250001C103 - 250001C104 - You can perform the following emotes: \n 250001C200 - Special Furniture 250001C201 - Tsk tsk tsk... #1: 250001C202 - is an administrator, shame on you for trying to boot #1:{him[m]|her[f]}!\n 250001C203 - Special Furniture 250001C204 - Special Furniture 250001C205 - Special Furniture 250001C206 - Special Furniture 250001C207 - Special Furniture 250001C208 - Floor Colour 250001C209 - DNT 250001C20A - your kinship 250001C20B - #1: 250001C20C - has removed you as a guest of #1:{his[m]|her[f]} #2: 250001C20D - .\n 250001C20E - Ceiling 250001C20F - Huge Yard 250001C210 - You must be level 250001C211 - or higher to buy a house.\n 250001C212 - You must wait 250001C213 - before you can purchase another premium house.\n 250001C214 - DNT 250001C215 - Small Yard 250001C216 - Small Yard 250001C217 - Small Yard 250001C218 - Small Yard 250001C219 - Small Yard 250001C21A - You do not own a house to boot visitors from!\n 250001C21B - Small Yard 250001C21C - Small Yard 250001C21D - Small Yard 250001C21E - Small Yard 250001C21F - 250001C220 - ( 250001C221 - ) 250001C222 - Home Foreclosure Pending 250001C223 - Small Wall 250001C224 - Steading 250001C225 - To Whom it May Concern,\nWe are writing to inform you of recent changes to the restoration fee for your locked house. Starting now, the fee will increase each week that payment is overdue.\n\nSincerely,\nThe Housing Authority 250001C226 - Hold
250001C227 - Fastness 250001C228 - Hall 250001C229 - Grand Hall 250001C22A - To Whom it May Concern,\nWe are writing to inform you that the personal residence at 250001C22B - is scheduled for repossession due to non-payment of necessary maintenance fees. To avoid foreclosure, please pay the restoration fee promptly.\n\nSincerely,\nThe Housing Authority 250001C22C - Ambient Music 250001C22D - Ambient Music 250001C22E - Ambient Music 250001C22F - Ambient Music 250001C230 - There are no visitors in your house to boot at this time.\n 250001C231 - Ambient Music 250001C232 - Small Floor 250001C233 - You deny #1: 250001C234 - permission to store items in your #2: 250001C235 - .\n 250001C236 - Add 250001C237 - #1: 250001C238 - boots you from #1:{his[m]|her[f]} house.\n 250001C239 - Your Kinship founder, 250001C23A - , has been evicted from the 250001C23B - of your Kinship because the ownership qualifications are no longer met!\n 250001C23C - #1: 250001C23D - has denied you permission to store items in #1:{his[m]|her[f]} #2: 250001C23E - .\n 250001C23F - You must first purchase the house before using its hooks.\n 250001C240 - Special Furniture 250001C241 - When you purchase a house, the following credit(s) will be applied: 250001C242 - Small Floor 250001C243 - Small Floor 250001C244 - You will be evicted on 250001C245 - if you do not pay your upkeep! 250001C246 - The request to boot 250001C247 - from your house has failed!\n 250001C248 - Small Floor 250001C249 - Small Floor 250001C24A - 250001C24B - is already a guest.\n 250001C24C - 250001C24D - ( 250001C24E - ), Cost To Reacquire: 250001C24F - \nUpkeep: 250001C250 - / 250001C251 - 250001C252 - Wall Colour 250001C253 - Small Floor 250001C254 - Small Floor 250001C255 - Small Floor 250001C256 - Small Floor 250001C257 - Small Floor 250001C258 - Elf 250001C259 - Small Floor 250001C25A - You grant #1: 250001C25B - permission to store items in your #2: 250001C25C - .\n 250001C25D - The hook you are trying to use appears to be invalid, please report this as a bug!\n 250001C25E - Failed to boot one or more visitors from your house!\n 250001C25F - The upkeep for your 250001C260 - has been collected.\n 250001C261 - Fellowship 250001C262 - Housing 250001C263 - You add #1: 250001C264 - as a guest of your #2: 250001C265 - .\n 250001C266 - 250001C267 - 250001C268 - (FORECLOSED)\n 250001C269 - 250001C26A - , 250001C26B - \n 250001C26C - Large Wall 250001C26D - Large Wall 250001C26E - Placed decorations and items that were left in shared housing storage, except those bound to other players, can be found in your Escrow storage. To access them, contact an Escrow Broker, found in any Neighbourhood and many settlements around Middle Earth. 250001C26F - Small Floor 250001C270 - Large Wall 250001C271 - Small Floor 250001C272 - Large Wall 250001C273 - Small Floor 250001C274 - Large Wall 250001C275 - Small Floor 250001C276 - Large Wall 250001C277 - You evict #1: 250001C278 - from #1:{his[m]|her[f]} #2: 250001C279 - .\n 250001C27A - Small Floor 250001C27B - Large Wall 250001C27C - To Whom it May Concern,\nWe are writing to inform you that the Kinship House at 250001C27D - is scheduled for repossession due to non-payment of necessary maintenance fees. To avoid foreclosure, please pay the restoration fee promptly.\n\nSincerely,\nThe Housing Authority 250001C27E - Small Floor 250001C27F - Large Wall 250001C280 - Small Floor 250001C281 - Large Wall 250001C282 - Small Floor 250001C283 - Small Floor 250001C284 - Since you already own a house, the following credit(s) have been applied: 250001C285 - Burrow 250001C286 - Den 250001C287 - Dwelling 250001C288 - Smial 250001C289 - #1: 250001C28A - contributes #2: 250001C28B - silver towards your #3: 250001C28C - #3:{'s|'[s]} upkeep.\n 250001C28D - Great Smial 250001C28E - Large Furniture 250001C28F - Large Furniture 250001C290 - Large Furniture 250001C291 - Large Furniture 250001C292 - Large Furniture 250001C293 - Large Furniture 250001C294 - 250001C295 - , 250001C296 - 250001C297 - Large Furniture 250001C298 - Large Furniture 250001C299 - You have just abandoned your kinship house.\n 250001C29A - Test1 ID 250001C29B - Large Furniture 250001C29C - Test2 ID 250001C29D - Test3 ID 250001C29E - Test4 ID 250001C29F - You must provide a valid player name to boot someone from your house!\n 250001C2A0 - #1: 250001C2A1 - has granted the Kinship access to #1:{his[m]|her[f]} 250001C2A2 - .\n 250001C2A3 - You may not add any more guests.\n 250001C2A4 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C2A5 - Small Floor 250001C2A6 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C2A7 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C2A8 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C2A9 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C2AA - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C2AB - Members of your Kinship 250001C2AC - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C2AD - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C2AE - (1 hour) 250001C2AF - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C2B0 - (2 hours) 250001C2B1 - (3 hours) 250001C2B2 - You have reacquired the 250001C2B3 - for your Kinship by paying the overdue upkeep amount of 250001C2B4 - silver.\n 250001C2B5 - Storage Keeper 250001C2B6 - (4 hours) 250001C2B7 - Greetings!\nWe are writing to inform you that your last upkeep credit has been consumed. Please make deposit of additional funds before the next upkeep payment.\nThank you, and have a wonderful day!\n\n-The Housing Authority 250001C2B8 - You must unequip 250001C2B9 - before you can use it as a decoration!\n 250001C2BA - everyone 250001C2BB - * 250001C2BC - housing storage slots 250001C2BD - You pay #1: 250001C2BE - silver towards the upkeep of your #2: 250001C2BF - .\n 250001C2C0 - 250001C2C1 - is not a guest in your guest list.\n 250001C2C2 - You have been evicted from your 250001C2C3 - \n. 250001C2C4 - You remove #1: 250001C2C5 - as a guest of your #2: 250001C2C6 - .\n 250001C2C7 - Placed decorations and items that were left in shared housing storage, except for those bound to other players, can be found in your existing housing storage chests. 250001C2C8 - Large Furniture 250001C2C9 - Large Furniture 250001C2CA - Large Furniture 250001C2CB - Large Furniture 250001C2CC - Large Furniture 250001C2CD - Large Furniture 250001C2CE - Large Furniture 250001C2CF - Large Furniture 250001C2D0 - Large Furniture 250001C2D1 - Large Furniture 250001C2D2 - The hook is restricted to the owner.\n 250001C2D3 - Availability: 250001C2D4 - / 250001C2D5 - 250001C2D6 - #1: 250001C2D7 - has denied the Kinship permission to decorate #1:{his[m]|her[f]} 250001C2D8 - .\n 250001C2D9 - Large Furniture 250001C2DA - #1: 250001C2DB - is no longer granting the Kinship access to #1:{his[m]|her[f]} 250001C2DC - .\n 250001C2DD - Greetings,\n\nThis message is to let you know that some housing information has been transferred.\n\n 250001C2DE - \n\n 250001C2DF - \n 250001C2E0 - \n\n 250001C2E1 - \n\n 250001C2E2 - 250001C2E3 - DNT 250001C2E4 - Enormous Yard 250001C2E5 - Enormous Yard 250001C2E6 - #1: 250001C2E7 - has denied the Kinship permission to access the storage in #1:{his[m]|her[f]} 250001C2E8 - .\n 250001C2E9 - Upkeep Paid: 250001C2EA - / 250001C2EB - \nCollected On: 250001C2EC - \nEvicted On: 250001C2ED - 250001C2EE - Enormous Yard 250001C2EF - Enormous Yard 250001C2F0 - Upkeep is 250001C2F1 - silver every 250001C2F2 - . 250001C2F3 - Wall Surface 250001C2F4 - Enormous Yard 250001C2F5 - Use Decorations 250001C2F6 - You enter the house as a guest.\n 250001C2F7 - Eviction countdown: 250001C2F8 - --- 250001C2F9 - Huge Yard 250001C2FA - Huge Yard 250001C2FB - Huge Yard 250001C2FC - To Whom it May Concern,\nWe regret to inform you that the Kinship House at 250001C2FD - has been locked due to non-payment of necessary maintenance fees. While your house is locked you lose all benefits of house ownership, including access to storage, decorations, travel skill, and vendor discounts. The property will be held for you indefinitely, and you can regain access to it at anytime by paying a restoration fee. The restoration fee will increase each week that payment is overdue.\n\nSincerely,\nThe Housing Authority 250001C2FE - Huge Yard 250001C2FF - Huge Yard 250001C2100 - Huge Yard 250001C2101 - Huge Yard 250001C2102 - Huge Yard 250001C2103 - Visit 250001C2104 - Kinship 250001C2105 - You are no longer in Decoration Mode.\n 250001C2106 - You were unable to get close enough to the designated location to place the decoration or furnishing!\n 250001C2107 - Large Floor 250001C2108 - Large Floor 250001C2109 - Large Floor 250001C210A - Large Floor 250001C210B - Large Floor 250001C210C - Large Floor 250001C210D - Large Floor 250001C210E - The foreclosure period on the old 250001C210F - of your Kinship has expired, you no longer have access to it.\n 250001C2110 - Large Floor 250001C2111 - You can only decorate with items that you possess!\n 250001C2112 - Standard House 250001C2113 - Large Floor 250001C2114 - Deluxe House 250001C2115 - Your kinship must wait 250001C2116 - before you can purchase another kinship house.\n 250001C2117 - Kinship Member 250001C2118 - Human 250001C2119 - 250001C211A - 250001C211B - \n 250001C211C - Kinship House 250001C211D - Kinship Home Foreclosed 250001C211E - Thin Furniture 250001C211F - This 250001C2120 - must be purchased before you can pay its upkeep. 250001C2121 - Thin Furniture 250001C2122 - Thin Furniture 250001C2123 - Thin Furniture 250001C2124 - Thin Furniture 250001C2125 - Thin Furniture 250001C2126 - Standard House 250001C2127 - You can't add yourself as a guest.\n 250001C2128 - You've been evicted from your 250001C2129 - because you've failed to meet the owner qualifications.\n 250001C212A - Thin Furniture 250001C212B - Deluxe House 250001C212C - Thin Furniture 250001C212D - Thin Furniture 250001C212E - Small Wall 250001C212F - Small Wall 250001C2130 - Small Wall 250001C2131 - You are not qualified to purchase this 250001C2132 - . Consult the owner qualifications posted in the for sale note on the 250001C2133 - .\n 250001C2134 - Small Wall 250001C2135 - Large Floor 250001C2136 - Small Wall 250001C2137 - Small Wall 250001C2138 - You have purchased a kinship house. Your new kinship address is 250001C2139 - .\n 250001C213A - Small Wall 250001C213B - Small Wall 250001C213C - Small Wall 250001C213D - You have paid 250001C213E - / 250001C213F - silver upkeep in advance. 250001C2140 - Kinship Home Foreclosure Pending 250001C2141 - Slotting this 250001C2142 - will permanently bind it to your character! Are you sure you want to do this? 250001C2143 - Large Floor 250001C2144 - Large Floor 250001C2145 - Large Floor 250001C2146 - Large Floor 250001C2147 - Placed decorations and items that were left in shared housing storage and were bound to other players have been returned to their proper owners. 250001C2148 - Large Floor 250001C2149 - Large Floor 250001C214A - Large Floor 250001C214B - Large Floor 250001C214C - Large Floor 250001C214D - You purchase the 250001C214E - for 250001C214F - silver.\n 250001C2150 - Large Floor 250001C2151 - Standard House 250001C2152 - Deluxe House 250001C2153 - Ambient Music 250001C2154 - Someone has been removed from your guest list because the character was deleted.\n 250001C2155 - To Whom it May Concern,\nWe regret to inform you that the personal residence at 250001C2156 - has been foreclosed due to non-payment of necessary maintenance fees. The property has been reclaimed and will be offered for sale to the public within a few days.\n\nAll of the decorations and items in storage have been moved into escrow which is accessible to you at any Vault-keeper. These items will persist forever.\n\nSincerely,\nThe Housing Authority 250001C2157 - Special Furniture 250001C2158 - You've been evicted from your 250001C2159 - because you've failed to pay its upkeep.\n 250001C215A - You can't add a monster as a guest.\n 250001C215B - #1: 250001C215C - has granted the Kinship permission to access the storage in #1:{his[m]|her[f]} 250001C215D - .\n 250001C215E - Thin Furniture 250001C215F - Hut 250001C2160 - Cottage 250001C2161 - House 250001C2162 - Decoration 250001C2163 - Lodge 250001C2164 - You grant #1: 250001C2165 - permission to decorate your #2: 250001C2166 - .\n 250001C2167 - Mansion 250001C2168 - You must wait 250001C2169 - before you can purchase another house.\n 250001C216A - You enter your house.\n 250001C216B - You have been evicted from the 250001C216C - of your Kinship!\n 250001C216D - Your Kinship founder, 250001C216E - , has been evicted from the 250001C216F - of your Kinship because upkeep has not been paid!\n 250001C2170 - Kinship Recruit 250001C2171 - Welcome to 250001C2172 - ! 250001C2173 - Do you wish to abandon your old house? You can only own one house per account. 250001C2174 - 250001C2175 - \nHome of 250001C2176 - 250001C2177 - Kinship Home Locked 250001C2178 - Bypassing house restrictions.\n 250001C2179 - Home Locked 250001C217A - #1: 250001C217B - has added you as a guest of #1:{his[m]|her[f]} #2: 250001C217C - .\n 250001C217D - Large Yard 250001C217E - Enormous Yard 250001C217F - Large Yard 250001C2180 - Kinship House 250001C2181 - Standard House 250001C2182 - Large Yard 250001C2183 - Thin Furniture 250001C2184 - Deluxe House 250001C2185 - Large Yard 250001C2186 - Thin Furniture 250001C2187 - Large Yard 250001C2188 - Large Yard 250001C2189 - Thin Furniture 250001C218A - Large Yard 250001C218B - Thin Furniture 250001C218C - Large Yard 250001C218D - Thin Furniture 250001C218E - Large Yard 250001C218F - Thin Furniture 250001C2190 - Thin Furniture 250001C2191 - Thin Furniture 250001C2192 - Thin Furniture 250001C2193 - You have purchased a house. Your new address is 250001C2194 - .\n 250001C2195 - Thin Furniture 250001C2196 - Kinship Officer 250001C2197 - #1: 250001C2198 - has granted you permission to decorate #1:{his[m]|her[f]} #2: 250001C2199 - .\n 250001C219A - Hut 250001C219B - Cottage 250001C219C - 250001C219D - has granted the Kinship permission to access the storage in the Kinship 250001C219E - .\n 250001C219F - House 250001C21A0 - Lodge 250001C21A1 - We look forward to the next ale party at 250001C21A2 - !\n\nSincerely,\nThe Housing Authority 250001C21A3 - Thin Furniture 250001C21A4 - You are now in Decoration Mode.\n 250001C21A5 - Mansion 250001C21A6 - You may not decorate that hook with that item.\n 250001C21A7 - The upkeep for your 250001C21A8 - is almost due!\n 250001C21A9 - Are you certain you wish to vacate your 250001C21AA - ?\n 250001C21AB - your fellowship 250001C21AC - Kinship Leader 250001C21AD - Unable to find a player by the name 250001C21AE - !\n 250001C21AF - To Whom it May Concern,\nWe regret to inform you that the personal residence at 250001C21B0 - has been locked due to non-payment of necessary maintenance fees. While your house is locked you lose all benefits of house ownership, including access to storage, decorations, travel skill, and vendor discounts. The property will be held for you indefinitely, and you can regain access to it at anytime by paying a restoration fee. The restoration fee will increase each week that payment is overdue.\n\nSincerely,\nThe Housing Authority 250001C21B1 - 250001C21B2 - has granted the Kinship access to the Kinship 250001C21B3 - .\n 250001C21B4 - Owner 250001C21B5 - Ceiling 250001C21B6 - Ceiling 250001C21B7 - #1: 250001C21B8 - has granted the Kinship permission to decorate #1:{his[m]|her[f]} 250001C21B9 - .\n 250001C21BA - Ceiling 250001C21BB - Ceiling 250001C21BC - Ceiling 250001C21BD - Total: 250001C21BE - / 250001C21BF - 250001C21C0 - Ceiling 250001C21C1 - Ceiling 250001C21C2 - Ceiling 250001C21C3 - Ceiling 250001C21C4 - Your kinship is too small. 250001C21C5 - 250001C21C6 - has denied the Kinship permission to access the storage in the Kinship 250001C21C7 - .\n 250001C21C8 - #1: 250001C21C9 - has granted you permission to store items in #1:{his[m]|her[f]} #2: 250001C21CA - .\n 250001C21CB - Kinship Keep Stables 250001C21CC - Attached you will find the funds required to purchase a personal house similar to your old home at 250001C21CD - . 250001C21CE - Hobbit 250001C21CF - Floor Surface 250001C21D0 - DNT 250001C21D1 - You grab yourself by the collar and try to hurl yourself through the door, but it just doesn't seem to work...\n 250001C21D2 - That item, 250001C21D3 - , cannot be used as a decoration at that location!\n 250001C21D4 - You do not own a house. 250001C21D5 - Floor Surface 250001C21D6 - Small Yard 250001C21D7 - Floor Surface 250001C21D8 - Kinship Keep Stables 250001C21D9 - Floor Surface 250001C21DA - Floor Surface 250001C21DB - Floor Surface 250001C21DC - Upkeep information for 250001C21DD - :\n 250001C21DE - \n 250001C21DF - \n 250001C21E0 - \n 250001C21E1 - 250001C21E2 - You enter the house.\n 250001C21E3 - #1: 250001C21E4 - has denied you permission to decorate #1:{his[m]|her[f]} #2: 250001C21E5 - .\n 250001C21E6 - Upkeep is overdue, it was due on 250001C21E7 - ! 250001C21E8 - Small Furniture 250001C21E9 - Small Furniture 250001C21EA - Small Furniture 250001C21EB - Small Furniture 250001C21EC - Small Furniture 250001C21ED - Small Furniture 250001C21EE - Small Furniture 250001C21EF - Small Furniture 250001C21F0 - Small Furniture 250001C21F1 - Large Furniture 250001C21F2 - Your item, 250001C21F3 - , cannot be used as a decoration!\n 250001C21F4 - Maintenance 250001C21F5 - Small Furniture 250001C21F6 - Door Surface 250001C21F7 - Door Surface 250001C21F8 - Door Surface 250001C21F9 - Door Surface 250001C21FA - Home Locked 250001C21FB - Door Surface 250001C21FC - 250001C21FD - does not exist.\n 250001C21FE - We invite you to visit a Neighbourhood Housing Broker and find your new dream home today!\n\nSincerely,\nThe Housing Authority 250001C21FF - Deluxe Kinship House 250001C2200 - Small Yard 250001C2201 - Small Yard 250001C2202 - Small Yard 250001C2203 - Small Yard 250001C2204 - Small Yard 250001C2205 - Small Yard 250001C2206 - Small Yard 250001C2207 - Small Yard 250001C2208 - Small Yard 250001C2209 - Small Yard 250001C220A - Small Yard 250001C220B - Large Wall 250001C220C - Small Yard 250001C220D - Large Wall 250001C220E - Small Yard 250001C220F - Large Wall 250001C2210 - Small Yard 250001C2211 - Large Wall 250001C2212 - Small Yard 250001C2213 - Changes to the restoration fee schedule 250001C2214 - Large Wall 250001C2215 - Small Yard 250001C2216 - Large Wall 250001C2217 - #1: 250001C2218 - #1:{'s|'[s]} 250001C2219 - Upkeep 250001C221A - Small Yard 250001C221B - Large Wall 250001C221C - Small Yard 250001C221D - An error occurred while trying to detect visitors in your house!\n 250001C221E - Large Wall 250001C221F - Small Yard 250001C2220 - Large Wall 250001C2221 - Small Yard 250001C2222 - Large Wall 250001C2223 - Doormat 250001C2224 - Doormat 250001C2225 - Doormat 250001C2226 - Doormat 250001C2227 - Storage 250001C2228 - Doormat 250001C2229 - Small Yard 250001C222A - Large Wall 250001C222B - Large Wall 250001C222C - Large Wall 250001C222D - Large Wall 250001C222E - Large Wall 250001C222F - Large Wall 250001C2230 - Large Wall 250001C2231 - Large Wall 250001C2232 - Large Wall 250001C2233 - You deny #1: 250001C2234 - permission to decorate your #2: 250001C2235 - .\n 250001C2236 - Large Wall 250001C2237 - The item you were trying to decorate with seems to have vanished!\n 250001C2238 - Upkeep Required 250001C2239 - 250001C223A - 250001C223B - , 250001C223C - 250001C223D - 250001C223E - has denied the Kinship access to the Kinship 250001C223F - .\n 250001C2240 - To Whom it May Concern,\nWe regret to inform you that the personal residence at 250001C2241 - has been locked due to non-payment of necessary maintenance fees. While your house is locked you lose all benefits of house ownership, including access to storage, decorations, travel skill, and vendor discounts. You can regain access to it at anytime by paying a restoration fee until the house is foreclosed. The restoration fee will increase each week that payment is overdue.\n\nSincerely,\nThe Housing Authority 250001C2242 - Large Wall 250001C2243 - Large Wall 250001C2244 - You have not paid the upkeep for your 250001C2245 - yet.\n 250001C2246 - Large Wall 250001C2247 - Large Wall 250001C2248 - Large Wall 250001C2249 - Large Wall 250001C224A - Large Wall 250001C224B - Wall Surface 250001C224C - Wall Surface 250001C224D - You boot all visitors not on your guest list out of your house.\n 250001C224E - Wall Surface 250001C224F - Small Wall 250001C2250 - Wall Surface 250001C2251 - Small Wall 250001C2252 - Wall Surface 250001C2253 - Small Wall 250001C2254 - Small Wall 250001C2255 - You have evicted 250001C2256 - from the 250001C2257 - of their Kinship, placing it into foreclosure.\n 250001C2258 - Small Wall 250001C2259 - Small Wall 250001C225A - Housing Authority 250001C225B - Small Wall 250001C225C - Ceiling 250001C225D - Small Wall 250001C225E - Ceiling 250001C225F - Small Wall 250001C2260 - Ceiling 250001C2261 - You no longer meet the qualifications to own your 250001C2262 - .\n 250001C2263 - Small Wall 250001C2264 - * 250001C2265 - additional weeks of prepaid upkeep 250001C2266 - Your old housing storage has been versioned into the new housing storage! 250001C2267 - Everyone 250001C2268 - Buy House 250001C2269 - Remove 250001C226A - To Whom it May Concern,\nWe regret to inform you that the Kinship House at 250001C226B - has been foreclosed due to non-payment of necessary maintenance fees. The property has been reclaimed and will be offered for sale to the public within a few days.\n\nAll of the decorations and items in storage have been moved into escrow which is accessible to you at any Vault-keeper. These items will persist forever.\n\nSincerely,\nThe Housing Authority 250001C226C - Large Yard 250001C226D - Small Wall 250001C226E - Large Yard 250001C226F - Small Wall 250001C2270 - Large Yard 250001C2271 - Everyone 250001C2272 - Small Wall 250001C2273 - Large Yard 250001C2274 - Small Wall 250001C2275 - Large Yard 250001C2276 - Small Wall 250001C2277 - You don't have enough money for this transaction.\n 250001C2278 - Large Yard 250001C2279 - Small Wall 250001C227A - Large Yard 250001C227B - Small Wall 250001C227C - Large Yard 250001C227D - Large Yard 250001C227E - 250001C227F - has granted the Kinship permission to decorate the Kinship 250001C2280 - .\n 250001C2281 - Large Yard 250001C2282 - You can't add a good race as a guest.\n 250001C2283 - Kinship House 250001C2284 - Large Yard 250001C2285 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C2286 - Large Yard 250001C2287 - Wall Colour 250001C2288 - Large Yard 250001C2289 - Wall Colour 250001C228A - Wall Colour 250001C228B - Wall Colour 250001C228C - Wall Colour 250001C228D - You contribute #1: 250001C228E - silver towards the upkeep of #2: 250001C228F - #2:{'s|'[s]} #3: 250001C2290 - .\n 250001C2291 - You have restored your qualifications to own your 250001C2292 - . You are no longer in danger of being evicted.\n 250001C2293 - Kinship 250001C2294 - You may not add yourself as a guest.\n 250001C2295 - Large Wall 250001C2296 - Large Yard 250001C2297 - You no longer have permission to be in that house, you were booted out. 250001C2298 - Upkeep was last collected on 250001C2299 - . 250001C229A - There is already an item decorating that spot, you must remove it before trying to place a new decoration there.\n 250001C229B - Dwarf 250001C229C - The Founder of your Kinship, 250001C229D - , has chosen to abandon the 250001C229E - of your Kinship!\n 250001C229F - Large Floor 250001C22A0 - Doormat 250001C22A1 - To Whom it May Concern,\nWe regret to inform you that the Kinship House at 250001C22A2 - has been locked due to non-payment of necessary maintenance fees. While your house is locked you lose all benefits of house ownership, including access to storage, decorations, travel skill, and vendor discounts. You can regain access to it at anytime by paying a restoration fee until the house is foreclosed. The restoration fee will increase each week that payment is overdue.\n\nSincerely,\nThe Housing Authority 250001C22A3 - The Founder of your Kinship, 250001C22A4 - , has been evicted from the 250001C22A5 - of your Kinship!\n 250001C22A6 - Kinship House 250001C22A7 - 250001C22A8 - \n 250001C22A9 - 250001C22AA - You boot all visitors out of your house.\n 250001C22AB - Outside Wall Surface 250001C22AC - #1: 250001C22AD - has been removed from your guest list because #1:{he[m]|she[f]} was deleted.\n 250001C22AE - Everyone (global access) 250001C22AF - Attached you will find the funds required to purchase a Kinship House similar to your old home at 250001C22B0 - . 250001C22B1 - Stately House 250001C22B2 - Test1 Category 250001C22B3 - Luxurious House 250001C22B4 - 250001C22B5 - , 250001C22B6 - , 250001C22B7 - 250001C22B8 - Test2 Category 250001C22B9 - 250001C22BA - has denied the Kinship permission to decorate the Kinship 250001C22BB - .\n 250001C22BC - Small Furniture 250001C22BD - Kinship Home Locked 250001C22BE - Test3 Category 250001C22BF - You have just abandoned your house.\n 250001C22C0 - Pay Upkeep 250001C22C1 - Bower 250001C22C2 - Abode 250001C22C3 - Haven 250001C22C4 - You vacate your 250001C22C5 - .\n 250001C22C6 - Manor 250001C22C7 - Estate 250001C22C8 - You have chosen to vacate the 250001C22C9 - of your Kinship!\n 250001C22CA - You do not have permission to use that hook.\n 250001C22CB - Your alignment is too low. 250001C22CC - Next upkeep collection is on 250001C22CD - . 250001C22CE - 250001C22CF - ( 250001C22D0 - ), You are not qualified to purchase this. 250001C22D1 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22D2 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22D3 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22D4 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22D5 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22D6 - Small Furniture 250001C22D7 - Small Furniture 250001C22D8 - The storage is restricted to the owner.\n 250001C22D9 - Permissions 250001C22DA - Small Furniture 250001C22DB - Small Furniture 250001C22DC - Small Furniture 250001C22DD - Small Furniture 250001C22DE - Small Furniture 250001C22DF - You boot 250001C22E0 - from your house.\n 250001C22E1 - Small Furniture 250001C22E2 - Small Furniture 250001C22E3 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22E4 - Small Furniture 250001C22E5 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22E6 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22E7 - 250001C22E8 - ( 250001C22E9 - ), Price: 250001C22EA - \nUpkeep: 250001C22EB - / 250001C22EC - 250001C22ED - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22EE - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22EF - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22F0 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22F1 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22F2 - Small Furniture 250001C22F3 - Home Foreclosed 250001C22F4 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22F5 - Small Furniture 250001C22F6 - Kinship Keep Hall 250001C22F7 - Small Furniture 250001C22F8 - Small Furniture 250001C22F9 - Door Surface 250001C22FA - Small Furniture 250001C22FB - Small Furniture 250001C22FC - Your old housing escrow has been versioned into the new housing escrow! 250001C22FD - Small Furniture 250001C22FE - Floor Colour 250001C22FF - Small Furniture 250001C2300 - Floor Colour 250001C2301 - Small Furniture 250001C2302 - Floor Colour 250001C2303 - Small Furniture 250001C2304 - Floor Colour 250001C2305 - Floor Colour 250001C2306 - 250001C2307 - is not currently visiting your house, you cannot kick them out.\n 250001C2308 - Special Furniture 250001C2309 - Special Furniture 250001C230A - Special Furniture 250001C300 - East Bree 250001C301 - Overhill 250001C302 - Hardbottle 250001C303 - Thorins Hall 250001C304 - Standelf 250001C305 - Staddle 250001C306 - Frogmorton 250001C307 - Brockenborings 250001C308 - Medebar 250001C309 - Brandarth 250001C30A - Esteldín 250001C30B - Budgeford 250001C30C - North Bree 250001C30D - Limmidh 250001C30E - Downtown Bree 250001C30F - Timbroke 250001C310 - Nant 250001C311 - Red Bank 250001C312 - Carn Dum 250001C313 - Nuinorn 250001C314 - White Towers Estates 250001C315 - North-east Mithlond Outpost 250001C316 - Gamwich 250001C317 - Tuckborough 250001C318 - Dinas 250001C319 - Forsaken Inn 250001C31A - Dol Rudh 250001C31B - Mam Arokh 250001C31C - Farbottle 250001C31D - Nor Facill 250001C31E - South-east Michel Delving 250001C31F - East Hobbiton 250001C320 - Falthanen 250001C321 - Combe 250001C322 - Bucklebury 250001C323 - Cope 250001C324 - Gellambar 250001C325 - North Forlond 250001C326 - Gaoth Dur 250001C327 - Long Cleeve 250001C328 - Knock 250001C329 - Vinyafor 250001C32A - Arlew 250001C32B - Mount Gram Undermountain 250001C32C - Scary 250001C32D - Woodhall 250001C32E - Talathen 250001C32F - North Orod Cerin Outpost 250001C330 - Linglen 250001C331 - North Thorin's Hall 250001C332 - West Mithlond Outpost 250001C333 - Grothmor 250001C334 - Ban Creag 250001C335 - Sackville 250001C336 - Cirith Brand 250001C337 - Archet 250001C338 - Nangendraim 250001C339 - Sarnur 250001C33A - Twaflod 250001C33B - Eltham 250001C33C - Thingal 250001C33D - Gondamon 250001C33E - Tarech 250001C33F - Hoblin 250001C340 - Bywater 250001C341 - North Bree 250001C342 - Haffod 250001C343 - Mount Gram 250001C344 - North-west Michel Delving 250001C345 - South Hobbiton 250001C346 - Longbottom 250001C347 - Raglan 250001C348 - Hollow Home 250001C349 - Homestead 250001C34A - Celonlad 250001C34B - Aeglirath 250001C34C - Just a House 250001C34D - Rivendell 250001C34E - Orodal 250001C34F - Silithil 250001C350 - North Hobbiton 250001C351 - Waterdown 250001C352 - Brethillad 250001C353 - Haysend 250001C354 - Shar Dunakh 250001C355 - Newbury 250001C356 - Stock 250001C357 - Dore 250001C400 - Dore Second Street 250001C401 - Dore Third Street 250001C402 - Hardbottle First Street 250001C403 - Hardbottle Second Street 250001C404 - Aeglirath First Street 250001C405 - Aeglirath Second Street 250001C406 - Aeglirath Third Street 250001C407 - Limmidh First Street 250001C408 - Limmidh Second Street 250001C409 - Limmidh Third Street 250001C40A - Limmidh Fourth Street 250001C40B - Celonlad First Street 250001C40C - Celonlad Second Street 250001C40D - Waterdown First Street 250001C40E - Celonlad Third Street 250001C40F - Waterdown Second Street 250001C410 - Milkweed Way 250001C411 - Waterdown Third Street 250001C412 - Whitwell Way 250001C413 - Timbroke First Street 250001C414 - Timbroke Second Street 250001C415 - Timbroke Third Street 250001C416 - Rivendell First Street 250001C417 - Rivendell Second Street 250001C418 - Rivendell Third Street 250001C419 - Mam Arlokh First Street 250001C41A - Rivendell Fourth Street 250001C41B - Mam Arlokh Second Street 250001C41C - Rivendell Fifth Street 250001C41D - Mam Arlokh Third Street 250001C41E - Rivendell Sixth Street 250001C41F - Mam Arlokh Fourth Street 250001C420 - Rivendell Seventh Street 250001C421 - Shar Dunakh First Street 250001C422 - Rivendell Eighth Street 250001C423 - Appledore Road 250001C424 - Shar Dunakh Second Street 250001C425 - Shar Dunakh Third Street 250001C426 - Eltham First Street 250001C427 - Eltham Second Street 250001C428 - Eltham Third Street 250001C429 - Nant First Street 250001C42A - Nant Second Street 250001C42B - Nant Third Street 250001C42C - Oakenpath 250001C42D - Gaoth Dur First Street 250001C42E - Brethillad First Street 250001C42F - Gaoth Dur Second Street 250001C430 - Brethillad Second Street 250001C431 - Gaoth Dur Third Street 250001C432 - Birch Street 250001C433 - Brethillad Third Street 250001C434 - Gaoth Dur Fourth Street 250001C435 - Brethillad Fourth Street 250001C436 - Orodal First Street 250001C437 - Orodal Second Street 250001C438 - Falthanen First Street 250001C439 - Orodal Third Street 250001C43A - Falthanen Second Street 250001C43B - Orodal Fourth Street 250001C43C - Falthanen Third Street 250001C43D - Fullpipe Lane 250001C43E - Pear Tree Lane 250001C43F - Dinas First Street 250001C440 - Dinas Second Street 250001C441 - Dinas Third Street 250001C442 - Haysend First Street 250001C443 - Haysend Second Street 250001C444 - Haysend Third Street 250001C445 - White Towers Estates First Street 250001C446 - White Towers Estates Second Street 250001C447 - Knock First Street
250001C448 - White Towers Estates Third Street 250001C449 - Knock Second Street 250001C44A - Knock Third Street 250001C44B - Sunflower Lane 250001C44C - Nuinorn First Street 250001C44D - Nuinorn Second Street 250001C44E - Nuinorn Third Street 250001C44F - Nuinorn Fourth Street 250001C450 - Archet First Street 250001C451 - Archet Second Street 250001C452 - Archet Third Street 250001C453 - Nor Facill First Street 250001C454 - Archet Fourth Street 250001C455 - Nor Facill Second Street 250001C456 - Esteldín First Street 250001C457 - Nor Facill Third Street 250001C458 - Esteldín Second Street 250001C459 - Esteldín Third Street 250001C45A - Esteldín Fourth Street 250001C45B - Esteldín Fifth Street 250001C45C - Oldpath 250001C45D - Henbane Road 250001C45E - Long Cleeve First Street` 250001C45F - Long Cleeve Second Street 250001C460 - Long Cleeve Third Street 250001C461 - Stonewalk 250001C462 - Laststep Path 250001C463 - Hawthorn Street 250001C464 - Farbottle First Street 250001C465 - Farbottle Second Street 250001C466 - Farbottle Third Street 250001C467 - Farbottle Fourth Street 250001C468 - Cope First Street 250001C469 - Bree First Street 250001C46A - Cope Second Street 250001C46B - Bree Second Street 250001C46C - Cope Third Street 250001C46D - Bree Third Street 250001C46E - Bree Fourth Street 250001C46F - Just a House First Street 250001C470 - Bree Fifth Street 250001C471 - Bagshot Row 250001C472 - Bree Sixth Street 250001C473 - Bree Seventh Street 250001C474 - Bree Eight Street 250001C475 - Vinyafor First Street 250001C476 - Vinyafor Second Street 250001C477 - Vinyafor Third Street 250001C478 - Vinyafor Fourth Street 250001C479 - Vinyafor Fifth Street 250001C47A - Talathen First Street 250001C47B - Carn Dum First Street 250001C47C - Talathen Second Street 250001C47D - Ban Creag First Street 250001C47E - Carn Dum Second Street 250001C47F - Talathen Third Street 250001C480 - Ban Creag Second Street 250001C481 - Carn Dum Third Street 250001C482 - Ban Creag Third Street 250001C483 - Carn Dum Fourth Street 250001C484 - Carn Dum Fifth Street 250001C485 - Twomug Lane 250001C486 - Carn Dum Sixth Street 250001C487 - Carn Dum Seventh Street 250001C488 - Carn Dum Eight Street 250001C489 - Goldcorn Path 250001C48A - Coldfoot Street 250001C48B - Falling Leaf Trail 250001C48C - Homestead First Street 250001C48D - Homestead Second Street 250001C48E - Homestead Third Street 250001C48F - Hill Lane 250001C490 - Thistle Way 250001C491 - Haffod First Street 250001C492 - Haffod Second Street 250001C493 - Haffod Third Street 250001C494 - Haffod Fourth Street 250001C495 - W Mithlond Outpost First Street 250001C496 - Mount Gram First Street 250001C497 - W Mithlond Outpost Second Street 250001C498 - Mount Gram Second Street 250001C499 - W Mithlond Outpost Third Street 250001C49A - Standelf First Street 250001C49B - Mount Gram Third Street 250001C49C - Combe First Street 250001C49D - Silithil First Street 250001C49E - Combe Second Street 250001C49F - Silithil Second Street 250001C4A0 - Combe Third Street 250001C4A1 - Red Bank First Street 250001C4A2 - Lost Way 250001C4A3 - Silithil Third Street 250001C4A4 - Combe Fourth Street 250001C4A5 - Red Bank Second Street 250001C4A6 - Silithil Fourth Street 250001C4A7 - Red Bank Third Street 250001C4A8 - Red Bank Fourth Street 250001C4A9 - Red Bank Fifth Street 250001C4AA - Forsaken Inn First Street 250001C4AB - Forsaken Inn Second Street 250001C4AC - Forsaken Inn Third Street 250001C4AD - Blanco Street 250001C4AE - Gamwich Second Street 250001C4AF - Thingal First Street 250001C4B0 - Thingal Second Street 250001C4B1 - Thingal Third Street 250001C4B2 - Linglen First Street 250001C4B3 - Linglen Second Street 250001C4B4 - Linglen Third Street 250001C4B5 - Greenhand Path 250001C4B6 - Chestnut Row 250001C4B7 - N Orod Cerin Outpost First Street 250001C4B8 - N Orod Cerin Outpost Second Street 250001C4B9 - N Orod Cerin Outpost Third Street 250001C4BA - Thorins Hall First Street 250001C4BB - Thorins Hall Second Street 250001C4BC - Thorins Hall Third Street 250001C4BD - Thorins Hall Fourth Street 250001C4BE - Sarnur First Street 250001C4BF - Thorins Hall Fifth Street 250001C4C0 - Sarnur Second Street 250001C4C1 - Marcho Street 250001C4C2 - Thorins Hall Sixth Street 250001C4C3 - Sarnur Third Street 250001C4C4 - Nangendraim First Street 250001C4C5 - Redbloom Path 250001C4C6 - Hoblin First Street 250001C4C7 - Nangendraim Second Street 250001C4C8 - Hoblin Second Street 250001C4C9 - Nangendraim Third Street 250001C4CA - Hoblin Third Street 250001C4CB - Nangendraim Fourth Street 250001C4CC - Rickfile Row 250001C4CD - Cirith Brand First Street 250001C4CE - Mount Gram Undermountain First Street 250001C4CF - Cirith Brand Second Street 250001C4D0 - Mount Gram Undermountain Second Street 250001C4D1 - Cirith Brand Third Street 250001C4D2 - Mount Gram Undermountain Third Street 250001C4D3 - Brook Street 250001C4D4 - Cirith Brand Fourth Street 250001C4D5 - Gondamon First Street 250001C4D6 - Gondamon Second Street 250001C4D7 - Gondamon Third Street 250001C4D8 - Gellambar First Street 250001C4D9 - Gellambar Second Street 250001C4DA - Gellambar Third Street 250001C4DB - Twaflod First Street 250001C4DC - Bywater Road 250001C4DD - Twaflod Second Street 250001C4DE - Twaflod Third Street 250001C4DF - Leafway 250001C4E0 - Grothmore First Street 250001C4E1 - Bucklebury First Street 250001C4E2 - Grothmor Second Street 250001C4E3 - Bucklebury Second Street 250001C4E4 - Grothmor Third Street 250001C4E5 - Ferndingle Lane 250001C4E6 - Bucklebury Third Street 250001C4E7 - Grothmor Fourth Street 250001C4E8 - Newbury First Street 250001C4E9 - Bucklebury Fourth Street 250001C4EA - Newbury Second Street 250001C4EB - Newbury Third Street 250001C4EC - Newbury Fourth Street 250001C4ED - Dol Rudh First Street 250001C4EE - Dol Rudh Second Street 250001C4EF - Dol Rudh Third Street 250001C4F0 - Old Road 250001C4F1 - Staddle First Street 250001C4F2 - Staddle Second Street 250001C4F3 - Staddle Third Street 250001C4F4 - Staddle Fourth Street 250001C4F5 - Oak Road 250001C4F6 - NE Mithlond Outpost First Street 250001C4F7 - NE Mithlond Outpost Second Street 250001C4F8 - NE Mithlond Outpost Third Street 250001C4F9 - Southwalk 250001C4FA - Hollow Home First Street 250001C4FB - Hollow Home Second Street 250001C4FC - Hollow Home Third Street 250001C4FD - Hollow Home Fourth Street 250001C4FE - Arlew First Street 250001C4FF - Arlew Second Street 250001C4100 - Arlew Third Street 250001C4101 - Medebar First Street 250001C4102 - Medebar Second Street 250001C4103 - Medebar Third Street 250001C4104 - Medebar Fourth Street 250001C4105 - Medebar Fifth Street 250001C4106 - Raglan First Street 250001C4107 - Raglan second Street 250001C4108 - Raglan Third Street 250001C4109 - Tarech First Street 250001C410A - Tarech Second Street 250001C410B - Tangleroot Way 250001C410C - Tarech Third Street 250001C410D - Brandarth First Street 250001C410E - Brandarth Second Street 250001C410F - Brandarth Third Street 250001C4110 - Grangewalk 250001C4111 - Dore First Street 250001C500 - Homestead 250001C501 - Knock 250001C502 - Harlond 250001C503 - Linglen 250001C504 - Stock 250001C505 - Tuckborough 250001C506 - Just a House 250001C507 - Budgeford 250001C508 - Archet 250001C509 - Cope 250001C50A - Rivendell 250001C50B - Gondamon 250001C50C - Brockenborings 250001C50D - Waterdown 250001C50E - Bree 250001C50F - North Orod Cerin Outpost 250001C510 - Mam Arokh 250001C511 - Standelf 250001C512 - Staddle 250001C513 - Ban Creag 250001C514 - Newbury 250001C515 - Scary 250001C516 - Sarnur 250001C517 - Esteldín 250001C518 - White Towers Estates 250001C519 - Arlew 250001C51A - Nor Facill 250001C51B - Limmidh 250001C51C - Thingal 250001C51D - Hobbiton 250001C51E - Thorin's Hall 250001C51F - Timbroke 250001C520 - Woodhall 250001C521 - Forlond 250001C522 - Nangendraim 250001C523 - Red Bank 250001C524 - Dol Rudh 250001C525 - Shar Dunakh 250001C526 - Hollow Home 250001C527 - Twaflod 250001C528 - Bywater 250001C529 - Medebar 250001C52A - Combe 250001C52B - Forsaken Inn 250001C52C - Farbottle 250001C52D - Orodal 250001C52E - Raglan 250001C52F - Longbottom 250001C530 - Dinas 250001C531 - Long Cleeve 250001C532 - Mount Gram 250001C533 - Vinyafor 250001C534 - Brandarth 250001C535 - Eltham 250001C536 - Hardbottle 250001C537 - Hoblin 250001C538 - Gaoth Dur 250001C539 - Annuminas 250001C53A - Tarech 250001C53B - Silithil 250001C53C - Aeglirath 250001C53D - Gellambar 250001C53E - Talathen 250001C53F - Brethillad 250001C540 - Overhill 250001C541 - Celonlad 250001C542 - Sackville 250001C543 - Frogmorton 250001C544 - Falthanen 250001C545 - Cirith Brand 250001C546 - Haffod 250001C547 - Grothmor 250001C548 - Gamwich 250001C549 - Nuinorn 250001C54A - Nant 250001C54B - Michel Delving 250001C54C - Carn Dum 250001C54D - North-east Mithlond Outpost 250001C54E - Dore 250001C54F - Fornost Erain 250001C550 - Bucklebury 250001C551 - Mithlond 250001C552 - Haysend 250001C553 - West Mithlond Outpost 250001C600 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.\n\nNames like Arwen, Celebrían, and Galadriel are examples of Elf-women in Middle-earth.\n\nCommon feminine name endings in Sindarin are -anor, -dal, -dis, -el, -eth, -iel, -il, -gil, -los, -raen, -reth, -riel, -rian, -rien, -uilas, -uilos, -wen, and -wing. Common prefixes are Adan-, And-, Ar-, Bel-, Breg-, Celeb-, Dol-, Edhel-, El-, Fan-, Find-, Galadh-, Gil-, Hir-, Ior-, Ir-, Lal-, Mel-, Mor-, Nim-, Rod-, Sael-, and Tinu-.
250001C601 - Mordor 250001C602 -
Lore: You are one of the Horse-lords of the Riddermark, the realm granted to Eorl the Young by Cirion, Steward of Gondor, currently ruled by Théoden, son of Thengel.
250001C603 - Iron Hills 250001C604 -
Lore: You come from the Iron Hills, settled by dwarves as a refuge from the Cold-drakes, and whence came Dáin Ironfoot, King under the Mountain, kinsman of the great Thorin Oakenshield.
250001C605 -
Lore: The Harfoots are the most prodigious hole-dwellers and were the first to cross west into Eriador. They generally tend to be browner of skin than the other kindreds, as well as smaller and shorter.
250001C606 -
Lore: You grew up in Bree-land, once part of the North Kingdom of Arnor, once ruled by Elendil the Tall as High King of Middle-earth, and later by his elder son Isildur. Now it is but a simple, rustic land, and the North Kingdom is no more.
250001C607 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Dwarves tend towards short, simple Norse-styled names.\n\nCommon endings are -ori, -óin, -íli, -alin, -orin, -osi, -imli, and ormur, coupled with beginnings using consonants like D-, F-, G-, H-, K-, L-, M-, N-, R-, T-, Th-, and W-, or paired consonants like Dr-, Dw-, Fl-, Gl-, or Thr-. Example are Dori, Glóin, Kíli, Balin, Thorin, Flosi, Gimli, and Gormur.\n\nA few dwarves have more complex names, combining whole words with specific endings or other whole words. (Examples: Skorgrím, Einskaldir.)
250001C608 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Beornings take names influenced by Old Norse.\n\nGrimbeorn, Folhúth, and Gultoth are examples of Beorning names.\n\nCommon masculine name endings for Beornings are -beorn, -bert, -brand, -gils, -mark, -fast, -geir, -har, -karl, -mar, -moth, -mund, -rath, -rek, -styr, -thorn, -vald, -var, -vat, -vir, and –vith. Common prefixes are Ag-, Ald-, Arn-, Bald-, Borg-, Both-, Dag-, Dreng-, Eld-, Forn-, Froth-, Gal-, Glum-, Guth-, Heim-, Hroth-, Is-, Jarn-, Lyth-, Moth-, Nef-, Oth-, Rath-, Rand-, Skal-, Stig-, Throt-, Vald-, and Vig-.
250001C609 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.\n\nNames like Arwen, Celebrían, and Galadriel are examples of Elf-women in Middle-earth.\n\nCommon feminine name endings in Sindarin are -anor, -dal, -dis, -el, -eth, -iel, -il, -gil, -los, -raen, -reth, -riel, -rian, -rien, -uilas, -uilos, -wen, and -wing. Common prefixes are Adan-, And-, Ar-, Bel-, Breg-, Celeb-, Dol-, Edhel-, El-, Fan-, Find-, Galadh-, Gil-, Hir-, Ior-, Ir-, Lal-, Mel-, Mor-, Nim-, Rod-, Sael-, and Tinu-.
250001C60A -
Lore: You come from the Dale-lands in the north-east of Middle-earth, beneath the Lonely Mountain, where Bard the Bowman slew the dragon Smaug and fought in the Battle of Five Armies.
Lore: You are a Wood-elf of Mirkwood, once called Greenwood the Great, where King Thranduil keeps watch against the growing darkness of Dol Guldur, former stronghold of Sauron in his guise as the Necromancer.
250001C60E -
Lore: Lovers of trees and woodlands, the Fallohides were the first hobbits to come to the Shire. They generally tend to be fairer of skin and hair, as well as taller and more slender.
250001C60F -
Lore: You hail from Erebor, the Lonely Mountain, where Smaug the Golden made his lair until Thorin Oakenshield reclaimed it for his people. There does Dáin Ironfoot now rule as King under the Mountain.
250001C610 - Lórien 250001C611 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Hobbit-women are named after flowers or jewels.\n\nExamples of first names are Belladonna, Dora, Esmerelda, Lobelia, Ruby, Sapphire, and Tulip.
250001C612 -
Lore: Like all Beornings, you hail from the woods and dales surrounding the Anduin, from the shores near the Carrock up to the High Pass through the Misty Mountains.
250001C613 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Dwarves tend towards short, simple Norse-styled names.\n\nCommon endings are -ori, -óin, -íli, -alin, -orin, -osi, -imli, and ormur, coupled with beginnings using consonants like D-, F-, G-, H-, K-, L-, M-, N-, R-, T-, Th-, and W-, or paired consonants like Dr-, Dw-, Fl-, Gl-, or Thr-. Example are Dori, Glóin, Kíli, Balin, Thorin, Flosi, Gimli, and Gormur.\n\nA few dwarves have more complex names, combining whole words with specific endings or other whole words. (Examples: Skorgrím, Einskaldir.)
Lore: Your home is in Ered Luin, the Blue Mountains, where there had once been two great dwarf-kingdoms and where the kinsmen of Thráin and his son Thorin Oakenshield lived in exile after Smaug drove them from the Lonely Mountain.
250001C617 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: The minions of Mordor almost always use the Black Speech, a language that is harsh and unpleasant to the ear.\n\Examples of Black Speech names and/or words are Ghash, Grishnakh, Lagduf, Lugburz, Mauhur, Muzgash, Sharku, Ufthak, and Ugluk.
250001C618 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.\n\nNames like Arwen, Celebrían, and Galadriel are examples of Elf-women in Middle-earth.\n\nCommon feminine name endings in Sindarin are -anor, -dal, -dis, -el, -eth, -iel, -il, -gil, -los, -raen, -reth, -riel, -rian, -rien, -uilas, -uilos, -wen, and -wing. Common prefixes are Adan-, And-, Ar-, Bel-, Breg-, Celeb-, Dol-, Edhel-, El-, Fan-, Find-, Galadh-, Gil-, Hir-, Ior-, Ir-, Lal-, Mel-, Mor-, Nim-, Rod-, Sael-, and Tinu-.
250001C619 -
Lore: You come from Lothlórien, the fabled golden woods whose Elves dwell high in the mallorn-trees and are ruled by Celeborn, wisest of the Eldar of Middle-earth, and the Lady Galadriel.
250001C61A - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: With rare exception, women of Gondor have Sindarin names.\n\nGilraen and Ioreth are examples of Gondor women's names.\n\nCommon feminine name endings in Sindarin are -anor, -dal, -dis, -el, -eth, -iel, -il, -gil, -los, -raen, -riel, -rian, -rien, -uilas, -uilos, -wen, and -wing. Common prefixes are Adan-, And-, Ar-, Bel-, Breg-, Celeb-, Dol-, Edhel-, El-, Fan-, Find-, Galadh-, Gil-, Hir-, Ior-, Ir-, Lal-, Mel-, Mor-, Nim-, Rod-, Sael-, and Tinú-.
Lore: You are from Ered Mithrin, the Grey Mountains, the chief of which is Mount Gundabad, from whence came Durin the Deathless, first Father of the Dwarves. Your kindred returned to the Mountains after the Dragons perished.
Naming Guidelines: Dwarves tend towards short, simple Norse-styled names.\n\nCommon endings are -ori, -óin, -íli, -alin, -orin, -osi, -imli, and ormur, coupled with beginnings using consonants like D-, F-, G-, H-, K-, L-, M-, N-, R-, T-, Th-, and W-, or paired consonants like Dr-, Dw-, Fl-, Gl-, or Thr-. Example are Dori, Glóin, Kíli, Balin, Thorin, Flosi, Gimli, and Gormur.\n\nA few dwarves have more complex names, combining whole words with specific endings or other whole words. (Examples: Skorgrím, Einskaldir.)
250001C621 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Men of the Rohirrim use Anglo-Saxon names, such as Éomer, Erkenbrand, and Théoden.\n\nCommon name endings for men of the Rohirrim are -bryt, -dryt, -ea, -ferth, -frid, -frith, -gar, -helm, -here, -nath, -red, -ric, -rid, -sig, -stan, -thryth, -werd, -wald, -wig, -wine, and -wulf. Common prefixes for men of the Rohirrim are Ald-, An-, Beo-, Beort-, Beorn-, Cen-, Ceol-, Coen-, Cuth-, Ead-, Egel-, Elf-, Eo-, Esc-, Ethel-, Forth-, Frea-, Grim-, Guth-, Hes-, Ord-, and Theod-.
250001C622 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Hobbit-women are named after flowers or jewels.\n\nExamples of first names are Belladonna, Dora, Esmerelda, Lobelia, Ruby, Sapphire, and Tulip.
250001C623 -
Lore: You are of the Nandor of Edhellond, the great Elf-haven in the south built by Amroth upon the Bay of Belfalas.
250001C624 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.\n\nNames like Arwen, Celebrían, and Galadriel are examples of Elf-women in Middle-earth.\n\nCommon feminine name endings in Sindarin are -anor, -dal, -dis, -el, -eth, -iel, -il, -gil, -los, -raen, -reth, -riel, -rian, -rien, -uilas, -uilos, -wen, and -wing. Common prefixes are Adan-, And-, Ar-, Bel-, Breg-, Celeb-, Dol-, Edhel-, El-, Fan-, Find-, Galadh-, Gil-, Hir-, Ior-, Ir-, Lal-, Mel-, Mor-, Nim-, Rod-, Sael-, and Tinu-.
250001C625 - Blue Mountains 250001C626 -
Lore: You come from Mordor, the realm of the Dark Lord Sauron. Growing in strength, he has returned to his fortress of Barad-dûr, calling all evil to him.
250001C627 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Dwarves tend towards short, simple Norse-styled names.\n\nCommon endings are -ori, -óin, -íli, -alin, -orin, -osi, -imli, and ormur, coupled with beginnings using consonants like D-, F-, G-, H-, K-, L-, M-, N-, R-, T-, Th-, and W-, or paired consonants like Dr-, Dw-, Fl-, Gl-, or Thr-. Example are Dori, Glóin, Kíli, Balin, Thorin, Flosi, Gimli, and Gormur.\n\nA few dwarves have more complex names, combining whole words with specific endings or other whole words. (Examples: Skorgrím, Einskaldir.)
250001C628 - Vales of Anduin 250001C629 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Hobbit-women are named after flowers or jewels.\n\nExamples of first names are Belladonna, Dora, Esmerelda, Lobelia, Ruby, Sapphire, and Tulip.
250001C62A - The Lonely Mountain 250001C62B - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Bree-women tend towards simple, familiar English-styled names such as Ellie, Dora, Adela, and Clara, though less familiar names -- such as Amabel, Maribel, or Livina -- are not unknown.\n\nSometimes Bree-landers go by their last names, which are almost always related to plants, such as Appledore, Thistleway, Butterbur, or Ferny.
250001C62C - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Beornings take names influenced by Old Norse.\n\nLanghár, Ethild and Berafrith are examples of Beorning names.\n\nCommon feminine name endings for Beornings are -a, -dis, -eith, -fast, -frith, -garth, -gifu, -gun, -hild, -la, -laug, -lin, -loth, -otta, -ny, -run, -thrith, -vi, and -vor. Common prefixes are Arin-, Bog-, Bera-, Birn-, Dis-, Dom-, Dyr-, Eir-, Esil-, Eth-, Ey-, Fast-, Feor-, Gerth-, Gis-, Gud-, Hall-, Har-, Hrim-, Huld-, Hun-, Ingi-, Jor-, Kat-, Is-, Lif-, Leot-, Mar-, Od-, Ol-, Ran-, Sal-, Sig-, Sol-, Svan-, Una-, and Vil-.
250001C62D - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.\n\nNames like Elrond, Legolas, and Lindir are examples of Elf-men in Middle-earth.\n\nCommon masculine name endings in Sindarin are -adan, -aran, -bor, -born, -dir, -dor, -had, -ion, -las, -moth, -or, -phant, -phor, -randir, -ras, -rod, -rond, -ros, -thalion, -thir, -uil, and -we. Common prefixes are Adan-, Aeg-, Am-, Aran-, Bara-, Beleg-, Celeb-, Curu-, Dag-, El-, Fela-, Fin-, Gal-, Gil-, Hal-, Ing-, Lin-, Mal-, Pen-, Tar-, Thurin-, and Ul-.
250001C62E - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.\n\nNames like Elrond, Legolas, and Lindir are examples of Elf-men in Middle-earth.\n\nCommon masculine name endings in Sindarin are -adan, -aran, -bor, -born, -dir, -dor, -had, -ion, -las, -moth, -or, -phant, -phor, -randir, -ras, -rod, -rond, -ros, -thalion, -thir, -uil, and -we. Common prefixes are Adan-, Aeg-, Am-, Aran-, Bara-, Beleg-, Celeb-, Curu-, Dag-, El-, Fela-, Fin-, Gal-, Gil-, Hal-, Ing-, Lin-, Mal-, Pen-, Tar-, Thurin-, and Ul-.
250001C62F - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.\n\nNames like Arwen, Celebrían, and Galadriel are examples of Elf-women in Middle-earth.\n\nCommon feminine name endings in Sindarin are -anor, -dal, -dis, -el, -eth, -iel, -il, -gil, -los, -raen, -reth, -riel, -rian, -rien, -uilas, -uilos, -wen, and -wing. Common prefixes are Adan-, And-, Ar-, Bel-, Breg-, Celeb-, Dol-, Edhel-, El-, Fan-, Find-, Galadh-, Gil-, Hir-, Ior-, Ir-, Lal-, Mel-, Mor-, Nim-, Rod-, Sael-, and Tinu-.
250001C630 -
Lore: The Stoors were the last of the hobbit kindreds to come to the Shire, settling in the eastern marshlands that became known as the Marish. They generally tend to be heavier and broader of build than the other kindreds.
250001C631 - Harfoot 250001C632 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Dale-men tend to use Norse or Anglo-Saxon names, such as Bard, Brand, Eadald, and Hengest.\n\nSome common name endings for Dale-men are -bryt, -dryt, -ea, -ferth, -frid, -frith, -gar, -helm, -here, -laf, -nath, -red, -ric, -rid, -sig, -stan, -thryth, -werd, -wald, -wig, -wine, and -wulf. Some common prefixes for Dale-men are Ald-, An-, Beo-, Beorht-, Beorn-, Cen-, Ceol-, Cuth-, Ead-, Egel-, Elf-, Esc-, Ethel-, Forth-, Frea-, Grim-, Guth-, Hes-, Ord-, and Theod-.
250001C633 - Fallohide 250001C634 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Bree-men usually have short, simple English-styled names like Ned, Bill, Mat, Wil, or Tom, but longer or less familiar names -- such as Barliman, Humphrey, or Cuthbert -- are not unknown.\n\nSometimes Bree-landers go by their last names, which are almost always related to plants, such as Appledore, Thistleway, Butterbur, or Ferny.
250001C635 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Dwarves tend towards short, simple Norse-styled names.\n\nCommon endings are -ori, -óin, -íli, -alin, -orin, -osi, -imli, and ormur, coupled with beginnings using consonants like D-, F-, G-, H-, K-, L-, M-, N-, R-, T-, Th-, and W-, or paired consonants like Dr-, Dw-, Fl-, Gl-, or Thr-. Example are Dori, Glóin, Kíli, Balin, Thorin, Flosi, Gimli, and Gormur.\n\nA few dwarves have more complex names, combining whole words with specific endings or other whole words. (Examples: Skorgrím, Einskaldir.)
250001C636 -
Lore: You hail from Imladris, called Rivendell by Men, built by Elrond Halfelven as a refuge for the Elves of Eregion as they fled destruction at the hands of Sauron.
250001C637 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Hobbit-men of the Harfoot kindred usually take very simple names, ending in -o.\n\nCommon examples of first names are Balbo, Bungo, Drogo, Falco, Fosco, Largo, Longo, Lotho, Mungo, Odo, Polo, and Ponto.
250001C638 -
Lore: You hail from Lindon, the green lands of the Elves between Ered Luin and the Sea, where Gil-galad, the last great Elf-king, once ruled. Círdan the Shipwright now rules there from Mithlond, the Grey Havens.
250001C639 - White Mountains 250001C63A - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Hobbit-men of the Fallohide kindred usually take aristocratic-sounding names, drawing from the Frankish and Gothic languages. \n\nSome examples are Meriadoc, Odovacar, and Paladin. Common name endings are -acar, -ard, -bald, -bard, -brand, -bras, -come, -das, -dic, -doc, -egar, -fast, -fred, -gar, -gard, -grim, -ing, -lac, -las, -mac, -man, -mond, -nas, -red, -ric, -roc, -son, -wise. Common prefixes are Adel-, And-, Bando-, Dino-, Dod-, Ever-, Ferd-, Ferum-, Fortin-, Fred-, Gorma-, Hal-, Ham-, Hildi-, Hol-, Isen-, Isum-, Marma-, Meri-, Regin-, Sara-, Sere-, Tol-, and Wil-.
250001C63B - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Women of the Rohirrim use such names as Beornwyn, Cynwise, Éowyn, or Léofwen.\n\nSome common name endings for women of the Rohirrim are -bur, -fled, -gifu, -leofu, -swith, -thryth, -waru, -wen, and -wyn. Common prefixes among the women of the Rohirrim are Elf-, Esc-, Ethel-, Beorn-, Ceo-, Cwen-, Cyn-, Ead-, Eal-, Eo-, Here-, Leof-, and Wulf-.
Naming Guidelines: With rare exceptions, the Men of Gondor have Sindarin names.\n\nBeregond, Boromir, and Faramir are examples of Gondor names.\n\nCommon masculine name endings in Sindarin are -adan, -aran, -bor, -born, -dir, -dor, -had, -ion, -las, -or, -orn, -phant, -phor, -randir, -ras, -rod, -rond, -ros, -thelion, -thir, -uil, and -vorn, among others. Common prefixes are Adan-, Aeg-, Am-, Aran-, Bara-, Beleg-, Celeb-, Curu-, Dag-, El-, Fela-, Fin-, Gal-, Gil-, Hal-, Ing-, Lin-, Mal-, Pen-, Tar-, Thurin-, and Ul-.
250001C63F - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.\n\nNames like Elrond, Legolas, and Lindir are examples of Elf-men in Middle-earth.\n\nCommon masculine name endings in Sindarin are -adan, -aran, -bor, -born, -dir, -dor, -had, -ion, -las, -moth, -or, -phant, -phor, -randir, -ras, -rod, -rond, -ros, -thalion, -thir, -uil, and -we. Common prefixes are Adan-, Aeg-, Am-, Aran-, Bara-, Beleg-, Celeb-, Curu-, Dag-, El-, Fela-, Fin-, Gal-, Gil-, Hal-, Ing-, Lin-, Mal-, Pen-, Tar-, Thurin-, and Ul-
250001C640 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Hobbit-men of the Stoor kindred take either simple names ending in -o or aristocratic names drawing from the Frankish and Gothic languages.\n\nCommon examples of first names would be Balbo, Drogo, Falco, Fredegar, Largo, Marmadoc, Mungo, Odo, Polo, Roderic, Wilcome.
250001C641 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.\n\nNames like Elrond, Legolas, and Lindir are examples of Elf-men in Middle-earth.\n\nCommon masculine name endings in Sindarin are -adan, -aran, -bor, -born, -dir, -dor, -had, -ion, -las, -moth, -or, -phant, -phor, -randir, -ras, -rod, -rond, -ros, -thalion, -thir, -uil, and -we. Common prefixes are Adan-, Aeg-, Am-, Aran-, Bara-, Beleg-, Celeb-, Curu-, Dag-, El-, Fela-, Fin-, Gal-, Gil-, Hal-, Ing-, Lin-, Mal-, Pen-, Tar-, Thurin-, and Ul-.
250001C642 -
Lore: You are from the south-western halls of Ered Nimrais, the White Mountains in the south bordering the lands of Andrast. Though your kingdom lies far from the central mountains where Men once dwelt, the rumour of the Oathbreakers has given your realm an ill name.
250001C643 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.\n\nNames like Elrond, Legolas, and Lindir are examples of Elf-men in Middle-earth.\n\nCommon masculine name endings in Sindarin are -adan, -aran, -bor, -born, -dir, -dor, -had, -ion, -las, -moth, -or, -phant, -phor, -randir, -ras, -rod, -rond, -ros, -thalion, -thir, -uil, and -we. Common prefixes are Adan-, Aeg-, Am-, Aran-, Bara-, Beleg-, Celeb-, Curu-, Dag-, El-, Fela-, Fin-, Gal-, Gil-, Hal-, Ing-, Lin-, Mal-, Pen-, Tar-, Thurin-, and Ul-.
250001C644 -
Lore: You hail from the land of Gondor, the South Kingdom once ruled jointly by the sons of Elendil, Isildur and Anárion, ever-watchful against the looming threat of Mordor.
250001C645 - \n\n
Naming Guidelines: Dale-women tend to use Norse or Anglo-Saxon, such as Ethelhild, Beornwyn, Cynwise, or Leofwen.\n\nSome common name endings for Dale-women are -bur, -fled, -gifu, -leofu, -swith, -thryth, -waru, -wen, and -wyn, among others. Some very common prefixes are Elf-, Esc-, Ethel-, Beorn-, Ceo-, Cwen-, Cyn-, Ead-, Eal-, Here-, Leof-, and Wulf-.
250001C700 - 250001C701 - 250001C702 - Panel 250001C703 - 250001C704 - Advance Skill 250001C705 - Cancel Untraining 250001C706 - Pet Menu 250001C707 - Quickslot ( 250001C708 - ) 250001C709 - Item Power ( 250001C70A - ) 250001C70B - Fellow 250001C70C - 250001C70D - Skill ( 250001C70E - ) 250001C70F - Tribe 250001C710 - Untrain 250001C711 - Examine 250001C712 - Train 250001C713 - Goto Panel 250001C714 - Activate 250001C715 - Cancel Training 250001C716 - Clear Quickslot 250001C800 - Forest 250001C801 - *** Unknown Terrain*** 250001C802 - Rock 250001CA00 - , 250001CA01 - 250001CA02 - You must be in one of the following areas: 250001CA03 - 250001CB00 - , 250001CB01 - 250001CB02 - You must be one of the following classes: 250001CB03 - 250001CC00 - Journal 250001CC01 - Trait Panel 250001CC02 - Examine 250001CC03 - Social 250001CC04 - LOTRO 250001CC05 - Character Journal Panel 250001CC06 - Emotes: 250001CC07 - to 250001CC08 - 250001CC09 - Effects 250001CC0A - Logout 250001CC0B - 250001CC0C - Traits 250001CC0D - Exit Game 250001CC0E - Chat & IM 250001CC0F - Map 250001CC10 - Auto-attack Mode 250001CC11 - Shortcut 250001CC12 - 250001CC13 - 250001CC14 - Perform Emote 250001CC15 - Open Chat Window 1 250001CC16 - Crafting 250001CC17 - Open Chat Window 2 250001CC18 - System 250001CC19 - Close IM Window 250001CC1A - Abilities 250001CC1B - Skills Panel 250001CC1C - Open IM Window 250001CC1D - Crafting Panel 250001CC1E - Chat & IM 250001CC1F - Examine Panel 250001CC20 - Inventory Panel 250001CC21 - Social Panel 250001CC22 - Options 250001CC23 - Map Panel 250001CC24 - Close Chat Window 1 250001CC25 - Emotes 250001CC26 - Close Chat Window 2 250001CC27 - Store 250001CC28 - Main 250001CC29 - Emote Menu 250001CD00 - You cannot enter this instance while in a group. 250001CD01 - You may not enter this encounter more than once a day. 250001CD02 - You will be removed from the encounter in 250001CD03 - seconds.\n 250001CD04 - Are you sure you want to leave this instance? 250001CD05 - You have been selected to join 250001CD06 - for 250001CD07 - 250001CD08 - Unfellowed 250001CD09 - You have too many players in your group for this instance. Max players 250001CD0A - . 250001CD0B - Team 2 250001CD0C - You cannot enter this instance while in a raid. 250001CD0D - You do not meet the requirements. 250001CD0E - Your private encounter will shutdown in #1: 250001CD0F - #1:{minute[1]|minutes}. 250001CD10 - Leave Now 250001CD11 - 250001CD12 - \nYou may enter another instance in 250001CD13 - . 250001CD14 - You are unable to join the instance. 250001CD15 - You may enter up to 250001CD16 - instances per 250001CD17 - 250001CD18 - Team 1 250001CD19 - Exceeded allowed number of skirmishes per week. 250001CD1A - You may enter a maximum of three solo instances per day. 250001CD1B - Your fellowship has started Private Encounter 250001CD1C - \n 250001CD1D - You are in a queue and will be teleported in a moment. 250001CD1E - Are you sure you want to end this cinematic? 250001CD1F - You may not enter this encounter more than once an hour. 250001CD20 - Do you want to travel to your fellowship?\n 250001CE00 - Player 250001CE01 - currently has 250001CE02 - ( 250001CE03 - coins). The overflow currently has 250001CE04 - ( 250001CE05 - coins). The cap is at 250001CE06 - ( 250001CE07 - coins).\n 250001CE08 - gold coins 250001CE09 - Gold 250001CE0A - The amount of money in your currency overflow is 250001CE0B - . Click this button to unlock access to more money, or you can upgrade your account type. 250001CE0C - Copper 250001CE0D - Note: 250001CE0E - was garnished from the original amount of 250001CE0F - 250001CE10 - The amount of currency in your currency overflow has been changed from 250001CE11 - to 250001CE12 - 250001CE13 - 250001CE14 - has been moved from your Currency Overflow into the useable currency pool. 250001CE15 - Gold Coins 250001CE16 - Your share was 250001CE17 - .\n 250001CE18 - 250001CE19 - and 250001CE1A - 250001CE1B - Your maximum useable currency has been changed from 250001CE1C - to 250001CE1D - .\n 250001CE1E - You receive 250001CE1F - from 250001CE20 - .\n 250001CE21 - silver piece 250001CE22 - Money
250001CE23 - 250001CE24 - , 250001CE25 - 250001CE26 - You have been given 250001CE27 - .\n 250001CE28 - You have some money in your currency overflow. To gain access to this money, upgrade your account or unlock the gold cap from the LoTRO Store. 250001CE29 - 250001CE2A - 250001CE2B - 250001CE2C - Money 250001CE2D - Silver 250001CE2E - silver pieces 250001CE2F - copper coin 250001CE30 - You give 250001CE31 - .\n 250001CE32 - Copper Coins 250001CE33 - 250001CE34 - coins is 250001CE35 - .\n 250001CE36 - A stack of money. 250001CE37 - and 250001CE38 - 250001CE39 - 250001CE3A - has been moved into your Currency Overflow. 250001CE3B - gold coin 250001CE3C - Silver Coins 250001CE3D - Note: Because you have reached your usable currency cap, 250001CE3E - was moved to your currency overflow. 250001CE3F - You have some money in your currency overflow. To gain access to this money, change to a regular subscription account. 250001CE40 - The amount of money in your currency overflow is 250001CE41 - . Upgrade your subscription to increase your useable currency amount. 250001CE42 - nothing 250001CE43 - copper coins 250001CE44 - You looted 250001CE45 - .\n 250001CE46 - You have had 250001CE47 - taken from you.\n 250001CE48 - 250001CE49 - looted 250001CE4A - .\n 250001CF00 - You must select a blank 250001CF01 - as the target for copying!\n 250001CF02 - You must wait a few seconds before you can perform another copy.\n 250001CF03 - You must wait a few seconds before you can save your changes again.\n 250001CF04 - You cannot save your changes to this blank 250001CF05 - , you would be in violation of the capacity limit. 250001CF06 - 250001CF07 - : ' 250001CF08 - ' 250001CF09 - You cannot copy a 250001CF0A - that you are not the original author of!\n 250001CF0B - Book 250001CF0C - An Untitled 250001CF0D - 250001CF0E - The 250001CF0F - ' 250001CF10 - ' can now be copied, right-click on a blank 250001CF11 - and select 250001CF12 - to complete the action.\n 250001CF13 - You have successfully copied the contents of the 250001CF14 - ' 250001CF15 - '!\n 250001CF16 - Letter 250001CF17 - You cannot edit the contents of a 250001CF18 - that you are not the original author of!\n 250001CF19 - Parchment 250001CF1A - You have successfully updated the contents of the 250001CF1B - ' 250001CF1C - '!\n 250001D000 - Click to save changes to the contents of this work 250001D001 - Written by 250001D002 - 250001D003 - Save 250001D004 - Click and drag to move this window 250001D005 - Using 250001D006 - of 250001D007 - allowed characters. 250001D008 - Loading data, please wait... 250001D009 - Close 250001D00A - Click to close this window. 250001D00B - You will lose unsaved changes if you close this window, are you sure that you want to proceed? 250001D100 - Closing the current text item will result in a loss of edited data, are you sure you wish to proceed? 250001D200 - Click to close this window. 250001D201 - Back 250001D202 - End 250001D203 - Click here to turn a page forwards in the book. 250001D204 - Click here to turn a page back in the book. 250001D205 - Forwards 250001D206 - 250001D207 - 250001D208 - Start 250001D209 - Click here to turn to the end of the book. 250001D20A - Click and drag to move this window 250001D20B - Click here to turn to the start of the book. 250001D20C - Loading data, please wait... 250001D300 - Click to save changes to the contents of this work 250001D301 - Save 250001D302 - Written by 250001D303 - 250001D304 - Click to close this window. 250001D305 - Using 250001D306 - of 250001D307 - allowed characters. 250001D308 - You will lose unsaved changes if you close this window, are you sure that you want to proceed? 250001D309 - Loading data, please wait... 250001D30A - Click and drag to move this window 250001D400 - Fellowed? 250001D401 - Ignored 250001D402 - Last time online 250001D403 - Note 250001D404 - Drag this to scroll the friends list 250001D405 - 250001D406 - 250001D407 - Note 250001D408 - Enter the name of the player to add to the ignore list. 250001D409 - Add to quickslot 250001D40A - Note 250001D40B - Member 250001D40C - Grouped? 250001D40D - 250001D40E - 250001D40F - Send Tell 250001D410 - Add 250001D411 - Enter a note for 250001D412 - 250001D413 - 250001D414 - 250001D415 - Remove Friend 250001D416 - Remove 250001D417 - Fellowed? 250001D418 - Friends 250001D419 - Tell 250001D41A - Auto-Fellow 250001D41B - 250001D41C - 250001D41D - Online 250001D41E - Online(AFK) 250001D41F - Ignore 250001D420 - 250001D421 - 250001D422 - Don't Auto-Fellow 250001D423 - Last time online 250001D424 - Edit Note 250001D425 - Level 250001D426 - Remove from Ignore 250001D427 - Class 250001D428 - Note 250001D429 - Invite 250001D42A - Ignored Member 250001D42B - Edit Note 250001D42C - Level 250001D42D - Enter the name of the friend to add. 250001D42E - Remove 250001D42F - Drag this to scroll the ignore list 250001D430 - Note 250001D431 - 250001D432 - 250001D433 - Online(AFK) 250001D434 - Ignored Member 250001D435 - Area 250001D436 - Enter a note for 250001D437 - 250001D438 - 250001D439 - 250001D43A - Member 250001D43B - ??? 250001D43C - Invite to Fellowship 250001D43D - Add 250001D43E - Class 250001D43F - Area 250001D440 - Note 250001D441 - Grouped? 250001D500 - CAS UI 250001D501 - SMITE 250001D502 - Smite Target 250001D503 - Cloak 250001D504 - Admin Commands 250001D600 - Milestone 250001D601 - Book 250001D602 - Shield 250001D603 - Parchment 250001D604 - Weapon 250001D605 - Storage 250001D606 - Jewellry 250001D607 - Tripwire 250001D608 - Upkeep Box 250001D609 - Crafting Supplement 250001D60A - Door 250001D60B - For Sale Note 250001D60C - Tool 250001D60D - Crafting Restorative 250001D60E - Armour 250001D60F - Crafting Reinforcement 250001D610 - Letter 250001D611 - Corpse 250001D612 - Clothing 250001D700 - Shire LFG 250001D701 - Tower Hills General 250001D702 - Ered Luin Newbie Dungeon LFG 250001D703 - Ettenmoors General 250001D704 - North Downs LFG 250001D705 - Harlindon General 250001D706 - Lone Lands Advice 250001D707 - Forochel Advice 250001D708 - Shire Advice 250001D709 - Forlindon Auction 250001D70A - Bree Advice 250001D70B - Trollshaws General 250001D70C - Forlindon General 250001D70D - Angmar LFG 250001D70E - North Downs Advice 250001D70F - Private Encounter 250001D710 - North Downs OOC 250001D711 - Forlindon LFG 250001D712 - Lone Lands Auction 250001D713 - Evendim Advice 250001D714 - Angmar OOC 250001D715 - Forochel Auction 250001D716 - Trollshaws Auction 250001D717 - Angmar General 250001D718 - Evendim LFG 250001D719 - Forochel General 250001D71A - Forlindon Advice 250001D71B - North Downs Auction 250001D71C - Tower Hills OOC 250001D71D - Eregion Auction 250001D71E - Bree Auction 250001D71F - Ered Luin Advice 250001D720 - Angmar Advice 250001D721 - Shire General 250001D722 - Forlindon OOC 250001D723 - Tower Hills LFG 250001D724 - Evendim Auction 250001D725 - Lone Lands OOC 250001D726 - Tower Hills Advice 250001D727 - Ered Luin Newbie Dungeon General 250001D728 - Bree OOC 250001D729 - Trollshaws OOC 250001D72A - Evendim OOC 250001D72B - Ered Luin OOC 250001D72C - Harlindon Auction 250001D72D - Ered Luin Newbie Dungeon Auction 250001D72E - Tower Hills Auction 250001D72F - Bree General 250001D730 - Lone Lands General 250001D731 - Harlindon LFG 250001D732 - Ettenmoors Advice 250001D733 - Trollshaws LFG 250001D734 - Trollshaws Advice 250001D735 - Ered Luin LFG 250001D736 - Harlindon Advice 250001D737 - Ered Luin Newbie Dungeon OOC 250001D738 - Ered Luin Auction 250001D739 - Shire Auction 250001D73A - Angmar Auction 250001D73B - Eregion Advice 250001D73C - Eregion OOC 250001D73D - Ettenmoors Auction 250001D73E - Bree LFG 250001D73F - Forochel OOC 250001D740 - Harlindon OOC 250001D741 - Evendim General 250001D742 - Forochel LFG 250001D743 - Ered Luin Newbie Dungeon Advice 250001D744 - Eregion General 250001D745 - North Downs General 250001D746 - Ered Luin General 250001D747 - Ettenmoors LFG 250001D748 - Lone Lands LFG 250001D749 - Shire OOC 250001D74A - Ettenmoors OOC 250001D74B - Eregion LFG 250001D800 - PC 250001D801 - MPC 250001D802 - NEU 250001D900 - WARNING: You will start your new profession with Journeyman (Tier 2) recipes, but will lose all recipes and experience for your prior profession ( 250001D901 - ) 250001D902 - Success! 250001D903 - Waiting for cooldown 250001D904 - Critical failure! 250001D905 - Only One Use 250001D906 - You are proficient at this level 250001D907 - 250001D908 - : 250001D909 - , 250001D90A - 250001D90B - The item must be in your backpack and not equipped before you can modify it!\n 250001D90C - Attempt aborted due to system error! 250001D90D - 250001D90E - skill level of 250001D90F - 250001D910 - WARNING: You will start your new professions with Journeyman (Tier 2) recipes, but will lose all recipes and experience for your prior professions ( 250001D911 - ) 250001D912 - You are not close enough to 250001D913 - 250001D914 - Crafting 250001D915 - This recipe has a cooldown period between uses. 250001D916 - You have already added that Supplement to the list of optional components!\n 250001D917 - You are proficient at this tier 250001D918 - Click here to clear your current crafting component selection. 250001D919 - 250001D91A - 250001D91B - 250001D91C - 250001D91D - 250001D91E - Required Components: 250001D91F - Make All 250001D920 - This attempt will cost up to 250001D921 - . 250001D922 - You do not meet the requirements to attempt to repair that item!\n 250001D923 - ( 250001D924 - You feel that success would bring you closer to the light. 250001D925 - Use 250001D926 - Create 250001D927 - WARNING: You will lose all recipes, craft guild reputation, and crafting experience for any profession not shared in the new vocation. Are you sure? 250001D928 - Master 250001D929 - There is already a Supplement of the same type in the list of optional components!\n 250001D92A - 250001D92B - , 250001D92C - 250001D92D - Item to be modified: 250001D92E - You have already added the maximum number of Supplements allowed!\n 250001D92F - 250001D930 - 250001D931 - 250001D932 - ( 250001D933 - / 250001D934 - ) 250001D935 - You feel that success would take you further into darkness. 250001D936 - The target item level is too low for the Reinforcement!\n 250001D937 - Costs for this attempt: 250001D938 - This will show the next output 250001D939 - Cooldown: 250001D93A - 250001D93B - Use Ingredient Packs 250001D93C - Failure! 250001D93D - The Supplement you have specified is not of a type that can be applied to the result item of the selected recipe!\n 250001D93E - Click here and drag to move this panel. 250001D93F - Make 250001D940 - You do not meet the requirements to use that Supplement!\n 250001D941 - Item to be repaired: 250001D942 - Select this option to use the optional ingredient to increase your chances of getting a critical success. 250001D943 - Your level in the crafting skill required to use that Supplement is too low!\n 250001D944 - 250001D945 - 250001D946 - Progress: 250001D947 - 250001D948 - ( 250001D949 - ) 250001D94A - This recipe can only be used once - it is removed from your list after use. 250001D94B - Attempt interrupted! 250001D94C - WARNING: Items crafted with ingredient packs will be bound to your account upon creation! 250001D94D - The item you specified is not a Restorative, it cannot be used as a repair component!\n 250001D94E - You cannot use that Supplement with the given Recipe at this time!\n 250001D94F - Search for recipes 250001D950 - The target item level is too low to be repaired using the Restorative!\n 250001D951 - Supplements (optional): 250001D952 - Skills: 250001D953 - That item is not damaged, it does not require repairs!\n 250001D954 - You do not know the crafting skill required to apply that Reinforcement!\n 250001D955 - You do not know the crafting skill required to repair that item!\n 250001D956 - You have earned 250001D957 - / 250001D958 - out of (x) craft XP towards proficiency for this tier 250001D959 - Your level in the crafting skill required to apply that Reinforcement is too low!\n 250001D95A - The target item has already been modified using that type of Reinforcement!\n 250001D95B - + 250001D95C - % 250001D95D - Multiple output recipe 250001D95E - Proficient 250001D95F - Inscribe item here: 250001D960 - Recipe 250001D961 - Chance of success: 250001D962 - The item you specified is not a Supplement, it cannot be used with the selected recipe!\n 250001D963 - You are proficient at this tier 250001D964 - This recipe has a cooldown 250001D965 - Disable item inscription 250001D966 - Repair 250001D967 - You have 250001D968 - out of 250001D969 - experience towards mastery 250001D96A - That Reinforcement cannot be used to modify the target item!\n 250001D96B - 250001D96C - ( 250001D96D - ) 250001D96E - Proficiency allows you to use recipes to craft items and equipment. 250001D96F - Repair 250001D970 - Optional: 250001D971 - Train 250001D972 - You do not have enough 250001D973 - 250001D974 - The item must be in your backpack and not equipped before you can repair it!\n 250001D975 - The Restorative cannot be used to repair the target item, it is not of the correct category!\n 250001D976 - 250001D977 - / 250001D978 - 250001D979 - 250001D97A - Mastery Options 250001D97B - ... 250001D97C - Click here to sort the recipe list by required skill level, highest to lowest. 250001D97D - Ingredients: 250001D97E - Crafting: 250001D97F - 250001D980 - That item does not have any reinforcement points available!\n 250001D981 - Multi output recipe 250001D982 - This recipe can produce a variety of items - use the select output buttons to choose the item you wish to make. 250001D983 - Choose the item you wish to produce with this recipe. 250001D984 - Select Output 250001D985 - WARNING: You will lose all recipes, reputation and quests associated with your old crafting guild. Are you sure? 250001D986 - You do not know the crafting skill required to use that Supplement!\n 250001D987 - Ingredient Packs: 250001D988 - In order to advance to the next tier, you need to purchase access to the profession at the store. 250001D989 - Critical Chance: 250001D98A - You are not at an appropriate facility to be able to apply that Reinforcement!\n 250001D98B - A system error has prevented the operation you just attempted from completing!\n 250001D98C - Crafting skill used: 250001D98D - Click here to clear your current target item selection. 250001D98E - You do not meet the requirements to use that Restorative!\n 250001D98F - 250001D990 - 250001D991 - Train 250001D992 - Reinforcement to use: 250001D993 - You are not at an appropriate facility to be able to repair that item!\n 250001D994 - Are you sure? 250001D995 - You do not currently have a craft vocation. Seek out a Master or Mistress of Apprentices to begin your studies. Monster players are not allowed craft vocations. 250001D996 - Cancel 250001D997 - 250001D998 - Craft XP Earned: 250001D999 - 250001D99A - The target item level is too high to be repaired using the Restorative!\n 250001D99B - Clear 250001D99C - 250001D99D - Craft XP Earned: 250001D99E - 250001D99F - You do not meet the requirements to use that Reinforcement!\n 250001D9A0 - You are missing required craft tool: 250001D9A1 - 250001D9A2 - Tool Required: 250001D9A3 - 250001D9A4 - Up to 250001D9A5 - points of 250001D9A6 - . 250001D9A7 - None 250001D9A8 - You must choose an item first!\n 250001D9A9 - Time Remaining: 250001D9AA - 250001D9AB - Modify 250001D9AC - 250001D9AD - / 250001D9AE - 250001D9AF - WARNING: You will lose all recipes and crafting experience for the profession ( 250001D9B0 - ). 250001D9B1 - You will also lose craft guild reputation and guild status for the 250001D9B2 - . 250001D9B3 - You are master at this level 250001D9B4 - Earn mastery for this tier to create superior crafted items and to use optional ingredients, increasing your chance for critical success. 250001D9B5 - You are not at an appropriate facility to be able to use that Supplement!\n 250001D9B6 - 250001D9B7 - % 250001D9B8 - 250001D9B9 - / 250001D9BA - towards Proficiency 250001D9BB - Facility Required: 250001D9BC - 250001D9BD - Search: 250001D9BE - Your level in the crafting skill required to repair that item is too low!\n 250001D9BF - This recipe can only be used once - it is removed from your list after use. 250001D9C0 - 250001D9C1 - : 250001D9C2 - 250001D9C3 - Create 250001D9C4 - The Reinforcement cannot be applied to the target item, it is not of the correct category!\n 250001D9C5 - 250001D9C6 - ) 250001D9C7 - Click here to sort the recipe list alphabetically by name. 250001D9C8 - Select the amount of items you would like to create. 250001D9C9 - The target item does not have enough reinforcement points left to support the Reinforcement!\n 250001D9CA - Quantity 250001D9CB - Cancel 250001D9CC - You have 250001D9CD - out of 250001D9CE - experience towards proficiency 250001D9CF - Critical Success Produces: 250001D9D0 - Modify 250001D9D1 - The target item level is too high for the Reinforcement!\n 250001D9D2 - That item is broken beyond repair!\n 250001D9D3 - You can only use reinforcements that you currently possess to modify items!\n 250001D9D4 - That Restorative cannot be used to repair the target item!\n 250001D9D5 - Mastery allows you to create superior crafted items and to use optional ingredients, increasing your chance for critical success. 250001D9D6 - Hide the entire Crafting Panel when creating item(s) 250001D9D7 - 250001D9D8 - and 250001D9D9 - 250001D9DA - Restorative to use: 250001D9DB - You have earned 250001D9DC - / 250001D9DD - craft XP towards mastery for this tier 250001D9DE - Sort by: 250001D9DF - WARNING: You will lose all recipes and crafting experience for the following professions ( 250001D9E0 - ). 250001D9E1 - Recipes: 250001D9E2 - If this option is checked, then you will never be prompted to inscribe an item 250001D9E3 - Selecting this option allows you to use ingredient packs purchased from the LOTRO Store. 250001D9E4 - Required Facility: 250001D9E5 - Name 250001D9E6 - Click this button to begin the crafting attempt. 250001D9E7 - Skill Level 250001DA00 - Power : 250001DA01 - / 250001DA02 - 250001DA03 - 250001DA04 - - 250001DA05 - 250001DA06 - Restores 250001DA07 - 250001DA08 - initially. 250001DA09 - 250001DA0A - % 250001DA0B - 250001DA0C - 250001DA0D - Damage every #1: 250001DA0E - #1:{seconds|second[1]}. 250001DA0F - Heals 250001DA10 - Morale initially. 250001DA11 - 250001DA12 - 250001DA13 - % 250001DA14 - Heals 250001DA15 - Morale every #1: 250001DA16 - #1:{seconds|second[1]} for #2: 250001DA17 - #2:{seconds|second[1]}. 250001DA18 - Mood: 250001DA19 - 250001DA1A - Morale: 250001DA1B - / 250001DA1C - 250001DA1D - 250001DA1E - / 250001DA1F - 250001DA20 - 250001DA21 - 250001DA22 - Heals 250001DA23 - Morale every #1: 250001DA24 - #1:{seconds|second[1]}. 250001DA25 - 250001DA26 - 250001DA27 - Damage initially. 250001DA28 - Restores 250001DA29 - 250001DA2A - every #1: 250001DA2B - #1:{seconds|second[1]}. 250001DA2C - 250001DA2D - / 250001DA2E - 250001DA2F - Drains 250001DA30 - 250001DA31 - over #1: 250001DA32 - #1:{seconds|second[1]}. 250001DA33 - 250001DA34 - 250001DA35 - Damage every #1: 250001DA36 - #1:{seconds|second[1]} for #2: 250001DA37 - #2:{seconds|second[1]}. 250001DA38 - 250001DA39 - 250001DA3A - Drains 250001DA3B - 250001DA3C - every #1: 250001DA3D - #1:{seconds|second[1]} for #2: 250001DA3E - #2:{seconds|second[1]}. 250001DA3F - Drains 250001DA40 - 250001DA41 - initially. 250001DA42 - Restores 250001DA43 - 250001DA44 - every #1: 250001DA45 - #1:{seconds|second[1]} for #2: 250001DA46 - #2:{seconds|second[1]}. 250001DB00 - Trade 250001DB01 - Gold 250001DB02 - Cancel 250001DB03 - You must enter a valid number\n 250001DB04 - Your Offer 250001DB05 - Trade 250001DB06 - You have: 250001DB07 - 250001DB08 - 's offer 250001DB09 - Their Offer 250001DB0A - Copper 250001DB0B - Accept 250001DB0C - Silver 250001DB0D - Waiting for other player... 250001DB0E - You don't have enough money to trade that amount\n 250001DC00 - Will Description 250001DC01 - Mount Agility 250001DC02 - Might 250001DC03 - Will 250001DC04 - Willpower 250001DC05 - Vitality 250001DC06 - Mount Strength 250001DC07 - Mount Agility Description 250001DC08 - Constitution 250001DC09 - Might Description 250001DC0A - None 250001DC0B - Dexterity 250001DC0C - Mount Strength Description 250001DC0D - Intelligence 250001DC0E - Fate Description 250001DC0F - Destiny 250001DC10 - Fate 250001DC11 - Agility Description 250001DC12 - Agility 250001DC13 - Vitality Description 250001DD00 - Healing 250001DD01 - Unknown 250001DD02 - Quest 250001DD03 - Potion 250001DD04 - Food 250001DD05 - Shield 250001DD06 - Weapon 250001DD07 - Relic 250001DD08 - Trophy 250001DD09 - Jewellery 250001DD0A - Decoration 250001DD0B - All 250001DD0C - Scroll 250001DD0D - Tool 250001DD0E - Armour 250001DD0F - Crafting 250001DD10 - Clothing 250001DD11 - Effect 250001DF00 - Female 250001DF01 - Male 250001E000 - Remove as Group Assist Target 250001E001 - Dismiss 250001E002 - 250001E003 - Transfer Leadership 250001E004 - Dismiss 250001E005 - Display Fellowship Status 250001E006 - Add as Raid Assist Target 250001E007 - Resign 250001E008 - Send Tell 250001E009 - Invite 250001E00A - Rename 250001E00B - 250001E00C - Remove as Raid Assist Target 250001E00D - 250001E00E - 250001E00F - Start IM Session 250001E010 - Report Harassment 250001E011 - Fellowship 250001E012 - Player Bio 250001E013 - Make Raid Assistant 250001E014 - Unlock 250001E015 - Custom Character Portraits 250001E016 - Make Active 250001E017 - Remove as Fellowship Assist Target 250001E018 - Ignore 250001E019 - Disband 250001E01A - Add to Friends List 250001E01B - Expel 250001E01C - Convert To Raid 250001E01D - Play Music 250001E01E - Disband from Fellowship 250001E01F - Kinship 250001E020 - Set Who Note 250001E021 - Rename 250001E022 - 250001E023 - Display Group Status 250001E024 - Targeted Fellowship Skill: 250001E025 - 250001E026 - Raid 250001E027 - Remove All 250001E028 - Friend 250001E029 - Leave 250001E02A - Leave Instance 250001E02B - Adopt 250001E02C - Chat 250001E02D - It's you, 250001E02E - !! 250001E02F - Follow 250001E030 - Set As Quest Guide Focus 250001E031 - Loot Rule 250001E032 - Housing 250001E033 - Add as Group Assist Target 250001E034 - Boot 250001E035 - Highlight Related Objects 250001E036 - Remove from Guest List 250001E037 - Invite 250001E038 - Targeted Warband Skill: 250001E039 - 250001E03A - Loot Quality: 250001E03B - 250001E03C - Display Objectives 250001E03D - Ready Check 250001E03E - Invite to Fellowship 250001E03F - Spar 250001E040 - Lock 250001E041 - UnIgnore 250001E042 - Attack 250001E043 - Clear Active 250001E044 - Report As Gold Spammer 250001E045 - Remove 250001E046 - Start Secure Trade 250001E047 - Show In Quest Log 250001E048 - Add as Fellowship Assist Target 250001E049 - Loot Quality 250001E04A - Track Nearby Quests 250001E04B - Remove Raid Assistant 250001E04C - Remove from Friends List 250001E04D - Loot Rule: 250001E04E - 250001E04F - Add to Guest List 250001E050 - None 250001E051 - Toggle UIs 250001E052 - Show In Deed Log 250001E053 - Stop Playing Music 250001E054 - Dismount 250001E055 - 250001E056 - Send Tell 250001E057 - Quit 250001E058 - Group 250001E059 - Find others on Quest 250001E05A - Promote 250001E05B - Inspect 250001E05C - Remove Quest Guide Focus 250001E05D - Demote 250001E100 - Select All 250001E101 - Eriador 250001E102 - Evendim 250001E103 - Eregion 250001E104 - Vales of Anduin 250001E105 - Nan Curunír (Flooded) 250001E106 - East Rohan: Sutcrofts 250001E107 - Place Beacon 250001E108 - Interior Quest Location 250001E109 - Dead Marshes 250001E10A - Isengard Depths (flooded) 250001E10B - East Rohan: Harwick 250001E10C - Redhorn Lodes 250001E10D - Filter 250001E10E - Stangard 250001E10F - March of the King 250001E110 - East Rohan: Norcrofts 250001E111 - Caras Galadhon 250001E112 - The Great River 250001E113 - West Rohan: Edoras 250001E114 - Osgiliath (after battle) 250001E115 - Stable-masters Map 250001E116 - Galtrev 250001E117 - Ered Luin 250001E118 - Thorin's Gate 250001E119 - Mournshaws 250001E11A - Osgiliath 250001E11B - Far Anórien 250001E11C - North Downs 250001E11D - Forlaw 250001E11E - Rohan 250001E11F - Minas Tirith (after battle) 250001E120 - Isengard 250001E121 - Pelargir 250001E122 - Old Anórien 250001E123 - East Rohan: The Wold 250001E124 - Archet 250001E125 - Opens the Stable-masters Collections Map 250001E126 - Select All 250001E127 - Misty Mountains 250001E128 - Shire Homesteads 250001E129 - The Great Delving 250001E12A - The Flaming Deeps 250001E12B - Bree-land Homesteads 250001E12C - Minas Tirith 250001E12D - Ringló Vale 250001E12E - Silvertine Lodes 250001E12F - Talath Anor 250001E130 - The Black Gate 250001E131 - South Ithilien 250001E132 - Nud-melek 250001E133 - Northern Barrow-downs 250001E134 - Lebennin 250001E135 - West Rohan: Stonedeans 250001E136 - Taur Drúadan 250001E137 - Gondor 250001E138 - Trollshaws 250001E139 - Blackroot Vale 250001E13A - Caras Galadhon 250001E13B - Annúminas 250001E13C - Lone-Lands 250001E13D - Havens of Belfalas 250001E13E - East Rohan: Eaves of Fangorn 250001E13F - Bree 250001E140 - Cape of Belfalas 250001E141 - West Rohan: Helm's Deep 250001E142 - Zirakzigil 250001E143 - Rhovanion 250001E144 - East Rohan: East Wall 250001E145 - Thorin's Hall Homesteads 250001E146 - The Pit of Iron 250001E147 - Dor-en-Ernil 250001E148 - Beacon Hills 250001E149 - Central Gondor 250001E14A - Isengard Depths 250001E14B - Paths of the Dead 250001E14C - Dunland Overview 250001E14D - Southern Mirkwood 250001E14E - 250001E14F - \n 250001E150 - 250001E151 - Moria 250001E152 - Enedwaith 250001E153 - The Walls of Moria 250001E154 - Zelem-melek 250001E155 - Lamedon 250001E156 - Zoom to Map 250001E157 - 250001E158 - ( 250001E159 - , 250001E15A - ) 250001E15B - Gap of Rohan 250001E15C - Right-Click On Map to Zoom Out 250001E15D - Falathlorn Homesteads 250001E15E - Lothlórien 250001E15F - The Shire 250001E160 - Tâl Methedras 250001E161 - Pelennor 250001E162 - Nan Curunír 250001E163 - West Rohan: Eastfold 250001E164 - South Barrow-downs 250001E165 - East Rohan: Snowbourn 250001E166 - Wildermore 250001E167 - Durin's Way 250001E168 - Minas Tirith 250001E169 - Dagorlad 250001E16A - Mordor 250001E16B - Skirmish 250001E16C - Frostbluff 250001E16D - Southern Barrow-downs 250001E16E - Entwood 250001E16F - Lossarnach 250001E170 - West Rohan: Kingstead 250001E171 - Mirkwood 250001E172 - The Pelennor Fields (after battle) 250001E173 - Western Rohan 250001E174 - There are nearby objectives for:\n 250001E175 - 250001E176 - Mordor 250001E177 - Eastern Gondor 250001E178 - Rivendell 250001E179 - North Barrow-downs 250001E17A - Balrog's Lair 250001E17B - Foundations of Stone 250001E17C - East Rohan 250001E17D - Ettenmoors 250001E17E - The Water-works 250001E17F - Clear All 250001E180 - Forochel 250001E181 - Gondor 250001E182 - Upper Lebennin 250001E183 - West Rohan: Westfold 250001E184 - Gondor 250001E185 - Western Gondor 250001E186 - Bree-land 250001E187 - The Old Forest 250001E188 - Clear All 250001E189 - 250001E18A - ( 250001E18B - m) 250001E18C - Ring of Isengard 250001E18D - Angmar 250001E18E - North Ithilien 250001E18F - Falathlorn 250001E190 - The Grand Stair 250001E191 - Lichbluffs 250001E192 - East Rohan: Entwash Vale 250001E193 - Dol Amroth 250001E194 - Middle-earth 250001E195 - West Rohan: Broadacres 250001E196 - Dunland 250001E200 - INVALID TARGET 250001E201 - NOT ENOUGH STAMINA 250001E202 - TOO CLOSE 250001E203 - TARGET DEAD 250001E204 - TARGET DEAD 250001E205 - NO TARGET 250001E206 - INVALID TARGET 250001E207 - TOO FAR 250001E300 - Raid 250001E301 - Show Completed Quests 250001E302 - Show all Epic quests. 250001E303 - Increased Renown 250001E304 - Abandon the quest and remove it from your Quest Log. 250001E305 - 250001E306 - 250001E307 - Filter your quest display to show the types of quest you want. 250001E308 - Stop trying to find a fellowship for the selected quest 250001E309 - The Travel to Objective window is already open. 250001E30A - Quest Actions available 250001E30B - 250001E30C - Reward 250001E30D - 250001E30E - + 250001E30F - 250001E310 - Quest Tracker Options: 250001E311 - Increase Task Limit 250001E312 - Instance Quest 250001E313 - Renown Increase: 250001E314 - 250001E315 - You are looking for a fellowship for this quest 250001E316 - Tier_ 250001E317 - 250001E318 - Epic 250001E319 - Fellowship Status 250001E31A - Next Objective 250001E31B - Add To Tracker 250001E31C - 250001E31D - 250001E31E - Show all small fellowship quests. 250001E31F - Reset 250001E320 - Travel Later 250001E321 - Decreased Reputation with 250001E322 - 250001E323 - Marks 250001E324 - Remove the currently selected quest from the quest tracker. 250001E325 - Show all repeatable quests. 250001E326 - You may not travel at this time. 250001E327 - Increased Infamy 250001E328 - View Info By: 250001E329 - Hides and shows completed quests. 250001E32A - Status 250001E32B - Emote: 250001E32C - 250001E32D - Small Fellowship Quest 250001E32E - This quest is currently disabled. Please try again later. 250001E32F - 250001E330 - ( 250001E331 - ) 250001E332 - Stop trying to find a group for the selected quest 250001E333 - Disable FAF 250001E334 - Finish Now 250001E335 - Increased Reputation with 250001E336 - 250001E337 - Continue Quest 250001E338 - Objective 250001E339 - 250001E33A - Your 250001E33B - limit is 250001E33C - / 250001E33D - , did you still want to reset? 250001E33E - Show all tasks. 250001E33F - Mark Reward 250001E340 - Fellowship 250001E341 - Add the currently selected quest to the quest tracker. 250001E342 - Show all fellowship quests. 250001E343 - Crafting Experience Reward: 250001E344 - 250001E345 - Objective 250001E346 - Or 250001E347 - Quest ready to bestow: 250001E348 - ( 250001E349 - left to accept!) 250001E34A - Name 250001E34B - Task Quest 250001E34C - Show all small group quests. 250001E34D - Travel Now 250001E34E - Legendary Item Experience 250001E34F - Turbine Points Reward: 250001E350 - 250001E351 - Infamy Increase: 250001E352 - 250001E353 - Show fellowship quest status in the quest tracker. 250001E354 - Hides and shows the quest tracker in the main window. 250001E355 - Small Fellowship 250001E356 - Show all group quests. 250001E357 - Your Who UI note has been updated to: 250001E358 - 250001E359 - This quest is not part of a chain 250001E35A - Current Quests 250001E35B - Fellowship Quest 250001E35C - Decline 250001E35D - 250001E35E - 250001E35F - 250001E360 - Mithril Coins 250001E361 - Find a group for the selected quest 250001E362 - Show quests shared with one or more members of your group. 250001E363 - 250001E364 - \nReputation Increase: 250001E365 - 250001E366 - Add Slots 250001E367 - Quest Available 250001E368 - Rewards 250001E369 - Remove the currently selected deed from the quest tracker. 250001E36A - Accept 250001E36B - Quest Objective 250001E36C - Time Limit 250001E36D - Daily Tasks: 250001E36E - Available Quests 250001E36F - Quests 250001E370 - Disable LFG 250001E371 - Solo